Confessions of a Teenage Alco...

Par Blair-Jade

1.1M 47.2K 47K

STORY 2 1# in alcoholism 28/05/20 This story is the Sequel to Confessions of A Queen Bee- i suggest you read... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56-the end
New story

Chapter 8

18.5K 880 678
Par Blair-Jade

I love your comments! The song holds emotional important to me because it's always the one me and my friends used to scream singing when we went clubbing. And I miss them a lot.:'(

At this time of night, most people would be getting ready for sleep or on their way home after a long day at work, but for me and the girls, it was just getting closer and closer to the time we had to leave for the club.

Energetic, feel good music is blasting through Nora's speaker as we finish getting ready for tonight. I apply an extra layer of Mascara and use a dry brush to brush them out and make them appear even longer than they actually were. Satisfied with my eyes, I proceed to apply a gloss to my lips knowing whole heartedly that it will annoy me but doing it anyway.

Once the makeup is gone, I turn around and ask whether I should straighten the curls out of add more.


"Definitely more."

With agreement all around, I grin at the girls and wait patiently until Faye is done with the curler.

Purposely scrunching the curls in the meantime, I observe how the curls run through it, differing in texture and length. My hair overall looked long and shined in Nora's lights and as I added little curls around my face I smiled at the reflection actually really liking the girl that was smiling back.

I wore, cliché I know, but a simple black dress. It wasn't anything major but the style was timeless and made my curves appear defined and accentuated. It travelled low and looked great with my winged eyeliner.

What is it about little black dresses that make us feel confident, beautiful and even powerful?

I had no idea, but as I finished up my glass of wine I knew I was going to have a good night.

I start jokingly dancing around the girls as I'm ready and they're still finishing up and they all grin at me and my care free ness.

"Will you please pick out some shoes for me Ives?" Nora says and I go and sit down in front of her shoe closet. Yep. The girl has an entire closet for shoes.

Nora was wearing top and skirt co-ord, a dark satin green which looked great with her pale complexion. Jess was sat beside Nora pouring herself another glass of wine and cheering it with Faye's. Jess wore some high waisted burgundy trousers with a black bralette and Faye was dressed in a simple and flattering pink cocktail dress.

We all looked nice, and ready to go and dance.

"Here." I say and toss her some shoes that I'm sure will look great with her outfit.

We all start rushing around to make sure we have everything as the cab texts that a driver will be outside soon. Slightly tipsy and just excited to have a girl's night I laugh freely with the girls as we exit Nora's room and make our way outside.

By the time we got to the club it was already packed with people but we didn't mind, an empty club is ten times worse than a full one.

As we walk in I had both Jess and Faye's hands in mine as we laughed and yelled like reckless teens. We brought attention to ourselves the moment we entered the club but none of us minded. It was exhilarating.

The scene was common, people dancing to the usual club music, girls dressed to their best and guys grateful to be in their presence, the smell of alcohol was intoxicatingly strong and the coloured lights made you instantly wake up as soon as you were hit by them.

"Shall we get a drink?" Nora shouts to us and we all make our way up to the bar. "What do you's want?" She says.

We were going straight onto shots. There was no reason not to.

"Tequila." I say and she grins at me.

The bartender sees us waiting and I smile at him as he nods in acknowledgement, indicating he will be right over. When he finished serving the group of lads next to us he walks over and gives me a friendly smile.

Nora's stood behind me and although she offered to get this one, I said that I'd get the first-round in.

"Could we have eight tequila shots please?"

Two each.

He grins at me and nods. Lifting up a little bowl of lime and a salt shaker and placing it in front of me, shamelessly trailing his eyes down my body. He pours the shots and then hands me the car machine. Tapping my card down quickly, I yell a thanks and turn back to the girls.

Instructing them to lick their hands, pour the salt and lick again, take the shot and then bite the lime I giggle at their sour faces.

"One more." I laugh and hand them their second shot.

Not soon after, our empty shot glasses are left on the bar and we make our way to the dance floor. The club is electric tonight, everyone feeding off of the surrounding smiles and fast dancing. I love clubs because the music is too loud to think, and all you can do is take the opportunity to let go and dance with your friends. I could dance with my friends all night, my body swaying with the music as if they were made out of it.

