๐•€'๐•ž ๐”น๐•’๐•”๐•œ โ• Stranger thi...

By -zirconz

172K 5K 3.4K

๐ˆ๐Œ ๐๐€๐‚๐Š โ”โ” โI'll never leave for good, i've promised that..โž in which a boy who... More

Welcome to Hawkins
Will Byers
"it's really will.."
What is wrong with you??!
I'm the monster..
I can find them..
It got me
เผปโ€ขโ—ŒSeason two
creeps !
Easy-peasy right?
go away
True sight
I think he's going to die
it upset him
It's a trap!!
do you remember?
The Mage
Close it
เผปโ€ขโ—ŒSeason three
It's good to be back
Relationship issues
Russians & headaches
the new host
bad feeling
the battle
เผปโ€ขโ—ŒSeason four
not the same
Creel House


4.9K 151 372
By -zirconz

[Chapter 2: Trick or treat, freak]


THOSE SAME nightmares that started happening ever since El killed the demogorgon. Nightmares of the same pain throbbing in his head, the scratch noises of the demogorgon pressing against the chalk board.

The noises of El screaming, before everything went dark. And just before he woke up, he would hear the familiar voice screaming for help. Repeating the names-

"Mike! M/n!!"

M/n jolted awake in a small pool of his sweat, which made him feel incredibly disgusting. He groaned, managing to drag himself out of bed reminding himself that he was basically drenched in sweat.

He grabbed a pair of plain clothes, just a white tee, blue jeans, his white messy converse that are no longer as white, and a jacket to top it off. He took a shower and continued to take care of the rest of his necessities.

After his morning routine was finished, he walked into the kitchen where his mom just finished making breakfast, which was just some french toast and strawberries.

Gabe came down not to long after and asked their mom if he could take the car to school, their mom was a bit hesitant but in the end, agreed.

Once they finished eating, they grabbed their bags and waved their mom goodbye, before making their way downtown- ahem- to the car.

Gabe offered to drive M/n but he declined and claimed he was riding his bike to school. Gabe simply shrugged and zoomed off. 

M/n got on his bike and rode it down to the middle school, where he parked his bike in the bike rack. He sat at a nearby bench, pulling out a small notepad and a pencil, that had turned small over the time from sharpening it, and just doodling random things.

Eventually, the sounds of many bikes were heard, and he turned around.

He almost laughed a bit, but managed to contain himself.

He completely forgot today was Halloween, and he saw the four boys wearing the Ghostbusters outfits.

He walked over to them, hearing Lucas and Mike argue over who was the real Venkman and about how Lucas was supposed to be Winston. 

Eventually the middle school kids from the bus arrived. Dustin and M/n looked around. "Guys..- Guys.." Dustin called out.

No one was dressed up.

"Why is no one wearing costumes."

The bell rings in the background.



All the kids in the hallway laughed and giggled.

Dustin and Will complained about how everyone dressed up last year, and when do people think it's convenient to make these decisions.

The thing was, M/n was gonna dress up as Jason from the Friday the 13 movie, but his outfit wasn't exactly ready.

The universe decided to spare him from an embarrassing moment.

"It's a conspiracy I'm telling you."

"Who you gonna call? The nerds!" A random kid sang, which aggrivated M/n even more.

"Yeah? And how long did it take you to come up with that?!" M/n called back in annoyance.

Mike and Will went to their lockers while M/n stuck around Dustin and Lucas.

They turned around once their heard the sound of wheels gliding across the tiles floor, turns out it was the legendary zoomer, Max.

"We gotta do this?" "Not right now, We look like morons." Lucas declined.

"What you guys talking about?" M/n interjected while wrapping his arms around Lucas and Dustin's neck easily.

"We're planning on inviting Max to go trick or treating with us."

"Ooh, as much as that sounds like a fun idea, you know how Mike turned out once El disappeared." M/n shook his head disappointingly, knowing full well Mike was gonna give a big fat cherry on top 'No'.

"Well, maybe she likes Ghostbusters." Dustin ignores his comment.

"Well, of course she likes Ghostbusters, but that's not the point."

"The point is, you guys are dressed up and she isn't." M/n added.

"I didn't bring any extra clothes, did you?" Dustin looks over. "No.." Lucas slumps slightly.

"Then we have no choice. We gotta do this. It's now or never." Dustin tries to hype Lucas up, which manages to work. M/n can do nothing but sigh as he watched his friends getting ready to walk over.

They stop realizing that Max was already closing her locker and walking away.

