One Direction One Shots / flu...

By kidfanfics

127K 1.2K 295

Kinda shooting myself in the foot here. Don't know if I have time for yet another book, but I want to do this... More

Requests !
Not quite big enough
Don't like the crowd
Moody bum
The biggest adventure of your life
Don't like me anymore
Don't be a brat
Little poorly
BBQ disaster
What if I don't get to say goodbye
Rough night

Just a normal day

4.6K 47 2
By kidfanfics

This is nothing special. Just a short little something xx
(Also, would love some requests for this book, and also my other (Little Harry styles)) x

Liam 19
Niall 19
Louis 16
Harry 15


"Harry! Get your bum back here now!" Liam's loud voice filled their hotel suite, and soon a teary eyed Harry with a sheepish look on his face is marching back towards Liam.

"Didn't mean to Liam. Swear it!" Harry whined once he stood in front of the man that held a disappointed look on his face. "What do you think your mummy would say now, huh?" The man tutted and Harry's face crumpled.

"Nooo, don't tell her Liam. Was only an accident!"

"I know." Liam sighed. "But you know better than to take it off. That was very naughty." Liam eyed between the dry pull-up that was discarded on the floor, the wet spot on the sofa and Harry's soaked trousers. "Why did you take it off?" Liam asked, starting to calm down.

"Dunno." Harry shrugged, never being a very good liar. "Just came off." He shrugged, looking down at it toes.

"Just on its own?" Liam raised an eyebrow. "M'huh! Like magic."

"Sure. Now go to the bathroom and take your trousers off. Got to phone the lobby about the sofa." Liam sighed, ushering Harry off towards the bathroom. The boy sulked, taking his icky pants off before sitting down on the toilet until Liam would return.

"Hiya bubs." Niall walked past the bathroom door that stood wide open. "What's got you all mopey?" He walked into the room, noticing Harry's trousers on the middle of the floor, getting a fair idea of the situation.

"Think I'm in trouble." Harry pouted, not daring to look up at Niall who thankfully left the room once Liam walked in.

"You bet." Liam muttered, bringing the pull-up and a new pair of trousers for the boy. "But I didn't mean to Liam!" Harry whined from the toilet. "Loulou's fault." Harry mumbled the last part. but Liam still heard him. "You're not going to blame this on Louis, you did this on your own."

"But he said I had to grow up." Harry finally started crying, no surprise to Liam, "S-said I had to stop peein' ma pants because that's what grown-ups do. They don't wear nappies." He wailed, rapidly trying to rub his tears away but couldn't keep up. "Only wanted to play with him, b-but said only grown ups can play."

"Oh bubs." Liam sighed, helping Harry off the toilet and into his trousers. "You shouldn't listen to Louis when he's being a moody bum. You're grown up, just like him, but just need a little extra help." Liam picked him up and carried him to where Louis was playing on his PlayStation.

"Can you hush him; my mic is on."

"Turn it off please." Liam instructed. "As if." Louis scoffed, "You don't tell me what to do."

"Yes, I do; I'm the oldest. Now shut it off." Louis did as told; not without throwing a few cuss words at Liam but a stern look from the man made him shut up. "Why is he crying now?"

"Because of you." Liam stated simply, prying the crying Harry out of his chest, making him face Louis. "N-no Liam." Harry whined, trying his hardest to turn back around but the older didn't let him. "What? Because he couldn't play the game with me? I told you Harry, it's for sixteen and up." The boy huffed. "It's a shooting game Liam."

"I know. But you could've been nicer to him." Liam looked at him pointedly. "Nicer? Just told him he couldn't watch. That's all."

"No Louis. We both know that's not true. What did you really tell him?"

Louis looked down at his hands, fidgeting with his fingers. "Just that he had to be more grown up." The boy shrugged and Liam sighed. "Did you or did you not tell him he had to grow-up, and to do that he had to stop having accidents?" Liam put it into nicer words, not risking sending Harry into another crying fit.

"Something like that." Louis mumbled. "It's true though."

"You know he can't help it Lou. Now he's peed on the sofa because he took his pull-up off."
"That's not my fault! He did that on his own." Louis defended. "You know how much he looks up to you. You're like a big brother to him, he wants to be like you."

"I know." Louis sighed. "Just frustrating sometimes." He admitted, looking sadly at the boy who was cradled on Liam's lap. "I'm sorry Harry. How about we play animal crossing on the switch?" The boy offered, getting a small reaction from the sniffling boy. "Promise I get to play?"

"As long as you don't get snot on it." Louis reasoned, getting quite tired of wiping snot off his computer and phone screen. "M'won't." Harry assured, climbing off Liam's lap straight to were Louis kept his Nintendo switch.

"Thank you, Louis." Liam sighed, glad to get a little time for himself, though he loved the boy dearly, Harry could be quite clingy. "Yeah, yeah." The boy waived him off. "Just come get him in a little while please, promised some of my mates I'd play a round or two with them." Liam just nodded before leaving the two youngest boys.

"Look Lou! A new resident!" Harry squealed once he had turned the game on, "and the bridge is ready!" He shoved the switch into Louis' face, to make sure he could see.

"I see bub." Louis assured, trying his hardest not to get annoyed with the boy. "Think I wanna make ma house bigger Lou. Can you help me?" He handed the game to Louis before resting his head on the older boy's shoulder, mesmerized as he played.

