Teach Me How To Live -~Zen...

By Author_J_

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-~Snow White With Red Hair~- After the murder of her family and now being hunted by her home kingdom, what is... More

-~Special Thanks!~-
Changed. -~Part 1~-
Changed. -~part 2~-
This Was Fun. -~2~-
leap of faith -~3~-
Talk To Me -~4~-
The Truth -p1
The Truth -p2
I Will Protect You
First Day On The Job
New Outfit, New Name
You Broke Her
Teach Me How To Live!
Fort Lockstown p1
Fort Lockstown p2
Together For A While
The First Day
My Week Of Training.
The Castle
A Bigger Storm
Funeral and Ball
So New
Back Home..
Bad News
Dress Shopping
Together For The Night
Without them.
My Birthday..
The Mountains
Day Out
Home Late Consequences
clothing?.. not a chapter
Long Day
Return The Stolen
Horrible Wedding
The Fight.
Finally, Our Meeting
Two Months At Home.
i got tagged, friends. -not a chapter-
A New Queen?
I Surrender
Broken Chains
His End
A Break
Brothers Wedding
We're Fools
Too Good To Be True
almost time
Not to worry!-notes

The Festival

2.1K 39 3
By Author_J_

I've been back home in Clarines for about a month now. Things have felt amazing yet boring in a good way. Things got back into routine quickly. Zen would work for a while then normally take a break to come see me. Lately I've been helping Kiki out with training the guards. It seems like word finally spread that i was in the castle. Everyone realized i was the black cloak that was once walking around too.
My first day working with Kiki and the soldiers was fun. The men asked me tons of questions about my life and the recent events of my family's funeral. I never told anyone about dad, it was better that people thought he was dead for now till his ego gets too big and he wants to go fight again. Zen was informed about how things have been in Alfin. It was a letter to both me and Zen. It said how Ari was now the rightful ruler and how the kingdom has become much happier. So happy that they even showed up to the castle with hundreds of flowers. Ari took that chance to be with her people and show them that things will get better in the kingdom. Currently she's working hard to restore things and work with other countries now that she's in office. She must be stressed but she wrote that she was having an amazing time. It made me happy to hear how good things have been. I've been busy here too. Not only have I been working with soldiers but I also took 2 days off to help out shirayuki and the other herbalists create a new flu shot for the soliders because spring was coming. I took the first day to help create it then the second I helped give the soilders their shot. It took us all day and i never took a break till obi made me. He wasn't giving shots but he was still here with us mostly because shirayuki was working so hard. At the end of that day I went and found Zen asleep in his office. It seems the days that im working hard, Zen is doing the same thing. Mitsuhide and Kiki told me he was so motivated by me so he's been working harder. He often falls asleep when he works hard like this all day. This wouldnt be the first time ive caught him passed out at his desk.
I've recently started to finish crafting my sword. Well, really I just trashed that one and started over. This one would be special and just for me. Dad has his sword and I can't keep using mom's forever so I decided I'd finally going to make my own and after that I'd make princess Ari one as she requested. I couldn't work all day in the blacksmiths shop, he had his work to do even if he liked watching me work more and I had to work as well. Although my work isn't very hard I still have to keep at it. I walked around for a while then took a break to work a little more with the blacksmith. He actually taught me a few things about this art which really seemed to help me out. In exchange I gave him a few tips I picked up from my family. They seemed to blow his mind for some reason even if it wasn't something so amazing deserving that reaction.
After that whole month passed, everything was right on track. Prince Izona's ball was back on for the end of this month. After things with the funeral he had to cancel it but now word has spread and everyone is getting ready again. But before that.. We had a festival. And that festival happens to be today, right at the beginning of the month.

I was told to wear my special uniform today by Obi but I quickly learned he pranked me after seeing him, Mitsuhide, and kiki laughing at me..
"Y-You actually wore it?.." Obi asked and tried to hold in his laughter.
"Why are you like this?.." i whispered with my hands over my face in embarrassment.
"I-I cant believe she fell for it.." Mitsuhide muttered with his hand over his mouth and tried to keep holding in his laughter. Even kiki was having a hard time keeping her smile down.
"Y/n! Why are you wear your uniform? I already have an outfit for you!" Shirayuki shouted and came running over to us who are all standing in the hall by Zen's office.
"I dont want to talk about it.." i muttered to her in embarrassment and disappointment. I cant believe i fell for that..
"Come on, we have to hurry so we can go! I have the day off!" She told me happily and took my hand.
"Yeah but I dont" i chuckled and looked back to her. She sighed in defeat and lowered her head.
"You can work undercover too, y'know?" Mitsuhide chuckled to me.
"As long as youre by Zen, i dont see whats wrong with that" kiki added with a smile and nod.
"Yes! Let's go change Y/n!" Shirayuki shouted happily and dragged me down the hall.. Only.. To bump into one of the busiest people attending today..
"Good morning, your highness" i said as shirayuki and I gave him a short bow and stopped in the hall to talk only because he acknowledged us first.
