|| Beauty and The Beast || (...

By Mamree

963K 52.8K 9.1K

1st Runner up in Choice Award 2019 Winner of 3rd position in Limelight Award 2020 #Standalone A ruthless... More

Story Synopsis
1 ~ Beauty~
2 ~Beginning~
3 ~ Blooming Bond ~
4 ~ Broken ~
5 ~ Bitter Past
6 ~ Being Close ~
7 ~ Being Yours ...Legally ~
Glimpse of Next Part
8 ~ Beside You... Always ~
9 ~ Beautiful Moments ~
Important Announcement
10 ~ Breathless Moments Of Togetherness ~
11 ~ Being Yours... Ritually ~
12 ~ Being Reborn ~
13 ~ Because You Are My Wife ~
Glimpse of Next Part
14 ~Best Friend... Such A Pain....~
15 ~ Behind The Veil ~
16 ~ Burning Desire ~
17 ~ Burning Together ~
18 ~ Beast's Broken Dream
Glimpse Of Next Part
19 ~ Brother After all
20 ~ Brutal Ugly Truth ~
Hello Lovely
21 ~ Broken Pieces Of Past ~
My Lovely Readers, Followers and Friends...
22 ~ Be My Solace ~
23 ~ Beloved Son ~
24 ~ Beast's Return ~
Glimpse Of The Next part
25 ~ Broken Illusion : Part -1 ~
26 ~ Broken Illusion : Part-2 ~
~ Choice Award~
Question To The Character
27 ~ Broken Illusion : Part -3 ~
28 ~ Breaking Down ~
~Answers By The Character ~
30 ~ Because I am a Fool ~
31 ~ Because I Love You Dammit ~
32 ~ Blooming In Your Love
~Limelight Award 2020~
33 ~ Beyond Everything ~
34~ Being Your Soulmate~
35 ~ Bacio Alla Francese ( French Kiss) ~
36 ~ Blissfully Together : 1
37 ~Blissfully Together 2~
~Cherish Fan Award 2020~
38 ~ Becoming Mine...Forever ~
39~ Becoming Mine.. Forever 2~
40~ Burning Passion ~
~Glimpse Of Next Part~
41 ~ Behind The Shadow :1~
42 ~ Because You Are My Life :1 ~
43 ~ Because You Are My Life : 2~
44 ~ Blurred ~
45 ~ Behind The Shadow 2 ~
46 ~Broken Heaven : 1~
47 ~ Bowing Down Before The Devil :1 ~
48 ~ Bowing Down Before The Devil: 2 ~
49~ Because You Are My Life : 3 ~
50 ~Broken Heaven 2 ~
51 ~ Be Safe .... My Love ~
52 ~ Beginning Of A New Life ~
53 ~ Beauty and The Beast ( Last Chapter ) ~
~Thank You ~
~ Curtain Raiser : Final Banner ~

29 ~ Being Confused ~

13.7K 905 107
By Mamree


The condition of our state is getting worse day by day...If this will continue, soon the whole heath care system will collapse...

Once again...

It's my earnest request please, follow the rules of lockdown..Help yourself and help the nation..

Be safe...keep everybody safe...Stay at home..

Pray for all...

Our unity can help us to overcome the situation...


29 ~ Being Confused ~

6: 30 A.M.

Guest Room


Arnav and Khushi looked at each other with their morning drowsy eyes. They both whispered each other names like a prayer, together..

" Arnav.."

" Khushi"

They looked at each other as if nothing else exists in the whole world. Soon Khushi was the first to come back to reality. Breaking the intense eye lock she was about to leave but her mangalsutra which was entangle with Arnav's shirt, just the way she is attached with him, kept her in same position, near to her Arnav...

"Running away Mrs Ray?" Arnav's husky voice filled her ear making Khushi weak in her knee.

" No..n..oo.. It's not like that. I.. just.." Khushi said while struggling to release her mangalsutra.

" Wait wifey, let me help you." Arnav said while slightly brushing his fingers on Khushi's finger making her shiver.