"We can ask her after class." Dustin claims confidently, while Lucas let's out a relieved sigh. "Yup."


Men and women all stand behind a window, preparing for their experiment.

Before them, was a oval shaped gooey hole. Covered in dark greenish blue vines  and flakes of whatever floating around. A man puts on a yellow hazmat suit, and another man making sure it's secure on him.

The man steps into an elevator type doorway, but instead of going down, it opens up again but on the other side of the window. The man walks up to the hole, holding a green box.

The man steps into the hole without taking a glance back and proceeds to push away at the vines.

The camera on the man's chest displays a blue scenery, the footage glitching in and out of static.

"How's it looking out there, cowboy?" A doctor speaks through a microphone.

"Uh, you know Doc. The usual." The man speaks back in a calm and collected manner. "Nice and nasty with the chance of radioactivity."

The man walks closer to what looks like an abandoned machine out in the open. He opens up a latch. "Oh yeah, it's barbecued all right. Anyone hungry?"

The man pulls out some sort of mechanism from inside, turning it around a few times, knowing already it was useless.

The man pulls out the same mechanism, but this time it looked better and new. He replaces it, and just as he does the lights in the lab from inside the window turn on around all the workers.

"And we're back on!" Everyone claps and cheers.


It was finally the end of school, Dustin and Lucas were getting ready to walk up to Max to invite her.

Max opened her locker, putting away her books. She turned her head rapidly when she heard the sound of a voice clearing his throat.

"Hi Max. I'm Dustin this is--" "Lucas."

"Yeah, I know." She nods. "The stalkers." She adds.

They both furrowed their eyebrows in a panic state trying to find an answer. "Uh- n-no. We weren't stalking you."

M/n came in between them, "they were just concerned about you, since you're new. And Bullies, you know." Dustin and Lucas sighing in relief and nodding along.

"Yeah for your safety." "Yeah there so many bullies, it's crazy."

"Is that why you're wearing proton packs?" Max raises her eyebrows at their outfits. M/n snorts in amusement before getting elbowed in the rib cage.

"Well, these don't function. But I do have this handy-dandy little trap right here." Dustin pulls out a trap for ghosts from behind him.

"Look, it even opens and closes. Voilaa~." Dustin presents, clicking the button to open the trap.

"It's cool right?" Dustin smirks while Max just stared at them dumbfoundingly.

"Uh- No? Okay um. So we were talking last night. And you're new here."

"And you probably have no friends to go trick or treating with-"

"Plus, you're scared of bullies." M/n adds smiling playfully, while Max gives him an 'are-you-serious' look.

"Yeah! So we were thinking it would be okay if you come with us!" Dustin nods, while Lucas grins.

"It'd be 'okay'?" She asks sarcastically.

"Yeah! Our party's a democracy, and the majority voted you could come." Dustin nodded. "Wait w-!" M/n's mouth was covered by Lucas when he realized he was about to ask the question they were trying to avoid.

"I didn't know it was suck an honor to go trick-or-treating with you."

Dustin agrees and talks about how he didn't want to take all of the full sized candy bars.

"That's presumptuous of you."

Lucas furrows his eyebrows and Dustin nods. "Yeah.. totally. So um. So you'll come?"

Max rolls her eyes and walks away after shutting her locker.

"We're meeting at Maple Street cul-de-sac at seven. That's seven on the dot!"

"Presumptuous." Dustin repeats proudly. "That's a good thing right?"

Lucas exhales through his nose and just walks away, pulling M/n with him.

"Lucas, is it bad? Son of a bitch Lucas. Is it bad??"


Max and her older brother Billy were riding in Billy's car.

"God, this place is such a shithole." Billy complains. "It's not that bad." Max looks over.

"No?" Billy rolls down the windows while plugging his nose. "You smell that Max? That's actually shit. Cow shit." He groans.

"I don't see any cows." She rolls her eyes and rolls up the windows.

"Clearly, you haven't met the high-schools girls. Though that one boy seems pretty tame."

Max looks over for a sec in confusion before looking back.

"So what. You like it here now?"

"No." Max simply answered.

"Then why are you defending it."

"I'm not." "Sure sounds like it."

"It's just, were stuck here. So."

"You're right, we're stuck here." Billy nods in agreement, looking at Max. "And who's fault is that."

"yours." Max whispers under her breath. "What's you say?" Billy raises his eyebrows.

"Did you say it's my fault?"

"No." She shakes her head. "You know who's fault it is. Say it."