"Good morning ladies, off to the festival? Miss moon, shouldnt you be around Zen about now?" Prince Izona asked and I think was just trying to push my buttons on purpose.
"Yes sir, I was just about to change" I nodded and didn't look in his eyes longer for a second. Even though I'm technically a princess, I still don't feel like I have that power..
"Change? Your uniform is exactly what you would need to wear today of all days. Today will be busy for Zen and I and I can't imagine he'll have much fun being alone with me so you should come along too i suppose.." he sighed before walking past us and didnt look back.
I turned to shirayuki with a shrug while she sighed. "Now we can't be twins.." she told me and sounded so disappointed.
"Y/n, shirayuki!" Zen shouted and came running down the hall out of no where.
"Youre.. Wearing a guards uniform?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and little grin as i looked at Zen's outfit. Now I dont feel so bad about mine.
"Awe, why do you two have to match instead of me and you?" Shirayuki asked me with a loud groan and looked so annoyed that we can't wear the same outfits anymore.
"I heard about Obi's little prank but I didnt think you'd fall for it" Zen chuckled and looked at what I was wearing.
"Well, now you know I take my job seriously" i shrugged and kept up a smile.
"Yeah" he chuckled and looked behind us at the others.
"Hey, what'd prince Izona say to you girls a second ago?" Mitsuhide asked as everyone gathered around.
"My brother?" Zen asked in confusion and looked at me.
"We were talking about the festival. He told Y/n she shouldn't change and that she needed to stay by Zen" shirayuki told them with a short giggle while my face heated up a bit.
"You dont have to wear that all day, especially not now" Zen sighed to me.
"Oh.." i hummed and looked down at myself.
"Zen will have to greet everyone a little later so till then you can change but i don't know if you should show prince izona that new outfit" Mitsuhide told me.
"Besides, shirayuki has been waiting all week just so you two could wear the same thing" Obi chuckled and left shirayuki with a light blush.
"Its not the same, just the same style.." shirayuki muttered with embarrassment.
"Go change, we'll wait" Zen told me with a smile.
"Okay" i smiled and nodded before shirayuki and I went to my room. I changed into the dress that showed a whole lot of my scars. I didnt mind it much till shirayuki said something.
"Theyre everywhere.." she whispered and looked me up and down with tears in her eyes. That's when I realized that maybe I shouldnt wear this dress.. the dress is long with thin fabric and it's a spaghetti strap and the collar is a little lower..
"Should I wear something else? I'm afraid other people might be scared when they see them.." i asked and looked down at myself. The one on my arm goes all the way from my shoulder to my wrist, people are bound to ask questions..
"Im so sorry, Y/n. I never even thought about how it could affect you.." Shirayuki told me was she wrapped her arms around me.
"Oh, its okay. Maybe ill wear it with the cloak you got me then" i told her with a smile as we pulled away. My dress is a pretty lavender color while hers is a pail pink color.
"Really? You would?" She asked wifh a little smile and looked like she felt so bad for me.
"Yeah, I think they look great together and now we'll both be in disguises. People won't know im someone sort of famous and you will cover your hair" i told her with a happy smile as i put on my pretty light grey cloak then tied the blue ribbon before putting my hood over my head.
"Make sure you pull your hair out too or else you'll get hot" she told me and pulled my hair out and rested it over my shoulders in my big hood.
"Yes ma'am" I giggled and pulled out the last little pieces before we left and found the others in Zen's office.
"Cloaks?" Obi asked with a tilted head.
"To keep warm" i shrugged and was clearly lying. It's spring time and very hot out, we don't need to keep warm like this.
"Or to hide someone's red hair" kiki said as looked under shirayuki's hood.
"Or to hide secret princesses" Mitsuhide shrugged.
"Come on guys, let's go before things get started" Zen told us with a short chuckle before everyone started heading out. We all walked together down the restricted area till we were able to get to the crowd. I was overwhelmed with joy as I looked around myself. The whole kingdom is here today. Theres these cool stands selling food and gifts and the people all look so incredibly happy.
"Every year we open the gates for a festival. You said you've never been to one before, haven't you?" Zen asked with a smile and took my hand as we all slowly walked a with the crowd.
"N-No, I havent.. Is this what all of them are like?" I asked him and looked around.
"All the ones I've been to are like this too, Y/n" shirayuki told me before her and obi sort of ran off. Well, mostly it was obi dragging shirayuki but either way, they were gone.
I looked atound myself at everything that's happening in amazement. Dad must have went to these too before meeting mom. This place is incredible! There's two people who are at least a whole two people tall telling some kind of story through actions like-.. like a play! I've never seen one of those before but it must be cool!
By accident a little boy bumped into Mitsuhide while he was playing but Mitsuhide didn't mind at all, he picked up the boy playfully and sent him back on his way. This place is so lively today, I didnt imagine id ever be able to see the world like this before!
We all stood and watched the tall people preform before Mitsuhide spoke to me.
"Y/n, Zen told me something the other day. He said he wanted to be with you and that he'd do anything to make that happen" he told me as a light tint of pink clouded my cheeks.
