Katharsis (Tokyo Ghoul x Male...

By killdasio17

14.4K 308 106

Ghouls, a race of creatures that every human alive fears because their diet is strictly human flesh. Y/n is o... More



901 17 0
By killdasio17


"Look Rize isn't here so leave-" Banjou tries to reason with the large man Yamori but he is kicked in the face by the giant and thrown to the floor. He walks past Kaneki and stops, "That stench, it reeks in here" he sniffs as he uses his thumb to crack his index finger, SNAP. No.... I gasp in shock at him having the same habit I have. "I feel like I've smelt it before, and it seems to be coming from you!" he says as he gets in Kaneki's face, "Hey, Nico. Think this one will do?" he asks the flamboyant man behind him. "Sure, why not? If that's who you want than let's kidnap him" he shrugs, I jump at Yamori and try to kick him but he blocks it effortlessly, wrapping his entire hand around my leg as he holds it in the air. "Try it you freak, you'll have to get through me" I growl at him. "Yea, ok" he shrugs and slaps me away and grabs Kaneki by the throat and lifts him off the ground. "There's no standing between me and what I want scar face" he snarls as he chokes Kaneki. Kaneki tries to struggle free but Yamori slams him into a table, knocking his eye patch off and making him spit up blood, "Ok kid, get up or stay down" he mocks him as he cracks his middle finger, SNAP "Kaneki" Touka tries to save him but is kicked away by Yamori into me, "You know if you play your cards right you might just get outta this alive, but you gotta behave, got it?" he says manically as he pushes his foot down on Kaneki's stomach making him scream in agony but Kaneki fights back, he grabs Yamori's foot and pushes his leg up off of him, making everyone gasp in surprise as Kaneki's one eye turns red. "Oh, you're one of them one eyed ghouls" Yamori states in surprise as Kaneki throws him off of him. He tries to throw a punch at him but he is impaled by Yamori's kagune, "Over grown bastard!" I growl as I charge Yamori but I am stopped by Ayato who punches me but I only flinch and push his fist back with my cheek and kick him away. "You're not taking anyone Yamori!" I yell at him as I snap my finger SNAP, Yamori seems surprised by me doing this and punches me in the face, sending me back into the wall with Banjou. Touka runs to me but is stopped by her little brother, "You're so pathetic Touka, a carbon copy of Pop" he mocks. This seems to light a fire in Touka as her eyes turn red and her Kagune explodes from her back, "He was a hero. Dad stood up and fought for our sake. You don't even have a clue!" she screams at him as she charges him, trying to impale him with her wing but he stops her with his own kagune, much like hers but purple and he has two wings instead of one. "You're the one without a clue my dear sister, mom and pop are dead and gone. They didn't protect anything, they were just taken from us but that's not gonna happen to me. It's time to teach the humans a lesson, that ghouls are superior to them in every way!" he growls as he fires multiple shards into Touka, making her fall to the ground. "You can't fly anywhere with that wing of yours, crawl like the insect you are" Ayato spits at his sister. "Touka!" I scream as I impale Ayato with my koukaku, I sling him into Nico and charge Yamori, my bikaku and koukaku glowing brightly. I try to impale Yamori but he blocks my attacks with his powerful kagune and grabs me by the head and slams me into the floor, "Looks like this one's still got some spunk in him" he chuckles as he slams me against the floor again. He then throws me away and grabs Kaneki and lifts him up, "Crazy how much you smell like her kid" he chuckles as he starts beating the hell out of Kaneki. "You're a tough guy, aren't you? Well let's see how you like this!" he cackles as he slams Kaneki's face into the counter over and over again. He smiles madly and starts slamming Kaneki into everything in the shop, asking him how he likes it, I try to stand but my knees give out as I try to save my friend, Banjou and Touka can't look at the beating Kaneki is receiving, even Ayato looks away. "Oh WOW! I can't seem to break this little guy!" Yamori says delighted at Kaneki's resilience. "Chill out Mr. Yamori, I mean I think it's time to leave" Banjou tries to reason with him as one of his men hold him back. "Goatee here is right, let's pack it up" Nico says to Yamori, "Yea, you're right, thank you Nico" Yamori exhales. Yamori drops Kaneki and looks at me quizzically and smiles crazily, "We'll take this one too" he announces, "N....no... Y/n..." Touka groans from the floor, "Whatever, you heard the man, pack the one-eyed freak and the chimera in the bag Banjou" Ayato orders and then the coffee shop blacks out and I pass out.  

