Always your

De AustinFoster286

59.9K 1.1K 399

Buck feels lonely from the lawsuit so ends up making a decision he then realises is a bad one, people close t... Mais

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 1

7K 101 42
De AustinFoster286

As buck awoke in his bed he rolled over to see what time it was

'8am I can have another hour '

As he rolled over and nodded off again, he was woken up by his phone ringing he didn't look who it was just answered the phone

"Hello" he said in groggy tone

"Hi Evan its Chase your lawyer"

"Oh hey what's up? We're meeting at 1 aren't we?" he asked confused to why he was been called so early

"Yes Buck but that was 20 minutes ago where are you?"

"Oh shit I'll be there ASAP" Buck responded as he hung up and rushed round getting dressed to go to Chase's office and talk about the lawsuit and to get his job back. He stopped and looks in the mirror and started to think about everything that was going on.

Since the start of the lawsuit he was unable to talk to anyone at the 118 which was weighing on him as they were like family and always was talking to them outside of work, but he missed Eddie and Chris more as he had grown so fond of Chris and Eddie well he was his best mate but just before the truck explosion Buck had been having other feelings about Eddie which he always pushed down as he didn't want ruin his friendship

'I must stop thinking like this about Eddie he wouldn't be interested in me anyway'

He continued getting ready and headed out as he got to chases office they spent a few hours talking Buck explaining all the other problems the 118 team were having individually

'Should I be telling him all this'

It had been on Bucks mind for days weather not losing everyone was worth it but he just wanted to go back to work and enjoy the job he loved doing.

"Ok were all done here Evan you can go" chase said as he held his hand out for a goodbye handshake

"Cool so do you think we have a chance to get my job back?" Buck asked

"That and a big pay out" chase answered with a grin on his face

"I told you I don't want the money I just want to be back in the 118" Buck responded starting to get annoyed by Chase

"I know but we have the hearing tomorrow so let's see what happens" Chase explained

Buck shook his hand and went off 'I need a drink' as he leaves the office building he heads towards the club he wants to go to knowing that no one would hate him he sits at the bar and orders a drink "not seen you in here before" a male voice from behind came "It's not very often I come here and normally I stay for one drink and go" buck explains

"Aaron by the way" Aaron said as he held his hand out

"Sorry im Evan but everyone calls me Buck" he responds

"Nice to meet you Buck" Aaron say as he smiles and Buck smiles back

"You want a drink?" Buck asks

"Sure JD and Coke please" Aaron replies

Buck orders the drinks and they both wander over to a table in the corner to talk, "so see anything you fancy?" Aaron asks with a wink

"Oh no im just here for a drink nothing else" Buck replies as he looks down

"My bad I thought you were Gay or at least bi, did you not know this was a gay club?" Aaron asked with a confused look on why Buck was here

"Yeah I knew it was a gay club and to be honest im bi vie been with one lad before but kept it to myself" Buck replied "my father wasn't nice about it when he found out and we stopped talking" he carried on but leaving out a big amount of the story on why they stopped

"It's ok if you don't want to talk about it we can talk about other things it looks like you have a lot on your mind?" Aaron quizzed

"You could say that, I just wanted to come somewhere no one hates me" Buck replied

"Well you're in the best place no one will judge you" Aaron said with a smile Buck smiled back and they continued to talk for a few hours Buck explaining everything that happened and what he does and Aaron explaining what he does and where he's from

"Hate to do this but I gotta go I have work early tomorrow "Aaron said

"Oh ok it's been nice talking and having someone to listen to me moan" Buck responded

'He must hate me to'

"Here" Aaron handed Buck a piece of paper and when Buck looked at it and was shocked it had Aarons number on it and message next to it, they shook hands and both left as Buck realised it was late and he needed be ready for his hearing tomorrow.

