
By spaghettiwithkylo

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Being taken in and cared for by six brooding men was never the way you imagined your life playing out, yet he... More

I. Stepping Stones
II. Crate Sitting
III. Drunken Disorderly
IV. Orientation
V. Orientation pt. 2
VI. First Steps
VII. Anything for You
VIII. We need to talk about Akira
IX. Sleeping Beauty
X. Awaited Presence
XI. A punch to the Gut
XIII. Reoccurring Nightmare
XIV. What You Claim to Be
XV. Nothing More, Nothing Less
XVI. Love, Kylo
XVII. Painfully Oblivious
XVIII. Pretty Puppy
XIX. Again, Akira
XX. Warm-Blooded
XXI. Raw, Untamed Power
XXII. Ryo Ren vs. The World
XXIII. Touch
XXIV. Home
XXV. Kiddo

XII. Not Everything is Sunshine and Rainbows

4.6K 125 82
By spaghettiwithkylo

As you sat alone in the common area of Kylo's shuttle, you couldn't help but think about what exactly Kylo had promised yesterday. 

"I promise, I would have never hurt you."

Something about his words made your heart constrict inside your chest. He had to have known his words would upset you, right?

He could see inside your mind for stars sake- the least he could do was understand that talking about your childhood was always a sensitive topic for you. 

But he must have missed that while scouring through your brain- because your immediate reaction to cry had obviously startled him. 

When you were younger, the Knights of Ren would tell you stories before bed every night, even if it meant keeping you up far past your bed time. 

The stories were mostly about Kylo- more specifically why he was never there with the Knights and why being a Commander was so important. 

Of course, they also told you about the fictional superheroes like Superman or Batman, but you never enjoyed those stories as much as you liked hearing about Kylo.

Kylo Ren was your own personal superhero.

When you got older, you were finally able to understand what the Knights were talking about all those years of sneaking out after bed time and listening to them talk to each other.

Sometimes they would talk about you, and sometimes they would talk about Kylo.

Kylo with his "new pretentious job" and "new pretentious title" that came with a "new pretentious base." You never understood why the Knights talked about Kylo like this until you understood the concept of talking shit.

Specifically about your family members- which the Knights did often.

When you got a little more older, you'd sometimes join the conversation. It was fun listening to Lesco and Khuno scream at each other over whether the one word that perfectly described Kylo was "narcissistic" or "egotistical."

You had always believed they meant the same thing, but Khuno and Lesco made it their mission to point out the differences between the words. They never stopped going on and on about how "Kylo only loved himself" and that "Kylo was about as powerful as a piece of shit." 

Even though you had heard all this terrible stuff about Kylo, you never once actually believed it. Thinking of your childhood superhero as a murderous killer was not something you enjoyed doing.

The Knights never understood why you looked up to him so much, but they didn't stop you from doing it.

Especially Akira- who would always go on and on and on about Kylo being the only man in the entire universe worthy of your love. Khuno and Lesco disagreed with this statement, but they never once tried to argue with him over it. 

At the time, these conversations made you uncomfortable. Kylo was much older than you, and a lot more powerful. But the older you got, something had changed.

The last time you'd seen him, you were fifteen. Far too young for Kylo's love, but not too young to admire just how powerful he truly was. At this point, he was still just a Commander.

But now, he's a Supreme Leader. 

Now, you were just a passenger on his personal shuttle, surrounded by the same Knights you've always been bombarded by.

They were taking up about as much space you expected them to take up. It was like your first day on the Finalizer all over again- one crowded shuttle and several people in need of fresh air. 

Kylo was in the cock pit, of course- piloting the plane out of the Finalizer base and into space, taking no time at all before pushing forward a metal lever in front of him and sending the ship into hyper drive. 

You watched as the base began to disappear behind you, slowly becoming just a little speck of dust in your rear view, even though it was humongous when close up.

