A Single Step

By tufano79

21.9K 900 129

Isabella Biers had it all. A loving husband, two adorable children and the dream job. One night, however, cha... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Epilogue Two
Epilogue Three

Epilogue One

1.1K 39 6
By tufano79

Disclaimer: None of this mine, nor will it ever be. The characters belong to Stephenie Meyer and I just like to play with Edward and Bella.

Also, thank you so much for your support for my writing. It means to me more than words can say.

I'm unsure if you'd heard, but one of our beloved fandom family members passed away a couple of weekends ago. Dee Creston, lovingly known as FangirlinGrandmaDee, died peacefully and surrounded by family. This chapter is dedicated to one of the kindest, warmest and friendliest members of our TwiFamily. Her love of fic and her encouraging words will be missed, tremendously.

From me to you, Dee, {GIANT TUFANO HUGS AND SMOOCHES} ... always and forever.

"It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen."
John Wooden

Chapter Twenty

Epilogue One

Bella signed her name on the diary with a flourish. "I hope you enjoy the book, Sami" she smiled. "Thank you for coming out today. I'm sorry about the weather."

"I've read it so many times that my copy has fallen apart," said a girl, Sami, who was a little over eighteen. She was in a motorized wheelchair. "And reading an e-book doesn't have the same allure of holding a real book."

"I agree," Bella laughed. "My husband teases me that we're going to have to buy a second house for my book collection!"

"Well, I think books are important, especially this one," Sami said. "After my car accident, I was in a dark place. My mom was given this book and after she read it, she gave it to me. I know that I'll never walk again and my hands are ..." She held up gnarled claws that were scarred with burns. "But, reading your book helped me realize that I shouldn't just give up."

"I'm glad that I was able to help you. It's why I published my diary," Bella said, reaching over and taking Sami's hands. "You are strong, beautiful and amazing. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise." She reached behind her chair and handed the girl another book. "My second book, it's a work of fiction, a romance, but I think you'll like it ... a gift for you."

"Thank you, so much," Sami cried. Bella got up and hugged the girl. Sami's mother took a picture of the two of them and Bella asked if she could post the photo to her Instagram. Sami nodded excitedly, giving Bella her Instagram handle to tag her. She sat back down, posting the photo and waving at Sami.

Bella sat back, rubbing her neck. There was a brief pause at the book signing and she got up, looking at the books near her table. She picked up a romance novel that she'd edited, reading the blurb on the back.

"It's an addiction, Mrs. Cullen," Edward quipped, holding a cup of coffee and a little girl. He kissed the girl. "Go say hi to Mommy."

"This is a pleasant surprise," Bella beamed, crouching down to hug her three-year-old daughter, Gianna. "How are you peanut?"

"I wanted to see you, Mommy," Gianna said, playing with Bella's hair. "Daddy said we could."

"Diane let me in," Edward laughed. "I bribed her with coffee."

"Where's Seth?"

"He's flirting with some girls at Starbucks," Edward groaned. "Gianna wanted to see her mommy." He bent down, kissing Bella's lips. "And I wanted to see my wife."

"Your wife is glad you're here. I'm almost done," she smiled, holding Gianna in her lap. "I never expected a new cover of my diary, A Single Step, would mean a book signing tour and all this publicity."

"Bella, your diary was ... it gave a lot of people with disabilities hope. Your words are powerful and poignant. Not everyone is as lucky as you, or has the support system you have," Edward said, his fingers trailing down his daughter's curls. "You've given those people another outlet of support. The social media, interactive blog and access to medical and psychological professionals? You've changed a lot of lives."

After Edward's heartfelt and beautiful proposal, nearly five years ago, they decided not to wait and got married within a few months of his proposal in January. It was an intimate ceremony, held at Canlis. Jake stood up as Edward's best man and Bella asked Diane to be her maid of honor. Bella wore an elegant cream sheath dress, carrying a bouquet of lavender roses, reminiscent of the bouquet he'd gotten her for their first date. Edward wore a black suit, crying as he watched his future wife walk down the aisle to him, on the arm of her father.

Nine months later, Gianna Marie Cullen was born.