" Arnav leave..me.." Khushi said while she felt her heartbeat is rising seeing Arnav this close and behaving so romantic with her.

" By the way, what you are doing here in my room Mr Ray?" Khushi asked frowning a little while totally forgetting the fact that she is almost lying over Arnav..

" As per as I remembered, my wife was staying in this room and I was missing her terribly, so.." Arnav was cut off by Khushi..

" ohh.. So, the great Mr Ray, missed his contracted wife?" though Khushi tried to mock Arnav but her words depicted her pain and hurt and a drop of tear slipped from her eyes.

Arnav was taken aback seeing Khushi's state.. He was hurt but not because of Khushi's words but seeing Khushi's broken state. How much he had hurt this selfless woman, just because of his own insecurities. Arnav cursed himself for being so jerk.

" I.. I.. Am sorry Khushi.. I.." Arnav said while wiping out the tears which began to roll down from Khushi's eyes.

" I really don't know whom to trust anymore. This Arnav, who is besides me, who cares for me or the business tycoon AR, who just thinks me as a mere contract?" Khushi said while more tears rolled down from her hazel orbs stabbing Arnav's heart more and more while his guilt increased many folds.

Arnav could not think much except that because of him his Khushi, the love of his life is in this devastated state. So, without thinking much Arnav just pulled Khushi towards him, and now she is sitting on Arnav's lap.

Arnav cocooned Khushi in his protective arms while muttering continuous sorry. Khushi could not decipher more, all the heart, agony, feeling of abandonment, rejection, and sense of betrayal are slowly began to melt. Khushi put her head on Arnav's chest where his raising heartbeats indicate his restless conditions too.

" You have hurt me a lot Arnav... I knew that there was a contract but you were the one who acted differently from the very beginning and then suddenly you pushed me away from you.. Even from Advay.. Why? Did not I have a heart? Did not I feel hurt? You never thought for me once when you got close to that..." Khushi stop abruptly making Arnav frown a little.

"What are you talking about Khushi? Getting close? What are you saying?" Arnav was really confused hearing Khushi's words. He can understand about his behaviour of neglecting her but Arnav was totally clueless about Khushi's last statement.

Khushi thought to ignore it for now and asked about the question which was bothering her from the start, "Why did you push me away? What was my fault?"

" You were never at fault Khushi.. You were never. It was me, my insecurities, my stupid irrational thought which made me do the act of pushing you away from me. I know I have hurt you with my actions but Khushi, every time I was harsh on you, every time you shred a drop of tears, it broke my heart too Khushi..You meant the world to me..Believe me baby."Arnav said while peppering soft kisses on Khushi's forehead.

Khushi was drown in Arnav's magical web, forgetting everything about the surrounding, forgetting about the bitter memories about the last few days, Khushi too softly pecked Arnav's cheek.

Arnav sucked the tear drops on Khushi's cheek with outmost care. Lightly brushing his lips at the corner of Khushi's lips, while his one hand is placed in Khushi's delicate waist and other hands was roaming sensually on Khushi's back. Khushi was sobbing yet she was melting in Arnav's arm as well.

" I am so sorry baby.. Baby, please forgive me.." Arnav whispered those words repeatedly.

The love birds are so much drowned into each other that they failed to recognize when a little one had entered in the room and now with his curious eyes he is observing his angel and his dada. Advay Ray was standing at the doorstep since the time Arnav was peppering kisses and apologizing Khushi..

Advay became confused when Arnav addressed Khushi as "baby"..

Advay went in deep thought. Who is baby here? Is not him only. In this house, only Adu is the baby.. Then why dada is calling his angel "baby"?

What happened to angel? Did angel too became small like him? And why angel is sitting in dada's lap?

So many questions were popping out in Advay's intelligent brain, but he has no answer .. And the enthusiastic child he is, he needs his answer now, means right now..

So, the moment Arnav was about to place his lips on his beloved wife, erasing the distance between them, they just became status hearing a adorable sound at their door,

" Dada.. Antel (angel).. whal (what) are you doing?"

And asking the most intelligent question Advay Ray entered in the guestroom grinning all the way while both his dada and angel remains statue in their place.