Ruta Pov~

Uta and I push open the front door of Anteiku and see why we had been called, the shop was smashed to pieces and blood was strung out everywhere. We walk upstairs and push open the door to see everyone was already there, Touka was staring out the window and Hinami was trying to make her feel better. I look around and notice Kaneki isn't here which is odd but then I also notice Y/n isn't here, "Hey, we're here." Uta announces as we walk inside the room and sit down, "Will Y/n not be joining us tonight?" I ask, My question seems to upset everyone, Touka, Kaya and Hinami the most. Before I could say anything else, Yoshimura walks in the room and places his hat on the rack, "I'm glad to see your all here, a few others will join us later but let's go ahead and get started" he says as he sits down in a chair. "Where is Y/n?" I ask abruptly, Yoshimura grows a grim expression and gestures to Touka who walks over and sits next to me, "Y/n was taken...." she breaks the news to me, sounding heartbroken, "T... taken? Taken where? By who?" I question in a panic, "some ghouls from the 11th ward who are with a group called Aogiri Tree" she sighs. I start to panic but Touka calms me down, "we need to discuss the problems unfolding in the 11th ward and then, we must decide what action Anteiku should take but before we get into that, let me address Y/n and Kaneki's kidnapping and what it means to the rest of you" he sighs, at the mention of Y/n, Touka and I flinch in fear of what he will say, we look at the old ghoul with pleading eyes. "Do yourselves a favor and forget about ever seeing them again" he says grimly. I felt my heart break when he said those words, I look to Touka and see she feels similar as she stares at Yoshimura in horror, "What the hell?! How could you say such a thing?" Nishiki yells at the manager. "Shut up! Quit yelling" Touka says blankly at him, "we're going to save them, right?" Nishiki asks the manager, "you have to understand, Aogiri Tree is a heartless organization. They are ghouls who live to fight. It won't be easy to sneak into their base, making it difficult to rescue Y/n and Kaneki. They will do everything in their power to stop us." Yoshimura explains, "but why? That's so mean" Hinami questions as she hides her face behind the couch me and Touka sat on. "And then there's the CCG, we can't ignore their movements. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they start sending in troops in hopes to wipe Aogiri out. If we try to rescue them, there's a very good chance we'd be the ones who end up dead." the old ghoul sighs. "We've got to do something, we can't just abandon them, they're one of us" Nishiki says determined. "I'm going, have you forgotten our policy sir? If you're not going to save them, then I'll go alone" Touka pipes up as she stands. I stand next to her, "I need to save Y/n" I say with determination. Touka seems shocked by my offer to go with her, "Might as well, I owe them one" Nishiki shrugs, "I want to help too, Y/n has done so much for me and mom, it's the least I can do. Just let me know what I can do to help and I'll do it" Hinami pleads, "I owe Y/n everything for saving Hinami so I'll come too" Ryouko nods as she holds Hinami. "It appears there seems to be a misunderstanding. I'm in no way abandoning Y/n or Kaneki, I always planned on rescuing them." Yoshimura pipes up, "huh?" everyone questions, "I would never abandon a ghoul in need, especially not if they were one of us. That being said, I cannot guarantee your lives. If you want to save them, then you have to be willing to risk everything. It will be tough but you won't be alone, Yomo and I will protect you. After all it is Anteiku's policy to help those in need. There's also one more thing, you can come in now!" he says to someone outside the door as it opens. "No way, not that bastard!" Nishiki growls, "Amour! Imagine my horror when I heard my best friend Kaneki's life is in grave danger. The low life scum who captured him must pay. Yes, I'll make sure of that" Tsukiyama says angrily, "Best friend? Hilarious, Kaneki is my love and my best friend, you're just a creepy stalker Tsukiyama" a female voice chuckles as she enters the room. "You're coming too?" Touka groans, "Of course, without Kaneki I'm alone in this world, I need to save him like you two need to save Y/n. Not to mention, Y/n is my friend too, it's because of him that I can be with Kaneki in the first place. I owe him" Rize says determined as she gestures to me and Touka.

Y/n Pov~

"AAAAAAAAAAGH!" Kaneki's agonizing screams ring through the bird cage like room. "Hold on Kaneki, I know it's bad but just try to hang on!" I yell to my friend trying to ease his suffering. "Well that's enough with you for now, I think our friend Y/n here deserves a turn" the deep voice says as he walks over to me. 

I feel the familiar feeling off clippers around my finger and start hyperventilating, not again, not again, not again, not again, not again, not again I panic. CLINK "AAAAAAAAAGH!"

