By soulfulstiles

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{DYLAN O'BRIEN} {SOCIAL MEDIA FIC} On-screen, Liv Mason and Dylan O'Brien have natura... More

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the end: your choice
christmas bonus:)
bonus: never have i ever
bonus: staying silent isn't an option
bonus: olivia and tyler take friendship test
bonus: lake trip
bonus: q&a and pb&j waffles
bonus: pb&j waffles cont'd
bonus: season six promo
bonus: vote
bonus: things that need to be said
bonus: last day of filming
bonus: outdoors
bonus: tw reunion
bonus: tw reunion part 2
i can't believe it
New Book
bonus: just dylia being cute :)
bonus: surprise!
bonus: the outfit premiere
bonus: teen wolf movie
bonus: teen wolf interview
bonus: the actual interview (young hollywood)
bonus: not okay premiere
vote on new cover
bonus: tw movie poster
bonus: trio photoshoot and interview for flaunt magazine

bonus: dylan o'brien and olivia mason find out how well they know each other

8K 143 59
By soulfulstiles

❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉

livmason posted a photo

liked by tylerposey58, mtv, and 1,345,998 others

livmason buzzfeed confirmed it: I know my boyfriend pretty well 😝😊

view all 600,387 comments
tagged: dobrien, buzzfeed

username I stan a beautiful and unproblematic couple.


username the way he kept staring at her 😭😩

tylerposey58 my dylia heart
livmason lol miss you dork, wanna grab lunch soon?
tylerposey58 um. Yes. Duh. of course. I miss my Olive.
dobrien oooo can I come???
tylerposey58 NO. ITS BFFS ONLY
dobrien I'm literally your best friend wtf. DO YOU NOT MISS YOUR DYL-PICKLE. I MISS YOU TPOSE.
tylerposey58 I'll think about it.
livmason you guys are spamming my comment section when you literally can text each other
dobrien sorry sweetheart 💜
tylerposey58 soz olive✌🏻

username best trio to exist ^^

username Are Sierra and stiles getting back together this season??? I CANT HANDLE WAITING

username check my profile for details of teen wolf season 7! 😱
livmason dang we haven't even filmed season six. I'm behind

username lol Olivia exposing people is my fave

dobrien liviieeeeeeeeeee
livmason dyllllllllllllllll
dobrien I love you and want cuddles. 💜
livmason I love you too 💜 and lol here I come

username GOALS GOALS

username I live for their smoothie debates.

❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉

"Hey guys, it's Dylan!" The Maze Runner star greeted the camera wearing a bright grin, sitting on a stool in front of a red screen.

"Well, hey guys, I'm Liv!" Olivia smiled as well, on Dylan's left.

The couple had been doing press for Teen Wolf the past week, and were residing in Buzzfeed's LA unit for part of the day. A lot of interviews had taken place, and at this point, both actors started to feel tired. However, knowing this quiz was the last of their checklist helped them push through—especially since it acted more like a game.

They held laptops in their lap, that would reveal the questions they needed to answer.

"And we are here with Buzzfeed to see how well we know each other," Dylan said, glancing at his girlfriend. "Before this, how would you rate our knowing-ness on a scale of one to ten?"

Olivia raised an eyebrow, the corners of her lips flipping up in amusement. "Knowing-ness?" She echoed, making Dylan's grin grow as he nodded. "Alright, I'll play. I'd say, probably like, an eight, right? We know each other well."

"This test is about to either prove you right or very wrong," Dylan teased, and she chuckled.

"Then, bring it O'Brien. Let's go."

"Their favorite snack."

"Okay, I actually know this," Dylan said first. "Because you have a million favorite snacks. You love food."

Olivia agreed, "I do yeah. Which works out because you love cooking. But what you got, Dyl? What's my favorite snack?"

"Oreos dipped in peanut butter."

"Correct," Olivia smiled at him before looking at the camera. "Best combination of all time. Yours is weird, but you eat broccoli a lot. And like, carrots too because you love hummus."

Dylan raised his hand towards her. "High-five, Livie, because that is correct!" Olivia slapped her hand against his while he told their audience, "We're off to a great start! Yeah buddy!"

"Their dressing room must have...."

"Oreos and peanut butter," Dylan repeated his previous answer, making Olivia laugh.

