Doomwatch - Tracer X Reader


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The events of doom eternal happen in the overwatch universe, however, you as the doom slayer are there to fig... Еще

Chapter 1 - Hell on Earth
Chapter 2 - An Introduction.
Chapter 3 - Recruitment.
Chapter 4 - The Tour
Chapter 5 - New Friends.
Chapter 6 - Lena
Chapter 7 - Assault
Chapter 8 - Aftermath
Chapter 9 - Training
Chapter 10 - The Gore Nest
Chapter 11 - New mission.
Chapter 12 - Talon base
Chapter 13 - Preparations
Chapter 14 - Cultist base (part 1)
Chapter 15 - Cultist base (part 2)
Chapter 16 - Love
Chapter 17 - Trauma
Chapter 18 - Super Gore Nest.
Chapter 19 - Protection
Chapter 20 - ARC Complex
Chapter 21 - Mars Core.
Chapter 22 - Rescue
Chapter 23 - The Reveal
Chapter 24 - Kings Row
Chapter 25 - Recovery
Chapter 26 - Captured
Chapter 27 - Return
Chapter 28 - Exultia
Chapter 29 - Taras Nabad
Chapter 30 - Nekravol
Chapter 31 - Urdak
Chapter 32 - Hive Mind
Chapter 33 - Iconoclast
Chapter 34 - Crucible
Chapter 35 - New House
Chapter 36 - A Day Out - Shopping
Chapter 38 - A day off
Chapter 39 - Fortress of Doom
Chapter 40 - Plutonium
Chapter 41 - Truth Serum
Chapter 42 - Well Cure
Chapter 43 - UN
Chapter 44 - Deja vu
Chapter 45 - Check Up
Chapter 46 - Slayer
Chapter 47 - Court
Chapter 48 - Los Muertos
Chapter 49 - Back on Earth
Chapter 50 - Ill Advent
Chapter 51 - Christmas
Chapter 52 - New Year
Chapter 53 - Losses
Chapter 54 - Proving
Chapter 55 - Visions
Chapter 56 - Allies
Chapter 57 - The Battle
Chapter 58 - The End

Chapter 37 - A Day Out - Shopping (cont)

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After me and Lena made out again, we put the shirts which I didn't like back on the hangers and put the ones we did like in the shopping basket which Lena had grabbed. As we stepped out of the cubicle, some people looked at us but immediately turned away from us. Neither of us felt embarrassed by any of it which was good, although Lena did go a little red.

We hung back up the shirts I didn't like then went to the checkout and payed.

"That'll be £31.96 please." The cashier said. Lena pulled her card out and swiped it on the machine. The machine beeped and a green light lit up. Lena put her card away before putting the 4 shirts we'd just bought in a bag.

"Thanks luv." Lena said as she picked the bag up."

"Thank you for shopping at pheasants." The cashier said as they waved at us.

We walked out of pheasants and Lena turned to look at me.

"We've gotta get some food before we go." Lena said as she walked towards a shop called Waitfell. "We can shop online to get the rest of it."

We walked into Waitfell together. Lena grabbed a shopping cart and hung the bag of shirts on a small handle on the trolley.

We started walking down the first aisle together. It seemed like it was a bread and pastry aisle. Lena walked over to the white bread and grabbed 2 loaves of it and put them into the cart. She also grabbed a pack of scones and crumpets.

"Stereotypical Brit I see." I said as I picked up the scones and crumpets.

"Proud to be." Lena replied as she striked a pose by putting her hands on her hips, before breaking down into laughter.

"Come on luv." She managed to say as she started pushing the trolley away, still slightly giggling.

We walked into the second aisle. This one appeared to be fruit and vegetables.

"Want anything in particular?" Lena asked.

"I don't know what any of this tastes like, other than those blueberries." I said as I pointed at the blueberries.

"How'd you know what blueberries taste like?" Lena asked as she picked up a box of them.

"I may have taken a few from your pancakes last time you had them." I said as I jokingly put my hands up.

"Hey, you theif." Lena said as she playfully hit my arm. I pretended like she'd really hurt me in doing so. I clasped my arm and started screwing my eyes up as I pulled my arm even more. "Oh my god, are you ok?" Lena asked as she rushed over to me.

I started laughing at her. "Yes love, I'm fine. I really got you there, didn't I?" I looked up to see her looking playfully annoyed at me.

"Not funny" she sarcastically said as she playfully hit my arm again.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't not do it." I said as I stopped laughing. She smiled and put the blueberries into the trolley as we kept walking on through the aisle. We didn't take anything else from the fruit aisle other than a bag of apples.

The next aisle was the cold dairy aisle.

"Brrr, it's cold in here." Lena said as she hugged me. I put one of my arms around her and pushed the trolley with the other.

"Come on Lena, you're wearing that thick hoodie and those tracksuit bottoms, there's no way you can be cold."

"I'm a small person, I lose heat really quickly, unlike you. You're a big guy who loses heat slower because of it."

