By WhiteDove72

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Bonnie Hargrove, the biological sister of BillyHargrove, is a free spirited, kind natured girl who's world wa... More

Chapter 1 : Pleasant Surprise
Chapter 2 : The Gang
Chapter 3 : New Girl In Town
Cast List
Chapter 5 : Flashbacks
Chapter 6 : Crush
Chapter 7 : Dreamcatcher
Chapter 8 : Upside Down

Chapter 4 : First Time for Everything

309 7 0
By WhiteDove72

Heyy I'm back! Sorry it's been a while, I've been spending much needed time with family:) Anyway, here's the new chapter. Hope you like it!!! 🥰

High school was a daunting experience for pretty much every single freshman. Not only did you have to memorize where all your new classes would be and which time you had what class, but you also had to play it cool like you weren't totally lost in the middle of a bunch of upper class-men. Not to mention the unnerving sensation that your wild and free spirited days were over in four years and you'd have to be an adult in the real world. Most freshies walked into high school with there knees knocking and tail tucked between their legs like a frightened dog. But, thanks to Bonnie, Max was a little more at ease. She enjoyed high school for the most part, except all the work and serious deadlines. Bonnie helped her to focus on the now and not worry about tomorrow and things she couldn't control. Other than the occasional stress of due dates, life was pretty freaking great.
Max walked arm in arm with El down the long hallways of Hawkins High School on their way to last period, laughing and talking quietly among themselves.

"Hey, Mayfield! Hopper!"

Max and El whirled around to find a skinny guy in gym shorts and a tank top running towards them. El sunk a little where she stood, shy and caught off guard by the boy in front of them. Max smiled. "Hey, um, should we know you?" She asked with an awkward laugh. The boy shook his head. "Nah, I'm a sophomore. Name's Ian." He said with a smile. His dark, almost black hair fell over his icy blue eyes. He extended his hand, and Max shook it gently. "How did you know our names?" She asked curiously. Ian shrugged. "You're Hargrove's sister. Everyone knows you. And your friend is with you all the time, so her name got around fast." Ian admitted. Max rolled her eyes. "Right, Billy. Of course, everyone knows I'm off limits thanks to him." She huffed frustratedly. "What? No, no. I mean Bonnie. Man she's really something." Ian said as his cheeks turned a light rosy color. Max's eyes grew wide for a moment. "Oh, y-yeah. Bonnie. Sorry, I'm just so used to everyone drooling over Billy."

"Well EVERYBODY drools over that sister of yours."

"Yeah, I've noticed."

Ian quickly pulled out two yellow flyers and waved them in front of the girls. "Well, my brother's throwing a party tonight. I was wondering if you guys would wanna come hang for a while.?" He said with a dashing smile. Max and El looked at each other for a moment and then back at Ian. El started to shake her head and open her mouth in protest, but Max cut her off. "We'd love to." She said quickly as she grabbed the flyers. "Great, I'll see you two tonight." He said with a wink.

After Ian walked off, El slapped Max's arm. "Max, since when do we party?" She asked in a frustrated tone. "Since today," she said with a grin. El crossed her arms and glared at her best friend. "C'mon, El! Our boyfriends are losers who chose to hang with each other and with not us. They're too 'in love' with each other to even notice they're girlfriends. We deserve a night for ourselves." Max pleaded. El rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Max. We better not get in trouble for this." El said through a tired sigh. Max giggled excitedly. "Don't worry, it'll be a night we'll never forget."

"A party? Since when do you party?"
Billy examined the flyer that Max had brought home and left on the kitchen table. He picked the girls up that day since Bonnie said she had some catch up work to do at the school.

"Since today. El and I are going to have some fun," Max stated as she snatched the flyer from his hands. El shook her head as she sipped on a coke at the kitchen counter. "Well Supergirl here doesn't look like she's up for it." Billy said as he poked El's head. She swatted his hand away quickly, not looking up from her drink.

