Better Together

By ItstheMS

509 11 17

It is said time can heal all wounds. I have found to much time can tear them apart. Can people hurt by traged... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 17

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By ItstheMS

Chapter 17:  Harry

The elevator doors opened on the fifth floor and immediately there was an eruption of noise coming from Harry’s room.  What on earth was going on?  It sounded like a screaming fight!  Then my mind went to the conversation I had with Louis last night and I took off down the hall fearing the worst.

I went right into Harry’s room without even knocking.  A fight was going on all right, but it wasn’t what I thought.

Zayn was in there in a wheel chair and Perrie was behind him.  Louis was standing between Zayn and Harry and Liam was standing by the head of Harry’s bed.  Niall was sitting with his head in his hands in the corner.

“What the heck is going on in here?  You can be heard screaming from down the hall!  Need I remind you all, this is still a hospital!”

Louis spoke up first, “Well it seems that Perrie here thought she should come and enlighten Harry about his memories.  Harry got a bit snippy with her, Zayn got a bit snippy with him, then Liam and I got involved and Harry started crying and the yelling just kind of escalated.  Sorry.”

“Where is security while this is going on?”

“I’m here.”  Jonathan walked in holding a tray full of coffees and teas.  “What is going on?”

“Didn’t you hear the yelling?”

“No, I was getting everyone beverages.”  He took a look around and saw the mess before him.  “Bloody hell, what is going on?  Never mind, don’t want to know.  Harry is not supposed to be having undo stress right now.  The doctors are still trying to sort him out, so why any of you would be in here upsetting him is inappropriate!  Niall don’t you have an appointment with the orthopedist?  Perhaps Louis can join you, Liam would you see that Zayn and Perrie make it back to his room, I know for a fact he is seeing his doctor shortly as well.  Harry, why don’t you go get washed up, I’m sure Jillian is ready for breakfast, she is hear right on time as promised.”  He helped Harry off his bed and to the restroom. 

The others all started leaving.  Louis gave me a look of genuine fear. “Louis, did he remember?”

“Not yet, but Zayn and Perrie took it upon themselves to start telling him things.  I haven’t even had a chance to make up.  I’m seriously freaking out here.”

“Don’t freak out. I’m sure things will be fine.  Why don’t you give us a chance to eat and chat and for Harry to calm down, maybe an hour?  Then come join us.  I noticed this morning that there is a nice park with a walking path behind the hospital, maybe we can take a stroll if Harry is up to it.”

“Ya, OK, shit I hope this didn’t just fuck everything up. Oh damn, sorry about the language.”

“It’s allright, I may have uttered a bad word or two in my time.  Go help Niall now.  See you in a while.”

Jonathan came back into the room after making sure everyone had dispersed and another incident wouldn’t take place in the hall.  Harry came out of the restroom looking tired and miserable.

I went over and took his hand, “Come, let’s get some breakfast, I’m starving!  I was going to suggest going to Village Inn across the street, but I don’t know how that might work with you being so famous and all.  Perhaps just the cafeteria?”

He nodded and held my hand.  We walked silently and went into the cafeteria.  We each got a tray of food and found a nice spot alone by a window overlooking the park I had seen earlier.

“I thought I saw a park.  Perhaps we could take a walk after breakfast if you feel up to it.  You look pretty tired though.”

“I’m not tired, just frustrated.  I am angry I can’t remember anything, and angry by what I was hearing from Perrie.  It’s just so frustrating not knowing!”

“I’m sure it is.  I can’t imagine how you are feeling right now.  What did happen this morning?”

“Well, I had set an alarm so I would be up in time for breakfast.  I was just waking up and lying in bed still trying to remember anything.  That is a strange feeling, thinking to yourself, remember, anything, and then not knowing for sure if you are remembering something or just making it up because you want to grab on to any thought.”  He took a drink of his coffee then and looked reflective.  “I finally gave up on the remembering thing and went to get a quick shower.  When I came out, Perrie and Zayn were in my room.”

“Oh, that must have been a bit awkward.”

“Well, yes and no.  Where my memories last were, we were all friends and it’s certainly not like Zayn hasn’t seen me in various stages of getting ready.  So I just quick got dressed and sat down and waited for them to say what they were there for.  I figured it wasn’t good because of the way Perrie had acted yesterday.”

