New Guy Next Door. Why Does H...

By NextRider

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New Guy Next Door. Why Does He Have Fangs?!
(2) New Guy Next Door. Why Does He Have Fangs?!
(3) New Guy Next Door. Why Does He Have Fangs?!
(4) New Guy Next Door. Why Does He Have Fangs?!
(5) New Guy Next Door. Why Does He Have Fangs?!
(6) New Guy Next Door. Why Does He Have Fangs?!
(7) New Guy Next Door. Why Does He Have Fangs?!
(8) New Guy Next Door. Why Does He Have Fangs?!
(9) New Guy Next Door. Why Does He Have Fangs?!
(10) New Guy Next Door. Why Does He Have Fangs?!
(11) New Guy Next Door. Why Does He Have Fangs?! Part 1
(11) New Guy Next Door. Why Does He Have Fangs?! Part 2

(12) New Guy Next Door. Why Does He Have Fangs?!

361 4 1
By NextRider

Hi everyone! So I know it has been about six months since I last uploaded anything to Wattpad and I am sorry for that. Life has been crazy and school this year hardly left me with any time to sleep much less write. But during the break I decided to start writing again even though I had some depressive writers block in the past. I hope that you guys like the newest installment of my story. I took a lot of care into making it a good chapter since I hadn't uploaded in so long and I wanted to make it longer than it has been in the past. I know it has been a long time since I uploaded so most if not all have forgotten the story. I figured if you didn't want to read the whole thing I would put a little recap:

Ara is a sophomore in Columbia who has just found out that she is a Magi. She is living in a world where vampires and humans coexist and has recently started dating Danny who is a vampire. Danny and Ara find out that there is plot to kill all the major heads of the vampiric governments. The people who are leading the coup are the VLRA, the vampires who are created, not born like Danny, and these are the vampires who still hunt down humans. Danny's best friend Steven comes back from England to tell them that the situation with the VLRA is getting worse. Then Steven gets news that Jenny, his girlfriend, has gotten kidnapped by the VLRA and he decides to go to England to try and find her. After Ara has a vision showing her the leader of the VLRA and a secret hideout, Danny and Ara find out that there may be a mole within the vampiric government of England that is helping the VLRA and it is up to Danny, Ara and Steven to stop the VLRA.

I hope that you enjoy the new addition to the story and please tell me what you think. I hope to be posting at much more regular intervals in the future. :)

"Look Steven I don't care what you think! You can't go busting in there."

I was trying not to laugh as Danny fought to control himself as he was speaking to Steven. After two days of international telephone operators we had finally gotten in touch with Steven in order to warn him not get the vampiric government involved.

A warning Steven took with a deaf ear much to Danny's dismay. Apparently testosterone runs high in all males, be they vampire or human.

I walked up to Danny who was about to yell at Steven again "Maybe I should try talking to him?"

Danny pinched his nose and sighed deeply "Yeah Ara you take it, I give up on him. You would think that after a few decades Steven would mature a little."

I reached for the phone and heard Steven laughing on the other end.

"You know you really shouldn't do that. It might be fun for you in England but I have to deal with him here in New York."

I heard Steven laugh on the other side of the phone, "Yeah well honey out of all the men in the world you chose him so I am not sure I can help you there."

I looked over to where Danny was and started giggling; he was pacing back and forth and running his fingers through his hair.

"Look, just don't do anything too crazy. I know you want to be the superhero and all but just remember Jenny isn't the only one counting on you. If this thing is as big as we think it is, then Danny and I are going to need all the help we can get so you need to be alive."

"Whoa, a powerful magi like Ara is asking for the help of little Steven. I am honored and just for that I will make sure that I don't get caught. But look you have to understand its Jenny, and if something happens to her and I know that I didn't do everything I could to help her....."

"You wouldn't be able to live with yourself" I finished for him.

The line got silent "Yeah, exactly" Steven said.

"Look," he continued "From what you told me things are going to get dicey really quickly so I think I have a compromise. You are going to England right?"

"Yeah I mean, that's in a couple of days after the Semester finishes. Danny and I were going to do some more research. I may have powers but I still need to pass my classes."

"Okay what about this? I go and find out all the information, carefully and making sure that no one knows what I am looking for. And, instead of doing a solo mission you and Danny can help me out. I was thinking that together we would make an epic team."

"I think that just might work. I definitely agree with you but we are still missing Danny's approval."

I waved Danny to come back.

"Technically Ara we do live in a democracy and right now we do have the majority of the votes for this plan to go to into action."

