Azur High

By PokemonLover10102001

8.1K 98 276

Rowan and his three Yorktown Class Carries girlfriends are run out there house. Enrolled into Azur High they... More

New Place New Name
OC Template
Who should Rowan get.
Welcome to Azur High.
Plans and Team Building.
Royal Siblings and New Memebers
Sisters and Pure Evil
Explosive Times 
The Death of....
Funeral Blues. 
The Army Begins to Form.

Secrets, Bullies and a new ship?

688 10 26
By PokemonLover10102001

Rowan, Hannah and Bentin walk into Rowan's unit. They all had one thing in mind. What happened in this school.

"So all you know is that something happened with the last tournament captain. And some destroyers were involved." Asked Bentin

"Yes. It's why the association I work for was put in this school. The tournament ban ended last year. Which mean the school can be in the World Championship Tournament." Said Hannah as she released Ark Royal.

Bentin released Akagi and Rowan did the same with Enterprise.

"Well let's look it up. We need to figure out what happened here. Nothing is gonna change my mind about the school but I still wanna see what happened in this school." Said Rowan as he opened up his laptop.

He typed in Azur High. One of the first things that came up was a massive Destroyer sex trafficking ring was busted at the school.

"What the heck is this?"asked Bentin.

"It says here that the former captain of the tournament team decided that the school would be a good front of kidnapping people's destroyer and then selling them on the black market." Said Hannah. She looked horrified.

"It says that most of the school had no idea what was going on. The case was busted wide open when the cheerleader captain had her Kent kidnapped. The captain was raising Kent like a daughter and mother. With the captain being very rich with connections they investigated the school and found that 30% of the school board was corrupted and was letting it happen. It says that the head chancellor was in on it. After that the corrupted people where charges and the school had a 10 year ban on the national tournament. Which was lifted last year. The captain got 15 life sentences and hasn't been seen since. The rest of the people involved got 10 to 20 years. 4 people where given immunity in return for turning on the ring." Said Rowan as they scrolled through the article.

"Well what did they do the girls that was so bad." Asked Bentin.

"Well there was the taking of the armor they had to protect themselves, they beat them. And I can't say the rest. I think I'm gonna be sick." Hannah said as she throw up in the bathroom.

"Well I can see why the DPCG got involved. Plus I can see why the school has been quite recently." Said Rowan as Hannah came back.

"Well it's something I think we need to understand that that was the old school. It looks like we they have changed. They completely got rid of the old board. Giving the corrupt members the boot no benefits plus no help with the legal battle. And giving all the non corrupt members there full retirement and financial compensation for there troubles. They have been keeping a close eye on the board and chancellor." Said Bentin.

"I guess so." She said as the shipgirls look sadden. Destroyers are children and they don't deserve this.

"Girls you ok?" Asked Rowan as Enterprise just hugged him.

"I can't believe they would do this destroyers. There so innocent." Enterprise said as she held onto Rowan.

"Shhh it's ok baby. They got there justice." Said Rowan as he rubbed her back.

Bentin doing the same to Akgai.

"Guys we just got a notification on our emails. They chancellor wishes to see you and Rowan in his officer. He wants me to join you." Hannah said.

They nod and all three head out with shipgirls in tow. Soon they arrive at his office and then when they walk they see two other students in there.

"Welcome all five of you. I am Chancellor Shepherd. And I want to welcome you all to Azur High. Now let's get one thing out of the way. I am here to help bring this school out of the dark times. This school has been the laughing stock of the shipgirl dueling world. Now with the ban lifted we can finally enter the World Championship Tournament. The four of you Rowan, Bentin, Leo, and Tristan. You four have the best ships in the school. Which means I have picked you four to be the four captains of the four teams we are entering this year." Said the Chancellor.

The four boys looked at each other but he wasn't done.

"The four of you have been chooses because of your ships. Each team must have four members in them. Now I know it will be hard after coming off of our past but we must move past. Now with that said Rowan is the Supreme Commander of the entire tournament force and because of that I am making Ms Hannah your personal helper." Said the chancellor. This was a test to see if he's a really good person or not.

"What no. I won't force her. I'll only accept if she wants it." Said Rowan.

Hannah was in on it. While she would be happy to do it. There's someone else that is gonna be doing it.

"Good. You passed my test Rowan. The test was the see if you would accept her or not. And you passed by turning it down. Now there actually is a girl who has volunteered to be your helper. Come in Misty".