"What's this I hear about a party?" Bonnie said as she came into the house. "El and I are going to a party tonight! You wanna come with us?" Max asked. Bonnie frowned. "Aw sorry, hun. I'm actually not much of a party goer. But I'll gladly be your chauffeur." She offered with a smile. Max giggled. "Perfect!"
"Yay," El muttered. Bonnie tilted her head. "Not excited to party, El?" She asked. El shrugged. "It's all new to me. I'm a rule follower, and a High School party breaks all the rules." She said quietly. "But we're gonna have a blast, I'm sure. C'mon, El. Let's go get ready!" She squealed as she grabbed her friend's arm and dragged her to the bedroom.

Bonnie and Billy laughed as the ran off, El giving Bonnie a look that pleaded her to rescue herself from Max.

"They won't last very long." Bonnie said. Billy nodded. "Yeah, I know. One whiff of beer and body odor will probably scare them off." Bonnie giggled. "Any plans tonight?" She asked. Billy shook his head. "Nah, my date cancelled. She left school today with a fever so I just told her not to worry about it."
"I'm sorry, school?" Bonnie questioned. She sighed and rubbed her eyebrows. "I swear, Billy, if you freakin-"

"Relax, Bonnie." Billy interrupted. "She's a senior, I'm not going to take a freaking middle schooler on a date."

"But you'll take a middle schooler's mom out for 'swimming lessons' at 8:00 at night?"

Billy glared at Bonnie as she threw her hands up in defense. "Hey, it's just the facts."

"Well, jokes on you, Karen didn't even show up."

Bonnie made a pouty face at Billy. He punched her arm, which sent her staggering backwards a little bit. "Hey, not so rough." She spat. "Oh, what? Did I hurt your shoulder?" He taunted. "Not as bad as my statement hurt your ego." She fired back. The two siblings glared at each other for a few solid seconds before bursting into laughter. "God, I missed getting on your nerves." Billy said as he ruffled her curled hair. Bonnie snorted. "Yeah. It's nice to have someone to annoy the crap out of again. Hey, since you aren't doing anything, after I drop the girls off, do you wanna watch a movie?" Bonnie asked. Billy smiled. "Sure, Honey Bee. But don't make me sit through one of those sappy romance movies." He said with a shudder. "Relax, Casanova. I'm not making you watch any of those. I was thinking horror, since Halloween's not too far away." Bonnie suggested. Billy nodded. "Sounds like a plan."

"Okay, we're ready."

Max and El stepped out of the room. Max wore a white tube top with high waisted acid washed jean shorts and white converse. Her hair was in braids, and she wore a bright red lipstick. El was wearing a spaghetti strap black dress that came to her knees. She wore a dark red lip stick and combat boots and her hair was teased out. Max looked very confident and excited, but El looked uncomfortable and uneasy.

Bonnie whistled and clapped her hands. "Well, look at this. Wow, you're gonna have all the boys staring tonight, girls." Bonnie teased with a very overly exaggerated wink. Max laughed at Bonnie, but El barely smiled. "They better freaking not or I'll rip them in half." Billy muttered. "Oh hush, Billy. Alright you two, in the car. Don't wanna be late for your first party!" Bonnie yelled excitedly.

"Hey, home before 10:30, got it?" Billy ordered. "And don't even think about getting with some guy tonight, and do NOT follow him into a room by yourself. ABSOLUTELY no alcohol, either. If someone offers you brownies, don't eat them. The last thing I need is you two stoned. And if some guy offers you a ride-"

"BILLY! I think we've got it." Max shouted as she shoved El out the door. Bonnie shook her head and chuckled, patting Billy's shoulder. "Hey, don't worry. They'll be fine." She assured. "I'll be back in ten minutes."

The car ride was short, Ian lived only three streets over from the Hargrove's. Max excitedly got out of the car and tugged El along with her. "Hey, for real though, remember what Billy said. He's really worried about you two. Have fun, and stay safe guys." Bonnie said with a smile. "We will!" Max exclaimed with excitement.