"Nice try, but you are still going to have to talk to him."

I turned to Danny who had calmed down considerably, "Okay Steven and I came up with a plan and I think it will work."

I heard Steven say through the phone "You think it will work? It's a brilliant plan!"

Danny held his hand out for the phone and I gave him my most intense stare.

"Be nice"

As I walked away to the bench I heard Danny take a deep sigh and start talking to Steven.

As I sat down the full weight of the information we had learned crashed on me. I hadn't been able to process everything when I had first learned about the plan to overthrow the vampiric governments and start a war with the humans. I had blamed the fact that finals were in less than a week.

I mean I couldn't just throw everything away like that. My parents had gone through a lot to get me to Columbia and financial aid only goes so far. I had been studying for my classes during the day and at night when I should have sleeping I was studying the history of the VLRA trying to figure out who was helping them and where Jenny was.

I feel so horrible not being able to tell my friends but the less people that knew this about the better. Especially since something like this could lead to utter mayhem and I have a feeling that a global lockdown would do little to help us stop the VLRA. But I know that I have been stretched thin and I can't hide it anymore. I mean I have studied a lot for tests before but this is more, I walk around with worry and fear in my eyes. I know that everyone around me will think I am just another student freaking out about tests but Amy, Maria, Andy and Paul will know that something else is going on.

And I know that I should tell Danny all this but he is always insisting that he should be the one doing the research, and that I should be focusing on school. Besides I think that if Danny knew how much this is affecting me he won't let me go to England, which isn't an option. Him and Steven need all the help they can get, plus if what they say about the magi is true then having me there will give heighten the validity of their story and give them more respect.

"Hey what's wrong?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Danny's face hovering before me. His blue eyes were glowing with concern and he took my both my hands.

"Nothing is wrong, I am just thinking."

He got up from his crouched position and looked down at me.

"Ara, really? You have to do better than that if you are going to lie. Especially since I know that you don't bite your nails unless you are worried about something."

"Hey! I was not biting my nails!"

Danny smiled and said "Oh no, then what's this?" And he held up the evidence.

"Oh, well then, I guess you're right." I hadn't even noticed that I was doing that. I really don't give Danny enough credit; he really is observant which usually is a good thing, unfortunately not when I am trying to lie to him.

Danny took my hand in his "So do you want to tell me what's wrong?"

I know I am a really horrible liar, but I figure that if I can travel through space and astro-plane I can tell a lie, a white lie.

"I am just really trying to understand why Newton thought that his method made approximating the tangent line easier to solve, because I mean personally I wouldn't care too much about the specifics. I know, I know it's stupid to be worrying about my math final especially when there are so many more important things to worry about."

"Is that all?" Danny asked as he kissed the top of my forehead "I thought you were worried about something else."

"Whatever do you mean?" I ask feigning an innocent voice "Are you talking about the plot to destroy the vampiric governments? No I wouldn't worry about that at all."

"Not even a tiny bit?"

"No, just an average amount, but calculus that's another story. It's in my imminent future so it takes precedence."

"Oh I see that makes sense. So I guess I should walk you back to your room then, to let you get back to cramming seeing as your exam is tomorrow."

"Ah yes, studying. I have to admit this walk was a nice break, but now it is back to reality."

Danny put his arm around me and we walked back to my room in silence. I used to think that silence when I was with someone was bad; it meant that they didn't know what to say or they felt awkward. But with Danny silence wasn't a bad thing, it just meant we were enjoying each other's so much that we didn't want talking to ruin the moment.

And even though I was hiding what my true worries were I didn't feel guilty, well not that guilty. It was just my little secret. Everyone has secrets, I certainly know Danny knows some things he isn't telling me, but it is the secrets that are kept that make a person interesting. It's the curiosity and action of finding out what the secret is that can make life interesting.

"Hey! You there?" Danny brought me back to reality.

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to zone out."

Danny laughed "No I think it's cute. At this point I would be worried if I didn't have to snap you back from your dream world. Look I would go up with you but I think I may have found a lead on possible locations that Jenny might be in, but don't worry about it I am going to take care of it."

"No it's okay I think I can brave the elevator by myself. Besides, math is kind of a solitary adventure."

Danny smiled and his eyes started to shine bright "Alright I will see you tomorrow after your test. Good luck, that test is going to get owned."

Danny and I both laughed "Look at you with your slang!"

"You have to keep up with the times." He said quickly before disappearing off into the night.