When you turned your head back towards the front of the ship, you noticed the general in the co-pilot seat. His bright orange hair was hard to miss when contrasting against the dark interior of the ship.

What was his name again? General Hucks? Hugs? 

The Knights of Ren were also in the common area with you. They were sitting in pairs of two along the left side wall; Khuno and Lesco together at the very back, Shiloh and Akira across from you in the middle, and Saho and Igo together at the very front.

From a quick scan of everyone, you could see three distinct things: Akira and Shiloh were whispering to each other, Khuno and Lesco were thumb-wrestling, and Saho looked as if he was miserable sitting next to his unnaturally cheerful brethren.

Then again, when did Saho not look miserable. 

You sat alone in a small seat along the right side wall, carefully reading the new book Kylo had let you keep for the duration of their business trip. The Beauty and the Beast. Another fairytale.

Reading, however, was proven difficult when all you could focus on was every short bit of turbulence the shuttle went through. Flying was already bad enough with other people near by, but this time you were alone, which only made things worse. 

As Kylo's shuttle hit a rough patch, you couldn't help but gently squeeze your eyes shut and clench onto your book with a grip that could tear it apart if you tried hard enough.

Besides not having a large hand to hold while flying through the air at light speed- turbulence was one of the worst parts of flying. 

Kylo's ship was brand new, right? So why did it have so much turbulence?

A loud voice calling your name brought you out of your thoughts. As you opened your eyes, you noticed the General had left his spot in the cock pit and was now sitting a row in front of you, orange hair flooding your vision more than ever. 

You snapped your head towards Kylo, who was still seated, only now turned to face you, holding out and finger and curling it towards himself. He was gesturing for you to come sit in the cockpit with him. 

Scared of another punishment from Akira for not following directions, you quickly fumbled with your seatbelt and stepped out of your lonesome isle, leaving your book behind so you could stare at the stars.

Kylo watched as you shuffled over to him, light footsteps slowly patting against the carpeted interior of the shuttle as you neared closer and closer.

As you sat down harshly into your seat with a sharp plop, you couldn't help but smile at the thousands of shining dots before you.

Kylo had put the ship into a slow auto-pilot so you could admire what the galaxy really looked like. 

And gods, was it beautiful. 

Kylo had initially called you over to him so he could gaze at the stars with you, admiring the beauty he was all too familiar with, but Kylo couldn't help his wandering eyes begin to stare somewhere else.

Your face- specifically your big, round eyes as they glowed beneath the cool colors of the galaxy in front of you. 

You looked stunning in this light, as if Kylo wished to the gods he could keep this mental picture of you in his mind forever.

Of you gazing up at the stars, face glowing a bright purple and blue as the back of your head emanated a soft red from the hovering lights encased around the shuttle.

If he had a camera right now, he'd have no problem snapping a picture of you like this.

But the mental image was enough to satisfy him, for now. If Kylo were to ever see you in direct sunlight, though, he wouldn't be able to control himself. 

If he could, he'd scour every store and boutique in the area you two were staying in, praying someone would sell him a camera to remember the moment.

But being here, with you besides him, was enough. Even seeing you turn your head towards him and smile brightly was enough for his liking.

He let a calming silence fall between the two of you before finally speaking- not any higher than a soft whisper.

"You look beautiful... under the stars. I should take you on trips more often."

You turned your gaze to him with another big smile, only this time holding eye contact for a few extra seconds. He was still staring at you, one hand holding up his chin while the other laid flatly along his large thigh.

You took at his ensemble of billowing clothes and capes, not knowing exactly how to respond to his sudden burst of affection. If he had been admiring you this whole time, it'd only be acceptable for you to return the favor.

But a response wasn't needed, he could tell you appreciated his compliment by the way you smiled at him. Those big, wide eyes now seeming so small as your face scrunched up.

After a lengthy silence, you turned your head back towards the stars and relaxed in your seat, eyes beginning to droop with each passing second.