"Fair enough. What do we need from this aisle?" I asked.

"Oh, just a lump of cheese and some milk."

"Ok sure." I walked to the milk still with one arm around Lena and one pushing the trolley. Lena ventured beyond the warmth of my arm and grabbed 2 4 pints of milk and put them in the trolley.

"And here we see, the Lena Oxton in the Arctic wilderness, searching for the milk." I commentated as she walked 3 foot to get the milk. Lena turned around and smiled at me.

"Seriously?" She said. "It's not that far. It's not like I'm gonna die venturing away from heat for a few seconds." She walked back over to me and I put my arm back around her. We walked over to the cheese section. She once again stepped into the wilderness to get the cheese.

I was about to start commentating it again but Lena turned around and smiled at me. "(Y/n)? Don't say it." I frowned and looked at the floor, pretending to be really sad. Lena put the cheese into the trolley and put her arm around me and started walking out the aisle. I was trying my best to not laugh at her. I tried to not laugh for a while but eventually I gave in and started laughing.

"What did I do?" Lena asked.

"And here we see the wild Lena Oxton stepping into the Arctic wilderness once again, this time to retrieve some extra strong cheddar cheese."

We both started laughing at each other. Lena almost fell over, but leaned against the trolley. Tears started forming in Lena's eyes from how much she was laughing.

"I need the cheese." Lena whimpered through the tears, causing both of us to start laughing even more. I look up and see everyone walking past us staring at us really awkwardly. It was only then did I remember that we were infact in a supermarket.

"Come on Lena." I said as I started pushing the trolley into the last aisle, which seemed to be a junk food aisle. She followed closely behind me, still kind of laughing. "Anything we need in this aisle?"

She looked up and wiped the remaining tears out of her eyes. Her eyes widened as she realised which aisle we were in. "Um, all of it." She said as she started picking food off the shelves and putting them into the cart.

"We can't take all of it." I said.

"Well, we need supplies for our movie nights, and for snacks, and for whenever else we want food." She said.

"Yeah, but, we can't take literally everything. We can take some food, but you'll regret buying too much food in more than one way."

"So how much am I allowed?" Lena asked as she walked up to me and hugged me, staring into my eyes. Her big brown eyes and soft brown hair made it almost impossible for me to not say everything, but I knew I had to give her a limit.

"I'd say, 10 items." I said. Her eyes lit up even more as she dashed around the aisle picking her favourite snacks, from custard crunches to popcorn. After a minute, she came back and dumped her items into the trolley.

"10 items." She said with a smile. I counted the items in the trolley and counted 11. I double checked to make sure I was right and got 11 again.

"Your maths is horrible." I said with a smile.

"Oh come on love, it's just one over the limit. Pwease don't make me put one back, I won't be able to chose."

She looked into my eyes again and I was immediately convinced by her to not make her put one back.

"Only for you Lena." I said as I walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Thank you luv." She replied as she pulled me in and kissed me back.

We walked to the tills and put all of our items down. As the conveyor belt moved all of our items through a scanner, I saw the total price go up and up. I looked down to see Lena packing all of our newly bought food items into appropriate bags. I walked over to her and helped her do so. Once we'd finished packing all of our items, a machine similar to the one the lady in BuckStars had appeared Infront of us. Lena pulled her card out and swiped along it. The light turned green and it beeped again. Lena put her card away and walked over to the shopping trolley.

"So, let's head home." Lena said.

"Ok then."

We walked to the exit of Waitfell. We grabbed all the bags out of the trolley and and put it away, making sure we had all of our bags.

"Yup, this is everything luv. Let's head home." Lena said smiling. I followed her out of the Westfield Stratford CT and out back onto the road. We stood there for a second, waiting for a taxi to appear when I remembered something.

"Lena, everyone knows who we are, don't they."

"Yeah luv?" She replied.

"Could I just open a portal back up to our house? It'll be quicker."

"Yeah, but it'll probably cause a bit of panic and it uses a lot of energy."

"Yeah you're right. Probably just better to wait for a taxi on this one."

After a minute of waiting, a taxi pulled over and stopped. I walked up and opened the door for Lena. She smiled and stepped in. I followed and shut the door behind her.

"Where to, Madame." An Omnic voice said.

"4 West Street, EC37 1SB please."

"Very well. This journey should take around 35 minutes. Estimated time of arrival is 4:37. Please ensure that your seatbelts remain on at all times. Thank you for driving with CabOmnica."

The car started to pull away from the Westfield Stratford CT. We went onto the motorway and started our journey back. The radio was on quietly, but me and Lena were too busy talking with eachother to notice what it was saying.

In what felt like no time at all, we'd arrived at our destination.

"We have arrived at the destination. Your fee is £7.32." Lena pulled her card out one final time and swiped it across the machine. It beeped and turned green again, signalling that it had worked. "Thank you for traveling with CabOmnica." The Omnic said.