I may have a lead, but don't worry about it. See everyone has their secrets.

As I took the elevator something important dawned on me, I hadn't told me parents anything about going to England. The fact that it was the holiday season didn't matter because my family has never been into celebrating specific holidays but how was I going to explain being away for the winter break? Well I just need to take things one step at a time. I had one week before I went home for a couple of days and then went off to England. I could think of an excuse before then. But I wasn't really lying to Danny about calculus, I really needed to study.

Honestly, between the VLRA and calculus I don't know which is worse.

When I got into the room I saw a note on the door to my room:


Amy and I went to a review session for Psych and won't be back till midnight.



Good, at least I can I be alone and not have to lie about why I was looking so stressed. So far, I hadn't attracted anyone's attention, I didn't think, but soon after finals are over my anxious face will surely attract attention.

But now to another matter that seemed to be life and death, calculus.

Just while I was in the middle of a Taylor series polynomial I heard a knock on the door. Don't get me wrong, I love anything that distracts me from math but it was nearly midnight. Who would be knocking on the door? Surely Amy and Mari couldn't have both left their keys.

What if it was someone from the VLRA? What if they had found out that Danny and I had been snooping around?

Get ahold of yourself woman! I thought as I got out of my chair and walked to the door. There is no way they could know because it has been Danny that has been doing most of the face to face research, you have just been an anonymous IP address looking information up that anyone could be interested in.

And what if it is the VLRA? You have taken on three vampires by yourself before so some messengers shouldn't be too hard. But just in case I need backup I grabbed my phone and look up Danny's name.

Better safe than sorry.

"Ara! Open up! It's just me."

It's funny when something completely unexpected happens. I couldn't help but release a relieved laugh as I heard Paul's voice on the other side of the door.

"Seriously Ara, can you walk any slower?"

"I am coming! Calm down. And by the way isn't patience a virtue?"

"So is not drinking. Therefore is seems that no one cares for virtue these days, now do they Miss Ara?"

"Hey there is no need to get feisty. Chill, I am coming."

I quickly opened the door to see Paul smiling wearing his book bag, which always seemed strangely empty for the amount of classes he took.

"What's up Paul? If you are looking for Mari she isn't here, she is at a review session. But I will let her know you stopped by."

"I am not here for Mari; I am here to see you. You need my help and I am here to offer it."

"What? With calculus? I think I can handle it on my own."

I was really confused; I mean I had to tutor Paul at math last semester. Why would he come in asking to tutor me?

"No not with that, with this."

Paul reached into his book bag and pulled out a book. I was still thinking he was talking about calculus when I read the cover.

The myth, the history, the conspiracies of the VLRA.

I instantly felt all the color leave my face and I look seriously at Paul as I motioned to him to get inside the dorm room.

"How did you know Paul? How did you know I was researching them?"

Had I left my search engine on my computer? Was that how he saw it? I mean if he knew about my snooping around then maybe other people knew too. I really suck at covert operations; I guess I should have figured that someone would notice given the fact that I was never able to keep a secret.

But what if he hadn't noticed it? Could it be that Paul was sent here to be a trap and he was secretly working with the VLRA? I mean you never know?

Even he was working for the VLRA, and I highly doubted it, I couldn't show any fear. So I walked right up to him.

"Who do you work for Paul? Are you working with them?"

I pointed to the book he had before him.

"Whoa Ara, calm down!" Paul grabbed me by both shoulders and pushed me back.

"I am not working for anyone and certainly not with those animals. Please trust me, from one Magi to another. You have to believe me."

"What? What did you just say?"

I saw Paul's face turn from anxious to calm as he smiled his usual "I told you so smile.

"So I am right then, Ara? You are a Magi."

Could it be? All my life I had waited to meet someone who was like me, thinking that I was completely alone in the magical aspect of my life. I know that Danny had said that there were other Magi but they were just shadows in my imagination. I never thought that I would be face to face with one so soon, and I certainly didn't expect one to be one of the best friends.

"Yes, but how could you possibly have known? No one knows, not even Amy."

"I sensed you Ara, I mean I always noticed there was something special about you that made you unique to everyone else. I figured that was why we became best friends to easily and got along so well. But it wasn't until I met another Magi that I realized what it was that I sensed."

"Wait what? You met another one of us? How?"

"Remember that internship I got six months ago to work for the Department of Defense?"

"Yeah I remember you said it was one of the most sought after internships and only a handful get accepted into it."

