Levi x Reader [AU]

Galing kay yuukihikari8299

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 : Levi's POV
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 : Levi's POV
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 *F I N A L*
Please read!

Chapter 11

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Galing kay yuukihikari8299

A/N : I'm craving for pizza!!


Its awkward. Yup, two words that have never been so true before.

Currently, Levi and I were in our second bus heading to school. We sat at the very back. He chose of course. When I said he chose, he just sat straight ahead without confronting me. Strange thing was people were avoiding this place like a plague. Not that I blame them, Levi was emitting a scary black aura.

He was too quiet and I was too scared to make any conversation to be honest.

'Next stop, Sina City.'

Well, we're getting closer. We have to walk to school though.

When we reached to Sina, I swear I heard a lot of people in the bus breathe a sigh of relief as Levi and I droped off.

He walked too fast I barely catch up with him. Seriously, what's wrong with him? He has been acting like this since we left the kindergarten! Jeez, PMSing much?

After we arrived at my classroom, Levi knocked, no scratch that, punched the door repeatedly. Not long after, the bald teacher (no.. I don't remember his name) opened the door furiously.

"What in the world- Ackerman?" The bald teacher sounded surprised. He looked furious when he sets his eyes on me though.

"Miss (y/n) (l/n)! Will you explain to me why are you late twice in this week? I can not tolerate such behaviour even if you are in the top 10!" He yelled.

I winced slightly hearing his tone. Too high.. Too high..

Levi cleared his throat.

"She's with me."

I am forever grateful to Levi for those three simple words as I watched the bald teacher stare at us in confusion. At least I'm not in the wrong here.

"Pardon me?"

"The student council decided to use her house for some event planning up. She was late because shitty glasses was bothering her." Levi lies smoothly.

Of course Levi, go on blames Hanji when you were the one who forced me to cook breakfast for you.

The bald teacher nodded understandingly.

"Go sit at your place, miss (l/n)."

Without being told twice, I scurries to my seat. I saw Levi heading to the front class.

"Listen, brats! This weekend as in this Saturday and Sunday will be an event where we all will be staying a night at the big ass trees forest."

What? I've never heard of that forest before. I glanced around and I saw everyone was confused as well.

"You are allowed to bring your needs as in food, drinks, sleeping bag, and whatever shit you feel important. The top 10 will be required to join us. I expect everyone to group on the school compound. That's it." He then stormed off to maybe my house?

"What's big ass trees forest?" This question, was left unanswered to us.

*time skip*

Its lunch! And I don't have to go studying with Levi today! Yay!

As I was about to leave, my place was surrounded by Eren, Armin and Mikasa. They took a chair each for them selves and sat there.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"We're eating lunch together! You can not escape from us, today (y/n)." Armin said happily.

"On my table?"

"Yes." Eren replied while he took out his lunch box. In fact, everyone brought their lunch box.

"I didn't bring my lunch box. Well, I always buys a bread and ate while I'm on my way to the library." I said shyly. This was embrassing!

"I thought so. We've never seen you with a lunch box before, so here you go! My mom cooks extra today, for you!" Eren said as he shoved me another lunch box.

"Your mom? But I don't know her."

"Well, we told her about you. She said she would like to meet you one day." Armin said.

"What did you tell her?"

Eren grinned. "That, my friend, is for us to know and for you to find out."


"Yeah, friend. You don't like it?"

Am I ready for this? Having friends? I looked at their eager faces. I shrugged. It won't hurt to try.

"I like it." I replied with a genuine smile.

Armin and Eren smiled widely while Mikasa's lips twitched up.

"Yes! Finally!" They said simultaneously (Except Mikasa).

I shook my head amusely. Maybe its the right decision.

"So, do you know what's the big ass trees forest is?" I can't helped but asked them.

Armin and Eren shook their heads disappointedly. They, however, turns to Mikasa.

"Do you know Mikasa? I mean, he IS your brother. Your mind thinks alike sometimes." Eren said.

Wait, can someone please pause and rewind that second sentence?

Mikasa sighed. "Its the forest of the giant trees."

"Oh!" We exclaimed.

That those make sense. Who else other than Levi would change the forest name into something with cursed words in them?

Something still bothers me.



