Missing You

By tinkeredwriter

901 58 22

a short story inspired by dan-oh and gyeong's relationship in extraordinary you but with a little more sweet... More

f o r e w o r d
d e d i c a t i o n
🍭 | Part One: YUI
🍭 | Part Two: KAITO
🍭 | Part Three: YUI
🍭 | Part Four: KAITO
🍭 | Part Five: YUI
🍭 | Part Six: KAITO
🍭 | Part Seven: YUI
🍭 | Part Eight: KAITO
🍭 | Part Nine: YUI
🍭 | Part Ten: KAITO
🍭 | Part Eleven: YUI
🍭 | Part Twelve: KAITO
🍭 | Part Thirteen: YUI
🍭 | Part Fourteen: KAITO
🍭 | Part Fifteen: YUI
🍭 | Part Sixteen: KAITO
🍭 | Part Eighteen: KAITO
🍭 | Week 1: Ice Cream
🍭 | Week 2: Library
🍭 | Week 3: Meteor Shower
🍭 | Part Nineteen: YUI
🍭 | Part Twenty: KAITO
🍭 | Part Twenty One: YUI
🍭 | Part Twenty Two: KAITO
🍭 | Part Twenty Three: YUI
🍭 | Part Twenty Four: KAITO
🍭 | Part Twenty Five: YUI
🍭 | Part Twenty Six: KAITO
💐 | Part Twenty Seven: EPILOGUE
a f t e r w o r d

🍭 | Part Seventeen: YUI

13 3 1
By tinkeredwriter

"Hey, it's still Valentine's day right?" I ask him and meet his eyes.

"Yeah, why?" I jump up and pull his hand. I say, "Let's go!"

"Wait, Yui!" He says laughing. I continue to run while pulling his hand. We run a few blocks away from the park and we made it. To our meeting place when we were little kids.

We both breathe heavily. Kaito grins and stands up straight. He looks over at the wall. It still has the same markings over it. When we were younger we would always mark our heights. I still remember the promise we made.

Kaito suddenly spoke, "When I get taller than you, I'll marry you."

My cheeks turn red and I laugh, "Yeah, I can't believe you actually said that."

"I was serious before and I am still." He looks at me. He then positions himself next to me. He raises his hand and measures our height.

"Hey!" I yell and laugh.

"I'm taller than you now." He says and turns to me. He smiles and continues, "I'll fulfill that promise for real this time. I never really liked the idea of an arranged marriage just because of some investment. I know you'll never be happy that way. That's why, Yui, I promise this time around I'll be deserving of you. I'll be that Kaito you've missed for far too long."

He then fishes something out of his pocket. A black box. He says, "I'm sorry for those years that I ignored you and hurt you for so long. I'm thankful that you forgave me for it. Thank you, Yui."

He hands me a box and I open it. It was a bracelet with stars hanging as if dripping from galaxies. I'm left speechless.

"Yui, will you be the stars that twinkle in my night sky? Will you fill my galaxies with your smiles? Will you be with me from infinity and beyond?" He asks and continues, "Yui, I like you and this is me, the Kaito you've missed for so long."

With no regret and doubt in mind I say,


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