The Lost will be Found// Zomb...

By Emberdragonheart

26.4K 625 134

*this story will be a Wyatt/OC* Luna was dropped off on the door steps of her adoptive family when she was o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

3.3K 87 6
By Emberdragonheart

Chapter 3:

The news about the werewolves sighting in the forest spread throughout Seabrook and Zombie town like wild fire. Causing almost all humans and zombies to go into a state of panic, because of everyone's panic and fear all Anti-monster laws were reinstated. This decision was made by the City Council, which Luna and Addison's parent were both on the council. Their mother was the Mayor and their father was the head of the police/ zombie patrol, their mother was the one to directly order all the monster laws back into place. When Luna had heard her mother declare the laws back into effect, she was furious because of how unfair it was to all the zombies. She knew that her parents meant well and that they were trying to protect the people but unfortunately they were only focused on helping the humans. The City Council was going about this completely wrong. Luna had made sure her parents knew about her opinion before she left City Hall with Zoey holding her hand, both of them heading to Zombie town.

Since Zoey and Zed dad, Zevon, was in charge of the worker working on taking down the old Seabrook Power Plant, he had to make sure all of them left and headed to their homes safely. Luna had told him that she would take Zoey home and stay with her until he got back.

This leads to the present time, with Luna and Zoey sitting on the front steps of Zoey's house waiting for her dad to come home. Zoey is working on a 'Were-friend Wanted' poster. Luna is keeping an eye on Zoey and watching everyone around them running in panic. The humans running out of Zombie town and the zombies running out of Seabrook. Looking over to Zoey, a soft smile graces Luna's lips as she watches her work hard on making her poster. She was very happy and a little bit relieved that Zoey wasn't scared like everyone else; all she wanted was a friend that was different like her.

"All done," Zoey exclaims as she shows Luna her poster proudly.

"It looks great, Little One," Luna tells her.

The poster was a child's drawing of a werewolf; which looked more like a wolf standing on two legs and in clothing, the words 'Wanted Were-friend' in big letters.

"Luna, can we go hang it up?" she asks while giving Luna big puppy dog eyes.

Seeing the look sent her way, she lets out a playful groan before replying, "Okay, okay, just stop giving me the puppy eyes, Little One. Come on, let's go get a hammer and nail, we'll hang your amazing poster up at the bus stop where everyone will see it."

Zoey jumps up in excitement, running into the house. Luna laughs at how excited Zoey is as she gets up and follows her into the house. A few minutes later, both girls are standing in front of the Bus Stop sign next to the house. Zoey is nailing her poster into the wooden post as Luna watches to make sure she doesn't hurt herself. People around the girls are still running around in panic; from the corner of Luna's eye two things catch her attention.

The first is Zevon heading in their direction form down the road. This meant that he had gotten his workers to leave work and head to their homes for safety. The second thing is a man in a Seabrook Power uniform that was also heading in their direction. What catch her eye about him was that he was not in full blown panic like everyone else; she could tell by his body language that he was slightly nervous but not panicked at all. She could also feel something when she looks at him, like a pulling, like she wanted and needed to be near him, that he was important to her.

She watches him stop in front of Coach's Fro-yo cart. It looks like Coach was saying something to the stranger but they were too far for her to hear what they were saying. A few seconds later, Coach runs off with his cart yelling something about "high knees". After a second, the stranger states heading in their direction again.

Luna moves closer to Zoey when the stranger stops a few feet away from them, looking at the poster Zoey just finished hanging up with curiosity. Zoey sees him and smiles brightly at him.

"Have you seen any werewolves?" she excitedly asks him, "I'm looking for a were-friend."

"Silly kid, there's no such thing as werewolves." He tells her, trying and failing to convince her that he was right.

The moment he speaks, an involuntary shiver runs down Luna's spine and the pulling feeling gets a little stronger. Her new mark on her right wrist starts to tingle a little; glancing down at it, she lightly traces it with her fingers. A small smile on her face because she likes the feeling.

Luna jumps slightly when Zevon voice calls out to them from behind, "Zoey, come inside. It's not safe out here with all these werewolves running about. Luna, you better get home too before your parents state to panic."

Luna turns around to see Zevon at the steps to his house, waiting for Zoey. Zoey faces her dad, saying, "One second dad," before turning back to the stranger.

"It was a werewolf, my brother's girlfriend saw them and Luna told me that they are real. And she wouldn't lie to me," she tells him before tuning to Luna, "Right?"

Luna kneels down to Zoey's level; she could feel the stares of both the stranger and Zevon on her back as she focused on Zoey.

"Of courses I would never lie to you about the werewolves. But you have to remember what I told you before; they are not exactly like zombies or humans. They have a wilder side to them. But this doesn't mean that they're bad, it just means they are different, which isn't bad either," Luna tells her, fully aware that the stranger can hear every word she says.

Luna glance up at him to see him already staring back at her with wide eyes and his breath caught in his throat. The look of shock and surprise on his face; but she notice another emotion in his eyes that she couldn't place. With his eyes on her, she feels warm and happy with a faint blush appearing on her cheeks.

Turning back to Zoey completely, Luna tells her with a soft smile, "Now Little One, go to your dad before you give him a brain attack."

Zoey giggles at Luna's choice of words and nods her head, giving her a big hug. Luna stands and holds Zoey's hand as the little girl stares intently at the stranger for a few moments.