We each took it in turns to do our best dance move and laughed hysterically as we all looked like idiots but deciding not to care. Just having fun and being carefree.

The girls take it in turns to go and get drinks, which means my plan to stay on tequila didn't happen as each time they came back with a different type of shot.

Jägermeister. Not a fan. But i drank it anyway.

*Play Sorry By Joel Corry*

Jess drags Faye for a cigarette break and Nora and I continue to dance together. The song Sorry by Joel Corry comes on and Nora and I grin at each other, jumping along to the music and screaming the lyrics in each other's faces. Then throwing our head's back and laughing when we notice that the people around us are smiling along with us.

We dance together and twirl each other round until the song stops and change. Nora leans into my ear and whispers "There's two gorgeous guys watching us at the bar, what do you want to do?" She says and I follow her eyes.

They were pretty hot but nothing special.

"I'm not interested, are you?" I ask her, remembering her uninterest in boys at the moment.

"Yeah actually, I could really use a hook up." She grins and I just grin back.

"Keep dancing with me." She says. "They'll come over."

"Okay." I nod at her and we both begin swinging our hips slowly and moving them together in synchrony. We both took dance, we both knew how to move our bodies to lure men in.

Nora grinned at me. "Got em."

"Hey, one of you ladies wanna dance? Or maybe both?" He looks older than us but not by a lot, I look over to Nora and she has her eyes trained on him in excitement. Right my cue to leave then.

But before I do, I lean in to her. "Are you ok if I leave you?"

She pulls me into a hug and says a quick "I'll see ya later."

Jess and Faye can't be seen anywhere so I just walk back over to the bar to wait for them. The other guy, the one that was watching us too, grins at me as I approach him and I try not to turn my nose up at the fact it looks like I'm coming over to talk to him.

As I reach the stool next to him I trip slightly and the mystery guy puts an arm out to steady me.

I've had a lot of alcohol and I'm wearing heals. Forgive me.

"Steady there." He says and helps me up onto the car next to him. Ha car, chair. I meant chair.

Wow you definitely feel more drunk outside of the dance floor.

I wonder whether drunkenness gets worse when you stop dancing because your blood settles? Does that make sense. I don't think it does make sense actually.

I turn away from the curious eyes of the man next to me and look out for my friends, I can't even see Nora anyway.

Frowning to myself I pout and say. "I've lost my friends again." Cole, Link and Lacey wouldn't have left me, back in St Patricks we always stayed together on a night out.

Suddenly a face flashes over my eyes and I grip the bar tighter.

Oh god. Hello Layton and your fucking face. Thanks for flashing up at this most inconvenient time.

"It's okay I can be your friend." The, now weird, guy says next to me and places his hand on my thigh.

I get it. They're nice legs. But lets not.

I firmly push his hand away and send him a well-rehearsed grin. "I'm good."

"How about a drink?" He says and I laugh forcefully. I am drunk but I'm not that drunk. "Ok sure. But I need to go to the ladies' room so can you order for me and I'll meet you back here?"

I say this seductively but inside I feel like shit.


Anxiety. I've missed you.

My heart pounds as the guy's eyes light up in delight.

"Of course, little lady."

Leaving confidently, I breathe a sigh of relief when I make it into the ladies' bathroom and in front of the mirrors.

Scary guys immediately make you sober up.

For one, never, ever, drink a drink from someone that you haven't watched pour it. It's so easy to get spiked.

And also, I know I might be startled for no reason.

He didn't even do anything bad, bad.

But bad vibes.

Dark vibes.

That I'm not going to ignore. I'm a little tipsy not a dickhead.

I wipe the mascara away under my eyes that had been smudged a little from the humidity of the dance floor and walk back out, intending to make my way to the exit. I wouldn't have to walk back past the guy as the exit is literally two seconds away from the toilets. As I stumbled my way to the outside I smile in relief when the cold air meets my body.

I hadn't realised how warm it was in there, the night air pulling its way into my lungs and calming my heart. I'm not going to lie; the whole interaction inside has freaked me out.

And also, I literally just had another two tequila shots like twenty minutes and I think they're starting to hit.

But I'm safe. I mean, not really, I'm alone on the street walking in the direction of food but I'm away from the bad vibes so.

Nothing happens here bad anyway.


