Daring Heart (Undertale)

By michsonrisa

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Frisk is fed up with the same over and over again, so she decides to do the right thing to save everyone. She... More

A previous note
Chapter 1. Ending up the routine
Chapter 2. A new opportunity
Chapter 3. Nightly Caution
Chapter 4. A Cold Way
Chapter 5. A new Job
Chapter 6. Frisk Dreemurr
Chapter 7. Flowers and Flames
Chapter 8. White environment
Chapter 9. Never make Grillby mad
Chapter 10. A Kidnapping?
Chapter 11. Family burden
Chapter 12. The bodyguard
Chapter 13. Work, work and more work
Chapter 14. Cobwebs of emotions
Chapter 15. Fast Judgment
Chapter 16. A good old Friend
Chapter 17. Presented Enigmas
Chapter 18. Flowey
Chapter 19. He who laughs last...
Chapter 20. Blessing or Curse?
Chapter 21. The calm after the storm
Chapter 22. A little bit awkward breakfast
Season 2
Chapter 1. Revelations, Part 1
Chapter 2. Revelations, part 2
Chapter 3. Golden Flower
Chapter 4. His "friend" and her "friend"
Chapter 5. Sans Valentine's Day
Chapter 6. Bonds of Friendship
Chapter 7. Once upon a time, a determined girl.
Chapter 8. Searching for answers
Chapter 9. Unknowns on the snow
Chapter 10. Papyrus is the answer
Chapter 11. The deal
Chapter 12. Fish ears
Chapter 13. Inner reflexes
Chapter 14. Magic Stuff
Chapter 15. Orthodox preparations
Chapter 16. Mew Mew Kissy Cutie
Chapter 17. The glass with which you look.
Chapter 18. Conversing face to pollen
Special Chapter 1: God save the queen
Chapter 19. Happy Birthday
Chapter 21. Loose Goat
Special Chapter 2. The hammer of justice
Chapter 22. Obfuscated tangles
Chapter 23. Feeling like garbage
Chapter 24. A risky election
Chapter 25. Screw everything
Chapter 26. The fallen child

Chapter 20. The perfect plan

341 8 15
By michsonrisa

The alarm coming from the cellphone made an insistent sound in the room of the adoptive daughter of the king of monsters. After ringing for many minutes on the nightstand, the young girl took the cellphone very tired to turn off that annoying sound and go back to sleep. The unveiled from the party was still on her and she wanted nothing else but stay comfy in her soft bed.

Once she could go back to sleep, a farther alarm made an more insistent sound provoking the ambassador to slightly open her eyes a bit angry by the unveil. A bit regretful, she came out of bed to turn it off, so she can wake up enough to realize that is morning already, and she was the one responsible of those alarms to wake her up early.

Giving a big yawn, she stretched as much she could to feel better and then get down to work if she wants to achieve her objectives in this morning. For more she tried these past days with her father, she never could surprise him with breakfast, and being the case that there are only two days left before she has to come back to her mother and studies, she wanted to afford to achieve it in the time left.

Not caring about she has just woken up and she was completely misaligned, she came out of her room a bit hurry to start to cook before her early father would wake up. But just when she entered into the kitchen she ran into the surprise that the king fluffybuns was already there with his cup of tea on the table, but it wasn't the fact that it seemed that he hasn't even touched his drink which seemed in naked eye to be already cold what called her attention, but the fact he seemed to be lost in his thoughts which seemed to be killing him inside.


Frisk approached completely worried towards the monarch, who startled a bit comic after hearing the unforeseen voice and then turned to see her a bit dismayed.

"Frisk! You're awake!" He softly massaged his temples by the notorious tiredness, but despite that he used a warm smile for his daughter "What are you doing awake? You should be sleeping, it's still nighttime."

"Actually, it's morning already..." With that sentence she got even more worried. After giving a quick check on the cup from the table, she could see that this time it was coffee instead of the tea he uses to drink the whole time "Are you ok? I've noticed you weird since yesterday."

"Don't worry, my child" He put his gigantic hand on her head in a tender way.

"You haven't slept at all, right?" She questioned him without getting rid of her worry while she took off his hand to see him better "This is not normal in you, what's really happening?"

For a moment she believed that he would try to avoid the topic to not answer to whatever is not letting him sleep, but for her surprise, the boss monster gave a big sigh like if with that he indicates that he can't face it.