You tried to stay awake by counting the celestial bodies you could see from just this one position in space, but you had only counted around twenty five before something shocked you awake.

Kylo's hand had reached over and pressed against your inner thigh, his thumb lazily tracing small patterns over the sensitive flesh. 

You snapped your gaze back to him, but he wasn't staring anymore. He was focused on the control panel in front of him, his free hand reaching forwards and pushing that same lever from before onto a different setting. 

You felt the ship rumble beneath you as it picked up in speed, the once distinct stars now beginning to fade into long streams of light. 

All throughout this process, Kylo's hand remained on your thigh. If he had stopped drawing patterns, he'd begin squeezing one area, then move lower and squeeze again. 

You prayed to the stars none of the Knights would notice his actions, but as you turned your head towards them, they were all fast asleep. Even Saho looked pleased to have finally gotten some rest.

Another sharp squeeze brought your eyes away from the Knights and back to Kylo's hand, which was now grabbing at the flesh only inches above your heat.

Though his warm hands had felt nice against your cool skin, you knew this was the farthest he could get with his Knights and the General aboard his ship. 

They were right behind you for stars sake.

As he released his grasp on your flesh, preparing to grab at a different spot, you put your delicate hands atop of his, as if symboling for him to slow his movements.

He took the hint and went back to drawing small patterns, every flick of his finger tip warming up the pit in your lower belly. 

After awhile, Kylo could almost hear your silent purring as he caressed your skin, a big grin appearing under his dark mask as he eyed your sleepy gaze.

He wasn't boring you, that was for sure.

But this was a long trip, and the least Kylo could do since he dragged you onto his shuttle was make you feel nice- even welcomed by him. 

As he watched your big eyes finally close and your hands loosen their grip atop of his, he slowly let go of your thigh, bringing his hand back to the control panel and flipping a few switches. 

He was lowering the engine power- not completely, but enough to stop the loud rumble emanating from the ship. 

He would hate to interrupt an angels beauty sleep.  


Your eyes fluttered open as you heard the roaring shuttle begin to land. The planet in front of you was big and green- there were several populated beaches along the coasts with dense forests adjacent to them.

Kylo's hand was no longer on your thigh. He must have moved it after you had fallen asleep in the cockpit chair. Bummer, you wished it could have stayed there for the rest of your life. 

As you directed your gaze towards the back end of the shuttle, you saw the Knights had just woken up as well. They were groaning and stretching, some arms outreaching too far and hitting another Knight in the head. 

The General, on the other hand, looked as if he had been wide awake for the entirety of the flight. His beady, light eyes were beaming directly at you. 

He was probably still angry Kylo had let you stay in his co-pilot seat. 

Awkward eye contact with the General was the last thing you wanted to see after a peaceful rest, so you averted your gaze away from him and to Kylo, who was flipping switches on the control panel and hoisting the lever back down to it's neutral position as the shuttle entrance began to open.

Kylo's lifeless mask caught your gaze as he stood from his chair, extending a hand out for you to take. 

You'd rather stay in the shuttle and stretch your limbs out- or fall back asleep and wake up when the business was over. 

But you knew Kylo wouldn't allow that as you groaned in protest, placing your dainty hand in his and lifting up out of your seat. 

You noticed your bottoms had risen up at some point in your sleep as you softly petted down your outfit, hoping nothing unwanted had come into view.

Kylo let you adjust to standing for a second before leading his way down the ship, still holding his hand tightly in yours. 

As he began walking, you scuffled behind him, trying your best to keep up with his long strides yet steer clear of his flowing cape beneath your feet. Walking behind Kylo was always a chore for you- his long legs and fast paced walk always outnumbered your short and sweet steps.

Something about the way he walked always made you giggle. The way his big body would move from side to side, arms besides his waist, slightly panned out as to avoid knocking his lightsaber down on accident. 

