An Assassin's Rose: Teen Tita...

By Egyptiandragon

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Because of a little stunt both Ruby and Damian pulled when the Legion of Doom attacked the Justice League, th... More

Chapter 1: Summer Break
Chapter 2: Another Day in Gotham
Chapter 3: Actions have Consequences
Chapter 4: Wayne Gala
Chapter 5: A Women's Wrath
Chapter 6: A Sister's Advice
Chapter 7: The Legion of Doom
Chapter 8: The Teen Titans
Chapter 9: Suspicious Behavior
Chapter 10: Demonic Superman
Chapter 11: Fun
Chapter 12: Titans Go
Chapter 14: Titans vs Justice League
Chapter 15: Hell on Earth
Chapter 16: Strength
Chapter 17: The Aftermath

Chapter 13: Raven's Story

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By Egyptiandragon

Starfire punches a demon and it goes flying into a popcorn stand.

Raven and Starfire looked at the destroyed stand as the smoke cleared to reveal that the demon was still moving.

It growls and walks towards them with its magic pulsing in his hands.

Starfire grabs his arms and tried to overpower it, but it blasts her away.

The Demon growls as it shoots another blast at her, but Raven put up a shield before it could hit the Tamaranian.

While they were keeping it busy, Blue Beetle was blocking a continuous blast from the second demon.

But the blast was slowly pushing him back until the demon got in close enough and punches the hero towards Raven and Starfire.

Raven quickly makes another shield before it could fire again.

Beast boy exclaims in surprise as he's thrown into Blue Beetle.

The third demon tried to hit them, but Raven made a full protective dome around them.

But the demons did not stop and kept shooting their magic in a continuous stream to weaken Raven's magic.

Unfortunately, it was working.

But thankfully Robin and the girls arrived and took care of the demons.

"Please tell me they're undead?" Robin questioned not really wanting to deal with another "no killing" lecture from his father if he ever finds out about this.

Raven sighs in relief and takes down the barrier "Yes, but you can't stop them like that. They're like batteries."

"You mean they're just going to keep doing that?" Red said pointing at the regenerating demons.

"Then let's run them down." Starfire proclaimed.

Robin runs over to one of the demons and dodges an attack he then stabs it from the back.

Quickly taking his sword out he jumps in the air and slices off its head.

The demon walked like a headless chicken for a few second before its head grew back.

But it was short lived since his head got shot off by Red.

Once its head grows back it looks at Red and snarled at her. "A Child of Light must be purged!!" it growls angrily and shoots a beam of magic at her but the Huntress dodges and throws one of her hidden daggers at his face.

The Demon screeched when the sharp weapon made contact with his eye.

He pulls it out and before he could do anything Robin slices him in chest and does a flying roundhouse kick to the face.

Once the demon stopped spinning, he tried to get his bearings, but Goldie came rushing forward and sent a flaming punch to his head knocking it completely off.

The demons headless body rolls across the ground but it still grew back.

"Oh, come on!" Red exclaimed annoyed.

The demon staggers as he gets up, but it was short lived as Robin, Red, Goldie, and Blue Beetle shoot at it simultaneously.

"Did we get it?" Goldie questioned as the smoke cleared to reveal that was demon was gone for good this time.

Red sighs in relief, "Finally." She muttered.

Suddenly a shiver goes down her spine as she feels a dark presence. Looking up the huntress's eyes widen when she saw a  black Raven covered in a purple aura swallow a demon whole.

And she has an idea that it was Raven's doing, but something about the magic that she was using seemed off, like she was feeling some sort of demonic force.

She speeds over to their location and was shocked to see Raven's skin is now a light red color with four glowing red eyes.

But a second later she turns back to normal.

Starfire groans as she finally started to wake up.

"Whoo, yeah, we kicked demon boot-ay." Beast Boy exclaimed and playfully punches Blue in the shoulder.

"Yeah Baby."

He raises both of his hands towards Robin "Up top."

Robin looks at him unamused, the green skinned hero lowers his hands to face level. "Hit me."

The boy wonder raises an eyebrow deciding in if he should take that literally.

"He's never going to do it. Besides, I would back away since he's thinking on if he should take your words to heart and literally hit you." Red stated.

Robin looks at the Red Huntress in shock, "Red, how do you know what I'm thinking?"

The Huntress just smiles and said, "I know you better than anyone."

Everyone looks at Raven as she floats down to the ground.

"Robin said I didn't know enough about you. I think he was right. You told me you didn't have a father." Starfire stated.

"What I said that he's gone." Raven replied.

"That's not the same as dead." Robin declared.

Raven turns her back towards them "He's dead to me!" She exclaimed angrily.

"So, why is he trying to kill you?" Beast Boy asked.

"He's not trying to kill me. It's much worse." Raven replied.

She holds out her hand as her magic surrounds them in a bubble and transports them destroyed ruins.

Red looks around in shock and horror when she saw a planet cracked in two.

"What is this place?" she questioned.

"Safe to say we're not in Kansas anymore." Beast Boy stated.

"It's no star field I recognize. Where are we?" Starfire asked.

Raven looks at her and replies, "Somewhere my father can't see us."

"All right let's hear it." Robin said.

"There's so much. I guess it starts with my mom." The sorceress replied.

"She was young, rebellious and gullible. Of course, she wound up in a cult. Anyway, they decide to do the classic bride of Satan rite and guess who got to be the lucky bride."

"I doubt anyone expected it to work, but the ancient ceremony turned out to be the real thing. So, mom, with her great powers of judgement, didn't hesitate to hook up with the guy who emerged from the smoke."