"Levi.. He's your brother?" I asked.

The trio looked at me like I had grew two heads.

"(Y/N), you didn't know?" Armin asked.

"I thought it was obvious, I mean, they have the same last name. Their cold looks and attitudes- sorry Mikasa- are exactly the same. Except for their heights." Eren explained to me. Mikasa was taller than that shorty devil.

"Oh! Why is Levi shorter? He's the eldest right?" I asked Mikasa.

She just shrugged.

"Mikasa's not really good with talking to other people. She does opens up to us. Don't worry, she likes you. Right, Mikasa?" Eren asked whilst putting his hand on top of Mikasa's hand to encourage her.

Mikasa's cheeks redden as she nodded her head. I'm surprised that Eren didn't noticed this. So, Mikasa has a crush on Eren huh?

"So, (y/n). I heard the student council had a night in your house. How was it? Does Levi cleans at your house?" Armin asked eagerly.

Wow, he really was famous with his cleaning huh?

"Well, he washed my dishes. He nearly burned down my house with his cooking this morning. He-" I stopped when I heard someone's throat was chocked. I turned to the voice and I saw Mikasa was spitting out her food. What happen?

"Levi cooks?!" She asked in horror.

"The food didn't turned out well, though." I said.

"He never cooks! He complains on other people food but he NEVER cooks! Why did he cook?" She asked me.

"He said because I looked tired last night he figured that he'd cook for us?" I offered.

Mikasa shook her head disapprovingly. "You should never let him near the kitchen, (y/n). Talk about cooking, did he eats your cooking? You are the one who cooks right?"

"Yes, I was the one who cooks. And yes, he ate my cooking. Apparently, he ate two servings last night."

"Two servings?!" The trio shouts.

"He never eat half of the food, let alone two servings!" Mikasa exclaims.

I guess Hanji wasn't lying huh?

"We both know he was picky with his food. You must have been very good with your cooking, (y/n)!" Armin said.

They looked at me with respect. I felt really awkward when they did that. Especially, Mikasa. She go from quiet mode to full blown mode when it comes to her brother weird attitude.

"I should tell mom about this." Mikasa said with Armin and Eren agreeing to her.

"What? No, you don't have to!"

"You don't understand, (y/n). I HAVE to."

Something in her voice makes me stunned. I can't argue with her.

I nodded hesitantly.

Then, Mikasa did something I have never expect her to. She smiles! She smiled gently at me. She looks beautiful smiling.

"Thank you." She said.

"Y-your welcome." I stuttered.

Armin and Eren smiles gently at me.

"See? Told you she likes you." Eren said.

I smiled happily at them. I can't explain this warmness I felt in my heart when I saw them smilling at me. It felt good.

*time skip to reader's house after her work has finished*

"What do want to cook today?" Sam asked.

Yes, he decided to stay for a while after he sent us home saying he was hungry and don't feel like eating another take outs.

"Anyone feels like eating something spicy today?" I asked them.

The student council were at home when I arrived looking all tired. I felt evil right now for suggesting spicy food despite their condition.

"I don't think they'll manage it alive." Sam murmured to me.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"How spicy can you cook?" Auruo asked.

"Spicy enough to make you faint for the rest of the night." I said.

Auruo snorted. "Yeah, right."

"Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Sam asked.

"Proof it." Auruo challenged me.

I raised my brow at him.

"I bet Zach can beat you without fainting half way!" Sam hollered.

"That kid?"

"Yes, that kid." Sam said.

"I'll take that bet. What do you want?" Auruo said smugly.

"If Zach wins the bet, we as in, me AND Zach will get to follow you guys to the Forest of The Giant Trees." Sam suggested.

"What?!" The student council minus Hanji said shockly.

Sam shruged. "What? James said he didn't trust her little sister alone in the woods with boys surrounding her. So he asked me to follow you guys. Hey, I was forced to, alright?"

The student council exchange glances.

"Give us a minute." Mike said whilst they headed upstairs.

"James said that? When did you called him? I just told you when we were in the cafe." I asked.

"I called him when you were in the changing room."

I nodded my head with my mouth forms 'O' shape.

"So, how many chillies you've got?" Sam smirked as he wiggled his brows.