"Is that what you want too?" Kiki asked with a soft smile next.
"O-Oh, yes of course!" I told them this all while zen wasn't paying much attention to us. "Someday ill announce my secret but i don't want to leave him and everyone else yet. I'd like to stay and experience these things with you all a bit longer before much happens" I told them with the happiest smile of my life. Being here and hearing what the others told me makes me feel like im walking on air. It feels like after all the hardships in my life, I can finally live how I should have been this whole time.
"Thats really great news because we want that for you too" Mitsuhide told me with a smile and put his hand on my head.
"Thanks" i smiled at the two of them.
After the little show finished we went on our way to find Zen waiting for us.
"Did you find Obi?" Mitsuhide asked.
"Sort of" he chuckled and led the way to this fighting arena where we say obi totally beating this poor guy.
"The winner is, Nanaki!" A man shouted and raised Obi's hand. Nanaki?..
"Hey! Come down here!" Obi shouted from the center of that circle and pointed up to me. I could see shirayuki in the crowd sighing and shaking her head as obi shouted at me.
I pointed to myself with wide eyes and looked around as people began to laugh.
"Hey! Look, the girl's gonna fight!" A man with a deep voice shouted while everyone broke out into laughter. I narrowed my eyes and tilted my head feeling a bit angry.
"You should go show them what you can do.." Zen whispered to me by my side.
"Are you sure?.. We dont really have a lot of time before we have to go back.." i asked him quietly while obi ran up the stairs to me.
"One fight just to show them up" he chuckled as obi took my hand. I smiled at Zen as I was being dragged down. He has so much faith in me and he likes showing me off to everyone. Hes so proud of me and it gives me strength to do all this!
"Whats your name doll?" The guys with the microphone laughed.
"Hey, hey, shes a secret okay?" Obi whispered to the guy. He shrugged and nodded before backing up.
"Haha! You think a girl could actually beat the guy whose been winning all the fights?" One guy yelled in laughter.
"Hey! Maybe they're friends and he'll cheat!" Another shouted.
"Cheat?" I asked with a glare and put my hands on my hips.
"Why dont you take on some other guy then" obi suggested and looked around.
"Ill take her on!" A skinny, not very strong guy laughed and stepped forward. Obi stepped back and kept his grin hidden. I looked up to Zen and the others, they looked scared but I think it was for the guy in front of me. "Come on, sweetheart. Maybe after we're done here we can-" he was about to say something stupid so I swiftly kicked under his feet and punched him in the chest down to the dirt. People got real quiet after that. I smirked and stood up straight again after fixing my hood. Shirayuki and obi were the first to start clapping before my other friends but the crowd wasn't done with me.
"I need a challenge, I only have a minute left" i said and looked around as someone picked up the guy i knocked down.
"Then beat that friend of yours. He was the only one winning.." one dude said. I shrugged with a little grin as obi stepped up.
"Ready to lose for a second time?" Obi asked with a smirk as we walked in a small circle.
"I only lost the first time because I fought half the village before" i told him and popped my knuckles just before we bounced at each other. I had a ton of energy and was so pumped up already. Dust started flying everywhere and soon enough, you couldn't see anyone. We went on for longer than id like to admit to but in the end I had him pinned. I tripped him and made him fall face first into the dirt. I sat on his back and kept his hands behind his back so he wouldn't move. After a second the dust cleared and I could see the proud and slightly scared grins on my friemds faces from above. Zen looks so proud of me. He knew from the beginning I could do it..
"THE GIRL WON!" The ref shouted before people started cheering.
"Sorry, obi" I chuckled and helped him back up.
"You really had to go that hard?" He sighed as he rolled back his shoulder before getting handed a big bag of coins.
"Shirayuki is waiting" i told him with a little smile and quickly left him then back to the others at the top of the stairs.
"Zen, its about time to get going" kiki said as i reached them with shirayuki and obi by my side.
"Right, Y/n, we have to go now" Zen told me with a smile.
"Guess i have to change. See you soon obi, shirayuki" i told them woth a smile before leaving with the others.
Kiki went with me to change and Mitsuhide with zen. It didn't take me long to get dressed and I even loosly braided a bit of my hair like the first time I dressed in this and soon I met back up with Zen.
"Whoa.." i whispered when i saw Zen. He looks so nice and proper and he's wearing this beautiful gold hair piece around his head and it looks so good with his hair color.
"Whoa?" Kiki asked with a little grin.
"H-Huh?" I stuttered with a bright blush and looked to her as we walked back.
"Ready?" Zen asked with a smile as i looked back to him.
"Mhm" i hummed and nodded with a little smile.
"Zen, you know the way right?" Mitsuhide asked and turned to him.
"Yeah, are you planning to back down?" Zen asked with a smile.
"You dont need our help anymore" kiki quietly laughed and lightly pushed me towards Zen.
"We'll see you after!" Mitsuhide said as him and kiki walked off.
"Come on" Zen chuckled and began walking with me by his side.
"Do you always greet everyone? Doesn't it take up a lot of time meeting everyone?" I asked as i walked by his side.