"I would love to argue with you but you're right, so I can't," Olivia told him. "All of those answers are true." She looked down to what she put for Dylan's dressing room must-have and twisted her fingers. "Your answer is good but I don't know if you'll find mine accurate."

Dylan playfully nudged her shoulder with his own when he thought of an inside joke. "A strawberry smoothie?"

"Awe, dang it, that would've been good!" Olivia complained and he chuckled. "I just put your drum set and root beer."

"No, no, that answer is perfect!" Dylan rushed to assure her by placing a hand on her shoulder. "You know I have an addiction to root beer." He looked at the camera. "I have a mini fridge stock full of them."

Olivia cracked a grin. "You do, bud. I remember for your birthday people bought cans in bulk."

"I remember that! T-Pose was the one who set it up, the little prick."

"Their go-to activity between filming scenes...."

Dylan ran a hand through his hair before then stretching his arm behind Olivia's chair. "I feel like we  both, kind of, chill around between scenes."

"We're just chill people," Olivia said, lazily shrugging her shoulder to emphasis her point. "Chillin', you know? Go on walks or enjoy some TV."

A smile slipped onto Dylan's face as he looked at her. "Unless we're pranking someone," he reminded.

At once, Olivia straightened her back. "Dude, you are so right," she nodded. "Pranking is a serious event on set. We don't do it often, but we mean business when it happens."

"So we both got that one right then?" Dylan guessed and she shot him a thumbs up.

"We got that one right!"

"Their last project before this one...."

"That's kind of hard," Olivia commented, and looked at Dylan. "Like, are we talking about before Teen Wolf ever started? Or just this season?"

"Let's do this season," Dylan decided. "If we did before it started, I wouldn't have anything to list besides my YouTube channel."

"But it was a lovely channel," Olivia pat his knee and offered him a grin. "And without it, you wouldn't be here."

"Very true, Livie."

"Your last project was The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials," Olivia answered the question, tilting her head.

"Correct," Dylan confirmed. "And yours was Tomorrowland with the incredible Mr. Clooney. Whom I got to meet—which was freaking awesome."

Olivia recalled with a bright smile, "I remember that day! You got a nervous and shy. I think that's the first time I've ever seen you starstruck."

Dylan felt his cheeks heat up, because her words were true. Finding out she got cast as a lead in a movie with George Clooney was huge, and when she let him meet the actor, Dylan got excited. But who wouldn't?

Olivia knew Dylan was a huge fan of her co-star and purposely created more openings within her schedule so he could visit the set. She smiled at her boyfriend as he cleared his throat. "I really hope he doesn't see this," he told her, and she chuckled. "Because I will be thoroughly embarrassed."

"Oh, he liked you, don't worry."

"Person who visits you most on set...."

"Oh, your sister," Olivia answered easily.

Dylan nodded, "Yeah. Your sister visited you quite a lot, too, didn't she?"

"She did whenever she got a break from filming her own show, yeah," Olivia replied.

"Did your sisters ever meet?" a producer, behind the scenes, asked and made their heads turn towards the camera.

Olivia stifled a laugh as Dylan said, "Actually, yeah. Strangely they were there at the exact same time."

"He's right," Olivia continued, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. "But the day they came we were filming a lot of our scenes together, meaning both of us were busy. So they met and ended up hanging out at a spa."

"It's really random when you think about it," Dylan thought aloud, amused.

"But hey, they're friends," Olivia pointed out. "That's pretty cool."

"Good ole Julia and Dani."

"Their acting medium preference...."

Olivia listed off the options. "Film, TV, commercial, theatre, et cetera."

"You like TV, don't you?" Dylan double-checked how he thought she'd respond.

"I do love TV," Olivia said with a soft smile as she looked into the camera. "I think that's right. I just love how close you become with a cast, especially if you go on for multiple seasons. You get to continue growing into your character and find deeper relationships with people. I love that part. But you prefer movies, right? I feel like we've talked about this before with each other."

Dylan snuck his hand into hers out of frame before he answered her. "I think there's something special about all the mediums really, but movies are insane. It just, it amazes me how people can create stories, or with The Maze Runner, worlds, so quickly and develop them. Not to mention, I feel like you see such dedication with movies because of the time crunch."

"Then you get the whole experience of doing press tours and then the premieres," Olivia added, meeting his eye. "Movies are sick."

