Dream and Inspiration

By jordynexus

29.1K 364 340

When Talia meets Trent for the first time, she doesn't know who he is. How will she react when she finds out... More

• C A S T •
F o r e w o r d
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
• F I N A L N O T E •

O n e

3.2K 31 27
By jordynexus

Talia Harrington was a happy person, as a general rule. She had a good life, with two loving parents, two elder brothers, one younger, and she loved what she did for work, which as far as she was concerned, was about as much as a girl could ask for. She and her elder brother Dante played piano together on their YouTube channel, making money not only from the views, but also from selling sheet music of both arranged pieces, and original works. The two were the collective middle child of the family, and as would be expected, they were the quiet achievers. Phoenix, their older brother, was loud and excitable, and Tom, the younger, spent more time playing video games than he did breathing.

Today, however, Talia was sad, and it wasn't because she was on holiday in the Greek island of Mykonos. No, definitely not because of that. Mykonos was everything she'd ever imagined it could be, and she enjoyed the bi-annual family holidays as much as her brothers did. Her mind was not on Mykonos with her, however. It strayed back to the incident from a week ago, that was the source of her sadness. It was the day she'd lost her best friend, perhaps forever, and time had not lessened the pain of betrayal. You have to be close to someone to stab them in the back, and she and Isabella had been as thick as thieves. Until, one day, they weren't.

Talia attempted to block out her depressing thoughts, and appreciate the view of the sun on the water. The beach was picturesque, with beautiful white sands, and gently lapping waves that glistened in the mid afternoon sun. The breeze was picking up, making it a little cooler than usual, and Talia put a hand up to ensure her hat was safely on her head. It was large and floppy, and whiter than the sand, and she'd only bought it a few days prior. Her brothers teased her about her addiction to retail therapy, which tended to fill her bedroom at home with more hats and shoes than she could possibly need.


Liked by dante_harrington and others...

💬☀️Mykonos weather >

[comments have been disabled]

After securing her hat on her head, she took out her phone, wanting to capture the beauty of the scene before her. As she was taking the photo, however, the wind picked up again, and caught her hat, tossing it away down the beach. Pocketing her phone, she quickly hurried after it, however, someone reached the hat before her, just saving it from the water. Talia glanced up quickly to see a brown haired boy with a cheeky grin, handing her hat back to her.

"Thank you," she smiled at him, gratefully. "You saved it just in time!"

"You're welcome," he returned her smile. "It's a nice hat!"

"Thanks, I only got it the other day," she responded, fixing it back on her head. "My brothers tease me that I buy too many as it is, I'd never hear the end of it if this one got ruined and I had to replace it."

"You're on a family holiday?" Asked the newcomer.

Talia nodded.

"I am," she stated. "And you? You don't sound like you're from here..."

"Family holiday too," he replied. "I'm from Liverpool. My name's Trent."

"Nice to meet you, Trent from Liverpool," Talia grinned at him. "I'm Talia from Liverpool. How can I thank you for saving my hat?"

"You could spend the day with me?" Trent suggested, with a laugh. "I'm just here with my brothers and parents, I'd love to make a new friend."

"Same, and same," nodded Talia, a little surprised "Okay!" She shrugged, deciding to roll with it. "What do you want to do?"

The two new acquaintances walked down the beach together for a while, spending time getting to know each other. They quickly found they had a similar sense of humour, both having an appreciation for the ridiculous, and Talia was surprised by how easy it was to talk to him. Perhaps it was the similarities between their upbringings that made them get along so well, but before they knew it, the sun was dipping low on the horizon, and they realised it was almost evening time.

"I should get back to where I'm staying," said Talia, with surprise. "The afternoon went so quickly, I can't believe it's late already."

"I've loved talking to you today," Trent smiled at her. "When can I see you again?"

"You want to see me again?" Asked Talia, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Of course," He responded. "If you want to."

"Eh, it might be nice," Talia shrugged, with a wink. "Text me, yeah? We'll figure something out."

In answer, Trent handed her his phone, and Talia entered her number.

"Okay, I really need to go, but thanks for today, Trent!"

"No, thank you," Trent smiled. "I'll see you later!"

Before Talia had even left the beach, she received a text from Trent, her phone beeping in her hand insistently. She glanced back at him, and he was wearing his cheeky grin once again. She rolled her green eyes at him playfully, thinking that she hadn't had a single thought about her own troubles since she'd met him, and that had to be a good thing.


"You were gone ages, T," said Phoenix, eyeing his younger sister curiously.

"I just went to the beach," the brunette girl shrugged, twirling her hat around her finger as she made her way up the stairs of their holiday house.

"Well don't be long up there," their mother called out to her. "We're going out for dinner."

"We are?" asked Talia, in surprise. She halted her progress up the stairs, and turned to look at her brother. "Where?"

"Some restaurant," he shrugged. "Their specialty is seafood, so..."

"I'm in," Talia responded, immediately, with a grin.

"Knew you would be!" Her mother called back. "Can you bang on Tom's door whilst you're up there please? He's been in there for far too long."

Talia accordingly rapped her knuckles on her youngest brother's door as she passed it, ignoring the annoyed yell she received in return.

"We're going out Tom!"

"I know!" He retorted.

Talia rolled her eyes, before entering her own room, gathering her things before heading to the bathroom to take a shower. She opened the bathroom door, and immediately slammed it shut again with a squeal.

"Dante! Doors have locks for a reason!"

"You weren't even home when I got in the shower!" He retorted.

"Ugh. I hate sharing a bathroom with you three."

Dante finally opened the door again, fully clothed this time, and pretended to glare at his younger sister.

"You're such a rich kid, Talia. Can't handle sharing a bathroom with your own brothers for two weeks, honestly. Get over yourself."

"Ha. You were born into this household too, mate!"

Talia sighed, shaking her head, before finally entering the bathroom, before closing and locking the door behind her. Out of her three brothers, she was closest with Dante, and whilst they were old enough now to be beyond petty sibling brawls, they definitely weren't above teasing each other mercilessly.


Liked by joegomez15 and others...

💬Mykonos just got even more beautiful...

@joegomez: I don't like you when you're poetic
↪️@trentaa66: good thing you're not here then😄

@alexoxchamberlain: not gonna lie mate id get in that pool and never get out
↪️@trentaa66: can confirm it's as good as it looks
↪️@alexoxchamberlain: Stop making us jealous alright


A/N: please vote if you enjoyed :)

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