
By user17450679

10.5K 4.4K 1.9K

*Editing* #1 mystery in the Rising Gem Awards #2 mystery in the Hidden Gem Awards #3 mystery in the Rising Au... More

Just a Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Six

165 62 25
By user17450679

*So, the start of a sex scene is in this chapter. 17+ read at your discretion. Also, I didn't want them to do that yet but...I must've been in the mood to make it happen. Sorry, not sorry, was feeling mischievous, y'all.*

**Read, Comment, Share and Vote if you like it!!**

July 3rd, 2021

2100 hours

Robyn stumbled as her foot twisted beneath her, clumsily catching herself on Zach's arm as they trudged across the dunes. Her veins were scorched with the unavoidable burn of one too many shots, a side effect which, coupled with the high of impairment, seemed to make her feel giddy, and everything unnecessarily humorous.

Naturally, she laughed at her own stupidity, Zach guffawing along with her at an actuality that was anything but amusing.

Her hysteria sent them both tumbling onto the sand. Robyn fell ungracefully onto her butt, feeling a warm, heavy weight land on top of her. It knocked the wind out of her and it took her a moment to realize the weighty object was Zach's body. His eyes met hers, poring headily into them as he cradled her head with his free arm, the other propped up to prevent his weight from crushing her.

The brief moment was extremely tense, until the sound of someone clearing their throat jerked them out of their drunken stupor.

Robyn bolted upright, hastily dusting the sand off her back and bottom. The sound, which originated from the porch of her beach house, issued from a figure half cloaked in darkness. The moonlight cast faint light on a portion of his chiseled face, and somehow, the liquid silver irises were clearly visible despite the dead of night.

"Isn't this a lovely sight." A clear, crisp voice floated over the beach. Robyn struggled to plod the last few meters to her house, a confused Zach trailing behind her.

"What are you doing here?" She hissed, barely heard over the rush of the ocean swells.

"Making sure you don't do anything untoward to this poor young man." Quinn's eyes flashed with an air of dominance, though to what portent, Robyn didn't understand.

Robyn seethed, her chest now heaving with effort to not yell at the infuriating detective. "Who are you to say what I can and cannot do?"

Quinn stood, towering over them, and sauntered across the porch, the wooden boards creaking under his weight. "The mere fact that you have had entire too much liquor this evening, coupled with your insatiable longing to lay with a man, renders you incapable of making sound decisions."

Robyn blinked, completely floored by his logic. The argument itself was astute, however; his superior attitude and lack of tact enraged her. How he could manage to sound so debonair while insulting everyone baffled her to no end. The phrase a wolf in sheep's clothing never more accurately described someone as it did Quinn Jones.

"You show up here uninvited so often that you might as well pay rent." She growled, crossing her arms.

"Is that an invitation for me to move in with you?" Quinn's lips twitched with amusement, his question causing her to burn unpleasantly with unwanted desire.

"Hell no." She spat, leaning forward to meet his smug gaze. "I'll repeat myself, because you seem to be not hearing me." Robyn narrowed her eyes, taking a step up the slightly angled stairs to gain the advantage of height. If it was a battle of the minds he wanted, so be it. "Who are you to tell me what to do?"

Quinn grasped her arm roughly, almost hurting her, and pulled her toward him. "Just the man who wants to lie with you." He practically growled, his stormy eyes darkening with lust.

Suddenly the beach went quiet in Robyn's ears. In fact, it felt as though someone had stuffed cotton in them, the last thing they heard resounding repeatedly on a loop.

The man who wants to lie with you.

A skittery shuffling slowly reached her conscious, and from her peripheral she could see Zach shifting awkwardly from foot to foot.

"I'll just go, then." He cast his gaze downward after quickly meeting Robyn's. She poured a silent apology into the look, hoping he understood and would forgive her. He nodded, streaked hair flopping with the motion, and trudged off into the night. "I'll come back later?"

Robyn flinched as his hopeful words carried over the dunes.

"That wouldn't be wise." Quinn warned, tone now deadly cold. Robyn knew Zach got the message loud and clear.

"Quinn, you can't just-"

She was cut off abruptly by a pair of hot, demanding lips on hers. The kiss was rough, territorial, and nearly painful.

Her body snapped back in shock, and she watched in horror as her hand reached up and slapped him across a sculpted cheek.

"What the bloody hell was that for?" He bellowed, breaking character as he was taken aback by the sting of her palm, stumbling back from the force.

"You can't say those things to me!" Her face screwed up in anguish before she buried it in her hands.

Quinn surprised her by gently prying her fingers away from her eyes, slipping a hand beneath her chin and tipping it up so she was forced to look at him. "I want to be with you, Robyn. I'm not letting another man have you."

For some reason, she chuckled, amused by his admission. "You're going to prevent me from having sex with other men?"

"No," he rasped, wrapping his arms around her protectively "you are going to stop yourself from doing that."

"You're so full of yourself." She scoffed.

"Maybe. You should be full of me, too."

That comeback was the last thing she'd ever expect to come out of his mouth, which is why she found herself kissing him senselessly, his smirking lips achingly sweet on hers.

"Wait," Quinn pulled back, lips curling with distaste "you smell like a brothel."

"Is that supposed to make me feel sexy?" Robyn frowned, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. He did have a point, though. She reeked of booze and cigarette smoke.

"Come on." He took her hand and led her into the house, quickly pulling her through the hall and to the bathroom. He started the shower before going to the linen closet across the way, making Robyn wonder if he had the blueprints for the house. It awed her how invasive he was: Quinn walked into a room and immediately owned it, and everyone who happened to be in it, as well. Then her alcohol addled brain remembered that he'd been there several times before, and she mentally chastised herself for becoming so inebriated.

