Speared My Heart

By GrnButterfly25

2.2K 121 7

"I don't know who you are anymore!" "You never knew me to begin with!" More

Black Tornado Slam
Stay Away
Next Week
Can We Talk?
NXT 5 Months Later
In Love Too Soon?
How Could You!?!?
Where Is She?
Fix It
Taking It Slow
Welcome Back
Rumor Has It
On the Road
You Want Me To Do What?
Just A Kiss
Darkness and Shadows
Taking Things For Granted
Recurring Dream
What Do You Want From Me?
Where Is She?
Taking You With Me
Seeing You
Wedding Dance Part 1
Wedding Dance Part 2
A Push and A Punch
Take Me Back
Dear Jon

Raw Here We Come

296 3 0
By GrnButterfly25

Why the hell do I have to be so short!?!?! I thought to myself as I tried to reach the overhead compartment. People kept pushing past me and grumbling about holding them up. I wasn't TRYING to be an inconvenience and in the way. I really couldn't reach and the nice thing to do would be help me instead of pushing me out of the way. The guy who was sitting in the aisle in front of me opened the compartment to put his bag in so I took advantage. I put my bag over my head and tried to put it above me. I lost my balance and fell backwards bumping into a man walking by. Completely horrified I turned around

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry sir. Wow...I...I just didn't....God I'm so clumsy. I hope I didn't hurt you."

"No problem. Here let me help you."

I shyly smiled as he took my bag and put it in the compartment above me.

"Thank you very much."

He smiled, nodded and continued down the aisle to his seat. I sat down and tried to get rid of this nervous feeling I had. This was a huge opportunity for me and I didn't want to blow it. I didn't know the person sitting to my left so I let him have the arm rest. I was really hoping no one was sitting to my right because I didn't want to be squished. Suddenly the seat to my right was taken. So much for not being squished. I looked over and he smiled at me. I smiled back and kind of rolled my eyes. I knew who he was, but didn't really want to say anything.

"Hi. I have a weird favor to ask you."

"Ok. What?"

"Can we switch seats please? I hate sitting on the aisle."

I laughed a little "Ok sure."

He stood up and moved out of the way so I could get out into the aisle and switch with him. I looked down the row a bit and saw the guy who helped me with my bag. We locked eyes for second before I quickly looked down. I was new and wanted to make sure I didn't start off on the wrong foot with everyone. I actually hate sitting on the aisle too, but I wasn't about to tell him no. I didn't want any kind of bad reputation started.

"Thank you so much" he said as I sat down

"No problem." I smiled and buckled my seat belt.

"I'm Phil. Are you that new diva from NXT?"

I nodded "Yes, I'm Kyla. We've actually met once before...sort of...you said hi once when you were visiting NXT"

"I remember you...wasn't your hair blonde or something?"

"Yes, well light brown but I guess blondish. I'm not used to this look yet. It doesn't match my personality, but it's all for the greater good I guess."

"Gimmick change huh? Let me guess...heel...emo?"

I laughed a little "Something like that. Emo/goth/vamp...I don't even know I just went with it"

"Let me give you a little advice Kyla. It's OK to speak your mind. If something doesn't work for you then you should say so...politely and respectfully of course...but otherwise you become a puppet and you lose who you are."

I thought about it for a second and smiled. The plane started to take off and I closed my eyes and waited for the OK to take off the seat belt and listen to my music. We were headed to Raw in Vancouver and this would be my first trip outside of the US. Phil was the first person from the main roster who has actually had a conversation with me and I'm hoping he was my new friend. I stood up for a second to stretch and saw the guy who helped me again. Why do I keep looking at him?!?!?! Weirdo!!! I sat down blushing

"Phil, can I ask you something?"


"So three rows back on the aisle....who is that?"

He stood up and looked and sat back down

"That's one of the guys from The Shield. Roman Reigns. Why? Crush already?"

I blushed "No, I didn't know his name and I wanted to say thanks because he helped me put my bag in the overhead compartment after I practically plowed him over"

"I see. Well, you'll be seeing a lot of him so you'll have plenty of time for that."

The plane landed and I waited for a good majority of the people to exit before I even attempted to get my bag down.

"There ya go"

I shyly smiled "Thanks"

So now I have someone else to thank. I took my bag and exited the plane. I had no plans beyond getting here. No one told me where to go or what to do so I had to look like an idiot just kind of standing there in the baggage claim. I didn't even know the name of the arena so taking a cab would be kind of hard. I found a chair to sit in for a second and checked my phone and listened to the voice mail I got the other day to make sure I wasn't missing any instructions or something. I stood up and put my phone in my pocket and just kind of wandered around. I had no clue and it showed. You might as well have pinned a giant sign on my shirt that said NEWBIE on it. I made a face and tried to figure out what to do

"There's my travel buddy."

He put his arm around me and I blushed. I was just glad that I had someone I could talk to.

"I was told to make sure you arrived to Raw in one piece. You get to travel with me today. Kyla this is Zack Ryder he's riding with us too."

I followed them towards the rental car area and noticed the guy who helped me get my bag down picking up his rental car

"Hey, who is that guy at the counter with the two-toned hair?"

"Seth Rollins...he's part of The Shield."

"What's with you and the Shield Kyla??  Working on a new crush already?"

"No Phil...he got my bag down for me and I didn't know him is all."

We got the keys to the rental car and started to head out. We walked by Roman and some of the other wrestlers. I was going to stop, but was too embarrassed so I kept going. He smiled as I went by and I blushed and quickly turned my head away.

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