
Por NightcoreDCX

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Ash returns to Alola after his trip back to Kanto after a few weeks. Ash was completely thrilled and wanted t... Mais

Chapter 1: Tears
Chapter 2: Change of person
Chapter 3: Normal School Day
Chapter 4: Numb
Chapter 6: Sweet time
Chapter 7: Wishing
Chapter 8: Broken heart
Chapter 9: Lust
Chapter 10: Love
Chapter 11: Sacred hope
Chapter 10: Lemon Chapter
Chapter 12: Watery river
Chapter 13: Let's go!
Chapter 14: The forest witch
Chapter 15: Fiery rocks
Chapter 16: Intensity
Chapter 17: Cold
Chapter 18: Start line
Chapter 19: Fight
Chapter 20: Just a friend
Chapter 21: Dynamax
Chapter 22: Applin a day
Chapter 23: Time for a New Journey!
Chapter 24: New Encounter
Chapter 25: Dandelion and Evolution
Chapter 26: The Forest Witch Reappears
Chapter 27: Flooding the Battle

Chapter 5: Life

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Por NightcoreDCX

Narrator's POV:


Ash: *yawns*

Ash stretched his arm as he felt his hand grabbed on something...soft. Ash then could hear a cute girl's moan coming from directly in front of him. Ash opened his eyes weakly and could see Lillie in her underwear sitting right on top of his lower region.

Lillie: Looks like someone is having a good dream~

Lillie removed Ash's hand off her chest as she gave a devilish giggle.

Ash: L-Lillie!?

Lillie: Morning, Ash~

Lillie also yawned while raising her arm as she stretched and her other arm was folded behind her head.

Ash: "Damn...she's cute..." W-why are you up so early?

Lillie: Dunno...just tryna wake you up because I'm bored.

Ash: I'm gonna ask Professor to make breakfast for us because, you know, you woke me up...

Ash murmured meekly as he got out of bed.

Lillie: Sure! *giggles*

Ash got out of his room and looked out of the window. It was still very dark. When he arrived in the living room, all the Pokemons were still sound asleep. Ash could hear noises coming from the kitchen.

Ash looked across the kitchen counter to see Professor Kukui doing whatever he was doing.

Ash: Morning, professor...

Ash greeted as he rubbed his eyes. Professor Kukui looked at Ash. He wasn't expecting Ash to be up so early before sunrise.

Professor Kukui: Ash? Surprised to see you up this early.

Ash: Yeah, yeah...Lillie woke me up.

Professor Kukui: Well, since both of you are up, wash up then come and have breakfast.

Ash: Right...

Ash jumped off the chair and walked towards the bathroom tiredly.

After a few minutes, Ash came out of the bathroom and saw Lillie just passing by.

Ash: Oh, Lillie. You should get ready for breakfast.

Lillie: Oh, okay.


Ash munched on his spoonful of cereal while the Pokemons were eating theirs and Melmetal eating a bowl of iron bolts and nuts.

Professor Kukui: Leave the bowls in the sink. I'll wash it later.

Ash and Lillie ate finish their breakfast and packed their bags. Ash then noticed something in his bag which was wrapped in plastic. Ash took it out and brought it to his room.

Lillie: Ash, ready to go-Ash?

Lillie noticed Ash was missing but she saw his bag. Icika and Snowy made their way to Lillie.

Icika: Glaceon?

Snowy: Vulpix?

They had worried looks on their faces. Lillie place her hands on both of their heads and petted them.

Lillie: Ash is fine...let's just wait.

Ash soon came out of the room holding a small box wrapped in pink and white wrappers and ribbons.

Lillie: Wow, Ash. Who are you gonna give it too?

Ash: You of course.

Lillie took the present into her hands as she looked at it. She smiled before tugging it to her chest.

Lillie: Thank you, Ash. I'll always treasure it!

Ash: Let's get going now!