With her history, Bella was put under sedation for the birth of their daughter. They didn't want to give her an epidural due to her spinal stroke and a nerve block was out of the question. When she woke up, Bella did have some sluggishness with her legs and was relegated back to the wheelchair and physical therapy after her second C-section healed. Her boys helped out tremendously, taking care of the baby and catering to Bella's whims. Edward even hired a nanny for Gianna until Bella got her legs back.

It took a few months, but Bella fully recovered in time for them to move into their new home on Mercer Island. Suffice it to say, Bella's career as an author had taken off. The first edition of A Single Step had sold over a million copies, climbing to the top of the charts. There were also several movie studios who were eager to buy the movie rights.

With the purchase of the rights by Summit, the book was republished with a new cover, similar to the movie theme, with the actors from the movie. The negotiations took a great deal of time because Bella wanted it to be faithful to her diary, to her story. Summit allowed her creative control and worked exclusively with her in writing the script. Filming had wrapped and the movie would premiere in July.

In addition to writing, Bella worked with Jasper, Rosalie and Edward on creating an online community for men and women who had recently experienced a loss of mobility. It started out as a local endeavor, but quickly spread to be nation-wide. Bella spoke on" talk shows about her experience and was an advocate for people with disabilities, but without any sort of family support.

"Bella, are you ready for the last hour of the signing?" Diane asked.

"My ass hurts," Bella muttered against Edward's shoulder.

"Bad word, Mommy," Gianna giggled. Bella tickled her daughter's sides and she laughed. "Stop, Mommy!"

"You are a stinker, Gianna," Bella said, kissing her daughter's temple. "I love you, peanut."

"Love you, Mommy," Gianna replied, hugging her neck. "Can I get a book?"

"According to Daddy, we have too many books," Bella quipped, winking at her husband. Edward chuckled, putting the cup of coffee on the table. "There's never too many books, peanut. Tell Daddy that."

"Never too many books, Daddy. Can I get a new book?" Gianna asked, jutting out her lip and batting her eyelashes at her father. Bella joined in.

"The two of you are killing me," Edward laughed. "Come on, peanut. Let's go find some new books." He held out his hand and Gianna squealed happily, taking his hand. "We'll be back in an hour, beautiful. I love you."

"I love you, too," Bella said, sipping the coffee he'd dropped off. "Send a text to Seth. I don't want to lose my son to a girl." Edward nodded, picking up Gianna. She kissed her father's face as they left, happy to get her way. Gianna truly was a daddy's girl. He catered to her, loving her with the same level of adoration for he had for Seth and Jake. It didn't matter that Gianna was Edward's only biological child. He adored all of his children with every ounce of his heart.

She couldn't dwell on her family, her beautiful daughter, her wonderfully patient husband or her growing boys. An older woman came up, holding a hard-cover copy of her diary. Bella grinned at her, picking up her pen and said, "Thank you so much for coming and battling the rain. I appreciate it so much. Who should I make this out to?"

After the book signing, Bella, Edward, Gianna and Seth rode back home. Jake was finishing up his freshman year of college at the University of Florida, getting his degree in physical therapy. He saw how much Edward loved his job and how he made a difference in the lives of the patients he saw. Jake wanted to make that same difference. He applied and he got in on a football scholarship. Bella hated that her oldest son was so far away, but she knew that he was doing what he loved to do. He also had family nearby with Carlisle and Esme. If Jake needed someone, he could call them.

Parking the car inside the garage, Seth, who was starting eighth grade, helped his sister out of her car seat. "Mom, Gianna and I are going to read in the loft," Seth said, holding Gianna's hand.

"Dinner will be ready in an hour, bug," Bella said, leaning against the car. Her back was tight and her body was sore.

"Dinner will be delivered in an hour," Edward amended. "Have fun, guys."

"Can I light a fire?" Seth asked, grinning widely. "It's chilly out."

"Be careful," Bella chided. Seth nodded, lifting Gianna into his arms. She hugged her brother's neck as they walked inside. "Sitting for that long is killer on the body."

"Come on, beautiful," Edward said, threading his fingers with hers. "I think a bath is in your future. I'll have something delivered." She nodded, leaning her cheek against bicep. They walked slowly up the stairs in the garage and Edward guided her to their first-floor suite. With a sweet kiss, he began filling the tub. "I'll get the mail and you just relax."

"Thanks, Edward," she said, kicking off her shoes and rolling her head. He captured her hand and cupped her cheek. "I don't deserve you."

