
By AurrieEls

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"'s often found in the most unlikely places." What happens when a pristine girl meets the low-life... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Thirteen

412 6 13
By AurrieEls

"Harry!" I called out from the bathroom, working on trying to get my hair into a ponytail. It didn't seem to be working very well, but it looked horrible and I was going to a job interview, so I needed to look some-what presentable. 

It was a minute before he was at the door, and I blushed when he turned his eyes on me, propping his shoulder against the jamb. He was clad in a pair of tight black jeans and a blue t-shirt, and he crossed his arms over his shoulders as he watched me in the mirror. 

"I need to borrow your car." I said softly, because I was pretty sure he was going to have a fit about it. 

It had been two days since the 'confession', as I liked to call it, and I was constantly surprised at the freedom it brought. More often than not, Harry was making me blush just by pressing against me while I made lunch, and I'd come to find that he liked kissing me and he smelled like expensive cologne and strawberries. 

I heard him snort, "Good one, Love." The edges of my lips smirked at the nickname; it's what he referred to me as mostly. I wasn't complaining, even if it made my heart beat out of my chest. 

"I'm serious, Harry. You've got that call and I've got the interview at the cafe, and I need it. Please?" I asked, turning my head to look at him over my shoulder. I tried to put on the doe-eyes, and it must have worked, because he narrowed his. 

"Don't give me those eyes, like I'll say yes. It's a Range Rover." He stressed, and I rolled my eyes before turning back and combing back my hair with my fingers once again. 

"I need it, Harry. It'll only be for an hour or so." I told him, securing my hair with an elastic band I scrambled for on the counter. I was just messing with it to perfect it when he was moving swiftly into my space, chest pressing up against my back and hands bracketing my hips on the counter space. 

He ducked his head close to my ear, making me shiver. He knew exactly what he was doing, and the smirk on his face proved my point exactly. "What do you need, again?" 

I'd discovered Harry was playful. I hadn't been expecting it, but he was constantly making comments or touching me in a way to make me blush, being very forward, or searching for a way to make me laugh or having his hands on my sides, skittering up and down until I was a pile of giggles on the couch. He wasn't like that with anyone else; in fact, he was the polar opposite. That only made it more surprising. 

"Harry," I complained, shoving him off of me with my elbows to his hard stomach. I didn't do it hard enough to do damage, so he laughed as he took a step back and I scrunched my fingers through the ponytail. 

"I still don't want you to drive it. How about I take you and I'll have the call while I wait?" He bargained, speaking like he'd already won. I glared in the mirror at him, but he was just staring at me like nothing was wrong. 

He was even more overprotective now, and it was very agitating. "Harry, please. Nothing will happen to your precious car. I just need it to go get this job." I said, turning around to face him instead of looking at him in the mirror. 

"Why can't Eleanor just pick you up?" He said lowly, and I frowned up at him. He was close enough that I could see the specks of blue in his eyes, the stubble from where he hadn't shaved. 

"Because she's working, Harry! What do you think's gonna happen?" I said softly, stepping forward and tentatively placing my hands on his sides over the cotton of his t-shirt. 

His arms came uncrossed almost immediately, and he stepped closer so my back was against the edge of the counter top and his hands were placed on the cool white marble behind me, boxing me in. He leaned down so his nose nudged with mine, but he didn't kiss me. 

"I think that some idiot is going to be an asshole on the road, and kill both my babies," He breathed, and I rolled my eyes, pulling away. He laughed softly and burried a kiss into my neck, making me squeak and blush, jerking away from him. He knew my neck was sensitive; another thing he discovered. 

"I can hold my own against a few angry New York cabbies, Harry. I just really want this job, you know that." I said, trying not to whine, but I knew it'd get me what I'd want. 

Sure enough, after a moment of consideration on Harry's part, he sighed into my skin, pulling back to look down at me. "Fine. Text me when you get there, though. And if anything suspicious happens-" 

"I will call you or Louis immediately, and punch the person in the throat." I said, patronization leaking into my tone. It was his turn to roll his eyes, but he came back with a small smile. "Give me a kiss, and I won't ask you to fill up the tank." 

I smiled and pressed my lips against his in a peck, but it wasn't good enough for him. When I pulled back, his lips were still pursed and he pressed harder into me. ""M not your Aunt, Claire," He jeered. I huffed and put my hands on his chest, the hard muscle warm on my palms as I stretched up to press my lips back to his. 