Ash wore his blue sport shoes before opening the front door. He place his bag over his shoulders as Lillie followed.

Ash: Bye, professor!

Professor Kukui: Bye, see you in school!

Professor Kukui said as he washed the dishes.

Meantime on the road, Lillie and Ash made their way to the school. To make things not awkward or silent, Ash decided to bring up something that he noticed despite his overwhelming density.

Ash: I've notice you became very attached to me...

Lillie: Huh?

Lillie looked at Ash in confusion. Not really understanding what he meant.

Ash: The first time I met you, or maybe sometime later, you were always very quiet...

Lillie: Oh...sorry for my inappropriate behavior...I was just...maybe too lonely sometime later when you left...

Ash: It's okay. I'll still be your friend, no matter what you do or where you are.

This comforts Lillie ever so slightly that her lips curved upwards.

Lillie: Thank you, Ash.

After a few minutes, the school was in their sight.

Lillie: Ash...

Ash: Huh?

Ash looked at Lillie who was keeping her head down.

Lillie: When you were about to leave, I have always wanted to tell you this...

Ash: Go ahead.

Ash was waiting for what she wanted to say.

Lillie: I have always been in-

???: Ash!

Ash turned over to notice Kiawe and Sophocles.

Ash: Hey guys!

Lillie cursed herself for being so hesitant.

Sophocles: Ash! I constructed something cool, come take a look!

Ash: Alright, I'm coming!

Lillie: *sigh*

Lillie followed Ash and the others towards whatever the hell Sophocles has builded.

Ash and the others arrived at the destination as Ash gasped at the shiny robot that looks like a Greninja.

Ash: Woah! So cool!

Ash was fascinated at the sighting.

Sophocles: Watch this!

Sophocles clicked on a red button behind the robot Greninja's back. Greninja extended its arms, standing in a battle stance with a palm above the other. Water started emitting from the holes of the hands and formed a water shuriken.


Kiawe: Cool right? What do you think, Lillie?

Lillie: I guess its cool...

Ash: How did you make this?

Sophocles: I used metal parts to make the Greninja model, then I painted it. For the water shuriken, I constructed a water compressor. It compresses water into any forms it likes. I shaped out the holes of the hand as shuriken so that it is shaped like a shuriken.

Ash: Woah! Technology is so amazing!

Ash complimented as he observed the robot Greninja, looking at all the conditions Sophocles mentioned. Ash then stared at the hole in the palm which is shaped like a shuriken. Sophocles continued his statement.

Sophocles: But its not like it has a unlimited water source, I have to refill the Greninja everyday.

Sophocles shrugged as Ash began to ask him.

Ash: How do you refill it?

Sophocles: I would take out its head. In the stomach, there is a huge container which transports the water to the water compressor.

Ash: Wow!

Ash said in awe as he looked at the robot Greninja.

Kiawe: Ash, you got time for a battle?

Lillie feels like dying already as she was getting impatient.

Ash: Maybe after school.

???: Ash!

Ash looked at the direction the voice was coming from. But he could tell who it was from the feminine voice that contains a lot of excitement. Then, he felt something warm touching his hand.

Mallow: Ash! How was it like in Kalos!?

Ash: Huh!?

Mallow exclaimed excitedly.

Lillie felt left out and dead in the inside as she place her hand on her forehand.

Ash: Uhhhhh...well...I met new friends and Pokemons if I remember. I think I caught  Hawlucha, Greninja, Talonflame, Goodra and Noivern.

Mallow: Cool! Anything else?

Ash tried to recall but the grip on Mallow's hand tightened as she grabbed the other one.

Ash: Ummm...oh yeah! I remember meeting someone just like Sophocles! He likes technology as well! I also met his little sister and I think a female?

Everyone stared at him, curious about his journey in Kalos which he had never talked about.

Ash: Her name is Serena, she is a master class performer!

Kiawe: A performer?

Mallow: How interesting!