"Yeah well it wasn't until after I started working there that I realized why they picked me specifically. See they were looking for a Magi to be a sort of liaison between vampiric governments around the globe. See regular people and vampires can't always be trusted but in the magical realms Magi..."

"Are the most highly respected, like old Egyptian priests."

Paul looked at me shocked that I knew about Magi's.

"Yeah exactly, how did you...?" He trailed off.

"Danny" I answered sensing his question.

"Ah of course. Well anyways while working there I was exposed to a lot of the inner working of the vampiric governments. And for the last couple months there has been a lot of turmoil. They won't tell me anything much because I guess I am after all a civilian, Magi or not, and they can't risk me telling anyone. Which is pretty ridiculous because honestly who do they think I am going to tell? I care about my country and...."

"Paul! You are ranting again and I really need to know the rest of the story."

"Right sorry, anyways it seems like all the vampiric governments are setting aside their differences in light of something big. I am taking about countries that have been in on the brink of war for centuries suddenly deciding to make nice. Now I am not a political science major but it seems to me that something is rotten in our world. And from what I learned as an intern only one thing makes the vampiric governments shake in their boots and that is the VLRA. So I figured that I better start looking into them."

Stunned I just sat back down quietly into my seat where I had been studying. Suddenly the numbers started swimming before my eyes. I knew that the governments must have realized that something was going on; their intelligence gathering must be good. But they still had no idea what was coming to them. Hearing what I knew to be true coming from my best friend made things seem more real. The imminent attack wasn't just some possibility floating in my mind, it was real and it was going to happen if Danny and I didn't stop it.

Seeing my distressed face Paul came over to me and lifted my face.

"You knew didn't you Ara? This isn't news to you at all. But that's not it isn't Ara? You know more than I do. What is going on? Please tell me, I need to know."

I moved from his grip and willed myself not to break down in tears as I pinched my nose between my fingers.

"No Paul you really don't. Trust me; your life will be much better not knowing."

"That may be so but it's my right to know Ara, you know that just as well as I do."

Paul was right, as I had learned in the past couple of months being a Magi changed your life. It put a lot of pressure on you because suddenly people looked up to you. Now you weren't just liable for yourself but for all Magi's because so many people in the magical realm looked up to you.

Even so, I couldn't just tell Paul everything I knew not without proof. I needed to see a display of his powers just to make sure that he was telling the truth, although by this point I was pretty sure that he was.

"Fine I will tell you but I need you to do me a favor first."

Paul looked at me confused like I was crazy switching the topic at such as important moment like this.

"Okay" he said hesitantly "What?"

I rose out of my chair "I need you to prove that you are a Magi."

Paul suddenly started to laugh his usual carefree laugh. "I was wondering when you would ask that. Although I thought you would have asked me right when I told you what I was."

"Yeah well I was going with the whole 'trusting you' idea, so cut me some slack"

"I'll try not to hold it against you." Paul smiled at me and then turned his attention to the couch.

I could tell that he was summoning his powers because thousands of brightly glowing yellow particles quickly surrounded him flowing to his outstretched hand. He was channeling his powers to lift both the couch and one of the beds in the other room. The golden particles seemed to be dancing as they made their way to the two objects and surrounded the base of them. The with a small movement of his arms upward the couch and bed were lifted into the air as if they weighed nothing more than a sheet of paper.

It seemed as if the magic that was surrounding Paul should make some noise, like a bell or a wind chime, but it didn't. There was no noise save for the breathing of Paul and I.

"I don't believe this." As I saw him moving the couch and bed around in the air and gently putting them back in their place. I had just gotten the mental strength to lift both those objects but it was only for a few seconds and I sure didn't do it as gracefully as Paul.

"Paul you are amazing! I wish I could do that."

"What are you talking about Ara; of course you can do that."

"No not really, you are way stronger than me Paul." I said admiringly.

"No Ara I am not. I may have more practice than you but have so much more raw power than me. I think you are even stronger then the man I met at the DOD, the guy who has been teaching me. And don't try to deny it."

"Fine, but you have been talking about sensing me and no offense but it's getting on my nerves. What does that mean?"

"Okay look I am going to try and make it as easy as possible for you. Just close your eyes and reach out with your senses."

Alright, I will give it a try. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, allowing myself to reach out with my powers and that was when I felt it, Paul's power. It sounded like the dull "rrrrrrr" sound one of the signal towers makes as electricity passes through it.