El gave her a pleading look, her sad brown eyes filled with unease. Bonnie squeezes her hand before Max tugged her any further. "Hey, don't worry, honey. If you need me, I'm only a call away." She gave El a smile before releasing her hand. El looked down at her palm and saw a small piece of paper with the Hargrove's house phone number scribbled on it. El smiled at her warily. "Thanks, Bonnie." She said quietly. Bonnie winked. "Don't mention it." She said as she pulled the car door shut and drove away.

Max waved as Bonnie's car disappeared into the dim glow of the evening sunset. "C'mon, El. Lighten up a bit. We're going to have the time of our lives." She encouraged as she grabbed El's hand to lead her inside Ian's house. They got to the front door and Max knocked eagerly. They could hear loud music coming from inside the house and people laughing and chattering. El shook her head and rubbed her palms together nervously. "Max, I don't think this is a good idea."

Max studied her best friend carefully. She now noticed how uptight El was. Her eyes were wide and consumed with worry, her palms clammy and eyebrows knitted. Max placed her hand on El's shoulder. "Hey, just give it thirty minutes. After that, if things turn out to be a disaster, we can go home."

El looked at her best friend and saw the sincerity in her eyes and heard the honesty in her voice. El gave a small smile. "Promise?" She asked. Max nodded. "I promise."

The door swung open to reveal a very bubbly Ian in front of the girls. He leaned on the door frame and took a long drag from one of his cigarettes. "Well, well. Look who decided to show up." He exclaimed as he flashed them a dazzling grin. "Nice to see you too, Ian." Max said with a smile. He looked from Max to El and then outstretched a hand to the girls.
"Get ready, 'cause this is gonna be a night you won't forget."

The inside of the house was filled with the smell of body odor, cigarette smoke, and alcohol. El pinched her nose and Max's face wrinkled up.

Ian laughed at the girls' expressions. "You'll get used to the smell. Come on, I want you to meet my friends." He said as he pulled the girls forward. El followed very closely behind Max. Nerves set in as she felt the uncomfortable weight of eyes on her figure, watching carefully.

"Hey, everyone! This is Max and El."
Ian shouted over the loud music to a small group of people in the kitchen area. "Max, El, these are my friends. Jack, Sawyer, Levi, Carly and Cassie."

Jack was a Junior, about 5'11 in height. His hair was a sandy brown color and his eyes were vibrant blue, like a meadow kissed by the spirit of spring. He wore a flannel button up and a cowboy hat. He also sported a very nice pair of cowboy boots. He tipped the brim of it towards the girls. "Hey, y'all." He said with a thick southern accent. Max giggled. "Nice accent. Where are you from?" He flashed a kind smile. "Georgia. Moved up here in fifth grade." He said with a small smile.

Sawyer was tall. 6'1, brown eyes, tan skin, and unruly curly brown hair. He wore a very nice short sleeved button up and kaki shorts. He definitely dressed to impress. He was also a junior at Hawkins high. And he had the most unique smile that just lit up the room.

"Pleasure to meet you," he said with a wink. His Australian accent caught the girls off guard. "You're an Aussie?" Max asked as El's mouth continued to gape. "You betcha. I'm a transfer student. I moved up the same year Jackie did." He said as he nudged Jack on the shoulder. Ian shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, I'm drawn to the outcasts. I love a good charity case." He teased.

Levi just so happened to be a sophomore. He was Ian's childhood best friend. He had pale skin and blonde hair that was cut short. He wore jeans and a Van Halen T-Shirt. He had the biggest blue eyes just melted your heart away. He and Ian were about the same height, maybe 5'7. He nodded at the two girls. "Hey, guys. Glad you could make it," he inquired with a warm smile.

Lastly we're the girls. Carly and Cassie were twins who were also Sophomores. The two girls had dark brunette hair and the most beautiful facial features. They were thinner and looked like they belonged on the cover of a magazine. They waved at Max and El. "Hi guys!" They squealed in unison. Max and El waved back. "Hey," El finally spoke up. Max giggled. "Wow, I didn't know you were friends with Juniors too."