Ash: She bakes really amazing food! I met her when I was a lot younger during professor Oak's summer camp. So I met her much earlier than Misty!

Everyone continued listening to Ash's story.

Ash: She was the one who also told me to never give up!

Everyone: Huh!?

Everyone gasped in surprise. Ash is seriously so resilient and optimistic. It was unbelievable that he was giving up one time.

Ash: Yeah! I remember her saying, that I wasn't the Ash she used to know. That knocked some sense into me.

Mallow: I can't believe it...that this Ash we know now was wanting to give up...

Ash: No worries! But, I could tell she really care for me.

Lillie began feeling something she had never felt before. It feels like a mixture of hate and sadness.

Ash: She even kissed me when we were parting ways at the airport! 

Mallow squealed like what girls always do when they hear something like that while Kiawe and Sophocles was just shocked. Until the moment was broken.

Lillie: WHAT!?

Lillie snapped as she raised her voice.

Everybody stared at her in confusion.

Lillie: S-sorry, I was just...surprised...

???: So are you saying Ash can't find himself a girlfriend?

Everybody turned to the voice which belonged to Professor Kukui as he waved.

Professor Kukui: Why are you all gathering here?

Mallow: Ash was just talking about his trip in Kalos!

Sophocles: Yup, until Lillie yelled for some reason.

Ash: Hey, you all won't believe me, but I saved the world!

Mallow: No way!

Ash: I met this legendary Pokemon called Zygarde! It was under control by a evil organisation called Team Flare!

Professor Kukui: I think I heard of this somewhere...

Ash: The Zygarde almost destroyed the whole city! Then, there was this Zygarde robot model thing making its way to Anistar city! When it touches the Anistar crystal, the whole world gets destroyed!

Everybody gasp at the thought of the world ending.

Ash: But, all the gym leaders, my friends, my rivals and my Pokemons are all saviors of the Earth!

Everybody just stood still and stared at Ash, not really sure if they should believe him.

Kiawe: I can see the potential and the capability in you but I can't really believe that...

Mallow: What did ya expect? He's Ash!

Kiawe facepalm and gave a slight nod of agreement.

Kiawe: Sheesh...guess you are right.

Mallow: Anyways, Ash! What special dishes are served in Kalos?

Mallow asked Ash with curiosity and excitement in her eyes. Ash scratched the back of his head, recalling the food in Kalos.

Ash: Ah! Yes! Pokepuffs! They are tradition food made specially for Pokemon! I remember how Serena makes them. They look so good, I even want to eat it!

Mallow: Really!? Can you come to my place after school?

Mallow held up Ash's hands as she smiled cheerfully, hoping Ash to say yes. Ash nodded enthusiastically, indicating that he can go.

Mallow: Aww, thank you so much, Ash!

Ash: No problem!

Lillie let out a sigh as she think that Ash had forgotten what they were talking about.

Professor Kukui: Anyways, school is gonna start soon. Let's go to class.


Ring! The school bell rang. Everybody sat down on their seats as Professor Kukui begins writing some Pokemon types and stuff. Lillie was not paying attention at all. She has been thinking about the kiss that Ash had with Serena. She could feel anger and sadness flowing through her heart.

Professor Kukui: Lillie, what counters Dark type?

Lillie: Dragon...

Snowy: Vulpix?

Snowy was extremely confused at Lillie's answer.

Lillie wasn't even attentive to the question given. Lillie began to doze off until someone called out to her loudly.

Mallow: Lillie!

Lillie: Huh!? Huh!? What!?

Professor Kukui: Lillie, all I asked was what counters Dark type.

Lillie: O-oh, it's Fighting type.

Professor Kukui: Right, hopefully my lessons aren't too boring for you.

Professor Kukui inquired sternly.

Lillie stared blankly at the board in front but her mind was concentrating on something else. She place her eyes to face Ash who was obviously trying to answer all the questions.