"Still got to pay for the other extension, Haz." Louis explained. "Can't get another one until you pay your loan."

"B-but I wanna do it now." The boy pouted. "Niall has a basement in his house." He explained. "I know, but you need to collect more money." Louis tried to hand the game back to Harry, but the boy pushed it away. "You do it. Like watching you play." Harry watched intently as Louis helped him collect some money and resources and talked to some of the villagers. "Wanna get more flowers in my garden too!" Harry piped up, fidgeting beside Louis.

"If you need to go to the toilet, you can go mate." Louis looked at the boy who just shook his head. "Don't hafta go Loulou." Harry huffed, "Just excited." He reasoned, telling Louis to keep playing. "Alright then." Louis shrugged, not really convinced but Harry was stubborn, and he didn't want to deal with it. "Look! There!" Harry pointed at the screen excitedly. "Harry! You promised no snot!"

"M'sorry." Harry said sheepishly. "Just like the blue flowers. Wan' 'em on my island" Louis just sighed, wiping the screen with his sleeve before continuing, only stopping when the awful smell radiated from the boy. "Harry?"

"M'huh?" Harry hummed, not tearing his eyes of the computer screen. "Think you should find Liam mate." Louis plugged his nose for good measure, making the boy blush. "Nah uh! Just a toot!"

"Doubt it mate. Just go!" Louis gave the boy a little shove, and Harry just pouted in return. "Whatever. Didn't wanna play anymore anyways." He mumbled, climbing down from the bed and went to the room he was sharing with Liam and just to his luck, Liam was in there.

"Hiya Haz. You all finished with Lou?"

"M'huh." Harry nodded, shuffling to his suitcase to find himself something to do. "Think you need a change bub." Liam scrunched his nose. "Why didn't you use the potty? We brought your special seat from the bus." Harry just shrugged, looking down at the floor but took Liam's outstretched hand and let him guide him to the bathroom. "See it's right there." Liam pointed at the toddler seat that rested against the wall beside the toilet. "Only need to pop it on top. That's not hard." Harry just kept looking at the floor, not really interested. He felt much more content in his special pants, and sitting on the toilet by himself was kinda scary.

"Remember what you promised your mummy, huh?"

"Try and be a big boy and use the big boy potty." The boy mumbled. "B-but, I don't like it." He whined, tears already threatening to spill. "No tears Harry. They're not necessary."

"Yes, they are!" Harry threw his head back, letting out a loud sob. "Oh, boy. Think someone should have a nap today." Liam murmured, expertly chancing the boy and slid a new pull-up up his legs. "Nooo. Don't need a nap!" Harry stomped his feet, but Liam quickly scolded him, telling him to stop being silly. "C'mon. Think it will do you some good." The man tutted, picking the crying boy up as he trashed in his arms, even managing to nearly kick the man where he certainly did not want to be kicked.

"Harry! That's very naughty. Stop that right now!"

"No nap then!" The boy wailed, "Don't need it!" He rubbed his eyes, proving to Liam that he was in fact tired but the man chose not to say anything. "How about we have a cuddle on the bed, and maybe put on a Disney film? You don't have to nap, just have a little quiet time, okay?"

"Okay." Harry huffed, but allowed Liam to get him situated on the bed, "M'not taking a nap though!" He added, but not even ten minutes into the film the boy was snoring beside Liam.

- - -

"Where's Harry?" Louis found Niall and Liam in the small living room of the suite, Liam on his phone and Niall flipping through the channels on the TV. "Having a nap." Liam stated simply, "Have you played with your mates?"

"Yeah, then mum called and told me I play too much video games." He chuckled. "Well, she's not wrong, is she?" Liam laughed and Louis just shrugged. "Just like 'em."

"Li-Li." A tired looking Harry walked into the living room, rubbing his eyes to try and get rid of the sleep. "Told me I didn't need to nap." He huffed, giving the man a pout.

"Well, you feel better though. Not tired anymore?" Liam reasoned, and the boy just glared at him, making his way to Niall's lap instead. "Can we watch Goofy?"

"I don't know. If Lou's okay with it, then I think we can arrange it." Niall smiled, running his hand through Harry's hair. "Can we Loulou?"

"Mm, sure." Louis shrugged. "Don't mind." And wasn't long until Harry demanded to be cuddled up to Louis, quite content once his head rested on his chest, his eyes glued to the TV-screen.


"Yeah Haz?"

"Can I have a sleepover in your bed?"

"Uhm..." Louis looked at Liam for help, not really fancying one at the moment since they had an early interview in the morning and Harry was a kicker. "Uhm, how about tomorrow night?"
"Why?" Harry whined. "Wanna do it now."

"Because we have work in the morning Harry." Liam spoke up. "You and Louis need all the sleep you can get, and frankly, it's hard for Louis to sleep when you kick him in your sleep."
"Oh." The boy frowned. "M'sorry, don't mean to."

"I know you don't." Louis smiled. "I promise. You can sleep in my bed tomorrow, okay?" Satisfied, Harry nodded, turning his head back to the TV. "My Louis." Harry inhaled Louis' scent, grabbing a good chunk of his t-shirt without even realizing it. Liam just smiled, because those two could be pretty darn cute. 

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