The Normal Valentine :: Beck...

By imacluelesspig

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Author's Note <3


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By imacluelesspig


On my eighteenth birthday, we officially became engaged. We saved up for a house as soon as we could. Our wedding was a little more than a year later. Neither of us went to a college. Instead, we pursued our careers. Beck has become one of the most well-known actors in the country and my music took off and my songs have reached number one of the charts three times.

As for the rest of our group, they've all become extremely successful as well. Robbie is a stand-up comedian, Rex still by his side. Cat is a special effects artist on tons of movies and she does costuming on the side. Tori is a pop star, just like she hoped she'd be. Andre is the richest music producer in the world. Jade focused more on acting and is doing amazing with it while having a small music career on the side.

The best thing of all is that we managed to stay friends despite our busy lives. We got together for holidays, birthdays, and sometimes just because. We all continued to live in LA, so the drive to each other's houses wasn't very long either.

Fast forward four years, Cat and Robbie have been dating for about a year. Tori and Andre have been on and off since we graduated. Jade is engaged to an actor named Will who she was cast as the love interest of in a movie in the beginning of her career. Beck and I were still together, even though media and being in the limelight has tried to break us.

I hadn't been feeling well the past few weeks, and I thought it was probably time to get that checked out. I'd been throwing up every single morning and I had to go to the bathroom constantly.

The doctors checked it out, and it was official. I was pregnant! Beck and I had been trying for months, but nothing had happened yet. My next doctor's appointment was in two weeks. They wanted to do regular check ups to make sure the baby was doing well.

While trying to control my shaking from how excited I was about the new addition to my life, I was driven back to our house by my driver and personal body guard. He'd been my bodyguard for two years and we'd gotten to know each other fairly well.

"Thanks, Hugo," I thanked him, stepping out of the car.

He closed the door behind me, "Of course, Y/N. Did they find out why you hadn't been feeling well?"

I nodded, excitedly, "I'm pregnant. Don't tell Beck yet. I want to tell him." I wanted to tell him as soon as I could. I had an idea on how to, but I needed to set it up first. You always see people worried that their significant other will leave them because of a baby, but I knew Beck and I both wanted this and were ready for it. We had been trying for a while after all.

"I understand. Congratulations!" He smiled as he walked me to the door.

"Thank you so much," I smiled as he opened the door.

When I walked into he house, I began my plan. I put a hamburger bun in our oven because of the saying 'there's a bun in the oven' for when a person is pregnant. Then I started looking for my husband. I found him laying down on the couch in the living room, studying lines for his next movie. I walked over to him and snatched the script out of his hands, making sure to keep his place with my finger.

He smiled up at me as he adjusted his posture so he was sitting up, "Welcome home. Can I have that back?"

"Not yet," I sat down next to him, keeping the script open, "I have news."

His smile fell and he looked worried, "What happened? What did the doctors say?"

I shook my head, laughing a little, "Nothing bad." He sighed in relief as I continued, "It's actually really good."

He looked confused, "What is it?"

"Go look in the oven," I smiled, widely.

Confused, although not questioning it, he walked into the kitchen and to the oven. He opened it up. He looked over to me, even more confused than before. I guess he didn't get it. It was a funny idea.

"There's a bun in the oven," I smiled, pointing at the things as I said them, "A the oven. Get it?"

His jaw dropped, "You better not be joking."

I shook my head, "That's why I've been throwing up. Morning sickness."

He attacked me in a hug. He was crying. I was crying. We were both just crying about how happy we were.

"I love you," Beck kissed my nose, "And I love you," he put a hand on my stomach.

I removed it, uncomfortably, "Don't do that until there's a bump."

He laughed, "Wow. We're married and I can't even touch your stomach?"

"I'm sorry. It's just a little weird."

He agreed. We decided that we'd tell everybody after the next appointment at a game night. Before the game night, we'd tell our parents. Those were the longest two weeks of my life. I couldn't tell my sister, parents, in-laws, or my best friends about one of the biggest things that's ever happened to me.

Game night finally arrived. All of our parent's had taken the news well. Beck's parents were excited to be grandparents and my parents were happy I was having a semi-normal life.

Once we'd devoured a few pizzas and played a few rounds of Go Fish, which was a request from Cat and I, we decided it was time to tell them. They were all having smaller conversations.

"Guys, I have something important to tell you," I said in a serious tone, getting their attention.

Beck corrected me, "We."

"What?" Jade spat. She didn't change one bit, which was a good thing. The only thing that changed was the boy at her side calming her down.

"Don't be like that," he put his hand up to her face causing her posture to slack and her to calm down a little. They were so perfect for each other.

"What? What? What?" Cat asked repeatedly, practically jumping out of her seat.

Beck wrapped an arm around me, reassuringly. I smiled at him before turning back to the group and awkwardly trying to explain the situation, "We are adding an—addition to!"

"Oh so you're adding more onto the house," Robbie nodded, "That's g—"

"No!" Cat hit his chest and giggled, "Beck is pregnant!"