Beast Boy looks at her in shock and said, "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, wait. So, your mom did it with Satan?"

"His name is Trigon, but basically, yes." Raven replied.

"But they totally did it." He stated in awe.

Which earned him getting a well deserved slap over the head by Red. "Get your head out of the gutter." She said annoyed.

"Garfield," Starfire said sternly.

"That was inappropriate." She proclaimed and looks back at Raven.

"Go on."

"It gets weirder. Mom fled the cult and was on the run with nowhere to go when she gets saved by these people from another dimension. The people of Azarath, a realm of beauty, peace and tranquility."

"Where needless to say, I did not fit in. And I must have Inherited my mom's terrible judgment because I thought if I found out more about the monster who made me. I'd be able to make sense of myself."

Raven sadly as she thinks about that faithful day and how she was forced to watch as everything she has ever loved was taken from her right before her eyes. "Poor mother, poor Azarath. I became its Trojan horse. He took me to his hellish universe. I could hardly bear the horrors I saw there." She proclaimed.

"Why did Trigon want you?" Starfire inquired.

"He wanted earth. He's a conqueror of worlds. But he needs a powerful conduit to open earth to his control." Raven replied.

"And you're half human. His way in." Robin presumed.

"But my magic was stronger than he realized. Before he could use me, I was able to trap him inside a crystal. It should've held him. Perhaps if I had stayed there, it would have. But I wanted a home."

"Why didn't you go back to Azarath." Yang asked.

Red sighed and crossed her arms. "Well obviously if Trigon is a conquer of worlds he probably destroyed it until there was nothing left." Red stated.

"But that brings me to my next question, Raven by any chance is this place we're standing on right now. Azarath?" she inquired.

Raven nods her head, "Yes, this place was once my home."

The Titans looked at the ruins in shock and horror at the damaged Trigon has done to it and realized just how much trouble they'd be in if he ever gets his hands on earth.

"We should head back." Raven said and opens a portal to Titan's Tower.

"Don't worry, I'm not staying. I've got to keep moving to keep Trigon off my path" Raven stated once they were on the other side.

"Where will you go?" Starfire asked.

"It's better you not know." Raven replied.

"He's going to try to use you but don't worry, I put a protective spell on you, just in case." She proclaimed.

Red looks at her curiously "Wait, so was that what you were doing when me and Robin went to thank you?"

"Yes. I had a feeling something bad was going to happen. And it turns out I was right." Raven replied.

"And I thought I had a bad burrito." Beast Boy stated.

Red groans in annoyance and rubs the bridge of her nose as she said, "No you did. Me and Damian could hear your overabundant flatulence through the wall."

Damian's nose scrunches up in disgust. "Don't remind me."

"Dude." Blue Beetle said looking at him in disbelief.

"Ugh." Yang muttered in disgust.

"Guess I should've gotten your permission or whatever. But I couldn't stand for him to corrupt you. You're the only friends I've ever had. I'll...Miss you."

She walks forward to open a portal, but Robin stops her "Wait. Leave now and you're always be running."

"You have no idea what he's like, Damian. You've never met a monster like Trigon." Raven stated.

"You beat him once." Blue Beetle stated.

"I was lucky." the sorceress countered.

"Now you'll be 5 times as lucky. If you can't save one of our own, who can we save." Robin proclaimed.

"I thought you hated us." Blue Beetle inquired.

Robin glances at him and smirks impishly, "I'm not wishing you dead anymore."

"Robin's right, we are your best hope." Starfire proclaimed.

Red nods her head and gives the sorceress a bright smile. "I would have to agree."

Suddenly a bright light appeared in front of them and opened a portal to reveal the Justice League and Qrow.

The Scarab sensed danger and turns one of its antennas into a blaster.

"Down, boy."

"We heard about the attack. Was she at the center?" Batman questioned.

"Her father is an inter-dimensional demon. He was after her." Starfire explained.

"She's coming with us." Batman proclaimed.

"No, we can handle this." Robin said.

"If she's part of this we need to know."

"We can protect her." Red stated.

Batman gives her and Robin his bat glare, but they did not budge and just returned it.

"I'm sorry, Raven. We had two magic attacks and Superman is still missing." Wonder Woman stated.

Raven gasps as she feels her father's magic and realizes what's about to happen. "No."

"What is it?" Starfire asked.

"He knows they're here; he wants them here." she proclaimed.

"Who?" Batman questioned.

Raven then looks at Starfire in fear and said, "If they stay everything will be lost."

"This is our job, father, you have to leave." Robin proclaimed.

Blue Beetle and Beast Boy look at the Boy Wonder in shock. "Father?!"

The girls looked at the animal and insect themed heroes in confusion on how they didn't know. It wasn't like Damian was trying to hide it. "You really didn't know?" they questioned in disbelief.

The boys looked at the girls and said, "No!"

"She's coming with us." Batman replied.

"She's stays here." Robin objected and brings out Sultan.

Blue Beetle and Beast Boy walk to his side ready to fight.

Red sighs having a feeling that this won't end well, but either way she's not about to go down and give up Raven without a fight. "Alrighty then, we're really doing this." she muttered to herself as she brings out Crescent Rose.

Yang chuckles in amusement as she activates Ember Celica and gets into a defensive pose, "Looks like it. This is going to be fun." she proclaimed.

Red softly snorts in amusement, "Of course you would find this exciting."

"Maybe we should all take a breath." Starfire suggested trying to deescalate the situation before it gets out of hand.

"Too late, they're here." Raven proclaimed.

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