Ring! The bell rang, signifying that it was break time. Lillie stayed in class to read her book. When she noticed Ash in the corner of her eye, talking to Lana, who actually did not appear earlier during the morning.

Lana: Alright! I'll see you later!

Ash: See ya!

Lana ran off out of the classroom door and towards the stairs.

Lillie just looked at them until she felt a pat on her shoulder.

Mallow: What's wrong?

Lillie: Ehhh? Nothing!

Lillie looked away to hide her blush.

Mallow: You sure? You have been staring at Ash.

Lillie: I-I was just daydreaming...

Mallow: Okay then...

Mallow immediately left her sight. Lillie summed up her courage and walked towards Ash.

Ash: I'm getting hungry, I'll grab something to eat.

Lillie: A-Ash...

Ash: Huh?

Lillie: Ash, will you...go out with me?

Ash: Depends on the time. My schedule is all crazed up already.

Lillie: Right! Can we meet at my house at 4?

Ash: Sorry Lillie, I promised Lana to go fishing together at 4.

Lillie: W-what about 6?

Ash: Hmm...I can have dinner first right?

Lillie: Mhm.

Lillie nodded.

Ash thought for a second before replying quickly.

Ash: Alright. I'll sleep at your place if I really need to.

Lillie smiled but squealed loudly in her mind. Then, someone crept up behind her.

Mallow: Boo!

Lillie: Gah! Don't do that!

Lillie jumped as she scolded her friend. Mallow just gave a cheeky giggle as she scratched the back of her head.

Mallow: Anyways, here's your food.

Mallow gave a sandwich to Lillie and Ash.

Ash: Wow! Thanks, Mallow!

Mallow: No problem!

As they were eating, Lillie brought up.

Lillie: Sooo, why do you bring food to us here?

Mallow: I wanna talk.

She answered in a instant.

Ash: Oh yeah! Almost forgot! This is for you!

Ash took out a Pokeball and a small box wrapped in lime green and pink with a beautiful ribbon.

Mallow: Thank you so much, Ash!

Mallow exclaimed happily as she hugged Ash tightly. 

Mallow took the gift as she began to unwrap it. She ripped off the plastic and it revealed a green and yellow dress. It had pink ribbons. The bottom of the dress shaped like leaves. The back of the dress had a Leafeon print on it. Mallow admired it as she turned back to look at Ash.

Ash gave the Pokeball to Mallow. Mallow released a Pokemon from it which seemed to be a Eevee.

Eevee: Evoi!

The Eevee looked around its surroundings and noticed a Glaceon walking towards it.

Icika: Glaceon!

Snowy: Vulpix!

Eevee raised a leg to wave hello.

Eevee: Evoi?

Mallow: Why did you gave me a Eevee?

Ash took out a leaf stone from his bag and gave it to Mallow.

Mallow: You want me to evolve it?

Ash nodded.

Ash: Yup!

The Eevee walked towards the leaf stone and tapped on it. The Eevee soon glowed blue as it changes its form. Leaves appeared on its ears as its body grew bigger.

The light soon subsided and revealed a Leafeon. 

The Leafeon looked at its body then looked at Icika's.

Leafeon began to run around Icika and Snowy as they continued running.

Mallow: This is the best present, Ash!

Ash: No problem! I gotta thank all of you for being my friends ever since the last time I was here. 

Ash: Oh yeah! Lillie, have you opened my present yet?

Lillie shook her head as she took it out.

She began unwrapping the present and took out a white and pink dress. It had vibrant colors and a Sylveon was printed on the back.

Lillie smiled very widely. Her heart felt like it exploded in happiness. Tears began to form in her eyes as it sparkled from the reflected light coming from the beautiful dress.

Lillie: It' pretty!

Mallow: Ash! No fair! Her dress looks so much better!

Mallow puffed her cheeks up while Ash just giggled.

Ash: No worries! Both of them are pretty.

They eventually broke into giggles as they continue eating their food.

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