"It is I that doesn't deserve you, beautiful," he whispered, brushing his lips against hers. "Now, relax." He gave her ass a swift slap. Bella squeaked, laughing as he left with a wink.

Edward unloaded a handful of books that his daughter had chosen. He also picked up a few books for his wife and one for himself. The new Cullen household was quite well-read. He smiled softly as he reminisced on the last five years. It had been filled with many joys and some moments of sadness.

He had married his best friend in a perfectly intimate ceremony, proclaiming his love for her in front of their friends and family.

They got pregnant, much to their surprise, on their honeymoon. Gianna Marie was born and there were a few moments of fear. When Bella woke up, she couldn't move her legs. Again. She fought her way back and was able to walk again with Edward and Marcus's assistance.

With the birth of their daughter and the difficulties with her recovery, they decided that three children were perfect. Edward volunteered to get a vasectomy, but Bella said she'd just stay on birth control and had an IUD implanted.

Shortly after Gianna's birth and their move to Mercer Island, Jake and Seth officially became Cullen's as well. They celebrated their adoption with a guy's weekend camping in Forks. Edward, Charlie, Carlisle and the boys spent the weekend up in La Push while Bella, Gianna, Renee, Esme and Elizabeth stayed in a hotel in Seattle.

A year after the boys' adoption, Edward received a phone call from his mother. She was crying hysterically and he couldn't understand her. His father took the phone from her and he explained that Aunt Elizabeth had passed away. Edward's heart shattered. She was older, but she still had her faculties and was relatively healthy.

Or, so they thought.

As it turned out, Aunt Elizabeth had been silently fighting metastatic breast cancer. She was tired and she stopped taking her medications a month prior to her death. She explained that she wanted to be with her Edward.

They flew to New York City, where Edward and Elizabeth were originally from. She was buried with her Edward in the Masen family crypt. Esme was understandably heartbroken. She'd lost her older sister. Bella and Edward were both shocked that she had been so sick. She was always vivacious and full of life, but her illness caught up to her. While in New York, they met the Masen side of the family. Felix was, indeed, Edward's doppelganger. The difference between the two was that Edward's eyes held a warmth and kindness in them, where Felix was cold and detached. Jane was sweet, but obviously distraught at the death of her mother.

Alec was just lost. He was so lost that he flew back to Jacksonville with Esme and Carlisle. He said he needed to be close to family. Felix barely wanted to take the time off for his mother's funeral and Jane was pregnant with her third child. Alec moved into his mother's home and finally planted some roots. The loss of his mother and his breakup with Amun had shaken Alec to the core. He found a place with a magazine as a photojournalist, supplementing his income with family photos and wedding photography.

Shaking his head, Edward picked up his laptop and perused some local restaurants. Seth had said he was eager for some Mexican food. He ordered some tacos and burritos from a local taqueria, having it delivered using Uber Eats. He took out a bottle of wine, opening it and pouring two glasses. He picked up one, walking back into the bedroom. Bella was in the bathtub, sitting directly on one of the jets. "Feel better, love?" he asked, handing her the glass.

"Can I just live in the jacuzzi tub?" she quipped.

"Only if I can move in with you," he snorted. "Naked all day with the opportunity to ravage you whenever I want? Yes, and please."

"You are just as pervy now as you were when we first started having sex," Bella giggled.

"And you love it," he purred. "You love when I fuck your pussy with my tongue."

"Stop it, Edward," she moaned, putting the glass on the edge of the tub and sliding beneath the water. Edward laughed, sliding his hand up her leg. Even while she was underwater, she blindly kicked at him and soaked his shirt. "You are evil," she spluttered, gasping quietly.

"I'm the devil incarnate," Edward deadpanned, leaning forward and kissing her lips. His fingers found her folds and he circled her clit slowly. "So evil and bad ..."

"T-t-t-tonight," she panted, spreading her legs. "After the kids are asleep."

"Mom! Dad! Jake is on FaceTime!" Seth bellowed.

Edward kissed his wife's forehead and removed his hand from between her legs. "Your mom will be right there," he responded. "Take your time, love."

"I'll be out in a few moments," Bella said, a coy smile. "Give Jake my love."

Edward wiped his hands and made his way into the kitchen where Seth was holding the phone in front of him and Gianna. Gianna was prattling on about her new books. Edward laughed. Gianna truly was her mother's daughter.

