The Witches of Weston

By dompryor234

325 31 0

Having the gift of foresight was supposes to come in handy. That's was not the case for Andy Miller's life... More

Reunions and Revelations
Tekla Village
Why she hold back
Secret Shame
New Allies
The Dry Lands
The Dream Vision
The Battle of Evergreen
Underground Ambush
Laura the Diplomat
Sarah's Story
The Littlest Nayos
Family Reunited
Mel's Return
Choices and Fate
Last Plea
Grandma's Gifts
New Beginnings

Tekla's Way

14 1 0
By dompryor234

The awkwardness of Rachel's departure hanged over the group and only the littlest of us didn't seem affected by it. Scooping up the variation of red Jordan was being a little picky and after an hour the boy still did not select a color.  Finally James had to persuade Jordan on his final choice with a promise of candy.  Through it all Miranda did not seem bothered only smiled at the child in question. 

"That is a nice choice "Miranda said taking the red cotton out of Jordan's hand. Placing a needle in the cotton she closed her eyes. The moment the needle pierced the cotton and pulled out threading itself without Miranda's hands touching it my mouth opened.

The needle work was like an invisible woman was sewing. Checking the lines Miranda grabbed another piece and started the process again until she had four needles working at once.

"This is incredible" squealed David practically running over to the needle work on the cotton. "What type of magic is this Miranda."

"Thread and weaving magic the women in my family specialize in it."

"Miranda is being modest her family created most of the clothes in our trade. And she is the best dressmaker in our village "Bear Claw stated making the young woman blush.

"Don't listen to the chief my mother does a better job than me" remarked Miranda humbly as she put in another needle in a black material and it moved like the others. "Have you picked out your fabric yet". Moving her eyes on James.

Shaking his head "Here I like these" handing over a green wool fabric and black leather.

Miranda said nothing as she did James clothes manually with her own hands. Jordan's  clothes worked on themselves  with the help of her magic. Threads and needles flew out of her basket as they got to sewing on the pieces of fabrics. 

" Miranda I never heard of this magic from my mother "David sitting down beside Miranda."

"I am not surprise" Miranda putting another needle in a wool item and continuing. "My family is the only ones that I know that have it."

"Well I see why your family is valued. This work is beautiful said Sarah looking at the almost finish shirt.

"Thank you" said Miranda simply as she got back to work on the items and grew an outline in some dark wool as scissors and threads moved in the line she made.

"What are you doing" Jacob sitting beside me watching the woman on the clothes like everyone else in the room?

"I'm creating a coat for the wizard "said Miranda completing a long shirt for James and started on another item. In shock she sown a shirt that would take many a day in a few minutes. Her hands were moving at a pace that wasn't normal for a human. Staring at the woman before me I was amazed at her powers. Her magic could outshine my sister in value and depth in tenfold.  Not wanting to continue to stare like a fool I looked on to Laura and Bear Claw as I overheard  their conversation.

"Laura when will you need the supplies for your journey.

"In the next hour or so.  I know King Louis wants to depart to Evergreen as soon as possible. And if you have extra clothes from your trade we would dearly appreciate them" sniffed Laura as she smelled herself.

"We have plenty to spare "Bear Claw ordering Mara to him. "Go get some extra clothes and horses for this group and be quick they need to leave soon."

Bowing Mara hurried off. I was a little disappointed that we would not be staying longer in the Tekla village but it was understandable. This wasn't a vacation but a mission to warn the kingdom of the enemies that breached our nation.

"We need to check on the horses we left in the valley" Jacob said as I forgot about our mounts we left behind.

"I will go my king" David volunteering as he bowed to Jacob formally. I was surprise at that since starting on our journey we all became equal. Now something shifted to formal and decorum as real life started to begin again. The Tekla village brought us back to civilize living and the royals had titles that granted them respect.

"You don't have to go. I sent some men to retrieve your horses this morning and they are waiting outside the village" said Bear Claw.

"Thank you,   Chief Bear Claw," Louis shaking the chief's hand just as Malcolm and Rachel came through the door quietly. Observing the two I could tell  that both were troubled, and it was obvious their talk didn't go well.

"I am glad you came back.  I hope you like this" Miranda coming to Rachel with a dark blue dress. "You left without telling me your choice, but this will go beautifully with your skin."