"You were going to know it anyway somehow..." With a hand gesture, Asgore invited her to sit at his side and she listened to his request because she really wants to know. "Yesterday I was checking on some old papers for the next report to present with the advances and... I ran into a certain box from the past."

"What's in there?" Frisk was making an idea of what it could've been if it's killing him, but still she wanted to know it by herself.

"The last thing Toriel left me before leaving so I wouldn't go after her."

He started telling with a deep sadness reflected in his eyes, but still he had enough strength to pull out a paper from his pocket which was slightly folded and carefully handed it to her. Completely curious, Frisk took it almost immediately.

She remembered that Toriel had told her the time where they were leaving together to what was going to be their home, about the fact that she had to quit to her past life to be free and retire to never be searched again, but she never asked about what she meant by that for considering the time the less opportune moment for those questions. Now that she had the question making presence, she contemplated in her hands the answer to the unknown which she hadn't given the necessary importance in that moment.

She unfolded the document very carefully for feeling that it was very ancient and it could rip very easily, but her surprise was bigger when she read the content and she completely forgot that detail to the point of taking the paper with some strength in her hands.

It was the first time she could see a royal document, but even better, a certificate of cancellation of many charges of different types from the boss monster she uses to call as mother. Now she understands what Toriel meant about she had to quit to escape. The document was written with her letter indicating that she quits being a Dreemurr through marriage, and thus, being the queen of monsters and all her obtained goods.

It was a divorce certificate in more than one way.

She comprehended with sadness why he felt bad after finding such document after so many years (centuries maybe) for being the memory of how he lost everything in such a short time. Even if she doesn't understand how a paper can cause him so much ill being his feelings what truly matters, she was sure that to find such thing in a memory box wasn't the only thing that's killing him inside if now he has a chance to talk with her in comparison of how he had lived his life in solitude.

Trying to read carefully the hand writing of her mother which hasn't changed at all through the years, she couldn't find something that can cause so much strangeness on his father that wasn't just the guilt and melancholy of how raw were her words. Not until she reached to the final part where she noticed something that doesn't fit very well in the document.

"You need three signatures to make it official...But here's only two!" She stood up so fast she felt a bit dizzy "The cancellation wasn't fulfilled. You...Oh my God! You are still married!"

She almost screamed out loud for the surprise to find out something like that. She didn't have to wait for his father to affirm such thing, it was more than enough the slight sigh he released after exclaiming her surprise about it. Frisk was very dizzy for such information coming so suddenly that she opted to sit down again before she could fall for the commotion.

"It's so weird, you know?" Asgore took his cup watching his reflection in the drink which is already cold for not being drank in its moment "I could swear that the document was completed once I read it that time. There were the three signatures, as far as I can remember."

"But they are not" Frisk checked the paper again to make sure that nothing has changed in those seconds "This doesn't only mean that you are still married, but she's still the queen too."

"Not for long..." The king sighed again extending his hand so she gives back the document, but Frisk was so shocked that she kept it "I tried to tell her at the party, but I was so nervous that I couldn't."

The human looked with horror what her father is saying. Can't he see what's being presented with this? It seemed like his expression was telling everything for her, because her father smiled a bit after watching it.

"It's my duty to tell her, Frisk. I would be violating her rights and decisions if I don't tell her about this."

"But...this is a chance! Your big chance!" She stood up again by the energy invading her in this precise moment "If only..."

"She took the decision to leave me long time ago," he interrupted her in that moment "And I believe that is more than obvious for everyone that her decision is still valid."

"But, but...You love her!" She exclaimed desperate that her father doesn't understand the situation as how she sees it.

"For the same reason, I must tell her," He said very patient to her daughter who was increasingly excited. "To love her means to let her be free and happy...and if I need to be away from her to make her happy, then I'm more than willing to fulfil her wish."

Frisk blow desperate by the calm of her father in this situation. After many months looking for an opportunity to get them together again, finally her non formulated pleads have been fulfilled thanks to that old and wrinkled paper. She has promised herself to unite them anyhow, even if Flowey had indicated her that it was a lost case, her determination prevented her to give up.

Give up...Give up...

"You gave up," The human commented so serene that the monarch got worried "Instead of fighting to make everything right, you gave up."

"That's...not the word I would use," Asgore said shameful "I respect her decisions."

"But she didn't respect yours in that moment" Frisk said blunt.

"Remember that my decisions in that moment where a complete mistake, my daughter. She was more than correct. I'm a bad king."