But when he walked with you, you'd always find yourself surprised by just how small you seemed when besides him. 

He really was a giant compared to your small figure.

Even if you had grown since the last time he'd seen you, you'd never be able to even near  his height. He was just too damn tall for you. 

You heard a tumult of noises as you exited the ship, Kylo's hand still interlocked with yours, even though the Knights were directly behind the two fo you. 

There was chaos going on in the city, but it didn't exactly look like a war had just struck the people of Rako.

They were celebrating- women and children dancing as men sang to the crowds of street goers. 

The people of Rako reminded you of those who would celebrate traditions in the fairytales you used to read- things like Christmas parties or Easter celebrations.

Things like that didn't really exist in this galaxy, but a small part of you wished they did. 

As you continued eyeing the city around you, you couldn't help but notice Kylo's hand finally slip away from yours as he walked towards the crowd, meeting with an unfamiliar face you didn't care to meet. 

You'd rather join the festivities the people of Rako were having than meet another boring General from a different planet.

If the man Kylo was talking to was anything like General Hugs, you'd prefer going back aboard the shuttle and staying there for the duration of the trip.

Of course that wasn't an option as you felt Igo press his hand on your lower back and guide you forward, walking his way up a large, stone staircase that lead into what seemed to be a hotel lobby. 

He kept his mask off while talking to the receptionist, who was a magenta colored twi'lek with bright white patterns detailing along her face and arms. 

She was pretty- almost reminding you of Miki by how colorful she was.

You had begged Akira the day before you left for Miki to come on this trip with you. You knew having her here would make a simple business trip a lot more entertaining.

Akira obviously said no to your pleads. Even when you gave him your biggest puppy dog eyes.

Having to explain to Miki why you were leaving for a few days on Kylo Ren's personal shuttle was a hard conversation, seeing as she still believes you've never met the Supreme Leader.

But she understood, wrapping her arms lightly around you and giving you a tight squeeze, reminding you to text her while you were gone on your new data pad. 

As her words rang through your mind, you decided to take a seat in the lobby, watching as Igo continued his conversation with the receptionist, who was definitely digging his all black attire.

As they conversed more and more, you prayed to the stars you wouldn't get a room near Igo during your stay. The thought of hearing the pretty receptionists moans echo through the walls made your stomach churn.

Looking down, you decided to avert your attention away from the gross thoughts and back to your data pad, tapping on it haphazardly in an attempt to text a message to Miki.

Message to +1 (J8-0)   Return to Sender

ME: Hey! It's Ryo :)   

+1(J8-0): Hi! How is everything going down on Rako? Any hot babes?

You smiled at your data pad, lowering the screens brightness to limit innocent bystanders in the lobby from seeing your friends embarrassing texts. 

Message to +1 (J8-0) Return to Sender

ME: couple hot guys singing 

ME: i think they have wives though :/

+1(J8-0): Guess you're not getting laid anytime soon

You couldn't help a small giggle leave your lips after reading her texts. In only the few days you've known her, she's already made more jokes about your sexual inexperience than the Knights ever have.

She had only found out about your inexperience after seeing you struggle to take her compliments. She'd called you pretty about forty times in the span of two minutes when you had first met her, and you hadn't known how to respond to any of them.

Of course she noticed this. And of course she connected the dots- you'd never been with anyone before. No one had ever really called you sweet names like that. Not unless they were teasing you.

Then again, you grew up getting teased. You knew how to take a joke. 

Sensing Igo finally leave the receptionist alone and stride his way towards you, you quickly closed your data pad and tucked it back into your bag. Explaining to Igo who Miki was and why she had bought you a new data pad would have been a weird conversation. 

But he didn't ask- instead, he held out a glistening room key in front of you, unmodulated voice booming throughout the entire lobby.

"You're in room 307. Next to Kylo. You have to stay there until we finish our business."

Well, there goes any chance of having fun during this trip. 

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