They Dont Know About Us - MP...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

22.1K 410 181

They don't know about the things we do They don't know about the "I love yous" But I bet you if they only kne... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Epilogue 😥

Chapter 4

1.1K 23 8
By NotReadyToPlayNice


its been 4 months since louis last saw harry and louis was happy about it and moved into his house when he was 7 months pregnant and decided to move back to his parents house when he hit his 9th month so when he has the baby he wont be alone louis has been trying to see the gender of the baby but hasnt been able to and louis is at his next appointment

"louis tomlinson" the nurse says as louis stands up and jay walks with him

"mom i swear this baby is more stubborn than me why is the baby torturing me" louis whines as he sits down on the table and the nurse walks out of the room

"cuz this baby is going to be stubborn like you and harry" jay says laughing

"uughgh why me" louis says

"well if we cant see the gender today you will know in the next few weeks" jay says

"i cant wait to meet my baby" louis says with a smile as he rubs his baby bump and soon the doctor walks in

"afternoon mr tomlinson" the doctor says as he walks in the room

"afternoon doc" louis says

"well lets get business out of the way and then lets see of we can see the gender" the doctor says

"thank you" louis says

"well you are on track baby looks good the baby is in position for delivery so unfortunately i wont be able to see the gender but i think you might deliver in the next week or so" the doctor says "if your water breaks come straight to the hospital immediately"

"ok i will" louis says as he sits up and jay helps him off the table and soon they walk out of the doctors office and go back to jays house "mom stop i think that is harry"

"let me turn on this street get in the back seat i will park in the garage" jay says as he turns the next street and louis gets in the back seat and puts the seat down and lays down and jay gets to her house and parks in the garage and louis gets down and goes straight to his room and jay walks out of her house and sees harry and goes to his car "what did dan tell you about coming to my house"

"im sorry jay i just want to talk to louis and apologize" harry says

"he moved out a month after he lost the baby and dont you think i will tell you anything, leave my son alone or i swear i will make you regret the day your mom had you" jay says with anger as she takes out her phone and calls anne

"jay what a surprise" anne says

"anne i am sorry to call you but please call your stupid son and tell him to stop coming to my house to look for louis or i swear i will file a restraining order against him" jay threatens

"i will call him" anne says as harry drives away and jay walks back to her house

"you ok mom" louis says

"i swear i want to hit him" jay says

"stop" louis says laughing "im going to lay down peanut is really active"

"ok i will come get you when dinner is ready" louis says as he goes to his room and turns on the television and sees an interview harry was doing and raises the volume "baby that voice is your daddies" louis says as he massages his belly as the baby starts to kick him as harry starts to sing and louis couldnt help but cry as he hears the lyrics to the song

Same lips red, same eyes blue
Same white shirt, couple more tattoos
But it's not you and it's not me
Tastes so sweet, looks so real
Sounds like something that I used to feel
But I can't touch what I see

We're not who we used to be
We're not who we used to be
We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat

The fridge light washes this room white
Moon dances over your good side
This was all we used to need
Tongue-tied like we've never known
Telling those stories we already told
'Cause we don't say what we really mean

We're not who we used to be
We're not who we used to be
We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
We're not who we used to be
We're not who we used to be
We're just two ghosts swimming in a glass half empty
Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat

We're not who we used to be
We're not who we used to be
We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
We're not who we used to be
We don't see what we used to see
We're just two ghosts swimming in a glass half empty
Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat

Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat
I'm just trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat

"stop please peanut" louis says massaging his belly as he seees lottie walk into his room

"are you ok" lottie says as she sees louis crying

"yeah just the baby heard harrys voice and started to kick me" louis says as he turns the channel and the baby stops kicking him "much better"

"ohh ok then why are you crying" lottie says

"was listening to the song harry was singing i know he wrote it about me" louis says

"he probably did but he doesnt deserve you and i want you to meet someone that will treat you like a queen just like you deserve to be treated" lottie says

"thank you" louis says

"were you able to find out the gender" lottie asks

"no the baby is in position for delivery" louis says "and i cant wait to meet my baby you know i had a dream the baby was a girl and she looked just like harry but a girl"

"really i hope its a boy" lottie says

"what ever i am having i love my baby so much" louis says with a smile as he rubs his belly

"me too" lottie says "I have to finish my homework"

"ok love you lots" louis says

"love you too" lottie says as she walks out of louis room and louis lays down and soon falls asleep and is woken up when he feels a sharp pain on the side of his belly

"MOM" louis yells out as jay gets to louis room

"what" jay says

"i got a sharp pain here" louis says as he massages the area

"are you having any more" jay asks

"yeah" louis says as jay helps louis stand up

"breath boobear" jay says "need to get you to the living room"

