A Dancer and His Libero (Nish...

By XeCoden

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There's a new guy in town and he's already gained quite the following. A transfer student from Korea; a man w... More

Ch. 1 Who Are You?
Ch. 1.5
Ch 2. New Guy
Ch. 3 Volleyball Team

Ch. 3.5 Textin'

333 13 1
By XeCoden

Seung-Jun's PoV

I pop my head around the corner of the living room to find my sister asleep on the couch. I smiled to myself - she musta had a long day. Silently, I grabbed a blanket from the hall closet and placed it over her. At the same time, Min fluttered over and perched herself on my head. 

It was a little after 11 PM; I just got home from an outing with the dance team after our practice. It was meant to get us closer to each other so that we'd do our best together - besides the fact that a few of them are my fans. Karasuno's varsity dance team - they're famous for taking home winning medals from regionals all the way to nationals. I'm no stranger to the spotlight having performed with former teams and only once at nationals my 1st year of high school. Now that I'm in Japan, I plan on going back. 

I sat in bed when my phone buzzed. Looking at it, I noticed someone sent a group photo of me and the dance team being jovial during dinner together. I smiled, glad that my cold was gone before the end of the day. I guess exercise does wonders for me. 

Scrolling through my phone, I received a ding and push notification from Shorty, indicating he messaged me. I tapped the notification.

Noya♪: Hey hey, are u awake? 😮

✯Yeh, I got home not too long ago actually.

Noya♪: Good 😁 I wanted to wait until u weren't busy before I texted u. Did u save the phone numbers I sent earlier?

✯Well, you're in luck. And yeh I did, thanks for that. I didn't get to message any of them though, so none of them have mine.

Noya♪: That's fine, I'll handle that if u want. 

✯Oh! Thanks, Noya. I owe you one.

Noya♪: What are u saying? You don't owe me anything. Besides, you lent me your coat so if anything, I owe you! 😋

✯But you even showed me around the school and introduced me to the volleyball team. Come to think of it, why are you so nice to me?

Noya♪: Huh? What do u - I mean - we're friends, right? 😆 I know we just met yesterday, but I figured u'd have a hard time settling in a new country, so of course I had to help u out!

I took a moment to laugh, deciding not to tell him that I was already in another club before joining volleyball. He'll find out soon anyway 

✯You're right, and as your friend, I must treat you to some food as payment.

He didn't respond right away so then I realized - that text suspiciously sounded like I was asking him out. Eh, I did say 'friend' so it's probably fine.

Noya♪: Yeah I'm down, no problem here 😄 I can even help u choose a place. I assume u don't know the neighborhood hot spots so might as well get u familiar with the area!

Heh, he texts as much as he talks.

✯Ooh, my own tour guide. What have I done to deserve such kindness?

Noya♪: Haha, I know you're not serious.

✯I'm not?

Noya♪: Anywaay, I'm free Wednesdays, Fridays, and typically Sundays but we're going to training camp this weekend. U?

✯Um, it depends. I'm relatively free after Thursday though, so we can do this Friday :)

Noya♪: Alright bet! Oh, speaking of training camp, how about u come with us? If ur free that is. U could help us out and support us!

I thought about it for a moment. I guess I could move my upload schedule to YouTube earlier in the week. 

✯Sure I'll be there. Sounds like fun. 

Noya♪: Awesome! The others will love to have your support too. We could probably use it since Nekoma is supposed to be a tough opponent. 

✯I see. I don't know how much help I'd be, but I'll do my best as you guy's assistant coach.

Noya♪: Don't worry about it too much since u don't have much of a background with volleyball. U could simply cheer for us if u want 🙂

✯Alright, although sitting in the background isn't exactly my style. I'll do my research so I can better help.

Noya♪: That's the ticket! I'll hold u to it. 

Noya♪: Man, I'm actually so stoked for training camp. The beautiful Kyoko is supposedly cooking dinner for all of us! 🤤

✯I'm not sure if that face is meant for the food or Shimizu at this point. 

Noya♪: *Gasp* I am a decent man; of course I'm talking about the food! 

✯Uhuh, because shouting "Come into my waiting arms, sweet mama!" while flinging yourself at her is decent.

Noya♪: One who is graced by her beauty cannot simply idle back as she blesses our court. 

✯Ha! I give you props for that spirit. I'm almost jealous.

Noya♪: What? Why would u be? Ur like, her handsome equivalent!

He must have sent this a little too quickly as he immediately started sending excuses.

Noya♪: I mean, ur like, popular already and I don't know if u noticed, but people turn ur way and go "Wow who's that? He's hot!" and "I'd like a piece of that." 

Noya♪: Should I mention that it's only been ur first day?

Noya♪: I could only ever hope that a slice of ur charms would rub off on me. Then maybe the guys and gals would swarm up to me and give me their lunches!

Noya♪: I mean, have u seen those short skirts and pants that hug a little too tight?


Noya♪: Yes?

✯It's ok, I get it.

✯Besides, you're quite the people killer yourself. I haven't known you for long, but you've already shown me a lot of spunk and good humor. That's you're charm and you know it.

And the reason I could almost fall for you, I nearly added.

Noya♪: Aww shucks 😊 I'm happy you think so. How's Min by the way?

We texted pretty late into the night until I mentioned the need to sleep. He seemed disappointed at first, saying he normally slept around 2 in the morning and that he typically makes up for his lack of sleep in class. I chuckled and promised him some Korean candy if he fixed his sleeping habits. 

Noya♪: What am I, a child?

✯More for myself then.

Noya♪: No no, I want some! I'll get some shuteye then - it's late anyway. I'll see you tomorrow, good night!

I told him good night and set my phone on the nightstand to charge. For some reason, I couldn't stop smiling; talking to him was relaxing - fun even. Like I could talk to him about all sorts of things and he wouldn't think any of it is weird. It's been a while since I've texted a person this long. 

Min was already deep asleep and by the time I closed my eyes, all I could think about is how fun living in Japan will be with him around. 

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