"Is that the old man?" Jake asked from the screen.

"Watch who you're calling old, punk," Edward snickered, taking the phone from Seth. "I can still outrun you, Jacob."

"We'll see," Jake chuckled. "You signed us up for that half marathon? In Chicago?"

"It's a family affair, son," Edward smirked. "Your mother is running, too. We'll fly to Los Angeles for the premiere of the movie a few days after the race."

"Watch, Mom smokes us both," Jake grumbled.

"I wouldn't put it past her," Edward nodded. "How's school?"

"I'm bored this semester," Jake sighed. "I couldn't get any classes in my major. So, I'm taking mainly prerequisites and my gen eds."

"Are you working with the student trainers?" Edward asked.

"I am, but it's not for credit. So, when I'm not in classes, or training for the half marathon, I'm working with them for the men's baseball team or studying. Chemistry is kicking my ass."

"Little ears," Seth hissed, covering his sister's ears. She wriggled in his hold, giggling happily.

"Oops, sorry," Jake said. "But, it's true. Balancing equations? Moles?"

"Have you considered getting a tutor?" Edward asked. "I struggled with chem, too. I partnered up with a chem major and he explained it in ways that made sense to me. My professor ... well, he wasn't a very helpful teacher. He was one of those professors who taught because it was a requirement of the job. He'd rather be in a lab, plotting to take over the universe."

"Maybe your professor and mine are related," Jake laughed. "You ask for clarification; he glares at you and tell you to figure it out yourself." Bella walked out, wearing one of Edward's hoodies and a pair of leggings. Her hair was twisted up into a messy bun and her face was free of makeup. She never looked more beautiful. "Mom!"

"Hey, baby," Bella beamed. She looked at his face on Seth's phone. "Have you been eating?"

"Ma, I'm fine," Jake laughed. "And trust me, I'm eating. Grammy Esme usually gives me a ton of food when I visit over the weekend. Plus, the use of their washing machine? Sweet! The ones in the dorms are crap."

"You don't have to pay for Grammy's washing machine, either," Edward laughed.

"This is true, but I hate that Grandpa has to drive out to pick me up. Life would be so much easier if I had a car," Jake wheedled.

"When you can purchase your own car, you can have one," Bella countered, arching a brow at her son. The Cullen family may have had a windfall with Bella's success as an author and Edward's acclaim as the director of one of the most successful physical therapy centers in the state, but they refused to raise spoiled children. They encouraged hard work and paid fair allowances for the work the children did around the house, including cleaning rooms, scouring bathrooms and yard work.

There was also the money that Riley continued to pay for his children. Despite relinquishing his parental rights, he still paid child support. Riley had set up a trust for his sons with Bella as the trustee. The money that he'd paid her for child support, she put into that account. Between the two accounts for Seth and Jake, they had half a million dollars. Jake refused to touch that money. His hatred of his biological father had only grown since he was adopted by Edward, feeling unconditional fatherly love from him the moment he walked into his life.

Jake's college education was funded by his scholarship for football, plus several academic scholarships. He also received a reduced tuition fee since he used Carlisle and Esme's address in Jacksonville. Jake worked over the summer at the rehab center as an assistant. He worked with high school students who wanted to bulk up for their respective sports. He also folded towels, filed paperwork and answered telephones, making appointments and welcoming clients. Both Bella and Edward insisted that Jake focused on his studies during the school year and he only worked over breaks and during the summers.

"Well, I was talking to Alec," Jake said. "Aunt Elizabeth's car is just sitting in the garage. He has his own car and he doesn't want the car to just ..."

"How much is he asking?" Edward asked.

"$1500," Jake answered. "I think it's too little. Aunt Elizabeth's car is a 2017 Mercedes."

Edward and Bella shared a look. She arched a brow and Edward nodded. "Okay, Jake, if you want to purchase the car, you can. We'll add you to our insurance once you get the car."

"You'll have to keep it at my parents' place," Edward smiled. "They have a large enough garage. However, you're responsible for gas, maintenance and a portion of the insurance payments."

"Awesome!" Jake crowed. "I'll call Alec when I get off the phone. I'll pick it up when I visit Grammy and Grandpa. I'll have to get a parking pass, but I think it'll help me in the long run. When I spoke with my advisor, I may have to do some clinical hours at a rehab therapy center off campus next year. The closest one is about a ten-minute drive off campus."