"ok" louis says as they walk to the living room

"lots call dad to help me with louis" jay says as lottie goes to get dan and louis stops as he feels a gush of water running down his leg

"mom" louis says as jay looks down

"we have to go" jay says as dan walks down the stairs "i have to take louis to the hospital his water just broke"

"ok go" dan says as he helps jay take louis to the car and soon jay gets to the hospital and louis is connected to the machines he needs

"are you ok" jay asks

"yeah just cant believe my baby is almost here" louis says with a smile as a contraction starts coming thru as the doctor walks in

"hello louis how are you "he says

"really good cant wait to meet my baby and finally find out what i am having" louis says with a smile

"well let me see how you have progressed since you got here" the doctor says as he puts his gloves on and starts to check louis "hmmm its been 4 hours and you are still at 4 centimeters dialated you might be here a while so get comfortable"

"ok thank you" louis says as the doctor walks out of the room and louis falls asleep and a few hours later louis wakes up as he has a sharp pain on his side "mom its hurts mom" louis cries out

"im sorry boobear there is nothing i can do to help you" jay says "let me ask the nurse if they can give you something for the pain"

"please" louis says as jay walks out of the room and soon walks in with the doctor

"let me check you and make sure we are not to late for the epidural" the doctor says as he checks louis "im sorry louis you are at 6 its to late"

"uughgh this kid is grounded for life" louis says as jay starts to laugh

"stop being dramatic" jay says

"i will be back in a few hours if you get the urge to push call the nurse station" the doctor says

"will do thank you" louis says as the doctor walks out of the room

"you want to try and walk" jay says

"please" louis says as he stands up and jay holds on to him as he starts to walk around the room and a nurse walks in

"ohh i was coming in to suggest you walk since the doctor said you were to late for the epideral" the nurse says

"it helps when your mom is a labor and delivery nurse" louis says laughing

"well then i am sure you are well taken care of if you need anything let me know" the nurse says as she walks out of the room

"mom i am getting another contraction" louis says as he bends over the bed as he swings his hips side to side as jay massages his back

"you are doing amazing" jay says with a smiles as her phone starts to ring "let me get you back in bed so i can answer its dad"

"ok" louis says as louis gets back in bed and jay walks out of the room

"anne:"jay says

"hi how are you"

"really good and you"

"good just wanted to see if you wanted to have lunch tomorrow"

"sorry i cant the kids have appointments the next 3 days" jay says "how about next week"

"tuesday works for me" anne says

"ok same place and time" jay says

"of course" anne says

"i have to go i have doris and ernest in the tub and if i leave them to long all the water will end up outside the tub" jay says laughing

"ok i will see you tuesday" anne says as she hangs up and starts making dinner for herself and robin and soon hears someone walking in the house "who is here" anne yells out

"its me" harry says "your favorite son"

"welcome home i missed you so much" anne says as she hugs harry "how long are you here for"

"till monday and then i fly to the states for more promo on the album:" harry says "i am so tired"

"go lay down i just started dinner" anne says

"mom i keep having this sharp pain on my stomach i went to the doctor and he didnt find anything" harry says

"its probably the stress from promo and things" anne says

"probably mom" harry says "let me make dinner i miss cooking"

"anytime" anne says as she sits down and harry starts to make dinner

"mom" harry says in pain as he huntches over the counter as he starts to cry as anne goes to harry and gets him and takes him to the couch and helps him sit down

"let me get you some medicine" anne says

'mom it hurts" harry says as he starts to massage the area where he felt the pain as he starts to cry

"how long have you been feeling the pain" anne asks

"since yesterday afternoon" harry says

"lay down i will finish dinner" anne says as she goes to her bathroom and gets some medicine and comes back and gives it to harry as he lays down and a few minutes later harry stands up "are you ok"

"yeah it went away" harry says

"this is not normal but i guess the medicine worked" anne says

"well let me finish i swear i dont know what is wrong with me but its gone" harry says as annes phone starts to ring

"hello" anne says not wanting to say jays name

"anne sorry can we have lunch wednesday i forgot i have an appointment tuesday at 1" jay says

"sure wednesday at one is perfect" anne says

"ok thank you i have to go louis is calling me" jay says as she hangs up and goes back into louis room" Louis rest as much as you can you have to have your strength to push"

"mom that last contraction was a bitch it was my longest one" louis says

"i know rest" jay says as louis tries to get as comfortable as he can and soon falls asleep and soon feels jay lay down next down next to him and a few hours later louis wakes up when the doctor walks in

"im sorry to wake you up its been over 6 hours sorry i have 2 deliveries back to back" the doctor says