It was a slow kiss, and I got lost somewhere in it like I always managed to do. His lips were soft and plump and warm and he tasted like mint gum that he was always chomping on, and I could never get enough once he gave in. He was never harsh when he puckered his lips just slightly, our lips slotting together. 

It must have been short, but when we pulled away it was hazy like it always was when he put in all of his effort. His large hands were on my lower back, fingers overlapping, and I licked my lips. "I could ruin you with my lips," He mumbled, and I barely had the time to gasp before he was pressing his mouth on mine again. 

We'd never gone farther than grinding to relieve some of the pressure, which was often because he could never stop and he kissed like the devil. I hummed against his lips before I was pressing him back and off me, depsite his protest and decision to cling to me. 

"I gotta go, Harry. I'll be back in a few," I said breathlessly, choosing to ignore his last words. I was hoping that I wasn't as red as I thought I was, but once glance in the mirror told me I was wrong. I heard Harry laugh as I fought to get out of his arms. "Harry," I whined, dragging out his name. 

He did the same with mine until I pinched his chest, and he squaked and backed off, giving me time to scurry to the bedroom. While I was gathering things into my small bag, Harry came in, rubbing the spot where I'd pinched him. "That hurt." 

"Sorry, but I've got to leave." I said, brushing past him and through the apartment until I was tugging on my boots and searching for my coat. My heart was hammering because I was nervous for this job, and I was also about to keep a secret from Eleanor. 

We decided to keep whatever this was between us quiet around friends and colleagues, only because we didn't know where we stood and we didn't want the drama if anyone got involved. I proposed the idea and Harry was relieved, because he said he'd been thinking about it. 

I shrugged on my coat and made sure I had my scarf before turning to Harry, who was looking less than amused, keys dangling from his finger. "You'll be careful?" He asked, voice low, and I softened. 

"Of course," I said, offering him a smile that seemed to ease his tension. "Want anything for dinner?" I asked, letting him drop the keys in my palm before I straightened my coat out. He shook his head. "We can just do that chicken?" I nodded, a feeling of domesticity settling in. It was a little odd. 

"Alright, I'll see you in a little then." I said, pulling open the door before he took it from me and grabbed my arm. "Good luck," He said, puckering his lips again. After I kissed him goodbye and braced the cool air, I was walking briskly toward the black sleek car. 


It was an invigorating experience driving a Range Rover, but it was even more grueling trying to remain calm sitting in a chair across from who I hoped was my future boss. He was a balding middle aged man with a kind face and a mustache, but I was nervous none the less. 

He was looking after some papers after an interview with me, and I was hyperaware of everything around me as I tried not to bite my lip. He pursed his lips for a moment before looking up and me and smiling, "How soon can you start?" 

"Are you serious?" I asked, and he nodded with a warm smile as I had a minuture obscured freak out. "Uhm, as soon as you need me." I said excitedly. 

"Great! We'll see you tomorrow then? We'll start you out on the evening shift, which starts at two p.m. because that's the busiest time. Is that alright?" He asked, and I nodded quickly. "Alright, then I guess that I will see you tomorrow." He said, rising to his feet as I extended my hand, shaking his larger one. 

He ambled away and I waited until he was behind the door leading to the back before I turned to Eleanor, who was already rushing out from behind the counter to come and squeeze me in a hug. We danced around for a minute, a few people in the shop looking at us funny, but I was just happy to have a job. 

"Oh my God, this is the best thing ever," I said, grinning. I was the first job I'd had since I was seventeen. 

"And you're on my shift, this is awesome. I can pick you up on the days Harry can't drop you off." She told me, still holding onto my arms. I nodded at her, smiling, and I almost told her when she mentioned him. 

"Okay, so, celebratory drinks tonight? What are you and Harry doing?" She asked me, and I shruged, taking a place at the bar where I'd left my stuff. I breifly wondered what she meant by celebratory drinks. 

"Do you mean like a bar? It's the middle of the week, El," She rolled her eyes and started pulling espresso shots. "It's Thursday, and I know they aren't doing anything tomorrow. Or, I don't think. Harry might have said something about checking out a new warehouse, but he'll come out probably. Even if he hates it." 

I snorted, because Harry would be the type to hate a club or bar scene. He didn't seem like the type of person to enjoy being in a large crowd of people. 