He returned with two carefully folded, fluffy towels and placed them on the small chair near the vanity. Robyn eyed them suspiciously. "What are you doing with those?"

He quirked a brow, clearly amused. "Showering."

Robyn's breath left her. "What?"

"Strip and get in." He demanded gently, motioning toward the now steaming bath.

When she faltered, he sighed and rolled his eyes, an uncharacteristic gesture for him. "Have you ever showered with a man?" Again, his eyes went dark with desire, his agile fingers deftly removing her top before she could blink.

"Yes." Robyn whispered, skin on fire with anticipation. Despite having him in her bed the previous night, he hadn't yet seen her partially clothed, except for that moment after she was attacked. She wished she'd thought to wear a sexier bra, but it didn't seem to phase Quinn: his eyes were drinking in her small, pert breasts as they sat holstered in a demure black bra, the faintest hint of awe in his steady stare.

"Not with me, you haven't."

Quinn palmed her hips in his hands. They fit perfectly as he pulled her into him. His gray eyes sparkled mischievously as he slid a finger into her waistband, fingering the button to snap it open. Robyn felt him slide her shorts down slowly, purposefully, and his gaze followed, drinking in her slim, fit curves hungrily.

He slowly kissed up the inside of her thigh, sending pleasurable tingles along her sensitive skin. As he straightened up, his hands caressed her backside, his mouth still continuing sinful ministrations over her skin as he made his way across her stomach to her neck.

She moaned involuntarily as he nipped her in the sensitive crook above her shoulder. She came undone, unable to fight it any longer: the attraction had become too magnetic. Her hands found their way into his jacket, slipping it off over his toned, broad shoulders. She popped the buttons of his tailored shirt slowly, marveling as the beauty of his defined abdomen and torso gradually became exposed. The muscles were hot and hard under her fingers as she trailed downward.

Steam was billowing from the shower, their skin glistening with condensation. Robyn hovered over his belt, halting as a sudden embarrassment flooded her. She didn't know if she was ready.

Quinn embraced her tightly, as if reading her mind, and guided one of her hands down to his waistband, pressing her palm against the hardened flesh beneath his zipper. A sharp, needing sound issued from his throat as her hand worked nervously over the fabric of his crotch.

Heat pooled between her legs, and she allowed him to remove her undergarments as she tugged his pants down.

"Wait." Robyn grasped his hand, stopping it before he could grab her hip. She licked her lip nervously, uncertainty clouding her emotions. "I don't know if-"

"I plan to just shower, Robyn." Quinn chuckled, gently guiding her into the stream of steaming water. "Eventually, I would like more, but for now, I plan to just shower."

She flushed. "Oh."

Quinn stepped his long legs onto the tile, joining her. Their bodies were close, and Robyn tried to keep her eyes level with his chest.

"I kept my boxers on." He laughed softly, his admission sending a wave of relief through her. "Tip your head back."

She did as he commanded, his hands running through her long hair as the water washed over it. His deft fingers worked through the tangled locks. She closed her eyes, feeling him apply her shampoo and work it in massaging circles over her scalp.

The experience was so elevating she couldn't help letting out a moan. Quinn responded by groaning lowly under his breath, bringing his lips to gently kiss her soapy neck.

It seemed far too short a time for the suds to rinse out, but Quinn kept up his ministrations. As he lathered body wash on her loofah, Robyn marveled at the way the water droplets rolled down his torso. A tempest of emotions whirled in his eyes, his gaze holding hers as he began to work the sponge over her skin. A combination of hot water, and the soft, massaging caress of his hands eased the tension from her sore muscles.

"That feels incredible." Robyn's voice was huskier than usual, and Quinn smiled.


Robyn palmed his chest, inching her fingers up and around his shoulders, tentatively pulling him into a sudsy embrace. He hugged back, protectively tightening his arms around her and burying his face into her damp hair.

"My intentions for you should be clear." He whispered into her ear, sending shivers zipping down her back.

"What are your intentions?" Robyn nuzzled his cheek with hers, feeling completely safe for the first time in a very long time as she rested in his strong arms.

"I am going to woo you, my dear Robyn." Quinn leaned back slightly, their noses nearly touching, water cascading down onto their bodies and working its way between them. "I will go however fast or slow you need."

"Okay." The word rushed out in a breathy huff of air as she released it from her lungs. "You should know, though, that you've already made me fall for you." The admission lifted a heavy weight off her heart: perhaps she'd been denying experiencing life, and love, for far too long.

"Good." There was that damn smirk again. Robyn was beginning to love it: every time those beautiful lips curled teasingly, her heart skipped. "There's one thing, though, that you need to be aware of."

Robyn grinned back happily, contented to stay in his embrace forever. "What would that be?"

"I plan on making you mine."

Robyn softly covered his mouth with hers in reply, finally letting go of everything that was holding her back. She gripped Quinn's hair and tugged, causing him to groan as he continued kissing her, and he spun her around, gently pinning her to the wall. Her arms snaked down, gently pulling down his soaked boxers. They pooled around his feet as he sprung free, erect in all his glory. Of course, she thought, running her palm over his shaft and gently teasing the head with her fingers, he would be freaking perfect here, too. Feeling frisky, she arched her body against his, and he responded quickly to her pelvis grinding against his hardness by lifting her legs and wrapping them around his hips.

"We don't have to do this now." He breathed unevenly, struggling against the raging desire burning between their naked, flush bodies.

"Yes, we do." Robyn pressed, rocking against him, drawing him closer with her legs. "I want this."

"As you wish." Quinn said resolutely, allowing himself to fill her as he kissed down the curve of her neck. His strong hands cupped her hips and rocked her against him as he thrust exploringly. Robyn gasped at the sensation, pleasure radiating from the contact and outward, encompassing her entire body. Every detail of what happened afterward would be forever etched in her memories.

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