" dada, Antel ( angel) what were you doing?" Advay asked again while standing in front of the bed.. Arnav and Khushi were too shocked to react and Khushi was still sitting on Arnav's lap while Arnav's arms were encircled around her.

" Why Antel ( angel) is sitting on your lap?" Khushi jolted from her trance and started to came out from Arnav's arm, but Arnav was still another case altogether.

" Arnav.. leave me.. please..." Khushi started to struggle in Arnav's arm.. and soon the man in question came back to reality too.. But not because of Khushi's struggle but a sharp warning from their very own Adu,

"Dada... leave Antel..you ale hulting( hurting) my Antel." And with that Advay Ray started to shower his dada dearest with lots of punch by his not so strong fist and continue to chant, " leave my Antel".

Soon, Khushi was released and Advay immediately attacked Khushi with his sloppy kisses, probably to try to sooth his Antel, after rescuing her from his dada who seems nothing but a devil now...

Advay spread his little arms indicating Khushi to hug him and soon he was engulf in a warm hug, while Khushi still was in daze whatever happened between her and Arnav few moments ago. Khushi's mind was clouded with confusion. And it was natural from her part.. After all, Arnav was literally confessing about his feelings.. He had apologized. While Khushi's heart tried to defend Arnav her minds reminds her about Arnav's harsh behaviour and the glimpse of the news of Arnav and his ex girlfriend Liza..She became frozen and her eyes became moisten.

" Antel, ale you clying? ( angel are you crying?)" Advay softly patted Khushi's cheek where few tears drops were glistering unknown to Khushi.

Khushi just shook her head and taking Advay with her move towards the exist. But soon her step halted hearing Arnav's voice, " Our conversation is not finish Khushi.. We will talk today itself.." His voice held a silent pleading but was determined too.

Khushi did not look back but said, "Sure.. I also want to talk."

Advay was again getting irritated seeing his dada and antel are saying something in their own code language while totally ignoring his presence. So, the ever intelligent Advay Ray said aloud, " I am hungly (hungry).. I wan jabi ( I want jalebi)." Khushi smiled and finally holding the cute bundle of joy in her hold both of them left the room leaving Arnav behind.

And Advay Ray did something behind Khushi's eyes, that is, he rolled his eyes to intimate Arnav before leaving the room.

Arnav was still sitting on the same position while he had an unbelievable look on his face after watching Advay's activity since he entered in the room till he left. Finally a faint smile appear on his lips realizing the reason behind Advay's activity.. "So, the little one is getting possessive over his angel.. Not bad.. It seems I am going to have a tough competitor.." Arnav chuckle on his own thought and suddenly his face brighten remembering Khushi's last words..

" Sure, I also want to talk.."

" There is still hope.. Khushi did not shut me out completely. I will surely make her understand and share all my insecurities. This time the decision about our relationship will be on Khushi's hand." With this thought Arnav went to washroom to start his day afresh..

Little did Arnav knew that, yes, there is hope but before that another huge bolder is coming in it's way towards Khushi and him...


Arnav came to the dinning hall after getting ready while the other family members were already have started eating their breakfast. Advay was happily having his breakfast while sitting in Khushi's lap. Arnav wished everyone good morning.

" Chotey.. Did you called at hospital? How is your father?" Devyani asked while eyeing at Kamini who were present among them but was lost.

"Yes, I called Veer. Mr Mallik is stable. Doctor may discharge him tomorrow. Today they will keep him for observation." Arnav said to his nani but his eyes was on Kamini. He did not miss the way a relief wash over Kamini's face.

" I.. I will go to hospital after breakfast.. and will stay there today." Kamini slowly informed Devyani which was audible enough for everyone.

There was a silence for few second before Arnav clears his throat. " I think there is no need for you to stay there. Mr Mallik is in ICU and an attendant is there for 24 hours. You can visit him at visiting hour. Your health is not good Veer was telling me."

" I am fine. But I want to stay with him.. please, if you.." Kamini stop abruptly when Arnav looked at her directly.