"Jack and Sawyer? Ah, they're basically like the older brothers I never wanted." Ian teased. Sawyer and Jack both rolled their eyes at him. "What he means to say is that we're the best thing that ever happened to him," Sawyer stated. "And he wouldn't have made it without us," Jack finished. Ian scoffed. "Whatever. Oh, I forgot! I need to introduce you to my brother. Come on," he said as he started to lead the girls away. Max and El waved. "Bye guys. It was wonderful meeting everyone. See you at school?" Max asked. The group nodded. "You betcha!" The twins cheered. The boys nodded and waved goodbye as Ian dragged the girls off to the living room.

"Girls, this is my brother. Yo, come say hi to the new freshies."

Max and El could feel their jaws drop to the floor. There in front of them stood none other than Tommy H. Stupid freckles and all. He laughed as he played with the toothpick in his mouth. "Well, isn't this a nice surprise?"

" Tommy? Your brother is Tommy?" Max asked, eyes wide. Ian nodded. "Yeah I know he's a flunky, but you gotta admit he can throw a party." Ian said with a laugh. He turned to his brother as he put out his cigarette. "Hey, you know these two?"

" yeah. The redhead's older sister and I had a little disagreement on the first day of school." Tommy said. Max glared at him. " My name is not 'redhead'. It's Max. And it wasn't a 'little disagreement', she put you in your place." Max spat. Tommy chuckled. " Ian was right. You're quite the Spitfire. Who's your friend?"

El glared at Tommy as she walked up to him.


"Mind your own business, creep." Max butted in. Tommy's grin disappeared. " well, I'm getting the feeling that you two aren't enjoying yourselves..." Tommy said as he tried to reach out and brush a stray hair out of Max's face. Max slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me." She hissed. Tommy's face started to turn red as Ian stepped in between his brother and the girls. "Woah, Tommy chill out, bro. What's wrong with you man?" He glared at his older brother. El shook her head. "I've got a bad feeling about this," She whispered.


"Billy, stop it, that wasn't funny!"

Bonnie yelled at her brother as he continued to poke her throughout every single minute of "The Shining". Billy laughed. "You shouldn't have picked a scary movie, then. Besides, you just jump so easily, it's funny." He said. Bonnie hit him in the head with a decorative couch pillow that she had been clinging to. "Quit it," she said. Billy held his hands up. "Okay, okay. I'll quit." He muttered. Bonnie was startled as the eerie voice of the little boy's raspy voice repeating "red-rum" over and over again. She grabbed onto her brother's arm and buried her face in his shoulder. Billy chuckled. "Bonnie nothing's even happening yet." He said. Bonnie shook her head. "Nope, can't do it. This backfired. This backfired big time." She said, still hiding her face. Billy shook his head. "You're such a wimp." He teased. Bonnie hit him on the back of the head. "Shut up."

Bonnie screamed at the loud sound of the phone ringing, nearly falling off of the couch. Billy jumped slightly at the noise as he caught his sister. "Oh my god, this is the last time I watch a horror movie at night." Bonnie said as she stood up to go get the phone. Billy bit his lip to keep from laughing, trying to prevent getting slapped by his little sister.

"Hargrove residence," Bonnie said with a sigh.

"Woah, hey slow down. What happened?"

Billy stood up as he heard his sisters alarmed tone. "Who is it?" He asked. Bonnie raised a finger.

"Yeah, he's still here. Okay, we're on our way."

Bonnie hung up the phone and threw Billy his keys. "Come on, we gotta go."

"What? Why?"

"It's El and Max. Something happened at the party, we've got to go now."

Billy followed his sister out to his Camaro. Once they were in the car, Billy started the engine and pulled out of the driveway. "What happened? What did they tell you?" He questioned. Bonnie just kept her eyes ahead. "Bonnie, tell me what happened." He demanded. Bonnie's face was beginning to turn red with anger.

"Tommy just tried to hit Max."

Wow okay- sorry that took FOREVER. I hope this was a good chapter! I spent some much needed time with family and I haven't gotten around to writing. I'm back though. I'm really excited for the next chapter, I think it's gonna be one heck of a ride. Let me know how I'm doing!! Next chapter out soon!!🥰🥰

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