Frisk was near to pluck out her hair by the desperation she gets from the passivity and submissive attitude from her father. She finally had a great opportunity and she doesn't think to let it go for anything in the world without trying something before. But the question is, what to do?

In the moment the monarch tells her the situation, both will «agree» to redo that opinion and then everything will be officially lost. But if she makes them to not redo the document...everything will be like nothing happened. The marriage will go on, and the kingdom will have their both superiors and her family will be more complete. Everyone happy!

Of course, they still have to tell Toriel that she's still married, but if she achieves to make her not want to redo the document, her mission will be completed.

"How does this protocol work?" Frisk asked to try to find something useful.

"The three signatures are symbolic being a parallel force to what has been the monarchy: The army, the maximum house of studies and the people's voice. Body, mind and soul," Asgore explained it a bit calmer "The guidelines have changed over the years, but the symbol to represent is still the same. The missing signature is the «House of studies» which now would be the «Royal scientist» position.

"So Alphys has to sign this so it can be vial?"

"Actually, it's not only her signature the only one we need, the document has to be done with the current staff so it can be materialized correctly." The king continued "Gerson is not even the captain of the Royal Guard anymore and the one who represented the people's voice in that time is far than dead. If we have to make it again, the ones who has to sign has to be Undyne, Alphys and..."

The boss monster sighed heavy again, like if he really doesn't want to tell her the next point.

"For the last signature there was the clergy before as the representation of the people, but for certain issues, that changed into something more related to the time and that doesn't lose the importance role in legal statutes. Just because of that...the Embassy has to be the section which will be needed to materialize this."

Frisk abruptly turned towards her father after quickly understanding what that implies. If they need their signature to make the official document...then there is an even stronger advantage to take. But she can't claim victory yet, she can't think in those facts so hastily.

The human contemplated carefully to her father like if with that she can find the answer about how to achieve her objective. But for more she analyzed him, she saw a majestic monster, well dressed, rich, leader, powerful, and the cutest and calmest monster on the underground. How can't her mother see it?

Flowey already gave her hope that, if there's something that can be done, it has to be something that only she knows how to do it. But before so many things the plant has tried, what makes her different? What can she give that can make the difference? The only thing she can do very well is...

She peeled her eyes before the discovery she had found in her own mind. Asgore looked at her quite scared, it was the first time he could clearly see her eyes and he wasn't quite sure if he liked her expression.

"If there's an opportunity, will you fight once more?"

Asgore didn't even had to think about his answer. If there was something stronger than his wish to fix his mistakes from the past, it was without any doubt to be with the one he loves again. He can't understand what is his daughter going to plan with that, but he smiled with tenderness before nodding.

Frisk smiled too expressive for what is used to see in her face. Asgore didn't doubt in that moment that, if there was someone who wished so much like him to be with Toriel once more, it was just the daughter of both. The human took her cellphone out in that moment and started writing on it very fast.

"Then let's get to work, dad. There's so much to do today" She smiled excited "I'm gonna teach you how to flirt"

The dumb smile of the monarch stayed on his face for a brief moment before digesting the words of his adoptive daughter. Just when he could get in his mind what she just said, was when his expression changed into a one full of confusion and worry about it.



The UnderNet was one of the few webpages where monsters can have access and entertainment in the underground. Even if for some it was something annoying to have to be uploading things apparently pointless, for others it was the perfect way of open communication.

That morning, many cellphones of certain monsters made sound by the message which made them startle. After being very unusual that the human would enter into said social network, they read it almost immediately by the surprise they had for such early action.

Frisk: Guys, RAT code, I need you!

StrongFish91: Are you waking us up because you have a rat in your room? I thought you were braver, punk.


MTT: Darlings, I know you can't live without me, but isn't too early for this?

StrongFish91: Or is there a thief in your home perhaps?

MTT: With so many guards? How do you manage to get in trouble so easily?

sans: maybe because she RATher be in those situations, heh.


ALPHYS: No, guys. Frisk means to the acronym "Reunite Asgore and Toriel"

StrongFish91: Since when we agreed on creating that code?

Frisk: I have everything planned, but I need you to come immediately to the castle.


MTT: At least give us a hint, Darling.

sans: paps just fell into the snow.lol

Frisk: I'm gonna share him the sublime art of flirting.

StrongFish91: You're gonna teach Asgore how to flirt?!?!?! FUHUHUHUHUHU!!