A tall black haired walked into the room. Bentin's eyes widened.

"Big sis. What are you doing here." He asked as Akagi looks at her. She holds Bentins hand.

"Hey little bro. Look like mom and dad hates me to." She said.

"Now she will be you personal assistant. She must live with you. That's your your house has an extra room Rowan. Now it's up to you four to find and create your own teams. I wish you all luck." They all left. The two other captains walked off to begin making there teams.

"Well it's good to see you sis. What happened with mom and dad. You were there pride and Joy?" Asked Bentin.

"It's simple. Mom got pregnant. She is gonna use all her knowledge form raising us to raise the perfect child. So she stripped me of my shipgirls and kicked me out. Unfortunately for her. I backed up my girls and your old girls onto a backup carrier. There still with me. Which means. Hold your carrier out. Here are your hold ship girls." She says as both carriers blink and he get his old girls back.

"Hey babe. Who did you have as your old girls. I wanna meet them. And see who my fellow girls are." Said Akagi as she kissed his cheek.

"Ok here we go. Come on out my old girls." He said.

First he released the USS Indianapolis.

Next the HMS Javelin

Next came the USS San Diego

Next was the USS Arizona

Then the USS Pennsylvania

Then finally the most impressive of them all. The mighty USS Intrepid 

"Woah. You have some amazing girls. You got all of theses girls. What's your plan. You have these girls. Plus your new team." Asked Rowan.

"The plan is to combine them into two teams. With a mix of both in each team." Bentin said after running the numbers and states of each girl in his head.

"Wow babe you have some impressive girls. I can't wait to work along side them." Said Akagi.

"Well would you look at this. A bunch of beautiful babes." Said a man.

"Who are you?" Asked Intrepid as she stood in front of Bentin protectively.

"I'm Jericho and I'm the head of the 2nd team of Sakura Academy. I'm here to give Bentin one last chance to end his relationship with our captains of the 1st team." Said Jericho demeaningly.

"Why would I. Her and I have had this relationship long before she went to your school." He said.

"As the supreme commander of the tournament forces for Azur High I demand that you back off." Said Rowan.

"Oh the supreme commander. Look buddy I don't have any beef with you. So stay out of this." Jericho said.

"Captain Jericho you better not be taunting my boyfriend. If you are I may have to take you off the team." Said a girl with short black hair.

"Commander I'm just trying to keep the school out if trouble." Jericho tried to justify himself.

"How many times do I have to say. Azur High is our biggest ally. Compared to the Iron Blood we are a lot closer to Azur then them. Now I don't like you messing with my love life. What I do in my personal time is my own business. Now go talk to the chancellor of this school. I'm here to keep you out of trouble." Said the captain as Jericho glared and walked off.

"Sorry about that babe. He's just a jerk." She hugs and kisses Bentin.

"I see you got some shipgirl girlfriends. I'm happy for you. I was hoping you get some. It's more fun for me." She said as she nodded at Bentins 12 girls who just waved back.

"Guys this is my girlfriend and supreme commander of the Sakura Academy tournament forces. Her name is Yuu." Bentin said happily.

"We have been dating for years now but have to to keep it on the down low because of his family." Yuu said.

"Well it's nice to meet you. I'm Rowan." He was cut off.

"We know who you are. You took down Steven form Iron Tech. He lost the Konigberg sisters. It was all over the news in the area." Yuu said.

Suddenly a loud crash was heard. Bentin returns all his girls besides Intrepid and Akagi and everyone ran outside. They look to see a girl with tentacles and cannons around her in the crater.

She looks up and the first person she sees is Rowan with Enterprise next to him.

"Are you my mommy and daddy?" She asked shyly.

"Um what?" Enterprise says blushing.

"I think she still young. We can't leave her out here." Rowan said.

"Guys we got company. Let's get her out of here." Yuu said.

"Hey little one come on with daddy. We got to go. Bad men are coming." Rowan said to the girl as she nodded and grabbed his hand.

Like some creatures on earth she as imprinted on Rowan and Enterprise as her mother and father.

They all run off into the housing units.

A/n. A bit of a cliffhanger. Next chapter will the first day of school and the four captains beginning to form there team. And Yuu and Jericho will be main character. Jericho is an OC made by yocum2000 he's made quite a few OC's for me. And has another one in the story that will appear later in the story.

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