As Buck gets in his taxi he takes his phone and looks at the home screen no messages or calls, he pulls out the piece of paper and texts Aaron, hey nice to chat and meet you maybe we could do it again and hits send, as he sat in the back of the taxi the driver spoke to him and he kept a conversation going but eventually sat in silence as Buck really didn't want talk as they were getting close they drove past the cinema and Buck heart stopped as he saw Eddie and Chris coming out the cinema he missed there film nights just chilling with them both but more because he could be close to Eddie which made him feel safe

'I miss him but I messed it up as im a screw up'

He was snapped out of his own mind entrapment by his phone pinging it was a message back from Aaron It was cool to meet you to yeah id be down to meet for a drink again but kind of feels like you're asking me out on a date or have I got the wrong end of the stick again lol if so disregard the last bit, Bucks eyes went wide he didn't think that was the kind of reply he would get but instead of replying straight away he left it a while and thought about it and all the bad luck he had with women in the past maybe he should go for it and see what happens

'What's the worst that can happen?'

Before he can decide what he wants do the taxi pulls up and he pays the man before heading to his apartment once inside he sits down but then stands up and starts pacing he doesn't know what do and instead of texting back he calls Aaron

"Hey it's Buck"

"Hello I wasn't expecting you to call" came the reply

"Yes" was all Buck could answer

"Ermm yes?" Aaron quizzed

Silence passed for a few seconds

"Oh are you saying yes it's a date or yes I got the wrong end of the stick" Aaron laughed

"Yes to the date" buck responded

They continued to chat for an hour discussing where they will go and what time and decided to meet tomorrow after Bucks hearing as he would be in town and save him going back and to

"Till tomorrow" Aaron says as he hangs up

Buck puts the phone down smiling someone actually wanted to spend time with him and not hate him, he got changed and got his head down for an early night hoping to be fresh for the meeting and his date but during the night he had nightmares of the tsunami and loosing Chris he woke and sat there as tears fell down he couldn't ring Eddie to see if Chris was ok he was all alone in his flat, as day light entered the apartment he knew it was time to get his job back he got up from his bed and showered and put his suit on he put a bottle of aftershave in his pocket so he could spray some for his date which was pretty much straight after.

"Evan" Chase calls as Buck walks in to the hearing office, as he goes to greet him he sees the 118 team stood there not a single one says anything to him during the hearing Chase brings up all the personal information Buck told him in confidence

'Whys he saying that I didn't want him to use it, now they will hate me for ever'

As the meeting concludes the 118 team leaves in the elevator and Buck watches them go but he doesn't have time to waste he has a date to go to, he arrives at the restaurant and everything goes well and they agree to a second date the following week, during the time in between buck decides to drop the case against the LAFD as they settles outside of court offering Buck his job and a settlement much to the horror of Chase Buck turns down the money but accepts the job back at the 118 but he will have to do light duties till he's recovered, he rings Aaron to tell him the good news and arrange to meet later.

When Buck gets the to the bar he gets a message from Aaron saying he was going be 15 mins late as his train is delayed, he took this time to try and call Eddie he dials him but is met with him hanging up Buck tries again and again for a few minutes eventually it goes straight to answer machine to which he leaves a message

"hey Eddie its Buck I know a lot has happened but I could be coming back soon only on light duties and I would love to catch up and see Chris, im sorry about my lawyer bringing up all that stuff I just told him the stuff to help build my case I didn't know he would use it, but please Ed please call me "

"Should I be jealous" a voice comes from behind

Buck jumps and hangs up the message

"No was leaving a message for my best mate Eddie now I can go back" Buck replies

"Don't you mean EX best mate who hates you as you put it" Aarons remarks back

This took Buck by surprise as he thought he would be happy that he got his job back which he knew was so important to him but brushed it off

"Let's enjoy the date" buck responds

As they had there date they laughed and joked and as the finished and walking through the park Aaron stopped

"What's up" buck questioned

"just enjoying the view, I've been thinking we've been dating a few weeks and we speak everyday multiple times I feel we know each other so well" he states

"And" Buck buts in

"Well if you waited I was getting to it" Aaron snaps and starts to walk off

'Now he hates me to, no I can save this'

He chases after Aaron and catches him and grabs his hand

"Im sorry you know what im like, go on what were you saying" Buck explains

"You need to learn you shouldn't interrupt people it's rude" Aaron responds back, Buck looks at him "I know im sorry" is all he can reply

