Azur High

By PokemonLover10102001

8.1K 98 276

Rowan and his three Yorktown Class Carries girlfriends are run out there house. Enrolled into Azur High they... More

OC Template
Who should Rowan get.
Welcome to Azur High.
Secrets, Bullies and a new ship?
Plans and Team Building.
Royal Siblings and New Memebers
Sisters and Pure Evil
Explosive Times 
The Death of....
Funeral Blues. 
The Army Begins to Form.

New Place New Name

1.8K 13 42
By PokemonLover10102001

Please be warned that this chapter contains Sexual abuse. Please be warned.

"I can do whatever I want to do to them. I'm your father." Said a tall man.

"She the youngest of them. And you touched her.  How could you. I love all three of them. How could you do this to me." Said someone who looks to be the mans son.

"She didn't lock the bathroom door so I just walked into the room." Said the dad.

"Hornet is not your toy. She's my girlfriend. As well as Yorktown and Enterprise.  I love all three of them." Said the son again.

"There shipgirls not humans." Said the dad.

"Don't give me that. You now dang well that once they come out of those cubes they are real beings. With feelings, emotions, dreams and so many other things. Mom gave me those when she passed. Saying that she knew I would take care of them. She loved shipgirls like me. So don't come over saying they aren't real." Said the kids.

"Rowan let's just forget this. Let's work something out where I can get off to them and this can all be water under the bridge." The father said.

"You think I will ever let that. No I'm leaving. I am 16. Under the law I can leave if I want to. So I'm leaving." Said Rowan.

He walked off his room. Slammed the door and began to pack.

He got a beep form his holder and released Hornet. She ran into his arms.

"Babe I'm so sorry." She cried

"Shhh what are you sorry for. You did nothing wrong. He touched you. He attacked you. All you did was yell for help. Which I did help you. I love you and your sister I told you when got together that I will protect each and every one of you." Rowan said as he hugged Hornet tightly. She didn't have her armor on.

He released his other two girls first up it was the youngest of the three and the first to a-mite her feelings for him. USS Hornet

Next to her is the oldest if the three. She is a smart calm and yet very protective girl. She was the second girl to a-mite her feelings for him. The lovely USS Yorktown.

Finally there is the most famous of the three Yorktown girls. The most loving of the three. She is the one who is by his side most of the time. The Big E, The Grey Ghost, The Lucky E. USS Enterprise.

All three girls came out of Wisdom Cubes that his mother left for him when she died. When they all came out they all warmed up to him almost immediately. They become very protective of him. Within 6 months of them coming out feelings began to form in all party. But it took a year after that for Hornet to finally emit her feeling. A few days after that Yorktown did. Then a week after that Enterprise did. Then for a year the four where happy in the relationship.

Then about an hour ago he heard Hornet scream. He ran in to see his father groping Hornet. He attacked his father and pulled him off of Hornet. After returning Hornet to his carrier for them. In there Enterprise and Yorktown could help her. He entered into a massive yelling match with his father. Now is leaving because he can't live in a house with someone who will attack his girls.

He continued to pack. He put cloths in. His extra Tech Boxes that he has in case he needs to upgrade his girls for combat. He took a picture of him and his mother and put it in as well.

"Babe we support  you 100%." Said Enterprise.

"Thanks babe. I am gonna get you away form this place. I want to know everything. Has he done this before." Asked Rowan. 

"He's only looked at us. Sometimes we see him looking at us in our night cloths but he's never touched us. Idk where that fame form."said Yorktown as she kissed Rowans head.

"Ok. Let's go. Do you wanna go into the carrier or stay with me." Asked Rowan.

"Oh we are staying out. We are gonna show him that we are standing by our man." Said Hornet.

He nodded and then picked out his suitcase and backpack and walked out. All four of them walked to the door. He has all his emergency money.

"Son if you walk out that door. Your dead to me. I will hate you for ever." Said the dad.

"Why will you hate him. You attacked one of his girl and our sister. He should be hating you." Said Yorktown coldly.

"He's taking my eye candy away." He said as Rowan grunted and walked out the door with his girls. He slammed the door. He grab his car keys. Which was in his name and he paid for.

He returned Yorktown and Hornet but kept Enterprise out. They both got in the car. He starts it and drives.

The carrier is a wrist mounted device that allows the user to keep there shipgirls in a world that will protect them. They can hear most of what goes on outside. They can beep to be let out. And if there emergency they can pop out themselves.

They just keep driving.

"Babe where are we gonna go." Asked Enterprise.

"Azur High. It's a school my mom wanted me to go to but when she passed my dad forbid me front going. But now I'm gonna go enroll cause I'm old enough to. I don't need parents permission." Rowan said.

"Ok well I'm excited now. I have heard they have combat training there. I can't wait to see what we get from the Tech Boxes." Said Enterprise.

"Yeah. I've been just hoarding and collecting them. Plus I can't wait to see if I can get more wisdom cubes." Said Rowan.

