Chapter 4 : First Time for Everything

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Heyy I'm back! Sorry it's been a while, I've been spending much needed time with family:) Anyway, here's the new chapter. Hope you like it!!! 🥰

High school was a daunting experience for pretty much every single freshman. Not only did you have to memorize where all your new classes would be and which time you had what class, but you also had to play it cool like you weren't totally lost in the middle of a bunch of upper class-men. Not to mention the unnerving sensation that your wild and free spirited days were over in four years and you'd have to be an adult in the real world. Most freshies walked into high school with there knees knocking and tail tucked between their legs like a frightened dog. But, thanks to Bonnie, Max was a little more at ease. She enjoyed high school for the most part, except all the work and serious deadlines. Bonnie helped her to focus on the now and not worry about tomorrow and things she couldn't control. Other than the occasional stress of due dates, life was pretty freaking great.
Max walked arm in arm with El down the long hallways of Hawkins High School on their way to last period, laughing and talking quietly among themselves.

"Hey, Mayfield! Hopper!"

Max and El whirled around to find a skinny guy in gym shorts and a tank top running towards them. El sunk a little where she stood, shy and caught off guard by the boy in front of them. Max smiled. "Hey, um, should we know you?" She asked with an awkward laugh. The boy shook his head. "Nah, I'm a sophomore. Name's Ian." He said with a smile. His dark, almost black hair fell over his icy blue eyes. He extended his hand, and Max shook it gently. "How did you know our names?" She asked curiously. Ian shrugged. "You're Hargrove's sister. Everyone knows you. And your friend is with you all the time, so her name got around fast." Ian admitted. Max rolled her eyes. "Right, Billy. Of course, everyone knows I'm off limits thanks to him." She huffed frustratedly. "What? No, no. I mean Bonnie. Man she's really something." Ian said as his cheeks turned a light rosy color. Max's eyes grew wide for a moment. "Oh, y-yeah. Bonnie. Sorry, I'm just so used to everyone drooling over Billy."

"Well EVERYBODY drools over that sister of yours."

"Yeah, I've noticed."

Ian quickly pulled out two yellow flyers and waved them in front of the girls. "Well, my brother's throwing a party tonight. I was wondering if you guys would wanna come hang for a while.?" He said with a dashing smile. Max and El looked at each other for a moment and then back at Ian. El started to shake her head and open her mouth in protest, but Max cut her off. "We'd love to." She said quickly as she grabbed the flyers. "Great, I'll see you two tonight." He said with a wink.

After Ian walked off, El slapped Max's arm. "Max, since when do we party?" She asked in a frustrated tone. "Since today," she said with a grin. El crossed her arms and glared at her best friend. "C'mon, El! Our boyfriends are losers who chose to hang with each other and with not us. They're too 'in love' with each other to even notice they're girlfriends. We deserve a night for ourselves." Max pleaded. El rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Max. We better not get in trouble for this." El said through a tired sigh. Max giggled excitedly. "Don't worry, it'll be a night we'll never forget."

"A party? Since when do you party?"
Billy examined the flyer that Max had brought home and left on the kitchen table. He picked the girls up that day since Bonnie said she had some catch up work to do at the school.

"Since today. El and I are going to have some fun," Max stated as she snatched the flyer from his hands. El shook her head as she sipped on a coke at the kitchen counter. "Well Supergirl here doesn't look like she's up for it." Billy said as he poked El's head. She swatted his hand away quickly, not looking up from her drink.

🌺~BLOSSOM~🌺Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