ALPHYS: OMG, Need to see this! Going right now!!!

MTT: You will need an expert as me to make him shine with such knowledge. I'm also going, Darlings.

CoolSkeleton95: WE ARE RUNNING TOO!

sans: papyrus is carrying me.

CoolSkeleton95: THAT IS TRUE.

The most accessible elevator to the castle was awkwardly full of monsters for the surprise of the guard, but they said nothing when they saw the presence of the captain, the royal scientist, the star of the underground and the royal bodyguard carrying someone who's apparently sleeping. They let them get inside making a slight bow for considering that it must be a very urgent matter if so many public figures arrived together.

When they arrived to the throne room, they could see that both Frisk and Asgore were already there, being the last one very nervous with this event.

"I'm glad you all are here" Frisk said smiling after seeing the retinue.

"I wouldn't miss this for anything" The amphibious smiled accomplice while she went at the king's side. "Asgore is so goody that I'm surprised he would dare to use the punk's methods"

"I'm not..." the monarch hesitated, but his expression changed radically with something "Wait, what methods?"

"Don't worry dad, you are with the master," She pointed at herself very proud "Everything's going to be alright"

"But daughter, you are just a child." he had the slight hope that she won't be the one who would «teach» him such colloquial way, but for the surprise of the monarch, everyone laughed about it, while Frisk just kept smiling "Is there something I need to know?"

"Besides she has flirted with half the kingdom?"


"Or the fact she even tried to flirt with T..." That last sentence was blocked by Frisk's hand on Undyne's mouth. That fact wasn't necessary in this situation.

"Oh no...my little child is getting in that phase" The king exclaimed very worried "Wait, when did you grew up so fast?"

"That doesn't matter right now" She laughed innocent and then faced everyone else "The reason why I asked you to come is because I need your help with all this. To make my dad to be freer in his personality won't be enough, we have to make the most perfect date and we only have this day to achieve it."

"What do you have in mind?" Alphys asked livelier.

"Prepare them the best dinner of their lives which will make mom remember why she married him in the first place" She answered very excited with the idea "Mettaton, can you book the whole restaurant for tonight? So, there won't be any intrusions that would complicate the date."

"For you, of course" Without further ado, the robot started to call somebody.

"Undyne, Papyrus, you are going to be there to make sure that there won't be any complications in case its presented." The human indicated.

"YOU CAN COUNT ON US, HUMAN!" He hugged Undyne happy to make a team with her and excited for what they are going to do.

"Alphys, I need you to have many cameras and microphones in the whole place."

"Why do you need that there?" The reptile doesn't seem to understand why she has to have it active if that would be too much vigilance and isolation to her consideration.

"So, Sans and I can guide dad the whole time"

"Me what?"

Sans asked sleepy after being standing with his eye sockets closed the whole time. He took a long time to realize that the call of his name involved his participation to the crazy plan of the human, but even worse, to be with her helping the king. However, he sees it, it was something that makes him quite nervous despite is nothing bad.

"Besides flirting, we will need something else that mom loves: Puns. And that's your specialty, Sans" The human praised him happy to have his attention by seeing him awake "We are the perfect match for this important mission."

Sans didn't know if it was because he was still sleepy, but when he heard her say "We are the perfect match" it paralyzed him to the point of not listening to the rest of the sentence. Without counting on the fact to be able to see her with that very radiant smile with she shows hopeful with the crazy plan which she was pulling out her sleeves.

"YOUR PUNS ARE GOING TO BE USEFULL FOR ONCE" Papyrus approached him without noticing the paralysis from the older one.

"Alright! Then let's get going!" The optimistic human indicated to everyone.

"Wait, wait, wait." Asgore stopped everyone very desperate and terrified by all this "I don't think this is a good idea...I mean, first we have to make sure that Toriel is going out with me on a date, right? And as how she left everything clear between us..."

"That's why I we have a card under our sleeve." She threw an accomplice gaze to the monarch which somehow looked like both understood the context but the rest don't. "I'll take care of that. But first we have to prepare you so when we guide you in that place, you will know how to act."


Asgore was blushing so hard for the efforts of everyone for him. It seemed that some of his words had frustrated the human a bit, because when she talked again, she was more serious than seconds ago.

"Lesson number One: No hesitation or doubt" She said with her inexpressive face "Confidence is everything in the art of Flirt."

