Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:  A date

I woke up feeling like I had only slept for an hour.  Not refreshed at all.  I was about to roll back over and go back to sleep when I saw Niall.  He was asleep in a chair with his bad leg propped up on Harry’s bed.  It looked obscenely uncomfortable.  But he didn’t seem to be bothered, he was fast asleep, chin to his chest and snoring loudly.  I took another look around the room and by the door in another chair was a new ‘man in black’ reading a book. 

I looked at the clock and it was 9:00am.  I had actually slept for several hours.  There was light slipping through the crack in the curtains.  It was too late now, I would never fall back to sleep, tired or not, my body sees daylight and thinks it needs to get up.   So I stretched and sat up.  The security guard looked up and smiled but did not say anything as everyone else was still sleeping.

I got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom.  As I did, Mr. Security stood and walked towards me with a bag in hand.  He handed it to me and whispered in my ear “I’m Mark, pleased to meet you.” Then he resumed his spot on the chair with his book.

Well that was in improvement finally, someone offering a name.  I took the bag and went into the restroom.  I found a change of underwear, socks and a new t-shirt and shorts.  As well as a small bottle of shampoo and conditioner a hairbrush a razor, some lotion and deodorant.  There was a little note from Cheri ‘I hope everything fits all right, at least it is clean.  I left a bag for Lian as well.  Good luck ladies!’  That was so sweet.  Way above the call of duty.  But then I thought back to Paul last night and decided that he was paying for this.

I took a quick shower and got dressed.  That felt as good as anything.  I did not realize how smoky I smelled until I started to wash it away.  As I was brushing my teeth, my stomach let me know that it was being neglected.  I wondered if I could have some food brought up to me so I didn’t have to leave Lian.

I exited the bathroom and to my surprise saw Niall sitting up and wide awake.  “Excellent!  A breakfast date!” I had to stop myself from laughing out loud and waking the whole room.  Mark cast a nasty glare in Niall’s direction though.

Niall stood, and held his finger to his lips and started dramatically tiptoeing towards the room door waving me to join him.

I wasn’t sure if I should leave Lian or not.  I looked towards Mark and saw him holding my phone.  I went over and grabbed it.  He whispered, “Security number has been programed in.  If you see security come up on your display it is one of us.  I will let you know if she wakes up and needs you.  Go enjoy some food, I bet you could use it.”

I looked back at Lian again, but she certainly looked like she would not be up for a while.  Harry was also still asleep and snoring softly.  I smiled fondly and noticed Mark doing the same thing.  “Easy to love them like this isn’t it?”  He said quietly.  I couldn’t disagree.

Niall’s head popped back in the doorway and I received a hurry up I’m hungry look and smiled again at Mark and followed Niall out of the room.

He turned away from the elevators which I assumed we would need to get to the cafeteria, but went instead towards the end of the wing.

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