"Max.. say it." Billy repeats.





Billy steps on the pedal, slamming his hand over the wheel several times to the beat of the music.

Max looks in the distance and sees four boys up ahead riding their bikes.

"Billy, slow down."

"Oh, these your new hick friends?"

"No! I-I don't know them!"

"Well then I guess you don't mind if I got 'em them right."

"I get bonus points, I get 'em all in one go?"

Max remembers that her step-brother mentioned a boy, so she decided to use that theory.

"W-well what would that guy from earlier think about it!" At this, Billy slows down a bit, but it's barely noticeable. Obviously Max noticed it.

"Ok, Billy stop. It's not funny."

"Uh hey guys?" M/n heard revving from behind them. Only seeing a blue car only a couple feet away from them. He pushes Dustin, who creates a domino effect and pushes over Lucas and Mike who fall on the side of the road.

The car whizzing past them, switching to the side last minute.

"What the fu-"

Max turns back, making sure the boys were safe, I mean. Not that she cared.

"Yeah! That was a close one, huh!?" Billy shouted over the loud music.

"W-was that??" Dustin panted and gasped at the same time after his adrenaline began to wear off.

"Mad Max.." Lucas panted back.


M/n got his outfit ready. A hockey mask, a plastic machete for a fun prop, a Olive green jean jacket and some khaki pants to finish the look.

Oh and his pillow case.

He rode with Gabe over to Mike's house where Dustin, Lucas, and Mike were at. They complimented his costume which made him stand proudly.

They began to walk out and saw Jonathan's car.

That reminded him, wasn't Jonathan gonna go to that fun party at that one girl's house?

Anyways, that doesn't matter.

"Hey, listen." Jonathan spoke before will could leave the car.

"Yeah?" He turned around.

"If I let you go on your own, do you promise to stay in the neighborhood?"

Will gave the biggest grin nodding immediately, "Yeah! Yeah totally!"

"And be back at either M/n's or Mike's by 9:00." (They lived in the same neighborhood)


"9:00." "Deal."

"Hey will, don't let any of your spazzy friends use this, alright?" Jonathan handed Will the camera from in-between them. "Except M/n, he's pretty trustworthy."

"I hope it doesn't suck." Jonathan imitated Bob's vampire impression from earlier which made them both laugh.

Jonathan pulled a paper out of his pocket, he glanced at it before sighing on defeat.


Teenagers all over the place, making out, talking, dancing, drinking, yelling like the maniacs they were.

Gabe eyed Billy while biting his lower lip, everybody counting around them. They stopped at 42.

Billy stood up properly and spat out the drink.

"Yeah! We got ourselves a new keg king!" Billy looked at Gabe while smirking, and winked at him while grabbing his cigarette.

Gabe rolled his eyes and walked inside to get a snack.

Gabe walked inside, looking at Steve and Nancy and nodded as a a sign of acknowledgement. "So, how you guys enjoying the party so far?"

"Eh, could be better." Steve shrugged.

"We got ourselves a new keg ling, Harrington." A guy spoke from behind Gabe.

"Yeah, eat it, Harrington." Billy glared at Steve. Billy slapped Gabe's ass making him Yelp in surprise.

He flipped off Billy while walking away with Nancy to the kitchen.

They walked to a bowl filled with some sort of drink, which Nancy was curious of. "What's in this?" She asked the guy drinking a cup.

"Pure fuel! Pure fuel!" The guy whoo's and makes himself burp.

Nancy grabs some and drinks. "Woah, woah woah take it easy. Nance, Nance.."

"We're just being stupid teenagers for the night, wasn't that the deal?" Nancy refilled her cup a quarter way up and drank it in front of them before walking off with sass into the crowd.

Gabe and Steve looked at eachother, Gabe shrugged while wrapping his arms around Steve's shoulder. Feel the bromance yet?


"Trick-or-treat!" They all said, Will holding up a camera recording the woman.

"Well aren't you cute! The little exterminators." The woman cooed. M/n tried to hold in his giggle but snorted while the others scoffed at eachother and grabbed handfuls of candy.

"Ugh! If I get another 3 musketeers, I'm gonna kill myself!" Lucas complained while walking down a mini hill with the others.

"What's wrong with 3 musketeers?" Dustin furrowed his eyebrows.

"What's wrong with 3 musketeers?" Lucas repeated with confusion.

"No one likes 3 musketeers." "Yeah, it's just nougat."

"I think it's okay.-"

"Woah, just nougat?? It's top three for me."