"I really wonder why you know all about this..." The king felt alarmed by the seriousness her daughter is taking in the «lessons».

"Now, show me your best flirting face!"


Alphys and Undyne were holding their laughter watching how the immense monster was following the human who was too small for her age, while Mettaton was speaking at the phone very hard and angry with someone who undoubtedly had done something that disgusted the Star robot. Papyrus watched everything very confused, but still he stayed very calmly waiting for his participation to be required at any moment.

"Hmmm, I think this will be harder than I thought." Frisk finally commented after a series of many attempts from Asgore to show his physical gallantry and confidence wrongly.

"I'm sorry, it's just that... I've never seen somebody doing something like that." The monarch apologized.

"Oh, Oh! I can help with that!" Alphys exclaimed with an unusual shine in her eyes "There's so much anime I can show you for that."

"I don't think we have enough time to watch the whole anime, sweetheart." Undyne interrupted her girlfriend a bit regretful. "No if he wants to get ready for today, of course."

"No... But there can be a plan B for that!" The scientist maintained her happiness "Frisk, do you remember when you helped me out with this?"

"Role playing! Of course!" The young girl laughed by the memory "That's a great plan, let's try it."

Without giving a chance to do something else, Frisk took off his long cape and tried to wear it, but for being so big and heavy she finally opted to create a crown with folded paper and fixed it on her head with some hair pins with Mettaton's face on them.

"I'll act as you so you'll see how to act." She indicated to her father "And Papyrus, Can you help me playing the role as Toriel?"


"Wait, if that's the case, wouldn't be better if Sans helps out with this?"

The captain of the royal guard said standing at the ward side looking at him accomplice. Sans didn't have to analyze too much to notice her plan, but for more he tried to take it indifferent, the truth is that everything seemed so funny to him. Isn't everybody exaggerating everything? Why the urgency to do everything so suddenly? He knew when Frisk proposes something, she is very determined, but the fact she wanted to involve everyone in an unexplained urgency gave him something to think about.

"Sans is Toriel's best friend, also, both share the same love for puns" Mettaton analyzed approaching after hanging up the furtive call which he was in "I believe he will be the best to play her role so it can be more realistic. I say it as the opinion of a great expert that I am.


"Hey, puns have their grace, bro." Sans smiled "calcium not see that I can handle this?"

"That's the spirit, Sans. Keep it up" Undyne approved smiling maliciously. She really was enjoying everything.

"I thought the deal from last time was about that you won't annoy me anymore with this subject" Sans whispered to Undyne while the rest started stepping aside to start the role-playing plan.

"No, the deal was that I would make sure that Alphys wouldn't annoy you with the topic" The amphibious boasted whispering too while she put on him the dusty blanket which covered the old throne to simulate a tunic as Toriel's "I said nothing about me."

Without further ado she pushed his friend too strong for his taste to put him on «scene» and then she sat with the rest who didn't want to lose a single detail from the weird lessons of the human. Asgore sat on his throne observing everything paying a lot of attention to not lose any important details, but he was so sweaty that it was more than obvious that everything she was doing was making him nervous.

Sans was standing using a calm smile while he was standing there observing everyone, he doesn't have scenic panic and he even less worried about having such analytic public around him. After all, once in a while he went to Mettaton's restaurant to give a comedy show which he was somewhat popular with it. He neither was worried to act as his friend, he even was having fun for having to do it.

What really makes him uncomfortable and he was giving too much efforts to no show it at all, was the fact that they put him there with the mere purpose for the girls to get excited to see how the human flirts with him, both knowing that he likes her. However, he sees it, it was despicable for him to be used that way for being an indirect torture.

He sighed a bit before approaching the young girl who was waiting for his entrance. He won't do it to please the main servants of the king, but to help Frisk to fulfil her goal to get her parents together. And even if he has to act like a woman and share his puns repertoire, he would gladly do it for her.

"Helloooooo, I am Toriel. I bake like hundreds of pies a day and I have a daughter that looks like she has a bird nest as hair. But shhh, don't tell her she's adopted."

He said that line with a really fake and high-pitched voice while he was faking, he had a fluffy hair completely inexistent. Frisk almost falls in the ground laughing by his role play of her mother that for an instant she forgot the objective she was supposed to be focused on.


"Ho-howdy!" Frisk struggled to say something by the laughter.

"Oh, well look at that, if is no one else but my ex husband, the king long ears who can impersonate an albino donkey very well." He continued with his extremely high pitched voice while he was making a pose which is supposed to be what Toriel does when she seems disgusted by something.