"No, we couldn't personally meet everyone or else it'd take a long time so we stand above everyone waving. Its not very fun.. Sometimes i wish we did actually meet people" he told me as we walked together.
"Youre meeting people already in the festival but they don't know it. I feel bad for them, youre an amazing person to get to know.." i told him with a soft smile on my face as I thought about him.
"Id be more excited to meet you. Y/n moon and a secret princess? You have more to offer than the rest of us" he chuckled to me.
"I don't have more to offer" i giggled, " im just like you, just a person" i told him and looked up to him smiling. He didnt reply, he just kept smiling and walking by me.
Soon we reached this short walk way above everyones heads a few floors up. I stayed next to the side so no one would see me but I peeked out a little to see everyone. Its amazing how much respect the citizens of Clarines have for Zen and Prince Izona. I wonder what they would think of they found out i was close to Zen.. Would they think its alright because im the last of the moon clan or should I really announce my title soon? I dont know the answers but even so, id like to stay by his side no matter what they'd say..
Zen and his brother talked while I glanced at the crowd. I couldnt hear what they were saying but Zen didn't look happy with their conversation till he looked at me and smiled again. Im glad I can be of some sort of comfort for Zen now when he needs it. The cheering went on for a long time. It was probably about 10 to 15 minutes long where they stayed up there smiling and waving to everyone as the people shouted how proud they were of their rulers. I couldn't be happier hearing all these things too and I made a promise to myself that ill live up to Zen so I could one day stand by his side.
Prince Izona was the first to come back. He looked exhausted as expected but tried to flash me a smile. "I half expected you to be with the others down below.." he told me as he passed me by and into the castle again. What does that mean?..
"What did he say?.." Zen asked me and stood in front of me away from the crowd.
"Um, nothing I think" i told him with a smile and started walking with him back inside.
"You think?.." he asked in concern and lead me somewhere I haven't been before.
"Its nothing" i shook my head smiling. "Where are we going? I thought for sure you'd like to change after that" i asked and followed as he led me up stairs that went up to another walk way higher up so no one would notice us.
"I thought that maybe you'd like to see the festival from a birds eye view" he told me with a happy smile as we walked past the final stair to the open walk way.
"Oh.." i whispered as I finally saw what he was talking about. Everyone looks so happy and relaxed here.. This place is so special to everyone and I finally get to see more of it, my new home.
"Sometimes id like to walk with everyone without some silly disguise" he told me as we looked down together.
"Thats okay.." i muttered before looking back to him and meeting his eyes, "after all, who gets to wear an outfit like yours? It suits you well" i told him finally. His face turned a bit red after I complaimented him.
"Th-Thanks.." he stuttered quietly and couldn't look away from me.
"I hope the others aren't looking for us" i sighed and looked back down.
"You dont want to go back?.." he asked in quiet confusion.
"No, that's not it. I just really enjoy being with you up here right now.." i told him softly and kept looking over the edge down at all the people holding hands or hugging or eating things together. I read that this is what a date was like. Being together with one other person you loved while doing thing together like eating or holding hands.
"I like it too. If i had a choice, I'd stay up here with you all day but the others will get worried" he sighed to me as i looked back to him.
"Thats okay, maybe we should go change then" i smiled and kept my eyes on him. I love his uniform and his hair piece, I love how it makes him look so much more important but here he is talking to me like its nothing.
"Yeah, lets go" he nodded and smiled as we walked back. We walked and talked about the other things we'd like to do while at the festival after meeting up with the others. First we split ways and changed then quickly met back in the hall. I walked out halfway through braiding all my hair to the side and my ribbon stuck between my lips. I was trying to hurry back to Zen.
"How do you manage all your hair?" Zen asked with a quiet chuckle. I shrugged in response since I couldnt talk yet. It took me a second but I finally tied the end and finished.
"Sorry, i was getting a little hot with my hair down" i told him wifh a short laugh.
"Have you ever thought about cutting it?" He asked as we slowly walked together back down the halls.
"No, I never have.. Should I?" I asked with a smile and looked up to him.
"Hm? O-Oh, I dont know. I think youll look pretty still with it short or long.." he told me shyly and couldnt look at me.
"Thanks, maybe I will cut it then" i giggled and let a small blush rise from his compliment.
"Wait, is that Ryuu?.." he asked before opening the window and shouting his name.
"Where's shirayuki? I can't find her!" Ryuu shouted back to zen.
"Is there something wrong?" Zen asked back as concern filled the both of us.
"Yeah, a preformed gof hurt on the stage!" He shouted. I looked to Zen qith a little smile and nodded back to where we were walking before. We should go find her and help the performer before doing anything else. They might be badly hurt.
"We'll help find her!" Zen promised before the both of us got going again.
"Come on! We have to go find her!" I told Zen with a big smile and ran a little in front of him.
"Yeah" he nodded amd began to run with me.
We didnt need to look for long though, we found shirayuki and the others almost immediately then all ran together to the stage where a real play was still being performed.