"Or, you could come to ours and we could just hang out," She looked up at me through her lashes, green eyes alight, and it felt like she knew something. Like a silent question. I just hummed in agreement and nodded my head, hoping we could change the subject before she actually asked

"I will ask him when I get back and then I'll call you and see what he decides." I told her, rising off of my stool to gather my things. I'd been gone for an hour and half already, and when I checked my phone, I had messages from him. After I redressed and hugged her briefly, I braced the wind to run to the car. 

After the door was shut and the keys were in the ignition, heat blasting on me, I looked at what he'd sent me. He asked me where I was, then if I could get cookies from the grocery store. Not the weird sugar cookies, the frozen chocolate chip cookie dough, he said. 

After I stopped off and got what he'd asked for, I was anxious to get home. I wanted to go out with Eleanor and Louis tonight, but I didn't know how we'd manage to hide it. They were already pushing us to get together; what would they do if we actually were?

I was loaded with bags as I opened up the apartment with my keys, shutting it with my booted foot and lugging the bags to the kitchen. I'd gotten a few more things that I probably didn't need, so the bags were a little heavy as I put them on the counter. 

Harry appeared a moment later, wiping his hands on his jeans and chewing on something. I assumed he'd been eating the chips I'd bought earlier, because when he came up behind me to run his lips over my jaw, he smelled like Cool Ranch Doritos. 

"So?" He asked eventually, and I'd been so wrapped up in wondering what he'd say to going out that I hadn't even thought about me getting the job. I smiled and tucked my chin down to hide from his lips, but he wasn't going away. 

"I got the job," I said softly, and I felt him smile against my neck before his lips pressed there, shivers erupting all over my body. "Of course you did, Baby. Congratulations," He said, and I blushed with pride. 

"But, I have a proposition," I said, turning around in his arms and leaning back against the counter so that we weren't so close together. He was still a little foreign, and we hadn't established boundaries to...this. 

His eyebrows knitted together as he looke down at me, stepping back enough to lean against the other counter, arms crossed over his chest. "What is it?" He asked, his jaw muscle working as he swallowed, and I got a little distracted before I continued. 

"Eleanor and Louis invited us out for drinks--well, El did--since I got the job," I said, turning back to keep unloading the groceries, and to get out of his glare. It was hard to be under his gaze for so long, "it wouldn't be like, too late, obviously because we have to work tomorrow, but she said that even though it's Thursday, you might want to go out?" 

"Mm, I don't know. I don't really like going out," He said, and I nodded, because his tone didn't really leave any room for argument. I also didn't want to push him. "But, maybe they could come over? I guess, I don't really know." 

I smiled down at the grocery bag before I turned around to see him kneeding the back of his neck, and I knew he was uncomfortable. "Not used to having friends hang out at your place?" I teased, and he rolled his eyes, but I could tell he wasn't that annoyed. 

"As you can probably tell, I'm also not the type to host little get togethers with a cheese wheel and four different kinds of crackers," He said, and I couldn't help but laugh at the image of Harry with little fancy serving spoons and a tray from Harrods. 

"I was thinking that, but maybe that would be a little awkward." I guessed, and he smirked, catching my hint. He moved toward me before I could get away, and I was pressed against his chest and his hips were against mine. 

"Why, can't keep your hands off me for that long?" He teased, his hands coming over my ribcage and I knew he could feel the flutter of my heartbeat. I squirmed where I was, because his lips tickled my cheek as he leaned in. 

"You're too cocky for your own good," I said breathily, because God only knows that I could try all I wanted to hide the effect he had on me, but it'd never work. He smirked and stepped closer, bringing his lips down to catch the lobe of my ear, my hands coming up to his chest as I sucked in a small gasp. 

"Wouldn't you like to find out, gorgeous," He said throatily, and my eyes fluttered closed because the changes in his voice always had me pining for him. His words lifted a blush to my cheeks, and I gripped his shoulders harder in my small hands, hanging on for dear life. 

"Harry," I breathed, but he just pressed in tighter, his teeth catching at the shell of my ear, pulling a soft sound I'd never made before out of my chest. He moved his lips down my neck, soft lips hardly making marks but I was burning every where he touched me. 

"Look what you've done 't me." He said lowly, and then his hand was guiding mine away from his shoulder. He pulled away just enough that I could peer up at him through my lashes, a little confused until he started to slide my hand between our bodies. 