"Top three?" "Top three." Dustin nodded to confirm.

"Oh God, give me a break."

"Seriously, I'm sure his guy could eat just a bowl of nougat." M/n nodded towards Dustin.

"Straight up." Dustin did hand motions of eating with his hands.

"Oh-" A random person growled at them while jumping in front of them.

Lucas let out a girlish scream while everybody flinched and gasped. M/n grasped into Will's arm in surprise.

Will looked over, which M/n noticed and cleared his throat while taking his hand off. Will smiled, sort of missing the warmth his hand provided.

The person laughed and took off their Micheal Myers mask. "Holy shit! You should have seen the look on your faces." Max gasped.

"And you? Who screams like that, you sound like a little girl."

Max began to walk away but stopped when she realized that they weren't following her.

"Hey you guys coming or not? Oh I heard we should hit up Loch Nora."

"That's where the rich people live, right?"

Lucas and Dustin laughed in victory, while M/n followed them, pulling Will with him.

"Hey! Slow poke, hurry up." M/n stuck out his hand to Mike who just stood behind them.

Mike grumbled, and angrily grasped his hand while pulling them both.

Will, Mike and M/n were behind Dustin, Lucas, and Max. Will recorded The three messing around and laughing together.

Mike scowled at them. "Did you agree to this?"

"What?" Will and M/n looked at Mike.

"To her, joining out party."

M/n furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, 'I thought we took a vote? Did they lie? Stupid, of course they lied!'

"It's just for Halloween."

"You should have checked with me."

"Well, they were excited. And I thought you'd be okay with it." M/n shrugged.

"She's ruining the best night of the year." Mike grumbled.

Mike walked up to a house with M/n. Will looked at them, and began to follow them.

Then a teen dressed as a werewolf jumped from behind the corner. "Watch it! Zombieboy!"

"Trick or treat, freak!" Another guy dressed as Jason said.

"Boo!" A guys dressed as a clown popped from behind him, causing the jumpscare to knock him over.

M/n shoved the candy into his candy sack/pillow case. He looked up, realizing Will wasn't there.

"Will?" He shouted.

He turned around to tell Mike, but when he did, nobody was there, he tried to walk foward but he tripped and fell foward.

He turned back, hearing his name being called in an echoey voice.

He voice kept fading in an out, he clutched his head from the dizziness.

He kept hearing a loud screeching noise from all around him, which added to the throbbing pain of his head.

He eventually heard wind whistling in the background, he looked up. In the sky, was a shadowy cloudy figure in the sky stretching over the trees.

His eyes widened, forgetting about the pain and feeling frozen in place.

Then he was shoved. He looked around and saw a small crowd surrounding his fallen body. Lucas seemed to have shoved him, making sure he wasn't dead, apparently it kind of looked like he was seizing.

He tried to remember why he was doing after he fell, but couldn't remember.



He shouted, grabbing his pillow case and running around, he looked at a house and ran behind, seeing Will crouched in the corner of a small brick wall. "Will, Will!"

He shook Will, which brought him back to reality, he gasped for air, and whimpered loudly.

M/n helped Will up, with Mike ont the other side.

"C'mon, I'm gonna get you home will."

Dustin tried to help, but Mike shoved him away saying that both him and M/n had it under cover.

"Keep trick-or-treating, I'm bored anyways."

"What's wrong with him?" Max questioned in confusion.

The others ignored her question, worried for Will, and slightly concerned for M/n. What happened to him?


Jonathan walked inside the house awkwardly, being pushed around by many people.

Jonathan talked to a girl who was dressed up as one of the members from the band Kiss.

Gabe spotted him and ran over, giving him a big ol' hug. "Jonny, you came!"

"Yeah, I did." Jonathan let out a airy chuckle.

Jonathan looked over and spotted Nancy dancing with her arms all over the place, while Steve danced along.

"Oh yeah, she's drunk." Gabe answered once he realized that Jonathan was staring at Nancy and Steve from the crowd.

"And she's getting more." Gabe looked at Nancy running over to the drink table to get more.

Steve tried to stop her by putting her arms down, but he let go, causing the drink to spill over he white shirt.

Everyone gasped and looked at Nancy. "What the hell..." She glared while walking away to the bathroom.

Gabe walked over to the bathroom, to try and hear what was going on. All he heard was Nancy calling everything bullshit. Saying that her and Steve were acting like everything was okay, like they didn't just kill barb, and saying that they were acting like they were in love and they were partying 'yeah let's party, we're partying.'

