Why dont we and sway house

By Margotxoxsmith

66.9K 611 245

You (y/n) are Bryce Hall's little sister and he is very protective over you. Because your dad is always away... More

The break up
Pool day
Your birthday 🎉
Bryce and Addison's sex tape
date with Daniel
The fight
Josh or Daniel? Smutty ⚠️
⚠️A night with Josh ⚠️
Josh's POV
New beginnings
⚠️alone time⚠️
A pretty average day
Rocky roads ahead?
The light at the end of the tunnel
Will everything remain calm?
Don't judge a book by the front cover
Venice 💓
Whats up? 🤷‍♀️
Author's note xxxxx
⚠️Threesome ⚠️😏

Personality check

1.8K 27 2
By Margotxoxsmith

You open your eyes after being in a light sleep and your room was completely dark only lit by the smidge of moon that was visible. You can smell the salt water still in your hair which was stuck to parts of your face by blood, which had gone hard and you didn't even care to move it. Your eyes still burned from the tears which had carried you off to sleep some hours previous but you couldn't back to sleep. The back of your throat was dry and you couldn't help but crying again. You get up and unlock the door. As you open it you see Jaden led on the floor with a thin blanket over him. HE must have woken up as he heard you open the door. You look down at him as he looks up at you.
Y/n: erm how long have you been here (still crying)
JH: since you locked yourself in your room. I wanted to be here when you woke up
Y/n: aww Jaden. Thank you but really I'm ok
JH: then why is there dried blood all over you?
He looks you up and down and his eyes finally land on your self-harmed hands.
Y/n: shit y/n you look rough. Come on down to the kitchen I'll help you get the blood off yourself
You smile softly and wait for him to get up so you can walk through the door. You both head downstairs into the dimly lit kitchen. You sit on the countertop and wait for Jaden to go and get a wet cloth to wipe the blood clean. He was stood in front of you with a we cloth which was slowly dripping onto the floor, leaving a cool wet puddle by his feet.
JH: can I?
You nod gently and he lifts the cloth to your head and very softly wipes in small strokes. It doesn't hurt, the pain supressed by the fear of the day to come.
JH: ok all the blood is gone from your face and neck. Can I look at your hands?
You look at him for a moment before holding out your hands, palms up. You feel the silent tears fall down your cheeks and as Jaden takes you hands gently in his he looks down at them.
JH: erm y/n, I think they are infected. I think we should take you to the ER
Y/n: but it's like 2 AM
JH: I don't care we are going now
Y/n: I need clothes
JH: It's ok I have one of my big hoodies in my car and I'm really scared that your hands are infect which could lead to other problems
Jaden helps you off the counter and you go to the car. You don't leave a note for the rest of the house and it wasn't long before you made it to the ER. Jaden, being the gentleman he is came and opened the door for you. As he opened it
Y/n: J my head feels really light and dizzy
JH: right right it's ok. Erm... I'll give you a piggyback ok?
Y/n: thanks J
You clamber onto Jaden's back who carries you into the ER. There must definitely be something wrong with this hospital because once again it was empty. You whisper in Jaden's ear "we are making a habit of being in the ER" which is let out a small faded laugh to. Jaden speaks at the ER desk.
JH: my friend here has cuts on her hands and I think they may be infected and she feels really dizzy
Jaden passes on all the information about you that the woman needs to know and you both take a seat in the waiting room.
*** time passes, you have seen the nurses and the doctor. You are sat in a bed with Jaden in the chair next to you and your waiting on the results ***
It took a while before the doctor was back, but he came back with his clipboard.
D: Hello y/n. And you are?
JH: Jaden. I brought her here
D: good decision. So it turns out that the cuts on your hands are in fact infected but it's not too serious so we will clean them up here now and bandaged up and then you can go home. I will give you some tablets which will need to taken every morning and every night for the next three days to prevent any infection
Y/n: sounds good to me
D: I must ask you though, how did you get these cuts on your palms because they are actually quite deep
Y/n: I fell
D: you shouldn't lie to me. I could help you but I respect your privacy
*** back in Jaden's car, you have been released from hospital and your hands looked so funny, both very obviously bandaged up. It was now just after midday ***
Jaden turns to you before starting the car.
JH: Hey you hungry
Y/n: erm no but I'll go to get food with you. I don't really feel like going back to the house anyways
JH: yeah I get that. We can go get food and I'll get you a Starbucks drink on the way home to make you feel better ok?
Y/n: (you were now giggling) is there any chance I could have your hoodie before we get food though I'm still in yesterday's clothes and a bikini as well
JH: yeah sure come on let's go
Jaden drives to get a burger because he had been up ages. You sit in the diner with him and watch as he eats like a pig which did make you laugh. It literally took him about 30 seconds to devour all of his food and you were on your way to Starbucks.
JH: I can drop you at Charli's if you want?
Y/n: no it's ok shes with Austin right now I think and she doesn't know what's happened anyways
JH: Oh shit yeah I keep forgetting that her and Austin are a thing now and are you going to tell anyone because I wont if you don't want to