They smiled at one another, Dylan echoing, "Movies are sick."

"Their favorite movie...."

Olivia pressed her hands on the sides of her head and closed her eyes. Dylan looked at her, entertained by her acts to think. "I can do this," she said. "I know I know your favorite movie. I can do this."

"What?" he asked. "Livie, we just did this in the last interview!"

"I know, I know," Olivia groaned, "but we talked about a lot of movies after that and now I'm confused."

"Well, while you think of mine, I'll just say yours," Dylan stated. "It's Beauty and the Beast."

Olivia pursed her lips when he shifted his eyes to her expectantly. "My mind is going completely blank right now. I wanna say....An American Werewolf in London?"

He scrunched his face together. "Close, but no. That one is definitely in my top five, though. It's Never Been Kissed."

"Awe, man, I was gonna say that!" Olivia exclaimed. "Can I still get a point because I got another movie you like?"

"It doesn't work like that, Livie."

"First time you met...."

Together they stated, "Chemistry read."

"For Teen Wolf way back when," Olivia added, Dylan nodding in agreement.

"Their birth year...."

"Well, that's easy," Dylan declared, typing his answer on the laptop. "I mean, we're the same age. I'm just a couple months older."

"Yeah, but you were still born the year before me," Olivia pointed out. "Because my birthday is in April and yours is in August from the year nineteen-ninety-one."

"Which means you were born in ninety-two," Dylan started to nod. "Yep, yep. You are right."

Olivia chuckled as he fixed the year on his screen. "I feel like you should get that one wrong."

"What? No way!"

"I literally watched you put it in nineteen-ninety-one," Olivia deadpanned. Then she flicked his shoulder. "You're wrong, O'Brien."

Dylan dramatically sighed, back pacing his answer again. "Fine, Livie, we'll do it your way."

"If by my way, you mean the best way, then absolutely."

"Their birthday...."

Olivia replied without hesitation. "Your birthday is August twenty-sixth."

"Don't remind me," Dylan pretended to be disgusted. "I'm turning twenty-four. That's so weird for me to think about."

Olivia looked at him, confused. "Wait, seriously?" she asked. "Why?"

"Because it means I'm getting closer to my mid-twenties," Dylan answered. "Then it'll be turning thirty and I don't want to think of that right now. Sometimes I feel like I act like I'm still eighteen."

"I respectfully disagree," Olivia told him with a shrug. "I mean, you still live in the moment which I think helps you act younger but you've definitely matured since I first met you."

"But I'm still your goofball, right?"

Olivia smiled. "Yes, honey, you're still my goofball."

Dylan pumped his fist in the air. "Yes!" Olivia laughed, as he then snapped his fingers. "And your birthday is April eighteenth because you just turned twenty-three."

"Very much so, you are correct."

"Their hometown...."

"I know this because I've been to your hometown," Dylan said once he read the question. "Wait, or are we talking about where you were born?"

"I was gonna ask the same thing because I have two different answers in my head," Olivia agreed.

Both of the looked at one of the people backstage, who informed them it could refer to anywhere they wanted.

"Then I feel like I should just say Carolina or LA," Dylan decided. "Because you were born in Charlotte, but grew up in Greenville until you came to California."

"Dang, I am impressed," Olivia stated, making his smile widen. "Very nice, good job. You had a similar case because you lived in New Jersey until you were, what, twelve?" Dylan nodded and she went on. "Then you moved to Hermosa Beach."

He challenged her by raising his eyebrows. "Do you remember the town in New Jersey?"

"Springfield Township."

Dylan clapped his hands to showcase her being correct and she shrugged her shoulders. "You told me you wanted to take me there one day, so I remembered."



"Their middle name...."

Olivia pointed at the camera. "Trick question! He doesn't have a middle name." She shifted to see him better and commented, "Which I actually respect your parents for, because your name flows really well without one."

"I think your name flows better with one," Dylan said. "Olivia Brooke Mason. It suits you."

"Well, thank you," Olivia grinned. "Dylan O'Brien."

"Their coffee order...."

"Okay, I'll admit that this is one fact about you that I just don't understand," Olivia announced, causing him to glance over, puzzled.

"What, why?"

"Because you drink your coffee black," Olivia emphasized. "No cream, no sugar, nothing. That's weird, Dyl."