"its ok just these contraction are no fun" louis says

"well its been 15 hours since you got here and if you dont progress in the next hour we are going to have to do a c-section" the doctor says

"at this point i dont care" louis says as the doctor starts to check louis as jay gets up and sits at the nearby couch

"you are still at 6 let me see i might want to deliver the baby now that is to much time since your water broke" the doctor says as he walks out of the room

"mom i am scared" louis says

"dont be I am here and we are getting this baby out one way or another" jay says as she smiles and soon the doctor walks back in

"well we are next just 15 minutes more and you get to meet the new love of your life' the doctor says

"thank you i been waiting for this moment since i found out i was pregnant" louis says as he starts to cry

"i need to get ready the nurse will come for you when we are ready" the doctor says as he walks out of the room and about 15 minutes later the unrse comes for louis as they wheel him to surgery and jay waits outside the room and soon jay is let in and sits next to louis "mr tomlinson we are going to start you are going to feel pressure but done worry" the doctor says as they cut louis open

"ok thank you" louis says and soon louis starts to cry when he hears a baby crying

"Congratulations mr tomlinson its a girl" the doctor says as he hands the baby to the nurse as they go to clean her up

"mom a girl i have a little girl" louis says crying

"you did amazing" the doctor says as he starts to stitch louis and the nurse goes to louis and louis gives her a kiss

"i love you munchkin mommy loves you so much" louis say crying

"we are going to take her to get measurements and do some testing" the nurse says "your mom can come if you want her to"

"mom can you please go with her" louis says as jay stand up and follows the nurse

"just a few more minutes and we will be done" the doctor says

"thank you so much" louis says and soon the doctor was done and louis was taken back to his room and a few minutes later jay walks in with the baby "how did she do"

"she is perfect" jay says proudly as she hands louis his daughter

"she is perfect she looks just like harry" louis says

"really" jay says surprised

"yeah he gave me a baby picture when we first started dating" louis says "i cant believe she is here"

"i know" jay says " do you have a name"

"yeah i been thinking about it since i found out about her" louis says

"what is it" jay says

"harper grace" louis says

"are you going to give her harrys last name" jay asks

"of course not and he wont be on the birth certificate either" louis says

"ok was just asking" jay says "give me the baby and put your gown down you need to do skin to skin so you can bond with her" jay says as the nurse walks in

"ma'am please let me do my job" the nurse says as she starts to laugh

"im sorry its just a bad habit i dont mean to do it on purpose" jay says laughing

"well i might as well go home" the nurse says

"no please dont" jay says

"well i will back with some formula for this little beauty" the nurse says as she walks out of the room

"lou how are you going announce the baby" jay says

"i am not i dont want her to be a secret but i dont want to have her in the public eye you know how crazy the paps gets and if i announce i have her then harry is going to know she is his and i never want him to know about her" loui says as he starts to cry "just right now i dont want anyone to know about her maybe later in life but right now all i want to do is protect her"

"ok just asking" jay says

"i can say she is yours" louis says

"so can i keep her"

"of course not 16 hours in labor ohh the hell no" louis says as the nurse walks in the room as the baby starts to cry

"well i guess i got back in time" the nurse says as she gives louis a bottle and puts the rest in the draw under the bassinet "if you need anything just call the nurses station if you want me to take her to the nursery so you can rest let me know"

"right now i cant get enough of her" louis says as he places a kiss on the babies forhead

"most new parents are the same" the nurse says as she walks out of the room and soon louis starts to burp the baby

"nap i will watch ms thang over here" jay says

"no mom i cant sleep i am so happy right now" louis says with a wide smile "but am sad because i have this beautiful baby girl and he doesnt know about her"

"well it was what he wanted" jay says

"i know but i would give up everything for her she is so perfect" louis says

"rest your dad is coming and bringing the girls and eleanor is on her way" jay says "are you still getting a house in los angeles"

"no i wont go there unless i have to i know harry is there alot i will stay in wilmignton" louis says

"well then sleep before your dad and sisters get here" jay says as louis starts to fall asleep and a few more hours louis is woken up when he feels someone next to him as he opens his eyes

"lots" louis says "meet your niece"

"ohh she is beautiful i cant believe she is here" lottie says

"i know i love her so much" louis says with pride

"how much did she weigh" fizzy asks

:"oh shit forgot to ask" louis says laughing

"little miss munchkin was at 9 pounts 13 ounces and is 22 inches long" jay says proudly

"what the hell almost 10 pounds" louis says with shock

"she is a big baby but look at this little butterball" daisy says as she holds the baby next