Ryuu was already there seeing the girl in this pretty outfit. Shirayuki helped out too but I didnt. It was clear that she broke her foot to me and im sure the others knew quickly as well so i paid most attention to the play. It was about two prince's fighting over one girl which was the one that got hurt by accident. One prince was evil though.
"Because its broken, you need to stay off it so it can heal. Sorry." Ryuu told the actress when i chimed back in.
"Oh no.. This was my chance to shine so id be invited to the castle! Now the princes are never going to fall in love with me!" She shouted and covered her face looking sadder than ever. My eyes widened a little when i heard the part about having the prince's fall in love. I kind of doubt thats how things would happen but it's an interesting thought..
"Nows your chance!.." obi whispered to Zen from beside me. My shoulders tensed and my eyes widened hearing obi say that just before Zen slapped him in the back of the head.
"Your jokes suck, obi" i muttered with narrowed eyes.
"What? Jealous?" Obi whispered in a teasing manner.
"Shut up, obi.." zen sighed as i walked away from the two back to the curtain to see the performance. It truly was amazing..
While i wasn't paying attention, shirayuki was asked to play that girl in the others stead.
"Please, all you have to say is one line!" The hurt woman shouted as some other people dug around for a new outfit for shirayuki. In the end she agreed and when she came back out she looked like royalty!
"Shirayuki! This is so cool, do your best!" I told her and was so excited to see her preform. Obi was in utter shock and his mouth was hanging wide open.
"I-I will!" She shouted with determination before some other people behind the play pushed her out onto stage. It was amazing seeing her out there! Something wasn't right though. I guess there was a plan to reveal shirayuki's hair color but obi wouldn't allow that to happen so he dressed up as well..
"Look at them.." i muttered and watched my friend perform on a real stage. This is my first time ever seeing a play and I can't take my eyes away for a second.
"Y/n, would you like to see from the audience?" Kiki asked from beside.
"O-Oh, yes! Ryuu do you need any help before I leave?" I asked him as he was wrapping up the hurt actresses foot.
"No, I've got it. You all go ahead" he told me with a little smile.
"We'll see you soon ryuu, good work" Mitsuhide told him just before we all walked around the stage then to the audience. As soon as we got to our spots in the very back, obi swung in and saved shirayuki from showing her hair. Obi looked like a real prince or knight, whatever it was, he looked amazing doing it! Shirayuki was so surprised when she saw him.
"Whoa.." I whispered seeing obi jump down on the stage. Everyone gasped and looked just as surprised as shirayuki. Obi shouted something about how shirayuki is his and how she's under his protection and care. I feel like obi was speaking from the heart when he said all that..
I held my mom's old necklace that hung around my neck in my hands tightly as I watched this show. Ive never seen anything more amazing..
"Y/n, is this the first time you've seen a play before?" Mitsuhide asked and snapped me back to everyone else.
"Yes it is, its really amazing what they're doing.." i said and looked back to the stage.
"At night everyone will release lanterns in the sky too" zen told me and stood by my side.
"I saw those once on a mission.. I was in a forest somewhere with my dad and from afar we could see hundreds of lights flying in the sky.." i told him without looking away from the play. Obi finally had shirayuki in his arms now. "I always wondered what they looked like up close.." i told him and slowly let my eyes drift down to my hands that held tightly onto mom's necklace.
"Youll see soon, I promise" he told me as i looked back to his smile.
"Okay.." i let my soft smile show again. "Would if be right if i walked around for a minute?" I asked him suddenly.
"I don't see why not, just don't get lost in the crowd" he said with that same smile as mine grew bigger.
"Okay! I won't, ill meet you back at the castle before dinner!" I told him and the others before quickly going. All I want is to find one lantern for tonight! I've never been to a festival or done any of these things before so it's all new to me but in a way, it must be new for zen too. Although he's in a disguise, he's never got to experience things like other people have so we're the same! I walked around trying to control my smile and searched the stands around me. I asked someone for directions to find a lantern and instead they led me right too it! Everyone was so kind to me and I finally got what I needed! I explained how this was my first festival to the vendor. He was overly surprised but believed me. He gave me two lanterns all free. He said one was for me and the other was for whoever took me to this event then sent me on my way. I couldnt believe how nice everyone was. This wasn't like any experience I've ever had in my life. I felt like i was apart of everyone's lives for some reason, I wasnt ignored or shunned at all unlike when I went on missions back then. Im so glad things turned out the way they did and I found zen and the ofhers. My life will never be the same.
I was walking back to the castle through the big crowd of people when suddenly.. Someone recognized me..
"Y/n Moon! Look everyone, she's really here!" Someone shouted at the top of their lungs.
"Oh no.." i whispered and pulled my hood down a little lower.
"Miss moon! Were you the woman at that fight earlier?!" Another shouted as suddenly a big crowd grew around me. All this attention was scaring me somehow. It made me feel trapped. It reminded me of all the soldiers storming my house that day..
"I-Im sorry, I really have to go" i apologized and tried to get through but they formed a tight circle around me. My breathing became a bit quicker and I grew more scared for some reason. What is happening to me? I was just okay a second ago.. Why did someone have to recognize me?