Me and Lena grabbed our bags and walked out of the taxi and towards our house. As we walked up to the front door, Lena put her bags down and pulled a pair of keys out of her front pocket. She stuck the keys into the lock and turned, making a satisfying clicking sound as it did so. She turned the handle to open the door and stepped in. I followed suit and closed the door behind me. Lena walked into the kitchen and placed her bags on the sideboard and started to unload them into the cupboards. As she did that, I went upstairs to sort out my new clothes. Although it was only 4 shirts, they still needed to be sorted out. While I was at it, I also hung up all of Lena's clothes which she'd taken from the overwatch base.

I walked downstairs and into the living room to see Lena sprawled out on the floor with her legs on the sofa, while doing something on her phone. I walked over to her and laid down on the sofa.

"What're you doing there, Lena?" I asked with a hint of sass.

"Oh I'm just ordering the rest of the food online." She said as she came and sat down next to me. "Anything in particular you want?" She asked. "I've already got bacon and eggs on here."

"Oh well I'm set then." I said as I leaned back. Lena looked across at me. "I'm serious, I love bacon and eggs, it's my favourite food."

"I'll double it for you then luv." She said as she started tapping away at her phone. After a minute of tapping, she put her phone down and looked at me. "Should be here sometime between 4 and 5 tomorrow."

"So not too late. Think you'll be out of bed by then?" I asked while smiling.

"Oh come on luv, it was one time and I was knackered."

I laughed at her and pulled her closer to me.

"That's never gonna leave is it." She said.

"It'll take some convincing."

She looked at me with her big brown puppy dog eyes and smiled.

"I think I've been convinced."

We both immediately broke out into laughter. Lena fell to the floor from laughing too much. I decided to join her on the floor and I started tickling her. She wriggled and wormed around on the floor, laughing her head off as she did so.

"Stop it (y/n)." She said through the laughs. "Stop it, I'm gonna wet myself."

I stopped tickling her and let her get her breath back. We were both laying on the floor next to each other. We looked into each others eyes and smiled. We started making out on the floor together. Once again, I let her tongue dominate mine. She got on top of me and really started getting into it. She was giving out soft sighs every so often, which I thought was incredibly cute.

We made out for a good few minutes before we finally stopped. Lena looked out of breath after all of it.

"Are you ok?" I asked the panting Lena.

"Ok luv? I couldn't be better. I'm currently living in kings Row with the one and only (y/n), the doom slayer. What more could I want?"

"I don't know, the entire of the junk food aisle at Waitfell?"

She looks at me and giggled.

"How are you so good at one liners?" She said smiling hugely.

"I've had so long to think about them. I know how to make a joke about any topic."

"Ok, I believe you."

Me and Lena talked to each other on the floor for a minute.

"Lena, have you realised that we're still on the floor?"

Lena looked down and saw that she was indeed, on the floor.

"Oh, I completely forgot about that."

As soon as she said that, she sprung up and signalled for me to lay down on the sofa. I did and she laid on top of me. Lena grabbed the TV remote and turned the TV on. The news was on and we decided to watch it for a bit.

"This is quite boring luv, isn't it?" Lena said as she looked at me. I was about to agree when they started talking about something which caught my attention.

"Hang on, just this last thing." Lena turned back at the TV and saw that they were talking about her.

"Kings Row's hero Lena Oxton was seen walking around and flirting with the doom slayer in Westfield Stratford CT today. It is unclear on whether they are dating or not, but there is evidence and multiple sources believe that they are. Later today, Lena was also seen to be entering the same house as him, further solidifying our suspicions around their relationship. The house is Lena's house which she used to live in with her ex Emily, until she died recently in the demonic invasion. And now, onto the weather with Joe..."

"Well then," Lena said. "Looks like the news wants to know about us. Should we go give them a statement and say whether or not we are?"

"I don't think we should. In Kings Row here, we're far away from the rest of overwatch, and you're still a high priority target for talon, so I think it'll be better if we try to stick to a lower profile for now."

"Yeah, you're right." Lena looked at the TV and then looked to the right at all of her DVDs. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Yeah sure. You pick."

Lena bounced out of her seat and over to the DVDs. She chose one and put it in the TV. The intro trailers started running as she blinked into the kitchen to grab a snack. She came back with a packet of super sour sweets and some digestables. Lena took a handful of super sour sweets before handing me the packet. I put one in my mouth and was immediately greeted by an explosion of taste.

"I forgot how nice these were." I said as I put another in my mouth.

"I know right? Easily my favourite sweetie." Lena said.

"Well, they're not my favourite sweetie, that goes to you, but sweetie which I can eat, it's them."

Lena looked at me and smiled.

"You can eat me if you want." She said before laughing at her own joke. I had some idea of what she meant, but not the full concept. "Come on, let's watch the movie."

We watched not only one movie, but about 6. Safe to say, we both fell asleep on the sofa during the last one. It was a film called avatar. Apparently it was the second highest grossing film ever, but I couldn't see how. It was just so boring. So boring infact that me and Lena both fell asleep on the sofa together while watching it.

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