"we better get going have to put the kids to bed" dan says as he goes to hug louis and takes the baby from phoebe as he gives her a kiss and soon they walk out of the room and jay puts the baby in the bassinet and louis soon falls asleep and the next morning louis wakes up when the baby starts to cry

"did she sleep the whole night" louis asks

"no i was up with her you need your rest" jay says as she hands louis the baby and he starts to feed her and soon a nurse walks in

"good morning i am here to register your baby" the nurse says "do you have a name"

"yeah" louis says

"ok when you are ready i have her measurements ohh my 10 pounds you are a trooper" the nurse says as louis starts to laugh'

"i know almost 10 pounds" louis says "her name is harper grace tomlinson"

"well this little beauty is offically harper grace tomlinson, please look over my work make sure everything is spelled correctly and i need you to sign here here and date here" the nurse says as louis looks over the document and soon starts to sign and date where he is told "thank you the birth certificate will be ready in 30 days and congratulations to you again"

"thank you" louis says as the nurse walks out of the room

"louis i am going to get something to eat call me if you need me" jay says as she walks out of the room

"well munchkin its you and me agains the world i promise to tell you everything about your daddy and one day i will tell the world but for now we are keeping you a secret dont be mad at me but your daddy doesnt want anything to do with us" louis says as he starts to cry "im so sorry my baby i am so sorry i made a mistake but i love you so much and would give up my life for yours and i am going to give you the best life i can" louis says crying and he continues to talk to her and soon jay walks back in the room

"brought you some soup" jay says

"thank you can you help me i need to use the bathroom" louis says as jay takes the baby from louis and helps louis to the bathroom making sure to walk at his pace as the doctor walks in "sorry doc i need to use the bathroom"

"its ok rumor on the floor is your mom is a nurse" the doctor says laughing

"yeah she is she has been taking care me" louis says

"well thank you so much when louis is done i need to check him he can go home tomorrow just want to check his stitches are doing ok" the doctor says as louis walks out of the bathroom as jay helps him get in bed and the doctor starts to check louis "you are doing amazing"

"thank you" louis says

"can we get more gauze pads so i can change him i heard one of the nurses say you are getting busy on this floor and i can help with my son" jay says

"you are amazing thank you i will have a nurse bring some in right away" the doctor says as he walks out of the room and soon a nurse walks in the room and gives jay what she needs to help clean louis stitch area and soon walks out

"so when we leave are you coming home with me" jay asks

"yeah just like for 2 months make sure i am ok then i am going home and try not to screw her up to much" louis says

"you can move in if you want" jay says with a smile

"no i have to be independent and get into a routine with her" louis say

"well stay as long as you want" jay says

"thank you mom" louis says as the baby starts to whimper and jay picks her up and gives her to louis as louis starts to feed her and soon starts to burp her as she falls asleep

"sleep boobear i will watch her" jay says as louis starts to fall asleep and soon jay falls asleep as well and the next morning jay wakes up when the baby starts to cry and jay gets up and changes her diaper and starts to feed her and soon puts her back in the bassinet and a few more hours and louis wakes up as he starts to yawn

"did the baby sleep the whole night" louis asks

"she did just woke up at 6 in the morning changed her gave her a bottle and she was out again" jay says

"hope it stays like that" louis says laughing as the doctor walks in

"morning how are you feeling" the doctor says

"really good ready to go home and attempt this parenting thing" louis says laughing

"well i need to check you and if i am happy you can go home" the doctor says as he starts to check louis then the baby "well you can go home i will let the nurse know and she will go over some care instruction but im sure your mom knows but its protocol we still need to tell you" the doctor says

"ok thank you" louis says as the doctor walks out and and few minutes later a nurse walks in and goes over paperwork with louis and louis starts to sign where he needs to "so can i change and go home"

"yes you are free to go" the nurse says

"thank you" louis says as he gets up and changes his clothes and soon another nurse walks in with a wheel chair as louis sits down and jay finishes putting the baby in her carrier and they walk out of the hospital and jay puts the baby in the car and then helps louis in the car and soon drive to jays house and jay parks in the garage

"let me get your dad so he can help you off the car" jay says as she takes the baby and soon dan goes to help louis to the family room as jay puts the baby in the swing "rest"

"can you help me to my room i need a shower" louis says

"let me shower first and i will come help you" jay says as she goes to her room and takes a shower and when seh is done she walks back down stairs and helps louis to his room as he gets in the shower and soon gets out and gets dressed and jay helps louis back to the couch as he lays down and lottie puts the swing close to louis


its been 7 days since louis had the baby and he has been the happiest he can be as his daughter looks like harry and louis love that about her