"Does Tori think that about me?" Asgore asked worried.

"W-Well...that's something she would say." Alphys simply commented not knowing how the exaggerated act of the skeleton would help.

"So you think I'm an Ass, Tori?" after finally being able to contain her laughter, the human smiled with alleged gallantry crossing his arms very confident and then raised her shoulders to look more like the big boss monster "Because if you do, then I can show you otherwise and make you have a good time, if you allow me."

Sans tried really hard to not laugh by that and keep acting, but he mentally congratulated the human for her nice wordplay against his. We can say that he's proud of her.

"Speechless?" Frisk continued her role play making her voice even deeper to make it sound even manlier, but not really achieving it. "If you allow me, I can assure you that I can be hotter than I already am."

"I'm not sure I will be able to say something like that to Tori." The king sweated nervous.

"Shhhh! This is getting juicy." Undyne shut him smiling funny.

"Wanna see?" Frisk took Sans' hand using her deep voice continuing the act "Because if we keep talking about heat, this can get steamy."

Sans didn't know what to say when he noticed that everything was requiring physical contact. The human pulled him as a surprise to awkwardly finish in her arms while she was looking at him flirtatiously. Even if he was conscious that everything is just an act, having the human so close and being watched that way was making him nervous. He didn't expect the girl to go so deep in the act.

"Um... Frisk?"

The called one said nothing because she didn't notice the blue shade coming out the face of the skeleton when she put her hand in what would be his cheek. She was very inside her role without realizing what the presents watched astonished that she was getting closer and closer to him having him prisoner in her arms. Is she going to...?

Asgore was paralyzed by the surprise of what's in front of his eyes, but he can't be compared to Sans, who was literally in blank after noticing what can happen. Is... Is she going to kiss him?!?! Right here?! Right now?! Is she going to stop for everything being fake, or is she going to continue straight forward getting really into the role?

Should he...stop her?

Even if he has his feelings for the human clearer, for once Sans thought about the possibility for them to become even farther than just simply see her happy from afar which implied the friendship they had. He didn't stop to think about her in nothing else than verbal matters after giving up since the beginning, but now that he has her so close...too close... he didn't realize how much he loved her aroma.

Obviously being a skeleton, he can't kiss back, but that doesn't mean that the sensation...He really is in a point where he doesn't care anymore if everyone notices how blue he is or not, this was out of his self control and he was debating inside his mind between disappearing to get out of the subject or stay there and embrace the touch of her lips.

"OK! OK! I've got it already!" Asgore interrupted standing fiercely.

Frisk turned abruptly towards her almost choleric father and released Sans immediately, who fell into the ground by the paralysis which threatens to not disappear for a long time. His eye sockets were completely dark while his whole face was covered in a striking light blue color, but the human didn't notice that for paying more attention to the king who was between nervous and angry.

"But we haven't reached to the part where you ask her to be with you again" The ambassador complained a bit.

"It's not necessary..." He cleaned his sweat with his cape while he was breathing strongly "I got what you meant, so what else?"

"Step two, get dressed while the rest of us prepare everything for the night" The ambassador of monsters said very calm.

Those words were enough for Mettaton to take the control on the job and take the monarch to dress him pulling him out of the throne room. Undyne stood up happy while Alphys was still paralyzed completely red having her cellphone in her hands as a shield.

Papyrus went directly to get his brother after noticing that he hasn't stand up yet and went to complain about how lazy he is in such a moment like this one, but after noticing that the expression in his face wasn't normal at all he arranged him a bit still in the ground to shake him a bit.


"What should we do meanwhile, Frisk?" The captain asked approaching very sure.

"Each one gets ready in their positions for tonight" She said calmly and sure in her words "Meanwhile I... I'll do the hardest part of the plan."

She walked out slowly from the room while she pulls out her cellphone. She searched the number of her adoptive mother, but she didn't press the call button in that instant. She knew it won't be easy to convince, for the same reason, she was willing to put the card on the table which her mother won't like at all and without a doubt she will have a bad time after trying something like this.

But if with that she can give an opportunity to go out on a date and have the dinner which everyone is preparing, her fight would've been worth it.


And after of accumulated work and stress, here I am!!! :D

Without further ado, I'm going to sleep a while before going back to work (Yes, I also work on Sundays) -_______-

Michi Out!


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