"Huh?" Tori asked, confused like usual.

Beck narrowed his eyes, "I didn't know that was possible."

I laughed, "It's not. Cat, I'm the pregnant one."

She jumped up happily and gave me a hug. Everybody else soon got up and attacked me with affection and congratulations. I honestly didn't think they'd care this much. I guess it's gonna be like a niece or nephew to all of them and it is gonna be for Cat. My twin sister as an aunt should be interesting.

The next eight months were really painful and filled with a lot of stuff going on. That included the girls practically moving in with us so they could help me out. Yes, all of them. Jade postponed her wedding so I wouldn't have to have a maternal dress when I'm her maid of honor, which I was surprised about both of those things. Jade wasn't the type of person I thought would care about a baby. Even Trina, although I don't know how she found out, moved in. Her constant flirting with Beck annoyed the crap out of me. Once the eighth month of my pregnancy arrived, those girls wouldn't let me get out of bed.

Beck and I had a bet going on. We didn't win anything if we did; it was just for fun. He bet that the baby would be a girl. I bet that it'd be a boy. I just had a feeling. We wanted to surprise ourselves on the day, so we weren't finding out the gender before hand. All of our friends were annoyed because of it, but we didn't care. No matter how much they spoil them, the baby is ours, not there's.

Names were a long, stressful process. We decided on the names, first and middle, then told everybody in our personal lives. They were immediately in love.

Around the seven week mark, I was starting to get scared to go out in public. Pregnancy as a celebrity is something to handle with caution. Rumors were going around, but Beck and I didn't confirm it until ten weeks in.

I went live on my Instagram with Beck by my side. Once a good amount of people joined and were commenting about the rumors, we addressed it.

"Everybody is asking me if I'm pregnant," I laughed, holding onto Beck's hand tightly. He kissed my temple reassuringly. I smiled at my amazing husband before turning back to the phone, "And I am!"

Beck turned my face back to him and placed a short, gentle kiss on my lips, "I love you, babe."

"I love you too."

The comments went crazy with congrats and girls telling me they'd be honored to carry Beck's baby. I was mostly used to stuff like that at this point, although it never failed to make me tense up at least a little.

I smiled at the nicer, normal reactions, "Thank you, everyone!" We answered some more questions before ending the live. It was nice to finally have the public know and not carry the weight of that secret on my shoulders.

But all nice things must come to an end. Then, once it was confirmed, there were the speculations that it wasn't Beck's baby. Where do these people get this chiz?

When the baby did come, all was normal, at least for childbirth it went normally. I was excited but in excruciating pain. It felt like someone was stabbing me in the stomach a thousand times while also ripping me apart from the inside. Beck was by my side the whole time. I thought I might break his hand bones from squeezing it so tightly, but he said he was fine.

Then there was the crying. Not my crying though. It was the baby. As soon as I heard it, I wanted to try to help. I tried sitting up, but could barely move because of the pain. So, I just kept giving goddamn birth.

After it was finished, a nurse walked over to me. A little bundle of blankets was in her arms—our baby. I reached out as far as I could despite my tired arms not wanting to even be lifted up. The second the baby was in my arms, I was in love. Then I saw it's face. I didn't know I could love somebody this much. I smiled so much. I was tired and in pain, but this little bundle of joy could still make me smile. The baby had already been cleaned up and it was peacefully sleeping.

"It's a boy," the doctor smiled at us.

I shifted my arms towards Beck, telling him to hold our son. Once our baby boy was in his arms, I gently giggled, "I win."

Beck gave me a sarcastic glare that told me to stop. I smiled, looking at my husband and our little one. Once we got out of that room and into my hospital room, we got pictures of our newly formed family. I wanted to wait until I didn't look extremely tired, but I couldn't help it. Now was the moment we'd want to remember, not later.

They let 'visitors' in. 'Visitors' was my sister, all of my insane friends—minus Jade's finance, and Trina. Why is she here? Oh well. They asked me how I was doing.

"The usual. Tired and in pain," I shrugged.

Cat let out a quick laugh then ran to my side, "Are you okay?"

I smiled, "I'm fine. So is the baby."

My sister squealed, "I'M AN AUNT!"

"Here comes your nephew," Beck laughed, pointing to the door. Next everybody was hounding the baby. It took a good few seconds for anybody to realize what he said.

"Nephew?" Jade raised an eyebrow.

Tori's jaw dropped, "It's a boy?"

I nodded, reaching for my baby. I wanted to hold him again. Holding him felt so right. The nurses let me hold him again before I handed him to Cat, then our friends. One by one, they all got to hold my little baby.

This is how it's supposed to be. This is how I want to spend my life. With this man. This kid. My sister. These friends. As I watched them gently pass around my son, I knew that it was right. This was right. This is what I wanted.

This is the end of the book! Thank you so much for reading it!!!!

I lied. You can request chapters in the comments or DM me. They'll be like a fake season 5 of the show. 

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