"louis lets get going we need to get munchkin to the doctor" jay says

"im coming" louis says as he walks out of his room and they get in the car and louis starts to make the babys bottle as she starts to cry and as louis starts to feed her she opens her eyes "for fucks sakes harper grace what did we talk about"

"why are you screaming at my happy harper" jay says

"she has green eyes we talked about it munchkin you are suppose to have blue like mine" louis says as he starts to feed her and soon get to the doctors office and louis gets harper from her carrier and starts to burp her as jay takes her from louis as they walk in the doctors office and louis goes to check in

"my those are green" jay says

"i know just like him i swear i wish she would of been a boy" louis says laughing

"that would of been hilarious" jay says

"harper tomlinson" the nurse says as louis and jay stand up and are taken to a private room "can you undress the baby the doctor will be in in a moment" and louis starts to undress the baby and wraps her in her blanket and soon the doctor walk in

"afternoon how is the baby doing"

"good she is so mellow" louis says

"well that is good to hear i see here she lost a pound that is good" the doctor says as he keeps checking her "she is healthy and i am happy so i will see her at her 3 month check up and i will see you at your 6 week check up how are the stitches"

"good the scar is healing really good" jay says

"ok well you can dress the baby and i will see you in 6 weeks" the doctor says as louis changes the baby and soon they walk out of the doctors office and go back to jays house and walk in as louis takes the baby and puts her in her crib as he falls asleep and a few hours later is woken up when jay wakes up louis

"lou dinner is ready" jay says as louis wakes up

"where is munchkin" louis asks

"she was whimpering so lottie took her to the living room" jay says

"ok what are you all going to do when i move back home" louis says laughing as jay glares at home

"kidnap her" jay says laughing

"you would too" louis says as eh stands up and goes to the kitchen and helps jay serve everyone their food and soon they all sit down and start to eat and after dinner they all sit in the family room and watch movies


its been 3 months since harper was born and louis is so in love with his daughter and he moved back home a month ago and everyone cried but louis knew he needed to get into a comfortable routine with her

"mom" louis yells out as he walks into jays house

"kitchen" jay says

"mom here is munchkin i have to get going before i am late for my meeting at the label" louis says

"ok good luck" jay says as louis puts the baby in her swing and louis soon walks out of the house and goes to the record label and soon walks in and is taken to a conference room

"louis how have you been i havent heard anything from you in almost a year" simon says

"well its been hard to adjust to normal life that i just wanted to get lost for a while but i am ready to get back to work" louis says

"well i am glad have you been writting"

"yeah" louis says

"well i called you because i have a few artist that want you to produce music for them they loved what you did with steve when you helped produce your collab" simon says

"yeah i can help with that" louis says

"when do they want to start" louis asks

"next month they want to start recording the 15th" simon says

"sure i just need to talk to my mom i been helping her watch my sisters and brother" louis lies

"can you gentlemen please let me and louis talk in private" simon says as the 3 other men leave simons office and soon close the door "tell me the truth i know you and harry broke up i have seen the headlines"

"please promise me you wont tell a soul" louis says as he takes a deep breath as tells siimon everything "which is why i have been ignoring the world for the last year"

"are you fucken for real so why did you never wanted to out yourself and harry" simon says "i told you i would have yours and harrys back"

"he never wanted to he said it could ruin the bands image and we could loose fans but i think it was more his ego and you know what i dont care why just i have my daughter and i am happy" louis says as he shows simon a picture of the baby

"ohh my she looks like harry" simon says in shock

"i know but please simon you cant tell anyone please" louis begs

"dont worry i wont so about you working as a producer here at the label you are amazing at it and like i told you i have 3 bands who want to work with you including ed sheeran and BTS" simon says

"ok i want to do it that way i dont spent to much time away from the baby" louis says

"ok well that is out of the way what about your album:" simon says

"i think about another year or two i dont want to leave the baby here and dont want to travel with her as a baby" louis says

"ok well when ever you are ready the studio is at your disposal" simon says as he gets up and lets in the other guys int he room "well that is all for me do you have nay other questions"

"no i am fine just send me the schedules and i can coordinate with my mom" louis says as he walks out of the office and as he walks out of the office he hears his name being called

"Louis louis" the ohh to familiar voice yells out and louis takes a deep breath and continues to walk away :"louis" harry yells out as he runs to louis and grabs louis arm

"dont touch me" louis yells out

"can i talk to you" harry begs

"no" louis says trying his best not to cry "you ruined my life so leave me alone and if you ever see me just keep walking like if we were strangers'

"im sorry" harry says

"sure you are and you are here with that" louis says s he points to the guy that is staring at louis