I moved towards what I felt to be a ball of energy and reached out with my hand and touched Paul's shoulder. Beneath me I could feel something crackling, as if Paul was nothing more than lightening being contained within the form of a body and I knew that Paul must have gotten that sensation as well when he had touched me all this time.

Now I know why he said sensed, because it was not something that could be seen but this sensation had to be felt.

"Whoa" I breathed as I let go of Paul.

"Yeah I know it's freaky isn't it?" Paul replied as I opened my eyes.

Paul no longer had a glowing orb surrounding him but I could still feel his energy. Like Paul said, it was no surprised that we were best friends; I guess Magi just find each other, even if they don't know it.

"It's learning how to do it for the first time that is hard. Now it should be a lot easier to sense people, now that you know what to look for."

"Thank you Paul." I smiled at Paul and hugged him.

"No problem that is what best friends are for aren't they?" He said as he patted my head. "But Ara, I really need to know what is going on. And don't worry I won't tell anyone in the government because it seems to me that whatever information you have it is top secret."

"Yeah it is pretty classified. But just so you know, I have a plan."

And then I told him, I told Paul everything.


"So, what do you think?"

"Oh shit."

"Paul! I am surprised! I thought you didn't curse."

"Well I thought that the situation required some intense language. So you think that you and Danny can handle this on your own?"

"Well I mean the plan is to go to England and try and get as much information as possible. Neither Danny nor I work for the government so the VLRA won't be expecting us. And we figure that whatever information we get we will give to the English Vampiric government. The beauty of it is, they won't be expecting us because no one knows we know."

Paul stared at me for what seemed like ages and sighed a long and sad sigh.

"I am going with you."

"What? Paul! No that is crazy!"

"Why is that so crazy? Ara you are going to need all the help I can get. I am a Magi; together we can help bring them down."

"No Paul that is entirely too dangerous."

"How can you just tell me all this and expect me to do nothing!" Paul got up angrily from his seat. "I won't just stand idly by as the world as I know it falls apart."

"No Paul wait! Listen to me. After what I learned tonight I think I have a revised plan, and you are vital to it."

Paul turned around and looked at me inquisitively.

"Oh yeah? What is it?"

"Look, you said you have been working with the different governments right? Well that means you have connections. When Danny and I find something out I can send you the information and you can relay it to the American vampiric government and any other one you are in close contact with. That way the governments will act more quickly knowing that a Magi backs up the story. Plus, if anything happens to Danny or me, I need to know that there is someone out there who knows where we are. If you go with us and we get caught then it's over."

Paul looked at me for a long time as he considered my offer.

"Ara, do you really think it is going to get that bad over there."

I let out a breath as I felt my stomach clench.

"I don't know Paul but from what I hear, it's not going to be a walk in the park. And right now I would like to know that there is a contingency plan."

Paul walked over to me and shook my hand. "You have yourself a deal there partner" And he pulled me toward him as he said this last part "But as soon as you get any hint that you are in over your head, you call me."

"I will Paul, and thank you."

"No Ara, thank you for letting me help. Now that I know that everything I love, everyone I love is in jeopardy I want to do everything I can to make things right. I couldn't live with myself if something happens to Mari I did nothing to stop it."

"You really love her don't you?"

"Yes Ara I do, more than you can. Well I guess you can imagine. That's why I need to know that our future is safe and you can be sure that I will do whatever it takes."

"Good. I leave right after finals end to go home and a day after I leave for England. I will call you when I get there and let you in on the situation."

"Sounds good to me. Hey Ara, have you told your parents yet?"

"No, they don't know anything about me and I don't think that right now is the time to tell them everything."

Suddenly Paul's phone went off as he got a text and from the smile that spread on his lips I was sure it was Mari.

"Well I am sure you can think of something, and if not then Amy can. She is very resourceful."

I laughed at the last comment. It is true, why hadn't I thought to ask Amy?

"Hey sorry but Mari just texted that she wants to get coffee, do you mind?"

"No not at all" I said waving my hand in front of my face "go ahead. I will talk to you some other time."

"Okay good." Paul hugged me goodbye.

"Oh I almost forgot I brought these to you. I thought they might come in handy."

Paul took two more books out of his bag and put them on top of the first book he showed me. I didn't need to see the covers to know that they were about the VLRA.

"Thanks Paul" I said as he made his way to the door.

"No problem and good luck."

I closed the door behind him and looked at the table which had my textbooks and the three books Danny had brought me.

Sighing I sat down and look at my calculus textbook before closing it and opening the first book Danny showed me.

Well, there goes my studying.

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