There was a smirk on his pink lips, and I felt my face grow even hotter as I realized his intentions. It was too late to pull away, my fingertips already brushing past the hard leather of his belt, and then curving over the bulge in his jeans. 

I gapsed softly and looked down and back up again, and he pressed my hand against him until I was cupping him through the rough material of his jeans. His teeth caught his lip and his eyes fluttered as I squeezed experimentally, wondering how incredibly uncomfortable it must be to have his pants so tight. 

A groan ripped out of his throat and when I looked up his eyes were shut completely, and I was incredibly embarrassed and nervous. I'd never felt so provacative. 

I squeezed him again and he surged forward, his lips sliding against mine to stiffle his moan. He pressed me up against the counter even harder, but not enough to hurt me, and slipped his tongue into my mouth. It curled against my own and then I was the one moaning, on accident, and he rocked against my palm. 

I could tell that he was fully hard now, but I didn't know what to do. I hadn't been with anyone else for a long time, so I had no idea what he'd be comfortable with. Heat was flashing through my body, and I knew that I wanted to help him, but I didn't know what he wanted. 

"Wait, wait, wait," He gasped, pushing away from me before I had time to process what I was thinking to tell him. His lips were swollen and he was breathing just a little heavier, and he wasn't touching me anymore, even if I could reach out and touch him. 

His eyes met mine and they were blown wide, and he paused before licking his lips. "I could've helped," I whispered, looking down at the floor and fiddling with my hands because now I didn't know what to do with them. I felt a little embarrassed. 

He breathed out, and then lifted my chin with a hand on my cheek. "I know, Love. But I don't want to pressure you into anything. I can take care of myself." He said, and as I looked up, his eyes completely betrayed his tone. 

When I didn't say anything, he just smiled and brushed his lips against mine, our noses knocking gently. "I'll tell you what," He murmured, and I let my eyes flutter closed because it was just so easy to let him take over, "I'll take you out tonight, and when we get home, we'll see what happens, yeah?" 

When he kissed me, I nodded my head and hummed in agreement, even though he could've asked me to jump off a bridge and I would've said yes. 

He pulled back after a peck, and I opened my eyes to see his hand dissapearing between us to resituate himself in his jeans. He stepped back completely and started to walk away, palm still pressing to himself so that he waddled. "Call Eleanor and tell her we're coming out with them!" He called behind him, and then I heard some doors open and shut. 

I assumed he was taking a shower--for obvious reasons that made me blush the whole time I was putting away groceries--and when I was finished I dialed El and she told us when and where to meet them. I didn't need a shower, but I did need to find an appropriate outfit. 

I was just deciding between a few different tops to go with my jeans when Harry came into the bedroom, a black towel tied around his waist, the rest of him bare. I looked away as fast as I could, but not before he saw me looking at him. 

"You can look, I'm not naked, Claire." He teased, and I huffed, trying to focus back on the clothes on the bed and not at his bare muscled back. 

"Might as well be," I mumbled, and he looked over his shoulder at me with his eyebrows raised, and I dropped my gaze back to my shirts. He didn't reply as he opened and closed drawers and pulled out clothes. 

Just as I was glancing back up at him, he dropped the towel, leaving him stark naked in the middle of the room. All I saw was his bare legs and butt, but I gasped and covered my eyes with my hands, "Harry!" 

"What?" He laughed, seemingly unfazed by me seeing him naked like that. I was just glad he hadn't been facing the other way, because I might have died. I was already on pins and needles as it was because of his promise of later. 

"You can't just stand there naked in the middle of the room!" I protested, and I heard the distinct noise of him pulling on his jeans. He snorted, but I didn't find this funny because I knew that I was blushing. Again. 

"Sure I can, it's my room and you'll see it eventually," He said, and I peaked through my fingers to see him ruffling a towel through his hair. I couldn't see his face, so I knew he couldn't see mine and I was grateful. I went back to picking out my shirt, going back and forth between black and red. 

"Shut up," I mumbled, and he laughed before he discarded his towel and combed through his hair with his fingers. He made his way over to me, but I ignored him even as he pressed against my back and kissed the side of my neck. "Go for black," He said. 

Then he dissapeared into the closet to my right, and I grabbed the shirt and my jeans and walked to the bathroom because I wasn't as brave as him. 


"Look who's matching," Louis said, his face illuminated in the soft yellow light from the hanging bulbs in the restaurant. He was smirking as he rose to greet us, and I breifly wondered if I could get away with rolling my eyes at him. 