"we are friends' harry lies and he knows louis knows he is lying

"sure you are" louis says

"please just let me talk to you" harry says as the guy walks to harry and wraps his arms around harrys waist

"babe lets go" the person says

"let me tell you something" louis says "you want to know the difference between me and the idiots you chose over me is that they like you because you give them attention and affection and energy that no one else gives them your the only one that treats them that way so of course they are going to like you cuz you are all they have  meanwhile i have as you know a stanpead  of males after me and i should be happy with that i should be grateful for that attention but i wasnt because i dropped almost all of them for you i dropped almost all of them when you made it seem like we were going to work out i had options and i wanted you so the difference between me and them is i chose you they just settle for you"

"im sorry" harry says again

"your words mean nothing to me i have shit to do" louis says with anger as he walks away from harry and goes to his car and drives away

"who was that"

"jordan that was louis my ex bandmate" harry says

"really well i think he was much more with how angry he was" jordan says

"lets go" harry says as they go to harrys car and drive away and harry sees louis at a red light and louis looks at harry and sticks his middle finger at harry as the green light flashes and louis drives away and makes sure to turn at the next street so harry wont follow him and soon louis drives back to jays house and walks in

"mom" louis yells out

"backyard" jay yells back as louis walks to the back yard

"how did she do" louis says

"good the kids got her in the pool" jay says as louis looks at the pool as sees harper laughing and spalshing her little hands "how did it go"

"really good" louis says as he tells jay about his meeting as jay gasps when louis tells her he told simon about harper

"well that is good and you know when ever you want i will watch harper" jay says

"i was going to ask but when she gets older i want to put her in daycare just so she can get used to other kids i mean other than the minions here" louis says

"ok well you know what i am going to tell you what ever you decide i will support you" jay says

"thank you" louis says as they spend the rest of the day just talking and soon louis goes back home and as he walks in his house he puts harper in her swing and starts to make himself something to eat and soon harper starts to cry as louis changes the channel on the television and sees harry being interview and harpers stops crying as she starts to kick her little feet and smiles as soon as harry starts to sing

If I could fly
I'd be coming right back home to you
I think I might give up everything, just ask me to

Pay attention, I hope that you listen
Cause I let my guard down
Right now I'm completely defenseless

For your eyes only, I show you my heart
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
I'm missing half of me when we're apart
Now you know me, for your eyes only
For your eyes only

I've got scars, even though they can't always be seen
And pain gets hard, but now you're here and I don't feel a thing

Pay attention, I hope that you listen cause I let my guard down
Right now I'm completely defenseless

For your eyes only, I show you my heart
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
I'm missing half of me when we're apart
Now you know me, for your eyes only
For your eyes only

I can feel your heart inside of mine
(I feel it, I feel it)
I've been going out of my mind
(I feel it, I feel it)
Know that I'm just wasting time
And I
Hope that you don't run from me
for your eyes only,
I show you my heart
For when you're lonely
And forget who you are
I'm missing half of me
When we're apart
Now you know me, for your eyes only

For your eyes only, I show you my heart
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
I'm missing half of me when we're apart
Now you know me, for your eyes only
For your eyes only
For your eyes only

and when harry was done singing harper starts to babble and louis cant help but smile as he sees his daughter happy hearing harrys voice and louis gets up and makes the baby her bottle as he starts to feed her as louis stares at her as she stares back as she smiles

"that is your daddy munchkin" louis says with a smile "but shh no one knows and dont tell anyone"

"fjklahsdfu" harper bables loud

"deal" louis says as he laughs and soon harper falls asleep and louis puts her back in her swing as he starts to clean up his mess and soon louis picks up harper and takes her to his room as he puts her in her bassinet as he takes a shower and soon gets out and sees harper still asleep and decides he will give her a bath in the morning and soon louis gets in bed and falls asleep the following morning louis wakes up as harper starts to cry and louis picks her up as he starts to undress her and wraps her in her bath towel as he walks to the bathroom and puts her in her baby tub as he turns on the bater "hey munchkin "louis says as harper starts to laugh and swings her arms "aww you love bath time dont ya" and harper starts to bable as louis starts to wash her little head and then moves on to her body and soon louis takes her out of the bath and goes to her room and changes her when he is done louis goes to the kitchen and makes harper a bottle and starts to feed her and soon she falls asleep and louis places her in her small pack and play as louis phone starts to ring as he sees its niall and louis decides to answer it "hello"

"louis you finally fucken answer" niall says

"sorry just been in a bad place and had my phone shut off" louis lies

"ohh buddy im sorry" niall says

"its ok I feel better i really am sorry about ignoring you i really am" louis says as he cries feeling bad

