Emergency Hotline (Book 1)

By Solaris_Pannel

4.8K 286 320

America is in university student, interning for the 'First responders' Job. Although United Nations Disagrees... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
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Fake art-collab for '11 Minutes'?
L谈虃蛥挞o谈處蜌虡v痰虙虦态e谈蛢蜁r谈虛虣 檀虃虄摊蛪o谈蛦蛵滩f痰蛫虓滩 谭蜎蛪虡m痰虄蛯號蜌i檀虥贪n谈虒虓碳蛥e谭虉虪虧
'Fake' Art collab
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 8

190 12 0
By Solaris_Pannel

All America remembers is sleeping in a alley. And some how waking in his parents house.

Little heads up would be nice! America thought as he got up from bed.

He had a huge gash in his arm. Which made him collapse on his bed.

Where'd I get this from.? America thought, it hurt like hell.

Then he heard one of those record player things.

Definitely back home. America noted as he climbed out of bed. His hurt arm was dragged basically on the ground.

When he saw his parents in the living room they were watching TV on the sofa.

France rushed up to America.

"Oh! I was so worried.." She said hugging him, America patted her back with his good arm. The fucked up one was his left.

"Yeah, America. We were terribly worried." Britain said putting down his tea on the table.

"I am fine..ow. Okay maybe not so fine." America he said trying to cover his arm has the collapsed onto the floor.

His parents rushed to him.

"America!" France said looking at the huge gash on his arm

"By golly, what happen ere'?" Britain said

"Gah...pain..but honestly no damn clue." America said. The gash opened more and more. With black blood coming out.

The black was pouring out of his cut. France tried to put pressure on it to stop but alas, it spilled on her hands.

"What is this?" France said shaking her hands to get it off.

"Perhaps a toxic knife?" Britain said getting up to get bandages.

"You think America was cut with one? But by who?" France asked

"Whoever it is just hurry!" America said on the verge of tears.


Once it was all wrapped up America now had to wear his jacket.

Or long sleeves, just something to hide his arm.

His parents said he had to stay here until they knew what was going on.

Which would be fine, if America didn't have a job. That was all in his mind.

Work. Work. Work. Work.

But even then, should he be focusing on the fact he's with his family for once?

He'd do anything to go back in time and not see that Russian kid. As much as his stomach caught butterflies, no matter how many times he blushed at the thought.

It was all in his head, right?

Opal aka New Zealand came into his room,

"Ames. You ok?" She asked softly. She was 15, and cared about her brothers more than anything in the world.

"Zea- I honestly have no clue." America said shrugging.

Opal walked up to where Liam was. Lazy on his bed of course.

"Wanna play uno?" She asked climbing on his bed, taking out the cards from her hoodie.

"Bet sister."

"Oh it's on Ame!" She said shuffling the cards.

"Pshhh I invited uno-"

"Didn't invent the name." She said passing out the cards

"Well- technically I— ok you won there," he said laughing, Zealand giggled.

As they played the most triggered game of uno in history, America's phone blew up.

Opal sighed "Liam, you said you'd play with me!" She said peering over his phone.

America flipped it over, "It's nothing- unless you think you can't win" he said smirking

"Skip." She said, then America was the most triggered person in the world.

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