Steve stroked her cheek, asking if she even loved him, but she just replied with "it's bullshit."

Steve sighed and walked out, slamming the door. He walked right past Gabe, so he ran after Steve and motioned Jonathan to goo after Nancy.

Gabe walked to Steve trying to get to his car, and stopped him.

"Hey! Hey! Steve!  Yo, what happened there man?" Gabe looked up a bit. "Nothing, nothing happened just.. bullshit." Steve nodded, pressing his lips in a thin line.

"Oh.. well, if you ever wanna talk, I'm open for it Harrington." Gabe smiled softly. Steve nodded, opening his car door.

He froze in place when he felt a pair of lips meet his cheek, and gracefully leaving a kiss there. Gabe smiled and nodded, before walking to his own car and driving away.

As Steve watched Gabe drive away he touched his cheek, feeling a slight tingling feeling there. The feeling sent shivers down his spine, even if he felt weird admitting it, he liked the feeling.

But wait, hell no. There was no way he was gay, no freaking way. . . . . . . .




'Is it possible to maybe even like both genders?'

Maybe.. just maybe.. Gabe could give Steve the love he always wanted to receive from someone.


"It's like, I'm stuck." Will added.

"Like, stuck in the upside down?" Mike asked, chewing on some candy.

"No.. you know on a view-master, when it gets.."

"Caught between two sides?" M/n questioned.

"Yeah, like that. Like one side's our world. And the other... The other slide is the upside down."

"And there was this noise coming from everywhere." M/n looked up, remembering a screeching noise, but from what?

"And then.. I saw something.."

"The demogorgon?" Mike looked at Will, almost terrified but curious at the same time.

"No. It was like a huge shadow in the sky." M/n eyes widened. He remembered a shadowy figure from the sky, could he and Will have seen the same thing?

"Only, it was alive.. and it was coming for me."

"Is this all real..?" Mike tried to calm his breathing, glancing at M/n.

"Or is it like the doctor said.. all in your head."

"I don't know, just.. please don't the others, okay?"

"They won't understand."

"Eleven would." M/n nodded. Will and Mike looked at him, Mike smiled a little, remembering El.

"She would?" Mike nodded, "yeah.."

"She always did."

"Sometimes, I feel like I still see her.."

"Like she's still around.. but she never is.."

"She is.." m/n whispered. "Huh?"

"Nothing.. nothing.... don't you sometimes feel like you're going crazy..?" M/n changed the subject.

"Yeah.." Will and Mike nodded.

M/n looked up and smiled at the both of them, "hey, well, if we're all going crazy, then we'll go crazy together, right?" M/n stuck out his hands for them to take.

"Yeah.. crazy together.." Will smiled, tiny tears in his eyes as he looked into M/n's.


M/n made it home after Gabe picked him up, he took a quick shower and changed into some shorts and another white tee.

He sighed as he laid in bed, 'maybe I can talk to El again.'

He closed his eyes and concentrated on the quiet, hearing the slight noise of static. He opened his eyes and saw he was in the same black void as last time, El looked at him and smiled.

"It's day 353. I had a bad day today. I don't know.. I.." a voice echoed.

They turned around and saw Mike sitting in his little fort.

They walked towards him as he kept talking into his radio.

"Look, if you're out there, please just give me a sign."

M/n and El knelt in front of Mike. El looked at him, as he began to look up at her.



He began to raise her hand to caress his face, only for him to turn of his radio and walk away.

As she looked back sadly, tears ready to slip and glide down her face. M/n felt guilty, for both Mike and El.

He almost felt his vision blur and his throat beginning to clench.

"I'm sorry El.." He looked down and closed his eyes.

Before he knew it, he was back in his room, the tears he didn't know he had tried to fall out, but he only pushed the heel of his hand onto his eyes, trying to force the droplets back.

"I'm sorry.."


"Tubular!" Dustin mimicked over and over to get the perfect voice.

He then heard the trash can rustle from behind him. "Mews. Mews is that yo-" the trash can thrashed around once again making him drop his pillow case.

A screeching noise came from the can, Dustin grabbed his ghost vacuum thing and held it in front of him.

"Shit.. shit.." he repeated out loud and in his head.

He approached the trash can before lifting it and letting out a war cry looking inside and looking at the culprit.

The creature continued to screech.

"Holy sh--"



Sorry this took so long to publish, I just finished school, and nothing is more satisfying than seeing the Google classroom homepage empty, with no assignments. Kinda rushed?

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