We stopped talking for a few minutes and enjoyed our breakfast while it was still warm.

“So, what did they have to say?”

“Well, it was  a very weird conversation.  They said I got all nasty in Peru after the whole pot thing.  That Louis had sent me a video and it made me mad.  I guess I was yelling a lot at Louis and Zayn about it and made quite a scene.  I don’t remember any of this.  Perrie refused to believe I didn’t remember and that’s when the yelling started.  Louis and Niall had been across the hall in their room, and Liam was in his room.  They heard the yelling start and came running in. “

“What were they yelling Harry?”

“Well Perrie thinks I’m faking my amnesia because I was quote ‘such a total dick and now I need to make up so I’m faking amnesia to get everyone’s forgiveness.’ “

He ate a couple more forkfuls of food and was actually starting to look a little better.

“So I told her I wasn’t faking and she screamed I was a Liar.  Zayn asked her to not yell, but she said I deserved some yelling.  She said I liked yelling at everyone so much it was time for a taste of my own medicine.  At that point, the other guys were in there.  Liam was trying to calm things down and Zayn actually turned on him and started yelling too.  He asked why Liam always thought he had to get in the middle of everything and told him to sit the hell down.  Niall spoke up and said that was uncalled for, Liam was just trying to help, they all were.  What was all this yelling for.  Perrie  tore into him and told him to stay out of it, he was such an expert at that, never enough balls to pick a side and be honest.  Louis blew a gasket then and jumped between Zayn and I and started yelling that was enough.  So she yelled back at him about going back to me and was he really that needy for a friend that he would chose me over Zayn after the crap I had put them all through.  Louis said I deserved a chance to regain my memories, in the meantime, perhaps we could all be a little nicer to each other and use the time to try to rebuild friendships, maybe these moments would make things better once my memories were back.  Perrie tore into him again about choosing his friends a bit more carefully.  That’s when you walked in.  She looked like she was going to say more, but you put an end to that.  Thank you, I was so upset and confused, I wasn’t sure how much more I could take.”

“I’m so sorry Harry.  This is hard enough without the fighting.  How can I help you?”

“I don’t know.  I just want to remember.”

“What do your doctors say?  Do you think you should ask questions and be told things about the missing memory time?”

“They think I should gather info from everyone, make notes, keep a journal.  They think I may remember stuff in my sleep and if I do I should write things down as soon as I wake up and ask people about them.  They also say I should ask questions but to keep in mind that what I would be hearing would be other people’s memories, not mine.  That this might help trigger my own memories, but I shouldn’t rely too heavily on everyone else’s memories.”

“That sounds like good advice.  So if I were you I would take what happened this morning with a grain of salt, make a few notes about specific things, leaving out the anger parts, and move on.  Have you talked with the other guys alone yet?”

“No not really.  Louis sat with Niall, Lian and I last night while we watched a movie.  We didn’t really talk though.  It seemed like he was angry, but trying to not be angry.  Does that make sense?  Anyway nothing of any importance was said.”

“Well, I had a nice chat with Louis last night.”

“You did?  Is that where he suddenly left to?”

“Yes it is.  I think he does have some real feelings about things that happened.  I think he may be a good source of info for you.  But I agree with your doctors, take what you hear and remember, you have a side as well.  Speaking of Louis though, I invited him to join us in a bit.  I thought maybe we could all enjoy that walk, give you an opportunity to talk a little.  Also, before I forget, I told Lian I would ask if her and Lizzy could join the group for lunch today.  Do you think that would be ok?”

“I would love to have Louis join us.  And I think it would be great to see Lian and Lizzy at lunch.  They have been through so much as well.  But I bet management won’t want them around when they brief us on the investigation.  But let’s check with Jonathan.”

“Sounds great!”

Right then Louis walked in and came over to join us. “Hi.”

“Hi Louis.  We were just talking about that walk I mentioned earlier.  How are you feeling, think you might be up for some sunshine and Arizona heat?”

“Sure, if Harry is.”

Harry looked at Louis, he had a mixture of emotions rolling over his face.  Everything from delight to uncertainty.  I hoped they could find their way back to being friends.  I hoped whatever Harry’s side of the story was wouldn’t be stronger than their obvious affection for each other.

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