"its ok hey are you in the UK" niall asks

"yeah why are you" louis asks

"yeah i am here doing promo want to meet for dinner" niall asks

"yeah what time" louis says

"at our favorite restaurant at 8" niall says

"umm yeah ok" louis says nervously

"what is the matter"

"is harry going"

"no he is back in the states i talked to him last night" niall says

"ohh ok what about liam"

"no just the two of us he has promo in milan when i tell him you finally answered he is going to be mad at you" niall says

"im sorry i really am" louis says

"its ok meet me for dinner and i might forgive you" niall says as he starts to laugh

"ok fine i promise i will be there" louis says as his phone starts to ring and louis looks to see who is calling and sees its simon "hey nini i have to go simon is calling me i will see you at 8"

"ok see you at 8" niall says as he hangs up and louis answers simon

"simon" louis says

"hey lou i know its last minute but jonas brothers wants to meet with you wednesday in los angeles can you leave tonight" simon asks

"no i cant i made plans to have dinner with niall and i have been ignoring them since i found out i was pregnant" louis says "can i leave tomorrow night and meet then thursday" louis says

"yeah that is fine i will let them know i will send you the information you need i might send you private flight" simon says

"for how many days" louis asks

"3 days maybe 6" simon says

"well can take one of my sisters can i take my daughter i dont know about leaving her for up to 6 days" louis says

"sure but i thought you didnt want anyone to know about her" simon asks

"i mean my sister can stay with her at the hotel and i can go to the meeting" louis says

"ok let me know by 5 so i can make the arrangements for you and make sure i get you a 2 bedroom room unless you have a house there" louis says

"no i sold my old house and i dont think i am going to get another" louis says

"ok well let me know if you are going with your sister and baby" simon says

"ok give me a few hours so i can talk to my mom" louis says

"ok" simon says as he hangs up the phone as simons phone start to ring "yes dolores"

"mr cowell harry is here to see you" the receptionist says

"let him in" simon says as he hangs up and soon harry walks in the office "harry come in have a seat"

"thank you" harry says

"what can i do for you" simon asks

"just wanted to stop by and say hello" harry says

"well how have you been" simon says

"really good just taking a few days off before i start my tour" harry says

"so how are you feeling going on tour as a solo artist"

"really nervous but i am ready" harry says with a smile

"well good are you sure" simon asks

"fuck no i am scared shitless i dont know what i am doing" harry says as simon stands up and sits on a chair next to harry

"listen to me its going to be the same thing as when you all went on tour the first time you were scared shitless but after your first performance we just couldnt stop you" simon says reassuring harry

"thank you simon i really appreciate it" harry says "just didnt know who else to talk to and you always know what to say to make me feel better"

"no problem i told you anytime you want to talk i am here for you" simon says

"i know thats why i came to see you its just going to be different touring by myself than with the rest of the guys" harry says "like if i was feeling nervouse liam niall and louis were there to make me feel better"

"i know but this is your dream and until the band gets back together you need to live out your dreams and take advantage of every opportunity you are given and trust me liam niall and louis have all called me and i have had this same conversation with them and i tell them the same thing" simon says

"thank you simon i thought i was the only one" harry says "umm"

"i talked to niall last week about the same thing so your feelings are valid" simon says

"umm simon have you talked to zayn" harry asks nervously

"i talk to him once a month" simon says

"ohh" harry says

"we had a long talk and he is doing good" simon says "all you boys always ask me about him"

"ohh ok umm when you feel its the right time let him know i said hello" harry says

"i will i promise" simon says "you know he asked about you and wanted to know if you and louis were still together i told him no and he got quiet was there something i missed"

"i dont know" harry says

"ok well when do you start your tour"

"in 2 weeks" harry says

"take time for yourself because you know how touring is going to be like" simon says with a smile

"i know i better get going i am spending a few days with my parents thank you for talking to me i really appreciate it" harry says as he stands up and simon stands up as they hug and harry walks out of the door and simons phone starts to ring as he answers it

"louis" simon says

"hey simon my mom said that lottie can come with me so its lots harper and I' louis says

"ok great i will make the arrangements and send you the information you need" simon says

"ok thank you" louis says as he hangs up the phone and picks up harper as she starts to whimper "hey munchkin" and harper smiles as louis giver her her pacifier as she soon starts to fall asleep ands louis puts her down as he goes to his room and starts to pack his suitcase and also harpers and louis was glad that he had gotten her passport when she was 3 months old and louis continues to pack and soon louis hears harper start to whimper as louis goes to pick her up as he goes back to the nursery as he changes her diaper and puts her on the floor and puts a toy gym above her as she starts to move her hand and kick her feet and louis turns on the baby monitor as he goes back to his room and turns on the television and soon goes back to get harper and puts her on his bed and as louis changing the channel harrys music video comes on and harper stops what she is doing and tries to lift her head and louis sits harper on her bump pillow as harper starts to smile as she kicks her feet "munchkin that is daddy can you say daddy"