'I need to be sorry I can't have him hating me like everyone else'

"Its fine I suppose but anyway I was thinking how about we make it official" Aaron says with a smile on his face

"Official" Buck looks confused

"You are definitely not bright are you Buck, Im asking you to be my boyfriend, so will you?" Aaron questions

Buck is taken back he knew it was all going well to well he thought but he was just happy to have someone in his life that wanted him and wanted to show him attention and affection

"Earth to Buck" Aaron said

"Yes let's do it" Buck responds

"But can we keep it to just us im not ready for the world to know is that ok?" Buck asks

"If we must" Aaron said as he rolled his eyes

They continued to walk through the park then Buck realises something

"how will we make it work as you live the other side of the city and can take a good hour by car or more if you're in traffic" Buck asks

"Well I could always move closer I suppose unless you want to move in with me?" Aaron states

Buck looks at him and thinks

"wouldn't it be better if you move in with me as both are workplaces so close to mine" Buck asks

"Perfect" Aarons says as he leans in and kisses Buck, he loves the attention and the closeness he gets from Aaron.

They walk back to Bucks and spend the night together the next day they spend the day driving to and from Aarons moving his stuff.

As the days went by Buck had to grin and bear the meaningless tasks Bobby kept setting him and not letting him on calls yet as it was Bobby's way of punishing Buck, he would call Aaron his break to tell him how his day was going Aaron would tell him.

"What time will you be back ill have food ready" Aaron asked

"I get off at 8 so I'll be back for 8:30" Buck replied

Buck hung up his call as the team returned from a call it was 7:45 so Buck started getting ready to go

"Where do you think you're going?" Bobby questioned

"Home my shift is over in 15 minutes" Buck replied

"It's over when I say and you need clean that truck before you go" Bobby replied

Buck rolled his eyes and got his phone out to text to say he would be late, but as he did Bobby reached over and took it off him "not on my time now get cleaning"

Buck rushed to clean the truck so he could get home it was now 9pm and he packed the stuff away and got his phone off Bobby, he had 4 missed calls and 2 texts he read them

You're late where are you?

Answer me

Buck realised he would have some making up but he knew that Aaron knew his job sometimes can run over, Buck gets in his car and starts driving home as he driving he calls Aaron but no answer he tries several times no answer

'He must be busy or he's super mad that I have messed up plans'

As he got home he pulled up unsure of what he was to face he looked at the clock on his phone the time was now 9:45, he enters the apartment and is greeted by a lovely smell but sees Aaron scraping the plate of food in to the bin

"Im sorry im late things came up at work, you didn't need chuck the food I could have reheated it in the microwave" Buck explained

"It wouldn't taste the same as when I had cooked it for the time we agreed you would be home" Aaron said in angry tone

"Don't need be angry you know how my work is I can over run I was going send a text but Bobby took my phone off me and I have be careful I only just got my job back" Buck explained

Buck moved closer to Aaron but Aaron put the plate in to the sink and walked past Buck making sure to bump in to him

"If you want food make it yourself" Aaron said as he walked in to the living room to put TV on as Buck made a sandwich he started walking in to the living room

"What do you think you are doing?" Aaron asked

"Sitting down next to you and eating" Buck replied

"Were you raised in a barn you sit at the table to eat not on the sofa, talking of barns I think you need shower to" Aaron said

Buck didn't answer just walked over to the table and started eating whilst thinking to him self

'I must have really upset him, but at least he is here and not ignoring me'

As he finished the sandwich he went in the kitchen did the dishes and went for a shower as he went in to the bedroom and got a change of clothes and did his exercise routine to help his leg strengthen up p, he went and showered as he came out Aaron was waiting and greeted him with a kiss and log hug

"Im sorry Buck, I was just a bit upset I do understand lets go cuddle and you can tell me about your day" Aaron said as he led Buck to the sofa they sat and Aaron talked about his day and the stress of the new role he just took on whilst Buck mainly focused on talking about Eddie and Christopher and not been able talk to them