"I picked mine first," I said, accepting his hug and then moving on to Eleanor, who was smiling at me. "Yeah, well, I told you to pick it." Harry grumbled. He was already grumpy, even though he'd agreed to come out tonight. 

"So you wanted to match?" Louis asked, and Harry and I shared a brief glance before I shook my head. "Happy coincidence, then?" He asked, eyes narrowed like he was scurtinizing us. We all took our seats, and Harry shrugged. "Something like that." 

I was across from Eleanor, which I was grateful for because I didn't think I could undergo the harrassment from Louis the entire night. We fell into easy conversation and ordered drinks when the waiter came up to us. He smiled at us as he walked away. 

I felt a warm hand on my thigh and side-glanced at Harry, who was watching the waiter go with a hard expression on his face. Louis was talking about the menu as he skimmed it, and Eleanor was too busy sipping at her drink with a confused face. 

"Can I try yours?" She asked me, and I nodded and slid it over the table to her before my hand dropped down to cover Harry's. We looked at each other, me questioning why he was being so weird, and then his hand was retracting back to his own lap. 

"I thought we got the same thing." Eleanor said, and I turned back to her. 

"Didn't we? Where's yours?" She slid her across the table to me so that I could take a sip, knocking the black straws out of the way. Hers was a lot stronger, and I pulled away with pursed lips. 

"I don't like that," I said, and she laughed at me, shrugging.

"Get's me drunk faster, I'm alright with it." She said, grabbing it from me and drinking some more. 

We went over the plan for tonight--dinner and trying to get me drunk since I got a job, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. I wasn't a big drinker, and if anything was to show for it, it was the hangover I'd gotten the last time I was drunk. 

The waiter made another appearance, asking us what we all wanted to eat. He kept glancing at me, but I thought nothing of it, and I watched Harry as he practically barked his order at the kid. His hand made another appearance on my thigh, higher this time, and I swallowed befre placing my own order. 

His hand didn't leave my thigh for the rest of the meal, even when the waiter wasn't even seen around us. Louis questioned him on it once--"Why do look like you're about to chain that kid to the back of your car and drag him through the street?"--and though it was in a teasing tone, I was curious as well. Harry just denied it, saying he didn't. 

I was constantly thinking of his hand on my leg all throughout the night, especially as he slid it back and forth when the waiter came back with our food. He didn't linger around, so I honestly didn't know what Harry meant. Or why he was jealous. 

Louis and Eleanor didn't help the matter, always glancing back and forth between us. Sneaking in snide remarks. I was a little worried about tonight, because I didn't know how easy it'd be to hide it from them. 

Harry was obviously thinking the same thing, because when I caught his eye, he was not very pleased. 


I clung to Eleanor as she led us through the club and to the back, where she said that it wasn't as loud and crowded. She had connections here, or Louis did, one of the two. I was just trying not to get lost. 

I didn't know where the boys were, so I just held on tight to Eleanor and helped her push through bodies. I was feeling lighter from the two drinks I'd had at the restaurant--thanks to Harry, becuase he also wouldn't let me buy my own meal--and I knew that I could only stand a few more before I'd be falling all over the place. 

The music let up as we reached the edge of the dance floor, and then I was being pulled through darkness and up some steps. There were already a few people inside what I assumed was an exclusive party area, over looking the rest of the club, but they ignored us. When we collapsed on the empty black couch in the dark corner, we were breathing harder and laughing at one another. 

Harry and Louis appeared a moment later, and there was an eruption from the crowd to the left of the room. El and I just looked at each other, the boys shooting us looks before accepting hugs and handshakes. Harry looked irritated already, and I wondered how long it'd be before he wanted to leave. 

 "Do you want another drink?" Eleanr asked, her voice nearly straining because it was still pretty loud. I just nodded my head at her, and when I went to tell her the cheapest thing so that I could afford it, she just laughed and told me it was on her tonight. 

                                                                             **Harry's P.O.V.**

It wasn't long until I was completely over the night, sat back against the expensive couch with my arms crossed over my chest and Louis taking in my ear. Claire and Eleanor had gone off somewhere to dance, but not before Louis and I both warned them to stay close. We didn't need a repeat of last time. 

Louis was sipping on a beer because even though they were getting a cab, he didn't want to get pissed while I was still sober. How thoughtful. 