"My, what big eyes you have," Zoey tells him.

Luna laughs lightly at what Zoey says and the surprised look on his face at her words. Luna had a feeling that the stranger was a werewolf in disguise and every passing second her felling got stronger. She wasn't afraid that he would do anything and she was confident enough that she could protect herself and Zoey if he turned out to be a threat. With her mark still tingling and the pull she felt towards him still there, she had a strong feeling that he was the one she faced earlier that day. He glances over to Luna when she laughs and a small smile appears on his face at the sound of her laughing.

"Come on, Little One," Luna says as she gently pulls Zoey in the direction of her house and dad.

"Thank you, Luna," Zevon thanks her as he ushers Zoey into the house.

"Bye Ma...Luna," Zoey calls over her shoulder as she runs into the house.

"Bye Little One," Luna replies, "and you're welcome Zevon."

"Get home safe now," he tells her with worry in his voice and on his face.

"Will do, sir," she replies with a small playful salute.

Zevon cracks a smile at Luna's playfulness, he was very grateful and thankful that she was not in a panic like everyone else and instead was calm. He knew that had she been panicking like everyone else, his little Zoey most likely would have done the same. With her reply, he turns and heads into his house after his daughter.

Luna starts to head towards the Seabrook entrance when she notices that the stranger was gone. A small frown appears on her face at the thought of his gone and then she notices that Zoey's poster is gone too. Stopping in front of the bus stop sign, Luna notices a bracelet hanging off the nail the poster had been hanging on. Gently, she picks up the bracelet; the bracelet is made of three different shades of brown leather that was braided together to make a band. Hanging off the band was a small beautiful whitish stone that reminds her of the stone on her locket around her neck. Luna looks up from the bracelet and looks around her, trying to find the stranger but after a few seconds she realizes that he was long gone. Looking back down at the bracelet, she has a feeling that he left it for her. She doesn't understand why she feels like that, but a little voice in her head kept telling her that the bracelet was for her. After a second of hesitation she slips the bracelet onto her right wrist and she starts to head home again.

A quiet night settles over the town after a very panic filled day, the residents all safely inside their houses and most of them asleep. The full moon light shiny on Seabrook and Zombie town and shiny through Luna's bay window in her room.

Luna is sitting on the bay window sit with a cup of calming tea to help her hopefully fall asleep, which was difficult with her mind racing with thoughts of everything that has happened recently and the pain running though her body slowly fading away. Taking a slow sip of her tea, she stares up at the moon. For as long as she could remember, she had always felt most at peace when she could see the moon. Settling down her cup, she glances down at her new mark and the bracelet as she lightly traces them. She starts to think about all her marks and what they mean. She now has three dark purple marks on her body that suddenly appeared on her, the first two after her meeting Willa and Wynter and the third and newest one after her encounter with the wolf boy earlier that day. The strangest thing about the marks to her was not them suddenly appearing on her but that she instantly knew what the marks meant once she saw them.

Her crescent moon and wolf paw print marks mean the same thing, which was her being a pack sister to two different werewolves. From the moment she saw the marks, she had known that her pack sisters' were Willa and Wynter and that even though she wasn't a werewolf she was their pack sister too. Being pack sisters meant many things that Luna didn't entirely knows about but she did know one thing and that was that they protected each other. So when her parents and other adults asked her what happened to her to cause the deep cut on her arm and face, she told them that she didn't remember what happened. She knew that she had to keep her new pack sisters and their pack safe, so she kept their existences a secret from everyone so none of them would get hurt. When she is in the forest, she knows that one of them is always watching over her and keeping her safe as well.

Her new mark, a wolf howling to a heart shaped moon that had appeared on the inside of her right wrist that day; she again instantly knew what it meant. Her mind had whispered it softly to her, Mate. She mark showed that she was the mate of a werewolf and she knew it had to be the Wolf-boy she faced earlier in the forest and then saw again in Zombie Town with him in a disguise.

She had mix feeling about her new mark. With her pack sisters marks, she had felt happy and excited about them. But with the mate mark, she feels mainly confused, worried, and happy. She was confused because she didn't understand how or why this was happening to her. She was a human with strange color hair and eyes but she wasn't a wolf, so how did she become a mate to one? She was worried because of the pull she felt when she was near him and how her body reacted to him as well. She worried that she had lost her will of choice and that no matter what she says; he will claim her against her will. She was also happy about it happening to her which worried and scared her the most. She is very open to people but also had major trust issues with people in general. That was only a selective few people that she truly trusted, her pack sisters being two of them and now her Wolf-boy was add to take very short list. She felt that she could and does trust any of them with her life and that terrified her a lot.

Luna is pulled out of her thoughts when distant howling rings though out the sleepy towns. Her breath catches a little at the sound, knowing in her heart that is was her mate and pack sisters. The howling brings a wave a calm and peace over her and despite herself a small smile graces her lips.

She silently gets up from the bay window and heads over to her bed. Setting down her empty cup on her nightstand, she crawls and barrows into her dark purple sheets and comforter, clutching a pure white wolf stuff animal to her check. With a few more howls coming from the distances, Luna falls into a peaceful sleep with her mind's eye showing her bright glowing golden yellow eyes with love and adoration shining through them looking at her.   

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