I glared at him playfully.

We waited for them like thirty minutes while Zach joined me and Sam in the living room. Tonight Zach wore his wolf pyjama. He looks cunning!

"We've decided to take your bet, Sam." Hanji said as she enters the living room with the others. Levi was emitting his dark aura again. Auruo looked like he was about to enter a war game. Technically, he was. Except that we replace the guns and bombs with chillies. Lots and lots of chillies.

"Alright!" Sam cheered loudly.

"If Auruo wins the bet, you have to eat 15 plates of (y/n)'s spicy cooking." Levi said venomly.

Sam shrugged like it was nothing.

"Now, (y/n)! Why don't you go and cook us your double extra special spicy fried rice?" Sam ordered.

"I don't remember giving the fried rice that name." I said while rolling my eyes at him.

"Well, the last stage of your spiciness?" Sam suggest.

"I'll just start cooking. Tell Zach about the game, Sam!" I said before I turned to the kitchen.

That Auruo really underestimated my baby brother. The kid practically grew up eating my spicy food! I'll just put all of the chillies.

*time skip to the battle!*

I put down the large plate full of spicy fried rice in front of Zach and Auruo. They both sat right next to each other. I looked at Auruo warily.

"Are you sure about this, Auruo? You look tired after the whole planning thing." I asked concernly.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Besides, my opponent is a kid. I could beat him anytime." Auruo said with confident. That confidence will be wipe off in a couple of minutes though.

I turned to Zach who's smiling widely at me.

"Just don't eat too much, you'll get stomach ache." I said.

"OK!" Zach replied eagerly.

I walked to stand in front of the table with the others. Hanji walked to the boys with a stopping watch in her hand.

"Ready boys?" She asked.

"Yes!" Zach and Auruo shouts.

"On your mark! Get set! EAT!!!" Hanji yelled happily.

The boys start eating as soon as Hanji said 'EAT'.

Sam watched Auruo amusely. Petra and Mike supported Auruo loudly while Levi gave Auruo his deathly glare.

After a couple of minute later, Auruo fell from his chair. This shocked Mike and Petra whilst Levi's expression became deadly. Oh~ Auruo's in trouble.

Zach was still eating his fried rice calmly as he laughs at Auruo's fainted figure.

Hanji grinned widely as she announced the winner and that Zach and Sam will be going to the forest with us.

"You didn't cheated, did you, (l/n)?" Levi accused coldly.

Now he calls me by my last name?

"I didn't, Levi! You can taste if you want!" I was hurt, I won't deny that. Just because the other opponent was my brother, it doesn't mean that I'll cheat to let him win! I won't stoop that low!

Levi stared at me accusingly.

"You know what? I don't feel like cooking again today! Sam, called a pizza or something! Let's go to bed, Zach." I carried Zach in my arms before I stormed off upstairs angrily.

[Levi's POV]

I watched her as she stormed upstairs with Zach. Zach was glaring at me with hatred.

"Smooth move, dude." Sam said as he shook his head disapprovingly.

"You called her a cheater? Really, Levi? Hanji mirrored Sam's action.

"Look, I know (y/n) since she was little. She's a competitive girl, but she will always play fair. Never once she biased someone just because she liked them or because she knew them. So calling her a cheater will only makes her hurt, you know? You better apologies to her." Sam said.

I realised I've make a mistake when I heard that. I shouldn't accuse her. But, apologise? How?

"Forget about apologising, he didn't even know how to spell the word!" Hanji scoffed.

"I don't know how, but you better do it, Levi. I'm gonna go say goodbye. Do you guys want me to call pizza? She obviously won't cook at this rate." Sam offered.

"I don't feel like eating." I refused.

"I want to test this fried rice! So, no!" Hanji said.

"What about you guys?" Sam asked Mike and Petra.

"Yeah, sure." They agreed.

Sam nodded before he rings the pizza.

"The pizza will be here in twenty minutes. Here's the money." Sam gave his money to Petra who hesitated to take them. Petra looked at me helplessly.

"Just took it. The guy already offered." I said.

Petra then took Sam's money before she thanked them.

Sam walked upstairs, no doubt to say goodbye to Zach and (y/n) before he goes back home. Something clenched my heart as I saw him smiling smugly at me whilst he going upstairs. What's wrong with that dude?

