Turning back time

By AscendingAngel12

44.2K 1K 61

Hermione goes into the past accompanied by Harry and Draco and Ginny in order to stop Tom Riddle from becomin... More

Be prepared
How to be a Pureblood 101
Hello, I'm Tom Riddle
Whats she hiding?
You're in the wrong class
Hospital Wing
I get whatever I want
Room of requirement
Hogsmeade date
Berries and Cream


3.3K 83 1
By AscendingAngel12

Hermione's pov


I awoke promptly at 9:30 and looked over at the pretty clothes that I laid out yesterday. I quickly got up and walked to the showers. After a steamy shower, I slipped on the black uniform and Mary-Janes that were standard for the forties and began applying a natural look of makeup to my face. After 20 minutes of being stabbed in the eye with a mascara wand, I looked the part of a pureblood witch. I grabbed my bag and headed down to the great hall for a late breakfast. I sat at the head table with Draco, and I ate an apple with pumpkin juice.

"Oh shoot! Hermione we have to go, it's 11:30!" My eyes widened at his proclamation. When we arrived in Snape's office I noticed Ginny was with him. Harry ran inside, breathing heavily from running.

"What is Ginny doing here?" I asked.

"I'm coming with."

"No, you are not, you have to be here and be safe!" Harry told her as she crossed her arms.

"I am just as safe here as I will be in the past!" She yelled at him, she was just as stubborn as her mother.

"Besides, Harry, I wanna be with you..." she told him, and Snape rolled his eyes.

"Hate to break up the touching moment, but we need to discuss your background stories and names before you leave," Snape said in a sarcastic tone. Right, we needed new names, no one would believe Granger to be a pureblood name.

"Headmaster, er, Professor Dumbledore, what will our background stories be?" I asked looking at Dumbledore's portrait for what might be the last time.

"A curious thing indeed Miss Granger. Draco's surname shall be Delacour, french purebloods with white hair as you know; Harry's surname shall be Olivander, Garrick is an old friend and will not object to claiming parentage over Harry; but you, my dear, yours shall be Grindelwald." The old headmaster told us, a twinkle in his eye.

"Grindelwald? But sir, isn't that a little too conspicuous? We are arriving right in the middle of the war!"

"I have taken that into consideration, Miss Granger, my hope is that your name will not only give you an inviting ticket into Slytherin but also give Tom Riddle a reason to collect you so to speak." I nodded to the smiling portrait, still unsure about this recent development in the plan.

"Mrs. Granger, I assume you know what to do, I think 5 turns should do it." He said and I nodded in return. He handed me the Manila envelope that was only to be opened by the future (or rather, past) Dumbledore.

"Grab onto your bags," I told the group as I wrapped the time turner around all of us, and Harry was saying goodbye to Dumbledore once more.

"Before we go, Professor Snape, I know we hated each other, yet I wanted to say thanks, you were a great mentor," I told him and he gave me a small but genuine smile. I turned the hourglass five times, and when things stopped moving, we were in front of the Hog's Head.

"How did we end up here?" Ginny asked.

"No time for that, we have to meet Dumbledore!" I told them and let the time turner hang from my neck. We entered the Hog's Head and were met with a reddish, brunette Dumbledore sitting at the bar.

"Professor?" I asked as I tapped him on the shoulder. The man in question looked younger, but his eyes still held the same mirth from our time.

"Ah you must be the new transfer students, I have a private meeting room ready if you will follow me." He said while glancing knowingly at each of us. Once we reached the private room I gave him the envelope. He sat and read over the contents and nodded.

"Sir?" I asked and he looked up at me.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Grindelwald, it seems future I have entrusted you to sway Mr. Riddle to the light side using any means necessary." He said while giving me a knowing look.

I suppose we should get you to headmaster Dippet, you needn't worry about him not admiring you, I have been aware of this for some time." He told us.

"Follow me." He beckoned as we left the Hog's Head towards the castle. Ginny walked up next to me and struck up a conversation.

"Ginny, what will your last name be?" I asked, the question had been on my mind since I saw her in the office.

"Prewett." She simply stared.

"But you can't! Your mother's aunt and father are attending currently!" I whispered to her.

"Don't worry, the Prewetts have tons of cousins, even in the forties our family was huge. If you have the trademark red hair, it can be assumed you are related to either the Weasleys or the Prewetts." She said, having researched the topic.

We reached the castle in record time, and Dumbledore led us up to Dippet's office.

"No need to be afraid Mrs. Grindelwald, you will change history," Albus told me, but it didn't help alleviate my anticipation.

"Cornucopia." He said and waved his hand over the statue. With that, we entered the office again.

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