"Is it true your family died in battle or did prince dominc murder them like he did his own family?!" Someone shouted.. and suddenly I was trapped in an endless circle of fear and pain. Why do they have to touch me? Why did they ask me that question?..
"Are you here for royal business now that youre close to royals?!" Another shouted. The circle was too big for anyone to wall around now. People gathered all around just to see me..
"Miss Moon!" Everyone was screaming at me. I held tight onto the two lanterns I was given and kept my head down out of fear. I couldnt take out my sword or else I'd scare them. They just want information.. Im scared..
"Zen.." i whispered and shut my eyes.
"Hey! Break it up!" Someone began yelling then more started yelling as well.. Than suddenly Zen was standing in front of me out of breath and a look of fear then sudden relief.
"I found you.." Zen whispered before sighing and stared me right in my eyes that held so much fear in them.
"I-Im sorry.." i stuttered and felt like I could cry now seeing him like this. This feels like my own play where my own primce comes to save me.. And here he is.
"We have to go quickly before someone notices me too.." zen told me with a soft smile and held out his hand just for me to hold.
"Okay.." i nodded and slowly took his hand while using my other to hold our lanterns. We began to run but it felt sort of fun. He was smiling as we ran past people to the restricted area. He looked like he was so happy now with me. I couldnt feel more at ease either. It felt exciting running away from crowds of people with a prince in my hand.
As we came to a stopping point somewhere safe and away from the crowd, we couldnt help but laugh to ourselves while we caught our breath.
"Youre the only person I know who can cause a scene without doing anhthing" Zen laughed to me while i laughed along.
"I didn't think anyone would notice me if they didn't earlier! And you're one to talk!" I laughed and light pushed his arm.
"Me?!" He laughed in surprise.
"Youre the prince of this country ans you're running around in a guards outfit! It's a mystery to me how you werent caught before I did!" I laughed to him. We kept laughing together for a second till we calmed down.
"So you found what you were looking for then? Was there anything else you wanted from there?" he asked as we slowly began to walk back into the castle for dinner. Normally everyone eats together at one table but most times shirayuki isn't there although I have a feeling she will be today.
"No but it was fun walking around and seeing everyone" i told him happily and held my two folded lanters flat against chest.
"Are those lanterns for tonight?" Zen asked as we walked down the hall with people often staring at us. They must know it's zen in that outfit and now that my name is known in the castle, I've been getting unwanted attention too. Zen and i have to be careful what we do around each other now because of that but its alright.
"Yep, I was only going to buy one but when I told the man it was my first time at a festival he gave me two for free" i told him with an awkward laugh and kinda felt bad that i didn't pay now that i think about it.
"Really? That was nice of him" zen chuckled.
"Y/n and Zen! Stop right there!" Mitsuhide suddenly shouted from the room we were all about to meet in.
"Uh oh.." i whispered with my shoulders tense as Mitsuhide stompes over to us then evedylne else walked out of the same room.
"What the hell were you two thinking of running off like that?!" Mitsuhide shouted then turned to me next, "I thought you weren't trying to attract attention today!" He went on then turned to zen, "And you could have made it worse! What would we do if someone found out you were running around too?! People would go crazy!-" Mitsuhide shouted at us and was starting to turn red.
"But now they're back" kiki stepped in with a sigh.
"W-We're sorry! We didnt mean to worry anyone.." i stuttered in surprise to them and relaxed my shoulders again.
"Whoa, what'd you get?" Obi asked and walked around Mitsuhide to me.
"Lanterns for tonight" Zen told them while looking at me.
"Im sorry i only have two though" i said and gave one of them to obi to see. He immediately unfolled it and both him and I were shocked by how large this lantern turned out to be!
"This thing really flies?.." obi asked and didnt look amused but I was absolutely amazed by it. It must be the heat from the fire that helps it fly up to the clouds.. i wonder if mom will see this from up there?..
"Its so pretty.." i muttered as him and I looked through the hole at the bottom to the inside. Its a plain off white color but I still think its amazong. Some part of me just wants to keep this as a memory of today..
"Y/n, you're so cute sometimes" shirayuki giggled as zen lightly put his hand on my head with a gentle smile down at me.
"No, just a little curious is all" i told her with a short giggle.
"Lets go eat before things get started" Mitsuhide suggested with a smile before leading us all there. We took our seats like normal. Obi, Mitsuhide and kiki were all on one side while shirayuki, zen and me were on the other. We all talked about today's events, mostly about the play though. I got to tease obi about being the prince in that story but he didn't care. He liked being the savior and shirayuki liked that too. We all ate for a while before splitting up one last time before night fell.
Zen took me back to the herb garden. This place was always somewhede i liked to go but we didnt actually stay. We passed right by it and instead went to a field of grass and little scattered flowers.
"Tired?" Zen asked as i laid down on my back looking up at the setting sun and clouds floating in the sky.
"Not at all, this place just feels relaxing when you're here" i told him with a soft smile as i gently held my necklace in one hand and had my other laying on top of my stomach.
