31 short stories of angst [CO...

By mysteryjessica

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Just wanted to do some angst story book for fun It's a 31 day challenge but I definitely won't be doing it st... More

Welcome to the book of angst!
Final Notes...


583 25 83
By mysteryjessica

AN: This idea was from somewhere I don't really remember... It was nearly three years I think(?)  since I've last seen the prompt (?)  so please don't hold it against me? If you are the original author for this idea and want me to take it down, please dm me and show me proof! I will gladly take it down since this is not an original idea

This is SenShima, since I promised sleepykuroX3 to torture her with angst so xD

It was kinda tiring to write this UwU but it was fun and worth it 

(copied and pasted with little changes xD)

1. Death/ Suicide(?) :3
2. Fanfiction about irl people called utaites, although only using their avatars :3
3. Platonic AND Gay shipping (Pairings: SenShima, SenUra (courtesy of MikotoHoshizora2003), A little ShimaSen UwU)
5. I only skimmed through as proofreading so... not edited in a way?

Don't forget:

MaiMia will not take any responsibility for your tears, fears and trauma, so read at your own risk!
But, MaiMia will be handing out hugs, tissues, chocolates and cupcake if you need it.

Enjoy reading~


The body of a young brunette was found at the bottom of the cliff. The last person with him was his blonde boyfriend, who the police was currently holding in prison as a suspect. The police suspected that the blonde had pushed his boyfriend off the cliff due to the shocked expression on the brunette's face.

However, there was no evidence pointing to the blonde, so they had to let him free.

Even so, once a suspect of murder, always a suspect of murder.


"Hello, I'm Shima! Please take care of me," Shima said before bowing politely before his new class. "I hope we get along."

"Sakata will be taking care of you if you need help," the young teacher smiled at the purple-haired boy. "Why don't you take a seat next to him? Sakata?"

"Here!" the redhead raised his hand and Shima gratefully walked towards the back of the classroom where the said boy was located.

He quietly took a seat next to the redhead, who smiled brightly at him.

"I'm Sakata, I really hope we'll get along!"

"Now, now, Sakata." The teacher chuckled at the energetic boy. "Leave the chattering for later, focus on class now."

The class laughed but the redhead only smiled at the teacher before agreeing. Shima smiled to himself, already enjoying his new school.

The laughter was immediately cut off as the door swung open, revealing a tall blonde boy.

The air grew cold, much to Shima's confusion. Some of his new classmates were glaring at the blonde, some were looking away and some just groaned in annoyance.

"I'm sorry I'm late," the blonde mumbled as he shut the door behind him.

"Please come on time next time, Senra," the teacher's voice turned cold, the kindness in her voice gone. "It's not good to be late."

The blonde looked down, mumbling his apologies once more. His golden orbs looked dull and lifeless, causing Shima to frown.

Who was this mysterious blonde boy that everyone seemed to hate?

Sakata nudged the purple-haired boy. Shima turned and saw the redhead pass him a folded note. He accepted it and unfolded it.

I'll explain later. Just stay away from Senra now.

He blinked at the note. The name 'Senra' was written harshly, as if it was trying to portray the writer's anger. He turned to Sakata, who was looking out the window, ignoring the rest of the world.

By then, the blonde had slid into a seat located far from everyone else and rested his hand against his hand as he stared at the front of the class, bored.

The class then continued on, the suffocating tension remaining for the entire lesson.


As soon as the class was dismissed for break, Senra stood up immediately with his bag and left the classroom. When the door shut behind the retreating figure, the class erupted into angry remarks.

"He's actually showing himself in school after a month. How bold of him."

"He should have stayed home, there's no use to come to school."

Sakata stood up, earning Shima's attention and apparently the rest of the class. The class turned silent and looked at him but he ignored the stares and gestured for Shima to follow him.

Shima tilted his head in confusion but nodded his head and stood up.

Sakata guided the purple-haired boy to the roof, where it was surprisingly devoid of people.

"You might be wondering why the class was like that," Sakata hummed softly as he looked at the other students below.

Shima nodded as he stood beside the redhead, who had a sad expression on his face.

"One month ago, someone died at that cliff." Sakata pointed at the cliff in the distance. "His name was Urata, and Senra was his boyfriend."

"How does that relate to Senra?" Shima blinked at the boy in confusion, earning a sad smile from the boy.

"Before Urata's corpse was discovered, Senra was the last person to see him." Sakata blinked rapidly, trying to blink away his tears. "And they said, Urata was pushed because his face was in shock."

Shima's mouth formed and 'O' as he gaped at what Sakata had said.

The blonde had looked so innocent and guillible... Why would he even do it? They were dating, weren't they? Did he love the boy, or did he hate him?

"Whatever is running through your head, trust me, there's no logical conclusion," Sakata said as he stuffed his hands into his pocket. "I've thought of every possible reason."

Sakata's eyes was filled with sadness as he looked at Shima. The tears at the corners of his eyes were visible as he smiled like he was in pain.

"You still haven't moved on?" A voice cut in from the doors leading to the school.

The pair turned to find the blonde standing there with his arms crossed.