Touka Pov~

"You really think he wants to help us? He just wants a chance at Kaneki or Y/n" I argue with the manager, "He won't get one, I'll make sure of it, so put it out of your mind" Yomo says as he enters the room. "Has there been any movement from the CCG?" Yoshimura asks, "it looks like they're going in for a full-frontal assault as soon as the civilians are clear." he explains, "That's when we'll make our move. We'll use their attack as a distraction to get them out, are there any objections?" Yoshimura questions. I don't like this but we need to get Y/n and Kaneki out of there as soon as possible. "No sir"

Y/n Pov~

The sounds of metal clanking against metal is all I can hear, my wrists are bound with chains, my clothes torn from me, all that remains are my torn pants and my tattered under shirt. "Oh good, you're awake." Yamori smiles as he looks back to me. I look over to see Kaneki passed out and looks about as torn up as I am . "This is my room, make yourself comfy and don't worry, Kaneki won't miss out on the fun neither, I just wanted to let him rest while you and I play~" he smirks evilly as he sets down his pliers. "Tatara didn't need Kaneki there and gave him to me, and you, you interest me. I'm glad you're here, I've wanted to invite you over for a while now, since the moment we met in fact, or maybe-" he cracks his index finger loudly, SNAP "-even before we met. So please, try not to disappoint me alright?" he turns to me with his mask on. I give him an angry look and try to summon my kagune but nothing happens, "RC inhibition fluid, you know what that does when it gets into a ghoul's blood stream?" he questions as he holds up a syringe with a clear liquid in it. "It-" "Suppresses all kagune activity" I answer for him with a depressed sigh, "You're a smart one, aren't you? I think we are gonna have, a lot.... of ... FUN!!" 

His eyes go wide behind his mask as he jerks my head back and aims the needle at my eye, and pushes down into the mucus membrane, the only weak point where ghoul's skin is as weak as humans. I howl in agony as I feel the liquid enter my blood stream and weaken me immensely.

Time Skip~

"Y/n! Where are you dear?" the voice of my mother calls to me, she is suddenly pounced by a younger me and knocked over into the grass, "Got you!" I giggle as I sit on top of my laughing mother. "You sure are strong, you're going to grow into such a strong man, I know it" she smiles lovingly at her son.

"Mama? Where's Dad?" I ask her as she is sitting in the kitchen crying, she runs over to me and pulls me into a tight hug, "Oh Y/n... daddy.... daddy is gone" she sobs into me. "did the bad men find him mama?" I question. She pulls away and nods her head, "don't worry mama, I won't let them hurt you, I'll protect you" I say, determined to make my mother smile again.

I fall to my knees after another attempt, "it's ok Y/n, I didn't summon my kagune until I was much older than you" my mother tries to make me feel better. "I need to do it, I have to, so I can protect you" I struggle to stand and try again but I only pass out and she runs over to me to check on me.

"Y/n run!" my mother screams to me as she laid on the ground of the muddy alleyway, "No, I won't let you die too!" I scream as the two investigators in front of me try to grab me, I jump over one and punch the other hard enough he falls over. Then I saw him, a younger man walking towards my mother, he had blue hair and wore thin glasses. I am grabbed by the two doves I was fighting and they pinned me to the ground, I could do nothing but watch as the man with the glasses raises his thin sword above my mother's back. "Don't do it! Take me instead, please!" I scream at him, "I intend to" he says as he stabs my mother through the heart. I watched the life drain out of her eyes and felt something inside me snap, "NOOOOOO!!!!!" I scream as two black, red and white fiery wings explode from my back, killing the investigators on top of me. I stand up and prepare to kill the dove who killed my mother, "I'll kill you" I growl as I charge the man.

I am chained to a chair in a dimly lit room, a table with strange tools sat beside me. The door opens and reveals a middle-aged man, "Hello Y/n, my name is Goumasa Toukage and you've been assigned to my division." he smiles creepily and shuts the door behind him

Touka Pov~

I escaped the investigator who I attacked that day I killed the man with the glasses, he was sure determined to kill me but I managed to escape by him being attacked by those Aogiri ghouls. I sprint along a roof top trying to find where they are holding Y/n and Kaneki. I then notice a large dome where I can almost smell him, a flash of red from a pipe up top catches my eye as red shards rain down, I flinch preparing to be impaled by them but at the last moment Nishiki jumps in front of me and takes the projectiles. "be a little more careful would ya? I don't like playing the hero" he groans as he falls to his knees. "Well if it isn't my dumb ass sister, what the hell are you doing here?" Ayato asks from above as clouds block the moon making it pitch black outside. "You and me bro" I growl as my eyes turn red and I prepare to fight my younger brother.

Haise Pov~

After running into Amon, we ran to the rendezvous point we were instructed to go to. "Shinohara!" Amon yells as we run to the man and his armored group, "you two alright?" he asks, "No far from it the ghoul who killed Mr. Mado-" he is cut off by a large figure slamming down in front of us, "What's happening" Leader Marude questions over the comms in our ears, "Maru.... it's him, the one eyed owl" Shinohara answers as we stare at The Owl. "Listen closely, only those willing to die should stay behind, because you probably will" Marude says grimly over the comms, the kagune of the owl starts appearing as we stare at it in fear. "If you guys can't hold him off, no one can, don't go throwing lives away. We both know it's not going to slow the bastard down, challenge him with as few men as possible. Good luck" our leader says as the Owl faces us. 

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