How I Live Now { Perrciado }

By YoungRogueNoemi

13.1K 778 593

Theirs this shy kid who's at my new school but he never talks. Never. He smiles and nods when he speaks to te... More

.Jaime Preciado.
.Tony Perry.
.Jaime Preciado.
.Tony Perry.
.Jaime Preciado.
.Tony Perry.
.Jaime Preciado.
.Tony Perry.
.Jaime Preciado.
.Tony Perry.
.Jaime Preciado.
.Tony Perry.
A/N update ~
Jaime Preciado
Tony Perry
Jaime Preciado
Tony Perry
Jaime Preciado
Tony Perry

.Tony Perry.

1.5K 61 14
By YoungRogueNoemi

I sat in my room on my laptop ( all I pretty much did over break ) just roaming around tumblr. I let out sigh.
I'm kinda bored. Why aren't I out with friends .. Oh yeah. I don't have any. I don't talk anyone. I close my laptop and run downstairs into the kitchen.
"Woah woah their how are you gonna run right by me without saying hello"
I stop dead in my tracks to analyze the familiar voice. Then It hits me.
I turn around and jump into his arms.
He squeezes me an I let him. We finally let go and my sister, Hannah, stands up from the couch.
"Suprise" she smiles at me and laughs
"Are you home for good.." I say in a whisper voice but loud enough for Kellin to hear.
"For good" he smiles and chuckles.
I smile back.
Kellin is like my best friend. He moved to New York because his parents got a divorce. He was forced to move with his mom.
"Where are you staying?" I ask him
"With my dad" he replied
"My mom finally got the hint that i hated New York and I missed home"
"I missed you" I say looking down at my feet
He puts his arm around me and leads me to the couch we're we flop down.
"Let's just order pizza, get some monsters and watch some good ass scary movies on netflix" he says with a smile on his face
"Me too?" Hannah chimes in
I laugh
"Ofcourse sis "
We ordered pizza and then headed too a liquor at the end of the street. Hannah stayed back just in case the pizza got their. So it was just kellin and me.
We stepped out into the afternoon fresh breeze of our small sunny town, Haven. It was around 630 so the sun was starting to set.
Kellin pushed me a little. I laughed and pushed him back .
"So school starts up again next week. Junior year man!"
I sigh "I know .. I'm so happy to be almost leaving prison" I joke
He chuckles
"Remember when we met at freshman orientation ?" He says with a smirk
I laugh as I remember back to that day
"How you asked if girls and boys change in the same locker room!"
"At least i didn't accidentally spill water on our guide who just so happened to be wearing a white shirt"
I laugh at the memory along with kellin
"She probably still remembers that day" Kellin says smiling.
We soon calm down and continue our small journey to the liquor.
It was silent the rest of the way. Kellin and I don't really need words to talk. We just loving hanging with Eachother.
Soon we reached our destination.
We walked in and headed to the refrigerators. We grabbed 8 monsters and 2 arizonas. Hannah and her arizonas man.
I head to the chip isle while Kellin goes to the candy one.
I look over all the chips and I just feel so excited. I grabbed takis, green Doritos, and Fritos. Then I spot hot Cheetos with lemon. I feel as if my whole body lit up like a christmas tree. I grabb 3 bags and start turning around.
"Oh my gosh kell-" I bumped into someone and dropped everything.
'Oww' I think.
"Shit my bad amigo"
I start picking up everything as quick as I can and I realized I was missing a bag of my Cheetos. I look up to the dude I ran into holding my chips. He smiled and handed them over and I grabbed them.
"I'm Jaime I'm new to town" he smiled
I nodded and looked down.
"Uh ok" he said
I looked over his outfit. He was wearing a bring me the horizon shirt. Blue jeans and some red vans. I liked his omsomble.
"Do you go to EHS?" He asked
I nodded. I honestly did want to talk to him but I just can't, my mouth and head just won't let me. I just want out of this situation.
"Hey to-" Kellin saw the guy trying to converse with me and quickly headed next to me.
"Hey man" he spoke towards the guy. Jaime I mean.
"Hey" he smiled at Kellin
"I'm kellin.. I haven't seen you round town. You new?" He said getting me out of him talking to me.
"Yeah dude just moved here from San Diego."
"Sick. Sorry dude but we got people waiting for us for all this crap" kellin said laughing.
Jaime laughed "it's cool it's nice to meet .. The two of you" he looked at me and extended his hand.
I took it without hesitation.
"Uh bye guys" he said heading to another part of the store to get whatever he was gonna get.
I sigh.
Kellin looks at me and pats my back.
We walk to the cashier and pay for all the junk food where about to put in our body's. Yumm.
We started to walk back to my house with the bags in our hands. All I could think about was how I couldn't talk to a person I actually wanted to talk too. People always think I'm an asshole or have a stuck up attitude because I don't talk. I just am not capable. I truly don't know why. In my head I can reply but verbally I just can't.
I look at Kellin and he has his headphones in blasting mcr.
I laugh at how he looks mouthing the words. I look forward and realize were almost at my house.
Getting excited to just spend a night with my bestfriend and sister. The two most amazing people in my life.

The only people in my life actually.

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