"You give me far too much credit.." he chuckled, "i think its nice now that we're away from the public eye. You really scared me earlier, y'know?" He told me as i turned my head towards him but first saw his hand. Hes worn that ring i gave him everyday without fail. It really isn't fit for someone like him, it's so plain but in a way.. it suits him nicely.
"Im sorry.. I didnt think anyone would notice me.." i sighed to him and looked up to his eyes.
"Youre a lot more popular than you think already.." he sighed and didnt look too happy about that. "It makes me wonded how people will react when they hear you're the first princess of tanbarun.." he told me while he was looking at the grass under us.
"Ill be okay.. And im sure things will calm down soon about my family. We haven't been on the front lines for a few months now so soon enough there will be another-" i begam and was trying to say that other people will take my spot in popularity but..
"No, Y/n, you dont understand" zen told me quickly and sounded serious. "Your family has always been the strongest over everyone for generations. Obi has that sword to prove it too. Just because you've stepped down from that roll doesn't mean you won't be remembered for your work" zen told me seriously and got me thinking..
"Maybe i don't want to be remembered for what i've done.." i muttered and looked up to the clouds. "We did what we had to and it wasn't always good.. im sorry zen.." i sighed and sat up.
"Y/n, its not your fault.." he told me softly and leaned closer.
"I know.. but that doesn't make up for all we've done.. So all now I can do is try to make things better somehow.." i told him but i didnt really know how to make things better.
"Its not up to you to make things better though. You shouldn't take responsibility for what happened but you do anyway even if it's all Dominic's fault!" Zen told me as i held tight onto moms necklace.
"But we could have said no.." i muttered before suddenly zen jumped at me. He took my hands and pinned them beside my head while he leaned over the top of me.
"You couldn't of! You would have been killed if you did!" He shouted suddenly and lelt me feeling all sorts of ways.
"Well maybe if i was killed then other people wouldn't have suffered!" I shouted back with little tears in my eyes. I feel at a loss somehow. I know zen is proud of me but i have all this horrible history! He knows what missions I've gone on! He knows everything but he doesn't care at all and if bothers me because of that! How can he trust someone like me knowing all that?!
"Y/n, whether it was you or someone else, things would have still happen." He told me in a serious tone. "If you would have died before now than what would I be doing with the rest of my life? Y/n, you've saved all of us! Obi especially, hes been living for you for all these years, dont you think you owe him for that?" He began to shout as i clenched my jaw together and held back my tears. "Youre special to everyone, y/n! You make everyones days better just by being here! You always help everyone else without a single thought for yourself!.. You put yourself though so much when you don't need to, you deserve so much more than that y/n.." he told me before lightly resting his forehead on my shoulder.
"I-I just don't want anyone else hurt by me so i thought maybe if i tried hard enough I could make things better for those around me.. You know everything I've done zen, yet you're still here as if you dont care.. Why?.." i asked in a whispered and tried to hold back my tears. I let my hands relax in his as I talked.
"Because I love you, Y/n.." he whispered as he looked back in my eyes.
"I-I love you too, Zen.." i whispered and finally let everything out after hearing that. I shouldn't have his love but I need it. I need all of him forever. He slowly moved off from over me before pulling me into a hug.
"Im sorry i yelled.. I didnt know how else to get through to you.." he whispered and held me as tight as i held him.
"Me too.. im sorry i keep saying stuff like that.. i just can't get over it for some reason.." i muttered and felt so at ease in his arms.
"You will.. You just have to accept your past in order to move forward.." he told me and let out a soft breath.
"Im trying.. i want to keep moving forward with you and everyone else and im almost there.." i said quietly.
"I know you are.." he muttered. "I got something for you earlier when you were gone" he told me and gently pulled away.
"What?.. Really? Why?" I asked softly and tried not to show how excited I was. Whatever it is, ill keep it forever.
"I thought it might look good on you so I picked it up.." he told me and pulled out a little box from his pocket then handed it to me. I took off the top and found this beautiful hair pin. When I walked in different towns for missions I always saw little things like these around. I've never owned one before but mom used to wear one all the time.
"Its so pretty.." i whispered looking at the gold metal. Its a clip sort of thing. Its long almost like a rectangle but in this beautiful pattern so it doesn't have a have specific shape. There are little blue jewels hanging from long thin golden chains below it too.
"Ive never seen you wear one before so I thought maybe you might like it" he told me shyly amd couldn't look at me for long. I quickly took off my ribbon and untied my hair.
"Ive never had one before now. Thank you, Zen" i told him with a smile as i pulled back little pieces of hair in front of my face then pulled them around the sides of my head to the back where I clipped them back with the hair pin he gave me. "Does it look okay?" I asked and turned my head a little so he could see.
"Its beautiful.." he told me with this smile and looked a little zoned out, "we should probably be going now though before they start lighting their lanterns" he told me as he chimed back in.
"Then let's get going" i smiled and stood up with him.
We walked back with little conversation through areas where the public and other staff weren't at. We've been completely alone till meeting up with the others. Night fell hard and we were finally ready to start lighting our lanterns.