"dahda" harper babbles as she smiles

"mawma" louis repeats over and over

"mahhhma" harper bables again as louis picks her up and hugs her tight as he blows raspberries on her neck as she laughs and louis cant help but smile

"aww munchkin i love you so much" louis says with a smile as he looks at his phone and he knows he needs to start to get ready" munchkin you are going to stay with nana and tomorrow we are going to go away" louis says and harper starts to babble again "ok well you need to take a nap while I get ready and i promise munchkin one day i will tell niall and liam about you" louis says as harpers starts to cry "ok your daddy too" and harper starts to smile wide "your such a diva" louis says as he laughs as louis picks up harper and starts to change her diaper again and soon changes her clothes as he starts to feed her and she soon falls asleep and louis goes to take a shower and soon walks out of the bathroom as he starts to change and goes to the nursery and starts to pack harper an overnight bag and takes it downstairs and then goes back up stairs and picks up harper and puts her in the carseat and walks to the garage and puts harper in the car and then goes back to get the diaper bag and soon starts to leave as he goes to jays house and walks in :"MOM"

'kitchen" jay yells out as louis walks to the kitchen

"harper is napping she probably will wake up soon she has been asleep about an hour i fed her and changed her before she fell asleep mom would you mind if i left her here overnight, i know niall is going to want to have drinks" louis says

"sure i will keep her forever" jay says laughing

"no just for the night" louis says "ohh simon sent me the flight info we leave tomorrow at 3 so i will pick up lots at 11" louis says

"are you packed" jay asks

"yeah i did that before i got ready" louis says

"ok i will tell lots to be ready if you want i can pick you up and drop you off at the airport" jay says

"can you please so i wont leave my car there" louis says

"of course i will pick you up at 11" jay says

"ok mom i have to get going before i am late" louis says as he hugs his mom and gives harper a kiss on her cheek as he walks out of jays house and heads to the restaurant and is soon seated and as louis looks at the menu louis hears a to familiar accent

"you wanting for anyone you sexy beast or can i take you home and have my way with you" niall says as she starts to laugh as louis stands up and hugs him tight

"i missed you so much" louis says as he starts to cry

"me too buddy" niall says as they let go of each other and sit down "you know liam is pissed off that he couldnt come with me"

"im sorry i really am" louis says

"its ok i understand you were not in the right mindset but you ever ignore us again and i will kick your ass" niall says

"i wont i promise just didnt know how to handle the whole breakup" louis says

"i get it but liam and i were so worried about you" niall says "please understand that even tho we are on break it doesnt mean we dont care anymore"

"i know i do feel bad but i promise i wont disappear again" louis says

"so what is going on with you" niall says

"nothing got a few bands that want me to help them with their music i think i want to do that instead of being in the spotlight" louis says

"but why you have an amazing voice" niall says

"i know but i dont want to ever even be close to harry" louis says

"but what about when we are ready to get back together" niall says

"hopefully by then i can let go of all this hurt and anger look its only been about a year or so and it still hurts i see hin on the news magazines having the time of his life that hurts i thought he loved me but i guess i was wrong" louis says

"lets not talk about him" niall says with a smile

"thank you i am flying to los angeles tomorrow for a week then coming home" louis says

"really i know you sold your house did you buy another"

"no i dont think i want to buy a house in los angeles i wont go there unless its for work i want to stay here and never go there but i have to make money so i will stay at a hotel" louis says

"well when ever you want you can stay at my house" niall says

"thank you i appreciate it" louis says as he smiles and the waitress takes their drink and food order "and what about you"

"not much going to start my tour in 2 months and i want you to come to one of my shows" niall says

"of course send me your schedule and i will see which one to go to depends what i have going on" louis says

"thank you that means so much to me" niall says

"as you said we are still bandmates and i will support you all" louis says

"umm lou zayn wants to talk to you" niall says

"he can reach out to me and i will answer" louis says as he takes a deep breath

"i will just i wanted to let you know first but he wants to talk to you" niall says

"ok just tell him to call me whenever he wants after he left the band i kept calling him and he wouldnt answer my calls so now if he wants to talk to me he can call me" louis says

"i will tell him" niall says as they continue to talk and enjoy themselves as they catch up and soon they leave the restaurant as louis and niall give each other one last hug as they leave and louis heads to his house and walks in and goes to his room and falls asleep



i have a plan i promise

all the love

mee 💚💙

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