"Eh, it's true but I wouldn't call it weird," Dylan replied with a slight lift of his shoulders. "A lot of people drink coffee plain."

Olivia stated, "Old men, Dylan. Old men drink coffee straight." Her face brightened as she remembered one of their previous questions and nudged him. "At least that's one less transition you'll make when your age gets up there, aye?"

Dylan rolled his eyes but there was a hint of a smile on his face. "Whatever, string bean," he brushed her off. "With your coffee order, I feel like it changes 'cause you don't drink it often. If you do, you add vanilla creamer."

"Oh, definitely," Olivia dipped her head into a nod.

"Anything else is like a latte or a frappe," Dylan mentally recalled all of their coffee shop dates. "You get drinks with the bare minimum of coffee and loads of sugar. Or a smoothie."

"I love the smell of coffee and coffee ice cream, but I can't drink it a lot," Olivia said. "I don't know really why. But mango smoothies are probably my all-time favorite drink."

"We all know strawberry is better," Dylan said nonchalantly, looking at his computer screen.

"You wish strawberry was better," Olivia retorted, Dylan cracking at the sass in her tone. "We've argued about this for years, honey, you're not gonna change my mind."

"Have you ever tried a strawberry smoothie?" He asked, crossing his arms and keeping the laptop balanced on his knees.



"But," Olivia continued, despite his attempts to interrupt her. "It was gross. My tastebuds weren't happy."

"Well, your tastebuds are broken," Dylan shot back, unintentionally making Olivia giggle.

"My tastebuds are broken?" She repeated in amusement. "How does that work exactly?"

"They are failing to let you taste delicious, sweet flavor," he declared. "You need new ones!"

"Wait seven years and get back to me."

"Name another character they have portrayed."

"Before you answer, we cannot include our movies from earlier," Dylan said. "I feel like that's cheating."

"Yeah, you're right." Olivia pursed her lips to think. "I know you were in The Internship because I remember you showing me the selfie with Owen Wilson...but I'm struggling to remember the name of your character."

"I know you played a girl named Allie," Dylan told her. "I think it was for Avalon High."

Olivia nodded. "Yeah, that's right. How'd you remember that?"

"When Tyler and I found out you were cast we watched a lot of your movies," he admitted. "That one was my favorite."

Olivia's face broke out into a smile and she rested one of her hands over her heart. "Awe, that's sweet!" She looked down at the screen, and added, "I love my boys."

Suddenly a name struck her and she shouted, "Stuart! You played Stuart in the movie!

Dylan laughed, covering his mouth partially with his hand but nodded his head. "Yep, that's right. You got it."

"I knew it!"

"Their hidden talent...."

"I don't know how hidden this is," Olivia started, glancing at him. "But you play the drums really well."

Dylan sent her a smile from the compliment. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Are any of our talents hidden?" Dylan questioned, trying to think of an answer for his girlfriend. He leaned back in his chair and stretched one of his arms. "We don't really hide anything from each other. I mean, you sing. Not in front of other people usually, but you do. And you love to dance."

"But am I good at dancing?" Olivia scrunched her nose and then shook her head. "Nah, not really. But I'll take the singing, so thank you."

"I feel like we should count pranking as a talent," Dylan joked.

"Oh, yes!" Olivia agreed with a firm nod. "Add that for both of us, for sure!"

Olivia waited for her results to load. Once they popped up, she read, "I got fourteen out of fifteen answers. That means I only missed the question about your favorite movie." She moved closer to him in order to glance over his shoulder. "What'd you get?"

"Ugh, thirteen," Dylan pouted. Olivia cheered, Dylan talking over her to defend himself. "Only because I counted the dressing room question wrong!"

"Don't care, I still won," she playfully poked his cheek. "So take that, O'Brien."

Dylan used his quick reflexes to grab hold of her hand to stop her from poking him again. He kissed it before saying, "All this means is that we know each other well."

"Maybe," Olivia said, squeezing his hand. "But I still won."

"Agree to disagree."

"Well thank you, Buzzfeed!" Olivia grinned at the camera while Dylan wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pressed a kiss to her hair.

"Cheers!" he thanked them as well. "Till next time."

"We'll catch you on the flip side," Olivia concluded, throwing up a peace sign. Dylan chuckled but mimicked her movements.

"Catch you on the flip side!"

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