"I love it let me try them on" Rachel stammer grabbing the clothes and nearly running to the vacant room and shutting the door. Her abrupt exit left us looking to Malcolm for answers but he offered none.

"I guess no wedding bells for them"  sighed Laura whispering the last part to me. Nodding my head I was hoping Rachel would see reason but my theory of her being  afraid of falling for another man was spot on.

"All done" Miranda giving Jordan and James their new clothes. I could see the article she handed each boy were different. Jordan had a red tunic and a gray wool coat that could keep him warm through the night. His simple brown pants look to be the right length for the boy's long legs. James clothes had the same tunic but his were green and instead of wool coat he has a black leather one with pants to match.

"These look excellent "James excitedly scanning the clothes.

"Thank you but try them on I need to see I got the length of the legs right" pushing the two cousins in Simon's bedroom and shutting the door. Miranda than put up her supplies as Mara return with three younger Natives carrying bags of clothes and blankets.

"Let me go gather some fruit for your journey "Mara replied grabbing some baskets near the door.

"I'll help you "Sarah volunteered taking one of the basket out of the woman's hand as the two went outside to the orchards.

Rachel return wearing a loose dark blue dress that was ideal for riding but comfortable on. "Miranda this is perfect thank you "Rachel hugging the other woman.

"You are very welcome".

After Rachel exited the room Mark, Travis, Jacob and David enter changing into the clothes Mara collected for them. I went over to the piles and found pants and shirts that looked to be my size. I almost did a happy dance at seeing the pants. Finally, I was getting out of this horrible dress. When James and Jordan exit their room Laura and I converge quickly.

Pulling off the dress was freeing. Someone must have thought we wanted a bath. Because a large tub of boiling hot water was placed in the room. I almost cried washing the grime off my body. Laura for her part looked just as relieve as she covers herself with soap. Rinsing ourselves off I felt the chill, so I hurried to put on my new clothes.

Feeling the cotton pants on my legs I felt like myself again. The tunic was a little big but the vest I found covered it up well. Just the smell of fresh clothes put smiles on both of our faces. Laura was wearing a yellow dress that fit her perfectly.

"Andy I hated to admit this but we really need to bathe. We stuck worst than ten Bulkans running around in mud" Laura earning a chuckle from me. 

 "I know I was afraid to smell under my arms."

"I'm glad I wasn't sleeping next to you with my sense of smell. And speaking of my hyper senses I hear someone waiting for the room" Laura joked as we walked out of the room. And Laura was right Sarah was waiting by the door with her hands filled with clothes.

"It took you two long enough" Sarah mumbled playfully entering the room. Looking around I could see everyone was dress and now loading up supplies. Grabbing one of  the bags I barely heard Louis clearing his voice.

"Chief Bear Claw I need to request a meeting with your elders and yourself" The authority in the king's voice made the Native leader  demeanor rigid but his eyes was composed.

"Of course, my king but what is so important that you need the elders too."

"I need your aid in my armies. Our land has been invaded by the Bulkans and Delianians "announce Louis as Miranda and Bear Claw looked at him in horror. The only one in the group who wasn't stun was Simon who's face darken.

"Delianians and Bulkans together" Bear Claw asked.

"Yes, they're allies" confirm Louis.

"King Louis is there a way for peace without fighting "enquired Miranda in a concern voice. I understand her thoughts about trying to avoid bloodshed but the enemy already force Petra's hand.

"No, they already attacked a village called Weston slaughtering many without mercy." Louis told Miranda. Both the chief and seamstress at the news gasp but Simon stayed indifference.

"My king there is always a solution other than war. Do you not agree Laura Blackbird "Simon looking at Laura as he spoke. "Surely you can negotiate with the Bulkans and Delianians to find a peaceful option."

"I would always like to think war is unavoidable, but I know that is untrue in this case." Laura answered "I witness what the Bulkans and Delianians did in Weston as a hostage to one of the generals."

"You poor dear that must have been frightening" Mara giving Laura a hug.

" It was but I was lucky to remain alive."

"And Laura cannot negotiate with the man leading the Bulkans. He will force her to be his wife and I will not risk that"  declared Louis taking Laura's hand and holding it tightly. I thought the conversation would have ended after that but I was wrong

"Then that is the solution to peace your highness. Let him marry her "suggested Simon coldly making everyone glare at the man.