"It's been one month, Sakatan," Senra said as he looked at Shima, a hidden sadness in his eyes. "You need to-"

"Shut up, Senra," the redhead growled. "Don't tell me what to do."

The blonde sighed as he uncrossed his arms.

"Fine." Senra stuffed his hands into his jacket. "Whatever happened to Uratan..."

Senra trailed off and shut his eyes tightly, his shoulders slightly shaking. His expression was unreadable, but it was clear to Shima he was hurting inside, just like Sakata.

Sakata's face softened at the sight and sighed.

"It's not your fault, you haven't been proven guilty," Sakata said softly. "But I don't understand why you didn't defend yourself... You even let the police take you in without protest... Why...?"

By then, the redhead's tears were free-flowing and he looked down. Senra looked at the boy, his expression harsh but his eyes sold his true emotions. They were soft and filled with regret.

"I have my reasons." That was all he said before he turned to leave.

"Wait!" Shima's sudden cry surprised everyone, including himself. Senra turned back to face the purple-haired male.


The coldness in his voice scared the purple-haired boy, but Shima stood his ground.

"You shouldn't blame yourself, it's not your-"

"What would you know?" Senra snapped, cutting Shima off. "You don't know me. So, don't pretend to know me."

"Then, let me get to know you!"

The statement took Senra by surprise as shown on his face. The blonde was silent for a while before bursting into a laugh.

"You're an interesting one." Shima's face turned red at the statement. "If you're going to be that bold, at least introduce yourself to me."

"That's Shima," Sakata said, stepping in and disrupting the two.

"Well, Shima, I hope you 'get to know me' as well as you could." Senra smirked at the purple-haired boy, before turning to leave for real this time.

"What did I just do...?"

"Don't mind Senra," Sakata said, a soft smile on his face. He looked as if he got some form of comfort from the small talk. "He's always been like that... Even when Ura-san was still alive..."

The redhead looked down to the ground, reminiscing on the past when a certain green-eyed brunette was still alive.

Shima frowned and gently pulled the redhead in a hug.

"Cry it out," Shima said comfortingly. "I don't know you well enough, but I can guess you haven't properly cried it out."

Sakata buried his face in the shorter's neck, letting loose a few sobs. The weight on his heart for the past month had finally been lifted, thanks to the short talk with the mysterious Senra.

The two stayed like that for a while before Sakata finally stood up straight once again.

"Thank you," Sakata said, wiping his tears away. "I needed that."

"No problem," Shima said with a smile as he let go of the taller boy. "No homo about that hug."

Sakata laughed in response.


Shima sighed as he walked through the hallways. Sakata had accidentally left him all alone when school had ended, despite the promise of a school tour.

So now he was here roaming the school halls, lost.

He sighed for the umpteenth time. The hallways were deserted, and it was not helping his case in trying to find his way.

He looked around the hallways. Maybe he should have just reminded Sakata...

One of the doors swung open and a familiar blonde stepped out with an albino teacher who had a barcode on his cheek for some odd reason.

"Don't forget your final project for this year, Senra," the teacher gently reminded. "There is still a future for you."

"Thank you for the encouragement, Mr Mafumafu," Senra said slightly smiling at the albino teacher. "You're the only one who has said that."

"You're my student, as long as you're not proven guilty, I will trust you to the end!" The albino teacher turned his head and noticed Shima.

The blonde, noticing his teacher's gaze somewhere else, turns too.

"Shima?" Senra asked surprised. "Why are you here?"

Shima laughed and rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

"I-I kinda got lost as I was trying to explore... and Sakata ditched me?"

Senra laughed softly, earning a smile from the teacher.

"Well then, Senra can guide you," the albino said. "I need to leave now, see you tomorrow, Senra. And nice to meet you, Shima."

The albino turned and left quickly, leaving the two in the corridor.

"Are you in a rush?" Senra asked as he turned back into the room. "I need to finish up something."

"No," Shima said as he followed Senra into the room. "What are you going to finish up?"

"One of my senior year project."

Shima admired the beautiful room. There were many paintings, all none like the other.

"These are all so beautiful..." Shima traced his finger against one of the landscape paintings of a sunset. "Who drew all this?"

"Most of them are mine," Senra said softly. "But the one you're touching right now was Uratan's..."

Senra looked away from the painting while Shima stared at the painting.

Urata had the talent, he must admit. The brushstrokes were perfect and the colours were beautifully blended together, and together it created a masterpiece.

"He's so talented..." Shima said softly as he continued admiring the painting.

"He was," Senra admitted as he faced an unfinished canvas. "A very talented artist..."

Shima turned and noticed Senra picking up a brush.

"What are you going to paint?" Shima asked curiously as he walked towards Senra.

Senra only hummed in response as he picked up his palette. Shima frowned at the lack of an answer but decided to sit in a corner of the room on the floor and scroll through Twitter.

With a smile, Senra brought his brush onto the canvas, slowly giving the canvas a painting filled with life.


When he was done, Senra stretched with a satisfied smile. The portrait had only taken him a mere 2 hours, thankfully. However, it was now late and he turned to where he last saw the purple-haired boy.

Shima had fallen sleep against the wall, his chest rising slowly as he breathed gently.