"Why so you can add more girls to your harem." Enterprise said very innocently.

"Only if you girls are ok with it." Rowan said which made Enterprise blush.

"We don't mind. As long as you treat them right." Said Enterprise as they cattier beeped meaning Yorktown and Hornet agreed.

"Well I will. There are a very I've wanted to have. I want a USS Laffey." Said Rowan.

"There very loyal. Lazy but loyal. They love to sleep on your back." Said Enterprise.

"I have heard. I want a HMS Belfast as well. But I'll be happy with any shipgirls. Your all amazing to me." Said Rowan.

"Thanks babe. Your one of a kind." Said Enterprise.

8 hours later they are driving down the highway. To the school which is about an while away.

They stop at a rest area and Rowan gets out to and stretch's Enterprise does the same.

"You girls want out." Asked Rowan.

Nothing happened so it means they are asleep.

"Well he's just us two babe." Said Enterprise.

"Ok come my Grey Ghost." Rowan said as he takes her hand and walks in with her. As they walk in they see a boy in glasses getting pushed down.

"Those are my Wisdom Cubes. You can take them it's Illegal." Said the boy.

"Boo who. These are mine now. Wisdom Cubes are meant for real men not losers like you." Said the bully.

"What right do you have to say that." Asked Rowan.

"Well it's the fact that most likely a shipgirl will end up in a relationship with there owner. And this nerd doesn't deserve this girl." He said.

"Wrong answers. If you so confident why don't you take me on in a 1 v 1 shipgirl duel."

"If you win you get all my wisdom cubes. If you win you give me all of yours." Said Rowan.

"Alright deal. Let's go. Let's Duel. I choose the lovely ship Koiln"

"Ok Enterprise let's go. Battle mode. You may not have you more powerful planes but we get still fight." Said Rowan as Enterprise nodded.

"Ok Köln full salvo. Let's win this quickly." Said the bully with a fake yawn.

She fired the salvo.

"Take it". Was all Rowan said.

It's shocked everyone.

Enterprise however knew what he was planing. She took the hit. As the smoke cleared an army of planes came out and dropped a massive amount of Bombs and torpedos.

"Köln is out of action. Rowan wins." Said a person who acted as a ref.

"I lost but how." Asked the bully.

"My Enterprise has practice for awhile on taking Salvos. We can take many of them and come out unhurt. You lost now hand over all your Wisdom Cubs." Said Rowan.

"I don't wanna. You can't make me." Said the Bully. He isn't even helping his Shipgirl who is struggling to get up.

"This is an match that has been done. You need you hand them over." Said a man.

"And help your ship girl. She's hurt." Said a woman.

"No leave me alone. She sucks and..." that is all got to say before being knocked out.

Rowan was handed his carrier and all his wisdom cubes by a woman.

"Take his girls. Take care of them." Said the woman.

"Thank you for helping me. My name is Bentin. I'm going to Azur High." Said Bentin as he took his four cubes back.

"I'm Rowan. And this is Enterprise. She's my girlfriend. One of them at least." Said Rowan.

"It's nice to meet you. I got these cubes form my sister. She goes Eagle Tech. My family is ashamed of me. They all hate me besides my sister." Said Bentin.

"Well I am gonna give you this. It's the bully's carrier. I latest have one. I see he has two others then Köln." He hand the carrier to Bentin.

Bentin goes over to Köln and helps her up.

"Thank you sir. Am I free from that man" asked Köln.

"Yes you are. Your free form him. Now let's see who else he has. He released two other girls.

The first one is released Karlsruhe

And the second one is Konigsberg

They both come out and see that Köln is in the arms of a new man. She looks worn out.

"Sister are you ok?" Said Konigberg.

"Yes sis I'm ok. We have a new master. He's so smart and handsome. He's also very nice." Said Köln.

"Well I'm sure we all can enjoy this" Said Konigberg  she said as they all cuddled Bentin with Rowan Laughing.

Soon it's only Köln out. "I will be your out of carrier girl or OC girl." Köln said as she stood by Bentin.

"Well you missed you bus. Lucky your new friend can drive. Let's head out. The roads are closed so we have to take back roads. Which will mean we have about a 8 more hours." Said Rowan.

He nods and him Köln, Enterprise and Rowan head to the car and get on the road.

Iron Boarding School.

"Hmmm I can't believe Steve lost to a no schooler. He lost the Konigberg sisters." Said a man in a school uniform.

"The kids going to Azur High. There trying to get a tournament team together. These two might just help them." Said another one.

"Yes and with Steve losing over 50 Wisdom Cubes we are in a bad spot. We must be ready for anything." Said a third one.

"It matters not. Azur High will enter the tournament this year. Then we will crush them like everyone else." Said the first one.

A/n. Welcome to chapter one of Azur High. I hope you enjoyed the story. Thank you. If you want to know more about the game or the story don't hesitate to PM me or comment any questions.

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