Bitter Sweet Moments

By smartassndumbass

200 37 0

What happens when you have a blunt girl with a bitter personality that opens up to a kind boy's sweet persona... More

Playlist/Songs we listened to while writing
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 6

9 2 0
By smartassndumbass

Noah's POV:

I was standing outside of Caramel's door ringing the doorbell twice just before her dad opened the door. Surprised by the sudden appearance he asked, "Oh Noah, my boy what are you doing here?"

 To which I replied with,"Oh, I, sir, I just needed to speak with Car-Alina". Taking a deep breath, I said my statement again, "I need to speak with Alina". He nodded his head and said, "I'll call her. Just wait here or would you like to come inside?"

"I don't mind waiting here. It's no problem really." Then he left the door to go call for Alina while I stood at the door waiting.

After about two-minute Alina came rushing to the door also shocked to see me standing at the door waiting for her.

"Oh, hey Noah what are you doing here?" she asked

"I came to see you," I replied shrugging my shoulder

"Why exactly did you come here to see me, no offence," she quickly adds

"None taken, but if you would let me finish speaking. I was trying to say before you interrupted me rudely was that I apologize for my family's way of setting you up with my brother and asking you questions you didn't want to answer," I explained

"Oh, don't worry about that it was annoying, but the food and the rest were great plus I am pretty sure next time we come over or you guys come over my parents are also going to try and play matchmaker," she said, her eyes flitting upwards.

''So, there is going to be a next time huh," I nudge her shoulder jokingly

"Don't ever do that again plus we both know there is," she states warningly but then changes her tone as if she is stating a fact that we will have more dinners for sure.

"You love it, don't you."

"I really don't."

"Anyway, if you are now done. I would like to go back inside and continue talking to my brother."

Mocking fake hurt I put my hand over my heart and say, "Awe Caramel ready or me to leave so soon."

"It wasn't soon enough," she replied sarcastically

"No, but seriously, give me your phone," I say reaching out my arm

"And why would I do that?" she asks skeptically looking at me

"Because Caramel how am I then going to drop and pick you up for school," I say as a matter of fact.

"You really don't have to do that," she says

"I know but I want to plus it not only me and you in the car it's going to be me, you, parker and your brother," I argue

"But what about Cath," she argues

Oh, wow she argues way too much. Ehh its kind of cute watching her argue thinking she is going to win.

"We both know her time management skills need improvement Parker told she is basically late to everything plus this way both your brother Theo will get to class on time and so will you," I say resting my case

"Fine, but you better get here at 7:30 max it takes 15 minutes to get to school from here that way we reach school right before homeroom," she says accepting defeat.

"Now hand over the phone Caramel" reaching my arm out again.

To which she reluctantly hands it over.

Adding my number and saving my name as "My knight and shining armour❤️"

She read the name and rolls her eyes saying, "it's too long, to be honest, I could care less  what you name yourself but just don't make It too long."

"I guess you right. How about Prince Charming?"

"Bruh we both know I would end up saving your dumbass instead plus that is so basic", she deadpans

"Hmm Fair enough I guess your right but then how about "Future boyfriend," I suggest, winking.

To which she looks at me giving me the 'are you serious look'.

"What? Weren't you the one who said, 'you have no problem dating me in the future.' I mean Caramel if you really wanted to date me you could have just asked I would have said yes," I say teasing her.

To which she replies which a murderous glare, "How about annoying bastard?" Alina suggests.

"Oh please, Caramel we both know you love me," I say fake-offended.

Ignoring my previous comment she continues to come up with a name for the contact on her phone.

Standing in silence we both continue to think of names suddenly an idea pops in her head how about, "Dimwit" to which we both end up calling each other random insults as some sort of war until this happened

"Jerk face."






"Annoy- Wait what?!" she replies realising my mistake then blushing.

Both of us ended up turning into a blushing mess.

To which I chuckled nervously before saying, "Well it wasn't like I wasn't saying the truth your gorgeous which is beside the point but like this isn't what we are talking about but I mean we could talk-" I blabbered on and on until she interrupted saying.

"Chill Noah whatever your middle/last name is," she says with amusement in her eyes.

"My full name for your information Alina whatever your last name is Noah Alexander Cohen" I reply proudly

"Welp Cohen my full name is Alina Regina Rodriguez,"

Before I can say anything, she got all excited and said, "wait I have a name I can call you by!!"

"What," I ask curiously

"Alexander Cohen, Cohen for when I am okay with you meaning you haven't done anything to piss me off and Alexander for when I am hella pissed."

"It's kinda basic but I think it's cute," I say agreeing to her previous suggestion.

She changes the name on her phone to "Cohen💘".

I added the heart but that doesn't really matter.

"Guess that settles it Caramel I will see you tomorrow at 7:30 sharp"

"Don't be late," she calls out to retreating figure who is heading up to the car.

"Have some faith in me Caramel, of course, I won't be late,"

Rolling her eyes and shaking her head she heads back inside.

Author note: don't forget to Comment and vote we really appreciate it. ALSO, this is Smartass if you were wondering

Question: When is your birthday?

Smartass: April 14th

Dumbass: June 13th


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