"Cute," Senra said softly.

He remembered how Urata used to fall asleep like this too, while waiting for him to finish his painting.

Senra walked over to Shima and gently shook his shoulders.

"Wake up, Shima."

The shorter purple-haired boy whined softly before opening his eyes, finding himself face-to-face with Senra.

"Are you done...?" he mumbled as he rubbed his eyes.

Shima and Urata acted exactly the same, and it slightly stung the blonde's heart.

"Yeah, want to see?" Senra reached out his hand to help the purple-haired boy to stand. Shima gratefully accepted the help and stood up, stumbling a little and fell into Senra's open arms.

His face flared and he apologised profusely as his amethyst eyes met gold ones.

'He's not Urata.'

Senra smiled painfully at the boy in his arms. Even though Shima and Urata's actions and personality were nearly identical, they were two different people. That fact will never change.

Shima peeled himself away from Senra, his face still slightly red.

"So... what did you paint?" Shima asked, desperate to change the conversation.

Senra gestured to the canvas, signalling for Shima to take a look.

Shima's jaw nearly dropped when he saw it.

It was a painting of Sakata and him, them standing next to each other as they talked on the school rooftop.

"It was a nice scenery, so I decided to paint it," Senra said with a small smile. "I hope you don't mind."

"I don't." Shima approached the canvas. "I'm sure Sakata wouldn't either."

Senra smiled softly at the boy as the purple-haired boy admired the painting, careful not to touch the undried painting.

"I should bring you back now," Senra said, snapping Shima out of his thoughts. "It's late."

Shima nodded as Senra started to keep his supplies away.

"Give me a minute, go wait outside," Senra instructed and Shima readily complied.

The blonde watched Shima leave the room before turning back to the painting. With a sigh, he threw a tarp over it, covering it.

It was a bad painting, in Senra's opinion.

Maybe he can make his final painting the most beautiful one, for his final project for school, starring...


"Let's go."

Shima looked up to notice Senra walking out the room, his bag slung over his shoulders. The two quietly began their walk to the school's entrance.



The gold orbs trailed on the purple-haired boy, making Shima nervous.

"Can I come watch you paint more often?"

Senra blinked at the purple-haired before smiling softy.

"Sure. Come whenever. I'm always there after school."

Shima smiled brightly at the blonde as they arrived at the school gates.

"Then, I'll see you tomorrow?"


Shima waved goodbye to the blonde as he happily walked back home, his first day at his new school ending.


As months past, Shima would visit Senra daily, despite the rude remarks from his classmates for hanging out with a murderer. Sakata would sometimes join him, but a small tension was still there when he did.

Sakata had admired the painting Senra had done on Shima and him and complemented the blonde for the art, even though there was a hint of pain in his tone as he did.

Senra understood, since he knew exactly what Sakata was thinking. He did not blame him, after all the redhead was still suffering from the loss of his friend.


"Maashi, do you want to go somewhere with me?"

Shima looked up at the blonde, confused. They were in Senra's art room but it Senra seemed to not have any motivation to paint.


Senra smiled sadly, before answering the purple-haired.

"The cliff..." Senra said softly.

Shima blinked before nodding in understanding. The blonde boy probably needed closure from Urata's death, even after four months since the brunette's death.

Senra smiled softly at the boy, earning a smiled from the shorter male too.

"Do you want to go now?"

Another nod from Shima and Senra began packing his things, getting ready to leave. Unknown to the shorter male, Senra had stuffed a note into his own pocket.


Shima stared out into the distance, admiring the scenery.

"Maashi..." Senra said softly as he stood next to him. "Why do you trust me?"

Shima turned to Senra and tilted his head in confusion.

"You've never given me the reason to not trust you, have you?"

"I'm a suspected murderer. Pretty sure that's a good reason."

Shima shook his head disagreeing with the statement.

"Senra, what do I mean to you?"

Senra was taken aback by the question and looked up, pondering.

"You mean so much to me," Senra finally said after a moment of silence. "You were the one who trusted me other than Mr Mafumafu and Sakata."

Senra stepped closer to Shima, who was smiling softly at the blonde.

"You're someone irreplaceable in my life, just like Urata was." Senra hugged the purple-haired male. "You're so much like Urata..."

The tone of Senra changed to a darker, scaring the shorter male a little. Senra released the purple-haired male with a soft smile.

"So you should die like he did."

It all happened too fast.

Shima couldn't register what had happened before he was falling into the darkness below.


Two bodies have been discovered at the cliff where a similar death had happened only four months ago. Two teenagers were found dead below the cliff, one with a terror-stricken expression and the other with a soft smile. The previous suspect of the case four months ago is one of them.

The police had found a note in the said's pocket. It has been determined as a murder-suicide, with the blonde teenager as the murderer. The same blonde is now determined as the same killer that had taken the life of his brunette boyfriend four months ago.

My final art piece, featuring two of the people I care the most about.

(2836 words)

AN: And time to get knocked out to sleep... 

Mentally exhausted... UwU I had a hectic schedule with school and I'm still updating what's wrong with me?

Stay safe~

Yes Sleepy, for once I want to sleep early

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