"So, you gonna tell me why you've been eyeing Claire all fucking night, then?" He blurted out, and when I whipped around to look at him, he was looking at me with lifted eyebrows and a beer bottle tilted up. I was quiet for a moment, because I knew he'd figure it out. I just didn't want to talk about it. 

And I told him so, leaning back against and searching for them in the crowd. Claire's head was thrown back as she laughed, Eleanor's hands clasped in her own as they moved with the sea of bodies. She looked like a phenomenon under the flashing lights. 

"You two are shite at hiding it, you know," He said, and I rolled my eyes. 

"Piss off, Lou." I grumbled, and he just laughed, because he knew I was only agitated because of that punk waiter and the loud ass music. 

"Aw, poor ickle 'Arry, torn up over a college boy waiter smiling at his girl," Louis said, and I shoved him off of me where he'd leaned closer. He went away laughing, but he wasn't finished. 

"Trust me, mate, if she were to have noticed, she wouldn't have done anything. She's got eyes for you, and you alone. I don't understand it, but hey, you look good under the right light," He jeered, smirking when I looked over at him. 

"You're a right fuckhead you know that?" I said, which only made him laugh harder. I cracked a smile, but turned back to look for Claire. When I coudln't find her, I got a little worried. "Where is she?" 

"Calm down, man. She's coming up the steps with El," Louis said, and sure enough, two giggling girls came around the corner a moment later. They were still holding hands like best friends in primary school. 

Claire let go of her hand to drop down between us, El going on Louis' other side. I was a bit alarmed when Claire leaned back into me, a light sheen of sweat on her brow as she tilted her head back to smile up at me. She was tipsy, but not too drunk. 

"Ya now the two of 'em are together?" Lou shouted at Eleanor, and Claire gasped before hitting him slowly. Eleanor squealed, and I wondered if plugging my ears would be rude. 

"I knew it! You owe me ten bucks Lou," She said, and Claire peered around Louis to gape at her. Eleanor just winked, and I leaned back against the couch because I knew it was only a matter of time. 

"You big mouth! And you, making bets on my love life. I see," Claire said, and Eleanor just giggled into Louis' shoulder, who winked at Claire. I couldn't see her face, but I knew she was probably pouting. 

"We knew it, anyways. Probably before you did. I knew when he kissed you," Eleanor said, and I froze, alarmed. Louis just turned to gape at me and Claire giggled, practically sitting on top of me as she turned around.

"You kissed her and you didn't tell me?" Louis asked, and I knew he was being overdramatic, but that was his thing. 

"Didn't come up when we were sat braiding each others' hair, sorry," I said, righting Claire as she swayed dangerously sideways. She just smiled up at me, her hair a mess but her eyes bright and her face pink. She whispered a thanks, and I just nodded at her. 

"Don't be angry, Harry. Was bound to come out sooner or later," Eleanor said, reaching for her drink that was probably more ice than alcohol at this point. Claire wasn't too far gone, but I could feel her fingers on the buttons of my shirt, and I knew it was time to go. I was finsihed anyways. 

"Right, well, you ready to go, Love?" I asked Claire, anxious to get out. I knew that I could've had fun if I wanted to, but I didn't want to leave Claire vulnerable. 

She looked up with her big puppy-dog eyes, practically pouting at me. "Why? I'm having fun and we've only been here for-" She started, a whine in her voice that I knew was because she was halfway lit. 

"Two hours and forty-five minutes." Eleanor said, and Claire's eyes grew wide, and I began to stand. 

"Oh wow, that is a long time. Yep, let's go home." She said, struggling to get to her feet without holding onto my hands. I looked to Louis, who just smiled at me before rising with us. 

"Don't get in too much trouble when you get home, kids." Louis teased, and I flipped him off as I steered Claire out and toward the exit while she was busy waving at Eleanor around my back. 

I could only breathe easy when we were in the car and on the way home. 


A/N: ):

I hope that you guys like this chapter, because I'm sort of ehh about it. It's kind of fluffy but I think it's a bit wishywashy. Could've been better. 

Tell me what you want to see in the next few chapters!
Do you like Harry's personality?
Do you think anything will happen between them soon?
What do you think will happen when they get home?

Where do you think Claire's place is in the operation?
Who do you think will find out about them? 

Please please please vote and comment! I will love you forever and ever!! 
-Michelle Xx. 

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