Petra and Mike was lifting Auruo's body from the floor to the sofa.

"Just leave him here. Don't take him to the room." I ordered them.

"But Levi-"

"Did I stutter?"

Petra sighed as she nodded.

"I'm going home, guys! See you tomorrow at the Forest of The Giant Trees!" Sam hollered as he closed the front door.

That stupid bet! Now I have to see him and the kid who currently hates me for two days more. Life sure is wonderful (note the sarcasm!)

[Reader's POV]

I glanced at the clock when it turns one o'clock. My hundred pages of math have been finished with Levi yesterday and I didn't have any homework today so the only thing left to do is studying. But the bed was singing lullaby to me!

No! I have to ignore the fluffy comfy bed of mine! I better make some coffee.

When I reached to the kitchen, I was surprised to hear a pig snores! I don't have a pig in this house! When I look closely, I realised that the pig was actually Auruo sleeping. Talk about best impersonation.

He looked like he was freezing to death! Why didn't they at least provide him with a blanket? So I searched for extra blankets in the store room and was about to cover him when a voice talked to me.

"Studying late again?" The voice said.

"Oh God!" I shrieked. Don't judge me, I was shocked. I don't normally shriek!

Even in the dark I knew the owner of the voice was looking at me intently.

I don't feel like satisfying him with answers so I covered Auruo with the blanket before I proceeded to the kitchen.

"You know coffee won't work on you, right?" Levi reminds me.

I tip toed on my feet as I put the coffee powder on the cabinet. I was nearly tripped over my legs as Levi steadies me with him putting his hands on my either side of my waist.

This sounds like a deja vu!

I wriggled from his grasp before I ran upstairs. When I reached my bedroom, I tried to calms my heart as it beats to fast from normal! When my heart was beating its normal beats, I realised I haven't make my coffee.

I groaned inwardly. This was all that short devil's fault! I wonder how Mikasa handled being with him all of her live?

Knock! Knock!

I furrowed my brow. Who was it at this time?

Nonetheless, I opened the door and was about to slam it shut when I saw Levi but he managed to hold into the door.


I tried harder pushing the door.

"I make you your coffee!"

Coffee? Hah! Maybe he puts rats poison in there!

"I didn't sabotage your drink, (y/n)."

Is he a mind reader? Nah, he didn't sparkle when the sunshine's hit him.

"I'm not a mind reader, (y/n)!"

OK, this is starting to get creepy. Plus, he started calling me by my first name again! I don't know what's wrong with him!

"Let me talk, (y/n). Please." Levi pleaded. Levi, the almighty Levi pleaded me! Maybe I should let him talk.

Slowly, I opened the door and let him in. He puts the cup on my studying table gently.

"I'm.. I'm.." Levi stuttered. Oh, this was starting to get interesting.

"You're.. You're.. What?" I mocked him.

I just shake it off when he glares me.

"I didn't mean what I said to you just now." Levi started.

"You said quite a lot of thing just now. Which one are you talking about?" I feigned oblivious.

"When I said that you.. You.."

"I what?"

Levi sighed heavily.

"Cheated. When I said that you cheated."

So, he's trying to apologise?

"Its going to take more than just a coffee to make me forgive you, Levi. I'm not that easy."

Levi sighed again.

"Why can't you just fucking forgive me now? It'll save us both a lot of time."

"Ah, you see. I can not just forgive you easily as you won't learn from your mistake. So make me, Levi. Make me want to forgive you." I said.

Levi leave my room looking determined.

"Oh, I will." He said before he closed the door.

Well, that'll distract him for a while. Now, let's taste that coffee! I took a sip and I almost moaned in delight. Almost. The coffee was delicious! He sucks at cooking, but he definitely passed with flying colours with drinks! I continued drinking happily. At this rate, all he have to do was keep making me coffee, and I'll forgive him! But I do want to know what his apologising plan was. Oh well, let's just wait and see.


A/N : oh bad Levi!! How could you? I was thinking of making Levi apologises to her at the big ass trees forest ;) I just can't make out how.. Help me with some ideas please?

P.S : there was a lot of time skips because I was lazy... -.-

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