"Anyone would think you wanted him as your boyfriend the way you talk about him" Aaron butted in

"I don't" Buck responded

"You've just spent the last 10 minutes talking about him and not really anything about your day, im sure in your job there's plenty of things that happen that far more exciting than some ex solider and his son!" Aaron snapped at Buck

"Im sorry I didn't realise I had done" Buck replied

'I should watch what I say as I don't want loose him to as well as everyone else I've lost I can't afford to lose him he's my world right now'

"Aaron you're my world right now the only good thing I have going right now you came in to my life when I was so low and you picked me up " Buck explained as he teared up

"It's ok I understand, let me make a cuppa and we will head to bed" Aaron said

Aaron got up and walked to turn the kettle on as he did Buck got up came in to the kitchen and sat on the stool as he watched Aaron tapping the spoon on the cups as he waited for the kettle to boil

"What time you on shift tomorrow?" Aaron asks

"Im off tomorrow got some blood tests to go for" Buck answers

"Oh so does that mean you're working the weekend?" Aaron questions

"Yeh will be sorry" Buck replies

"That's fine I can start on painting the hall" Aaron explains

"When did we decide that" asking as he couldn't remember talking about it

"When I said to you about painting walls and change around" Aaron replied looking abit annoyed

"I thought you were on about work not here" Buck replied

"Oh Evan it's a good thing your beautiful as you are dumb aren't you" Aaron remarked back

"What's that meant mean!" exclaimed Buck

"I just mean it shows you don't really listen and you just go through the motions of nodding without thinking what you're doing and then making the wrong decision I mean look at the lawsuit" Aaron said

'He's right if I haven't had done the lawsuit and brought up all their personal problems I would have everyone on my side and not against me and I wouldn't be so lonely

"You're right" he answers

"Always with the sad tone with you isn't it" Aaron questioned

The kettle boils and he fills the cups up and picks the cups up as he forgot the milk and has he walks towards the fridge past buck he pretends to trip and the boiling water in the cups lands on Bucks legs, he screams out in pain Aaron looks at him and waits a few seconds as he watches Buck in pain before he starts to help him

"Omg im sorry buck I must have tripped over your leg im so sorry, why you have your leg out?" Aaron said as he grabs Buck

"I didn't have my leg out" Buck responds

"You did Buck how else could I have fallen, you were the only thing in my path" Aaron responds

'Maybe I did have my leg out he wouldn't just trip like that for nothing god im stupid'

"What do I need do buck" Aaron asks

"Run the shower with cold water need to start cooling it down quick" Buck

Aaron walks to the shower with a grin on his face knowing he got away with what he had done, he gets the shower going and Buck walks in and gets in

"Can you get the burn cream from the first aid kit in the kitchen" Buck asks

"Yeah" Aarons responds as he starts walking in the kitchen he finds it straight way but decides to take his time

"Where is it I can't see it" he shouts

"It should be by the microwave" Buck responds

"It isn't there buck"

He hears Buck turn the shower off and moves to the cupboard under the sink

"Found it" Aaron says

"It was under the sink, why you put it there?" he asks Buck

"I don't know I could have sworn it was next to the microwave, but anyway pass it hears" buck asks

Buck opens the kit and starts to apply the cream and cover up the burns

"It doesn't look that bad" Aaron says

"It sure feels it though, I best go hospital" Buck responds

"why don't you just man up, you know first aid you can bandage it up and look after them yourself fit is what your trained for plus you're at the drs tomorrow for blood tests and if your so unsure about your skills then ask them look at it, but to me it would look silly a first responder asking a dr to waste his time looking at something you can sort your self don't you agree" Aaron says as he rubs Bucks hands

'He's right you will look an idiot if you show this to your doctor just man up and deal with it yourself'

He dressed the burns on his thigh and knee, once done Aaron helped him to bed, once in Aaron pretty much fell asleep straight away and Buck lay there in pain

'How could I be so stupid to leave my leg out, I need to start been more careful'

And with this last though he nodded off.

Continue lendo

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