Y/n: I'm just going to walk in wearing this hoodie, covering my hands and not tell anyone. Oh fuck. J how am I going to wash I can't take these bandages off for three days and I really really need a shower
JH: maybe you could get Addison to help? I could call Charli if you want?
Y/n: (you didn't know if he knew about the abortion but either way you didn't want to disturb her) no it's ok I'll just ask Addison I think
You arrived home.
JH: well if theres anything I can do for you even if it's just changing the channel on the remote I got you
Y/n: haha thanks J
He helps you out the car, the medication in your pocket. You walk in uneasy, expecting everyone to be running to see you and Jaden but instead no one was at the door. When you walked in no one was there either which confused you a little.
JH: I'll go check the boys
Y/n: (you drink hugged to your chest because you couldn't hold it with your hands) Ok I'm going to my room
You stand there and watch as Jaden goes into the lounge to see the boys. You waddle over the wall so you could listen to what the boys were saying.
G: where you and y/n been? Off shagging like yesterday? (all the boys started laughing)
JH: what the fuck man we were at the beach yesterday and been in the hospital since 2 this morning
K: what? Your dick break her or something?
JR: what and you do?
JH: god no. I definitely don't deserve it but you certainly don't. Fuck man why can't you see how pure her love is? Why would you throw away her love for... what? Her
JR: (josh's voice was now quiet and soft) why did you have to take her to hospital?
JH: (Jaden's voice also softened) After we came home after being at the beach yesterday and she locked herself in her room I got a blanket and slept outside her room so when she woke up she wasn't alone. She woke about 2 and her eyes were a crimson colour from crying and the palms of her hands were cut from where she had squeezed her hands shut and dug her nails into her palms. When she woke the self-harm had got infected so I took her to the ER and now shes all bandaged up with meds
JR: (josh's voice was almost a whisper) fuck. Fuck man. Fuck what the fuck have I do. Shit I need to go and see her and apologize. Fuck I've never felt like this before about anyone and I have completely fucked up
JH: she's got a big heart I'm sure she will forgive you but it will just take time. Just give her some love and affection. You hurt her a lot Josh so you have to work to not only get your relationship back to where it was but also to bring her confidence up
JR: Thanks J, for being there for her when I wasn't I really appreciate it
JH: oh actually give her a bit Josh. Add is it ok if you go up, she wants a shower but her hands are all bandaged up and shes still in yesterday's bikini and I was just wonderi-
A: yeah for sure I'll go help her now
B: thanks babe. Shout me when she's ready I want to see her
A: yeah I will
JH: oh and I already got her a Starbucks
You quickly head upstairs to your room so no one caught you listening in on the boy's conversation. You shut the door behind you and sit down on your bed wondering if you would forgive Josh. Everything was so much simpler with Daniel.
The door opens revealing Addison with a friendly smile. She closes the door and comes over to you.
A: you ok?
Y/n: yeah I'm good, just craving a shower
A: yeah I can imagine (you were both softly laughing now)
Addison helps you get undressed and turns the shower on.
Y/n: right how's this going to work because I can't get my hands wet
Addison starts undressing too. What the fuck was going on. You were both naked, facing each other standing outside the shower.
A: I'll just shower with you
Y/n: ok sure
Addison opens the door. You had a big shower so you stand away from the water. You had put bags on your hands in case any water splashed onto your hands. You stand at the back of the shower and watch as she arched her back slightly to put her head under the shower. She washed her hair before washing yours and scrubbing all the salty water smell off of your body.
She helps you change into sweats and you get into bed. Shes back changed into her shorts and crop top.
A: Bryce wanted to see you. Shall I send him in?
Y/n: yeah send whoever in
A: alright I'll get him
Bryce is led on your bed next to you with his arm around you.
B: are you ok?
Y/n: yeah I'm good. Please. I don't want to talk about it
B: yeah I understand. Whenever you're ready I'm here and Josh is really sorry you know
Y/n: no he's not. He's not sorry he posted the picture of her on the first day. He's not sorry about how he acted with her in the pool or when he showed her his dick. He just feels bad about the outcome and doesn't want the media to see him badly
B: I didn't think you would be like this
Y/n: what fucking fuming and self-centred? Well wake the fuck up Bryce I'm not being treated like shit anymore. Can you leave now I want to watch TV and sleep. Alone
Bryce doesn't say more, he just leaves and mutters to someone outside 'she wants to be left alone – I think just try talking to her tomorrow – woah woah woah Jaden man she doesn't want company'.
Jaden comes into your room and says, 'right what we watching'.
You smile and pat the bed next to you for him to join. You stick on some random new film on Netflix.
Y/n: I bet your glad Quinton is back tomorrow
JH: yeah he was home for wayyyy too long
The movie continues and you find yourself actually really tired. Your in that state of half asleep and half awake when you cuddle into Jaden who puts his arms around you and you fall asleep.

Thank you for all the support

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