I hear myself start giggling aloud.

The one bad thing that did happen in this town, happened to me.

But positivity! It is fine.

I wonder if you could actually see vibes, because sometimes they are almost as strong to touch. Like angry vibes, sad vibes, happy vibes, angry vibes.

What does vibe mean again?

Oh goodness my feet hurt.

My ears are still ringing from the loud music and the increased blood flow from the slight scare. But I feel so much better being outside.

Looking down at my phone my eyes widen as I realise it's already 2AM, goodness it's late. Walking sort of aimlessly, I click on Cole's contact and wait for him to pick up.

"Helloooo." He says and I immediately know he's drunk too.

"Hi! Yay you picked up."

"I always do, don't I?"

"I'm drunk and I miss you." I say and pout to myself, nearing a connivance store.

"Oh I'm drunk too! I don't miss you though." He says and I cry out.

"What why!?"

"Because I am joking."

"You're joking?" I ask and he laughs.

"Yep. Ivy's on the phone guys." He says and I hear a collective cheer.

"I got lost."

Cole's tone becomes more serious immediately. "Wait what?"

"Well not lost, lost. I know where I am. But listen to this! I was dancing with the girls and the Jess and Faye disappear and then some hottie wants to dance with Nora so I leave her be but I couldn't find the others so I went to get another shot but then some guy put his hand on my thigh and now I'm going to go and get a lot of food and emotionally eat my anxiety away."

"Oh god." Cole says but his tone has lightened. "Are you ok?"

"Didn't I just tell you! I'm lost!"

"You said you weren't lost." He laughs. "Where are you?"

"The connivance store on Park Avenue."

"So you know where you are."

"Oh shit yeah!" I smile widely.

Wow Cole knows everything. Apart from the fact that my heels really hurt.

"How bad of an idea is-"

"I don't need to be sober to tell you that whatever you're going to say is a bad idea. They're always bad ideas."

"That is so rude!" I say. I'm going to hang up on him. I am so going to hang up on him.

"Don't hang up." He says quickly. Did I say that out loud?

"What should I get from the shop?" I ask and pull the door wide open and smile at the grumpy lady behind the till. She doesn't look very happy.

Oh gosh I am drunk. I shouldn't be outside.

Oh no what if I run into a child!

Oh wait it's 2AM.

Silly me.

"What do you want?" Cole says andI shrug.

I don't have a clue.

The mini shop Is filled with so many good things. I want popcorn. Oh and soda. Oh and cake. Gosh I want cake.

"Cake." I mumble and he laughs an of course.

"Ivy do I have to lecture you about walking away on nights out? We've literally had this conversation five times now."

"Don't lecture me Cole I was stressed ok." I say it extra sweetly and I look around, trying to find the ail that has good food.

"Are you going to call a cab once you get your emotional clutches?" Cole says and I huff at him.

"Cake isn't my emotional clutch. But yeah." I pick up a can of soda and then immediately drop it when I turn back around and bump into someone.


Wow ok, Ivy, it's fine.

It's just a can of lemonade. You can grab another.

Less dramatics.

"What happened?" Cole laughs loudly and I look up and meet the eyes of the stranger I bumped into.

He looked like a sheep.

"I bumped into someone that looks like a fluffy mammal." I whisper as quietly as possible to Cole but the poor, excessively hair guy in front of me looks at me in shock.

"Oh, shit he heard."

"Where are you?" Cole stresses and I answer him quickly.

"Excuse me?" The middle-aged man says and I throw him a smile. A very apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry. I just meant because you look really, really friendly."

He looked like an angry sheep, one that doesn't get along with the others very well.

"Oh god, Ivy. Stop speaking." Cole laughs into my ear and I pull the phone away slightly and look at the guy.

"Are you still angry Mr? because I don't have the energy." I say and pick up my sad can of soda.

"Who are you with?" Mr sheep says his eyes softening, "Are you alone?"

"Should I tell the guy I'm alone?" I whisper to Cole and he sighs heavily, probably face palming.

But the stranger's eyes lock with someone's behind me and I go to follow his gaze, feeling myself dizzying from standing up too quickly.

"No she's with me."

*Hehe wattpadders be like sis I know where you going with this.*

Continuer la Lecture

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