" This lady loves Mr Mallik truly.. Mr Mallik is so lucky, both the woman in his life truly love and care for him but He was stupid enough to ignore and push the love both time." This was the thought which was lingering in everyone's head.

Kamini again spoke, " Veer need some rest. I will go and he will get some time for himself."

Arnav said with a little bit hesitation, " I have already send my man, he will look after there in hospital. And Veer had already started from the hospital. He is coming here anytime. So, you should take some rest .."

Kamini was overwhelmed seeing Arnav concern.. It's true, she was herself a victim but it's also true, she is the reason for Arnav's mother death. And after years of enmity, Kamini never thought Arnav will accept her and Veer in this house and their life too.. though Arnav never said anything openly, but just now the way he showed concern it was enough for Kamini.

" And one more thing I want to tell everyone. I have transferred the property paper of Sheesh Mahal in Veer and Mrs Mallik's name.. That place belongs to them from now on." Arnav spoke looking no one's at particular.

Everyone were silent but shock was clearly evident on their faces. Before anyone can produce any word, Kamini spoke," No.. we don't need any property. I am grateful that you have expose Subhadra Mallik and finally my Veer is safe.. But please don't give that property.. We will not be able to take the burden Arnav."

" How much you deny, Veer is a Mallik, Mrs Mallik and he has the right." Arnav said maintaining his calm.

" But Sheesh Mahal was your house, where you had lived with your parents, you have memories and now it belongs to Advay." Kamini protested genuinely.

" My memories with Sheesh Mahal are mostly filled with bitterness.. I will never wish to go back that place. And regarding Advay, he is my son legally and he is the next heir of Ray Fashion House. And I am not giving Sheesh Mahal to Veer because I don't want to live at that place but Veer deserve this property.. He is Arunoday Mallik's son too.. You cannot deny that" Arnav said looking at Kamini who was crying silently.

" How, how could you able to consider me or Veer for thIs generosity?" Kamini asked while her voice was heavy with crying.

" It's not like I forgot everything.. No, I don't ... I will always remember that you are a indirect cause for my mother's death, But I also know that you are a victim too.. So, I may not accept you or forget anything but I will not deny that you also suffered like all of us, or may be more throughout your whole life... and after knowing everything, I respect you as a person, the way you have protected your son and took every bullet of life just to protect your child.. As a mother you are selfless..." Arnav said while few tears drop roll down from his eyes.

There was a perfect silence which was broken by Devyani's voice." Arnav is right.. My daughter choose her broken heart and her husband above her children, but you, really a great mother.. and I, infact we all will be very happy, if you accept this small property, at least for Veer's sake."

Not only, Devyani but Manohor, Manorama and Akash also given their positive opinion about Arnav's decision. Arnav just looks at Khushi who was looking at him with pride in her eyes. The look on Khushi's face and her eyes told that she is proud about Arnav's decision and It gives immense happiness to Arnav's heart..

Arnav sigh with relief, " One major task is over and now I have to woo my lady love." Arnav thought looking at Khushi who was pampering Advay while stealing glances at him.

Soon, everyone departed at their respected room while Devyani and Manoroma took Kamini with them. Khushi went to Kitchen to fetch a glass of water while Advay was clinging with her like a little monkey.

Arnav make a quick call to Aman saying he is taking a off today, as he is determined to erase every barrier between him and Khushi today itself... Arnav was about to go to kitchen behind Khushi but halted in his place hearing a known feminine voice...

" AR... Surprizeee...." and before Arnav could realize what happen he was engulf in a bear hug by the very beautiful woman who just entered in the house...

While two pair of eyes looked at them.. one with innocence and other with extreme pain, hurt and disappointment.

To be contd.....


Author Note:

Please, keep patience with the update...

I got several PM for updating this story, but don't know what I had actually written..

I want to tell all my readers that, being attached with health care field and having family members directly attached in the health care facility, I am emotionally shaken up with the situation...The condition is getting worse day by day but still we have to fight...

Hope everything get well soon..

Please pray for all....

Regarding the update, Expecting your response ....

Love and regards...

Your story teller



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