"Anything else?" Bella asked. "How are classes?"

"They're good. Boring," Jake shrugged. "As I was telling Dad, none of my classes for my major were offered this semester."

The doorbell rang and Edward kissed Bella's temple, walking to open the door. He signed the credit slip and gave the driver a tip, carrying their meal inside. Bella was on the couch with Seth and Gianna, chattering with Jake. Edward smiled tenderly at his wife and family, dishing out the food. "Jake, we're going to go. Edward ordered dinner and it's all ready."

"Can I talk to him for a few minutes?" Jake asked.

"Sure, baby," Bella smiled, getting up and handing Edward the phone. He kissed his wife.

"What's up, Jake?" Edward asked.

"Can you go somewhere private?" Jake whispered. His were eyes wide. Edward nodded and ducked into the bedroom. "Sorry, but I needed to talk to you about ... um, sex."

"Is everything okay?" Edward pressed. "Have you had sex?"

"Not yet. I'm still a virgin. Probably the only guy on my floor," Jake groaned, scrubbing his face. "Anyway, I'm dating this girl, Vanessa. We've been dating since she transferred to campus after winter break. She's beautiful, Dad. I've never seen a girl more gorgeous. She's also kind and fucking smart."

"Language," Edward chided gently.

"Sorry," Jake laughed. "How do you know if you're ready? How do you know if you're in love?"

"Those are two very loaded questions, Jake. The first one ... if you don't feel ready for sex, don't push it. It's not about losing your virginity, it's about sharing a body, physically and emotionally. Some guys just fuck around, not caring about the ramifications of their actions. They find an available hole and fill it."

"I don't want that. I see what you have with Mom and I know you adore her," Jake breathed. "You love her with every movement and every kind word. I also know that you and Mom are all sorts of hella freaky."

"Just because we got married doesn't mean that our sex lives ended," Edward deadpanned. "Do you think your sister was conceived out of thin air?"

"Nope," Jake laughed. "But, I'm glad that you and Mom love each other that much."

"I more than love her, Jake. She's my world. All of you are my world," Edward breathed.

"Even me and Seth? We're not your biological sons?" Jake whispered.

"You may not have my blood, but you're my son. I will always be there for you, Jake," Edward said fervently. "Do you love Vanessa?"

"When I'm around her, my heart stammers and my stomach has vampire bats inside it. She makes me laugh and smile. She's supportive when I have a hard time. I want to share everything with her," Jake murmured. "Is that love?"

"Only your heart can tell you, but what you described is what I feel for your mom," Edward breathed, a grin spreading over his face. "Sometimes, you just know." He looked at his son. "Now, Jake, in regard to the actual act of making love, I would be remiss as a parent in telling you that you need to protect yourself and her. Condoms are your friend. I adore you, and as much as you call me 'old man', I'm too young to be a grandpa. So, is your mother."

"Trust me. I've heard it from Mom, Grandpa and Pop," Jake laughed. "No glove, no love. I've got condoms."

"And what if the condom broke? Would you take responsibility for your actions?" Edward asked.

"I won't walk away from my children like my sperm donor," Jake said, his face sobering. "I'm not like him."

"I know you're not," Edward nodded. "I'm proud of you, Jake. And I love you."

"Thanks, Dad," Jake said. "I can't wait for you and Mom to meet her. She's planning on cheering me on at the half-marathon. She's from Chicago."

"Excellent. I promise to not embarrass you too much by kicking your ass," Edward snickered.

"Whatever, old man. Oh, and don't tell Mom about ... the sex conversation. She knows about Vanessa, but that's it," Jake laughed. "I love you, too. Give Mom, Seth and Gianna kisses from me. I'll let you know when I pick up the car." He waved, hanging up the FaceTime call.

"They grow up too fast," Edward murmured.

"Edward, dinner's ready!" Bella called.

"Coming, love," Edward called back, heading out to the kitchen.

A/N: As you can tell ... we're getting close to the end. There are two more epilogues and then this one will be marked as complete.

Pictures of the bookstore, Gianna, the wedding and their new home are on my blog. There's a link in my profile to access that. I'm on Facebook: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation. I'm on twitter, too: tufano79. Leave me some loving! Thank you for reading!!

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