"Simon that is unthinkable to let Laura be used as an object to get peace " scolded Bear Claw . At his leader's displeasure Simon tried to explain himself.

"My chief listen this man might listen to peace talks if he has something he desire. And nobles have been solving disagreements through marriage for centuries."

"Simon, you are wrong about this solution of surrendering my bride. "Louis disagreed still holding Laura's hand tightly in his own as he spoke. "Alek was already in Weston before the attack. And it was too organize to be just a spurn suitor fighting for a woman.

Simon raised his chin in defiance "My king maybe its you that is hoping for war and not this man." The blank lack of respect for Louis was plain to see. Louis was in his right to banish the man but before he could respond another calmer voice did.

"The king wouldn't rush into a war and the raiders had a weapon that made buildings burst into flames in one hit. To bring a weapon like that takes extra planning. Proving this was not a random attack and the raiders had knowledge of Weston inner workings." Laura declared looking at Simon daring him to speak. And Simon took on her challenge as he sneered at the blind girl.

Shouting" Blackbird have you forgot your ways so quickly after being engage to an outsider." The accusation was a slap in the face as Laura's calm demeanor was gone.

"I haven't forgotten my ways just because I choose to marry a non-Native man." She defended standing tall.

"Then why are you agreeing to war when your father and yourself fought against this."

"What happened in Weston made peace impossible. Only after the battles are fought can a treaty be negotiated." Laura explained as her sightless eyes stayed on Simon. It seem Laura's words wasn't reaching Simon as he brush them off like they were nothing.

"Your father should be ashamed of the daughter he raised " Simon spitting the words at Laura. The words took their desire effect as Laura's face took on a hurt expression and I felt rage.

"How dare you say that. Laura's father always supported her decisions and that will never change." I screamed ready to say more but a hand grabbed my shoulder.

"Don't say anymore. This man is too blind to see reason so do not waste your time on him." Laura moving to stand between me and Simon. Bear Claw having enough inserted himself beside Simon to regain order.

"Simon summon the elders . And we will be discussing your  behavior towards Laura later." Bear Claw tone must have stunned Simon as he looked at the chief with an angry face. But thankfully he left the cabin swiftly slamming the door after him.

Bear Claw looked at Laura with apologetic eyes "I'm truly sorry for his manners Laura that man is too narrow minded."

Laura touched Bear Claw's hand and said. "Don't apologize for him and we know that others will feel the same way. I have to prepare for it." Hearing that more in her community will feel the same was shocking to me.

"You shouldn't have to prepare but be angry at what Simon said. "growled Malcolm as others around the room agreed with him.

"Unfortunately Simon and others like him think their opinions are valid. And no amount of argument will make them see their errors so I have to rise above them" said Laura with resolve that I never seen before.

"Why" Sarah asked.

"Marrying an outsider is viewed as a way of turning away from the Native traditions and life. "In those narrow minded people minds marrying Louis is me going against my beliefs.."

"That is sad" said Jacob as the conversation was interrupted by Simon coming back in a huff. He didn't even acknowledge anyone but Bear Claw. "The council is ready for you my chief" Simon delivering the message before glaring at everyone else and leaving his house once again.

"That man needs a good punch in the face" muttered Malcolm glaring at the door.

"I agree" Bear Claw hiss" We are ready for you my king."

"I'll be right with you and I appreciate everything you have done for us "Louis shaking the other man's hand and turn to the rest of us." Go to the horses and wait for me to finish." Nodding we all gathered  the supplies we could carry and moved toward the door.

"Do you need me to come with you" offered Laura standing beside Louis. Stopping the king only grinned and gave her a hug.

"No, I must get their help on my own. "

"Good luck" Laura kissing his cheek as the king left with the chief.

We all went outside of the house and said our goodbyes to Mara and Miranda. "It was nice to meet you" I said hugging Mara as the older woman returned it. Smiling sadly, she tried to apologize for her husband, but I wouldn't take it.

"It was a pleasure to meet another planter of food" Mara patting me on the back as we finally release. Looking at Mara I foolishly wish this was the connection I shared with Ella. If only we  could have found some common ground maybe things would have been different.

The others were all done with their farewells as a young man escorted us outside of the village a different way we came in. There waiting  was our horses and four others with blankets and food strapped on to their back. I almost cried seeing this and was thankful to the tribe for their kindness. Finally, things were getting better as I let myself rest for a little bit.

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