Author Note

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Just a short break in the action here.  I am in the process of re-writing the next chapter as I am making some changes.  Those changes will affect a few future chapters, so I am re-writing those as well now to make sure I will like this direction I am going.  So if you are here, please be patient,  I hope to have this next chapter up soon and it should go pretty quickly after that.  I just want to make sure I give you the best story possible and not a "cop-out" story just because I was lazy and wrote the easy story vs. doing the work and making it right.

Since you are here though, I would love some input.  Do you like the story so far?  Do you hate it?  Any comments or concerns?  Please share, I can't improve if I don't know what is working and what isn't.

Thanks for reading and sticking with me in this slow edit/re-write process.

Happy holidays!


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