"Y/n, normally people write their wishes on their lanterns, do you have one?" Shirayuki asked as i held one of the lanterns.
"Yeah, do you?" I asked with a smile.
"Tell me yours first" she giggled.
"Youre not supposed to tell each other or else it won't come true!" Mitsuhide told us quickly.
"Oh.." i muttered and looked down.
"My wish is that everyone will always stay together.." shirayuki whispered while Mitsuhide wasn't listening.
"Mine too!" I whispered back with the biggest smile I've had all day.
"You two are like peas in a pod" zen chuckled to us after hearing our wishes.
"I think we could be sisters actually. We did met first before you guys" shirayuki said as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder.
"If anyone's siblings than it's obi and Y/n, they've been together for who knows how long" kiki said and rolled her eyes.
"I thought we already established i was a Moon at the funeral!" Obi shouted out while I giggled.
"Yes obi, you count" i giggled to him which only helped fuel his ego.
"Y/n, write your wish with this" Mitsuhide said as he handed me a paint brush and some ink.
"What are you going to wrote?" Zen asked as everyone gathered around. I didnt answer, instead I wrote in big letters the word 'forever together'. Thats all i want out of my life. To always be woth the ones who made it better.
"With who?" Obi asked with a raised eyebrow and grin.
"With everyone" i smiled ans picked it up then unfolded it.
"We should light them now" Mitsuhide suggested. I nodded and handed him the lantern because he was the one with the fire. I watched in amazement as he lit it. It turned a pail yellow from the fire burning on the inside and it began to inflat.
"Obi, you take this one and Y/n have yours" Mitsuhide said and handed me back the one I wrote on.
"What? We wont release them together?" I asked and looked around. Everyone started smiling when I asked for some reason.
"We will" zen chuckled and held one side of the lanter with me.
"We'll release both at once" kiki joined in. Everyone gathered in a circle and each had one hand on each of the lanters. We counted down from 3 then released the very first ones before everyone else. Then suddenly everyone released theirs. I leaned over the edge watching these light up the sky and slowly float up. It amazed me just how many there were and made me wonder where they'll land later.
"Its really pretty" i awed at the lights. Zen smiled beside me before catching the teasing look Mitsuhide gave him.
"Oh, shut up" zen sighed.
"I still cant believe you caused so much trouble still Zen" Mitsuhide soghed.
"Me?" Zen asked and almost choked while I quietly giggled.
"Its really kinda sweet. You fuse over master like you're his father, Mitsuhide" obi said as i watched the lanterns fly over head.
"Its my job and I'm rather fond of him" Mitsuhide replied whole heartedly.
"Remember that time you two argued and he wouldnt talk to you for a while so you went on a hunger strike till he spoke to you again?" Kiki asked Mitsuhide.
"Pfft-" i slapped my mouth shut before I started laughing.
"Come on! It was only for one day! Would have been two but I couldn't last any longer.." Mitsuhide muttered while I quietly giggled.
"Two days? Impressive, who knew you were that immature?" Obi added on. I couldn't hold back my laughter so it slowly got louder. Shirayuki even started giggling too!
"Okay, that's enough you guys" zen told us while I tried to stop laughing. "Listen, Y/n already knows but i can't invison the future without each and every one of you" zen told us in a more serious manner. I told him the same thing earlier.
From then on we all stayed together looking at these lights till eventually they were out of sight. By then I was already falling asleep standing but still didn't want to go back. A part of me wanted to go back down to see whats happening even if I knew it was all shutting down. I could see that from where I was. The kids were tired and sleeping in their parents arms and venders were already long closed down.
We all had to go back though. Shirayuki and I were both half asleep walking back. The others made fun of me for acting like this too but out of good natured fun.
"The greatest swordswoman of our time falling asleep walking" obi said and tried to not laugh.
"Still holding on there?" Mitsuhide asked with a short laugh.
"I don't have to be great all the time" i smirked at them.
"Shes letting herself fall asleep cause she trusts us.. right?" Shirayuki asked.
"Of course i trust you guys, you're all my family!" I told them tiredly as we walked down the halls.
"Really?" Kiki asked with a soft smile.
"Yep" i nodded happily.
"Youre the sweetest warrior I've ever met" Mitsuhide chuckled.
"Thanks.." i smiled and had my eyes shut as I walked the straight path with everyone.
"Y/n, you can't walk with your eyes closed, you'll get hurt" Zen warned me and held my hand suddenly.
"Im okay" i smiled even bigger.
We all split ways to our rooms a while after that. Today was amazing..


Sorry for scattered chapters. I've written 2 others but ill post them another day.
Its been getting hard for me to write this past year because I think im developing arthritis. I found out i have this thing called hla-b27 which means i could possibly have arthritis but my doctor sucks and has no idea so I have to do more testing
Anyway, its in my wrists so I can't really hold my phone or pencils for long anymore. It sucks big time but anyway, thanks for reading and I'll have more chapters soon!
Oh, BTW, we're probably gonna have around 40 chapters till thw book is finished, maybe more. Let's just say I've begun writing a whole new thing for this book and it'll take a lot of time to write:)

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