My Wolfborn lover

Par BornKryptonian

63.2K 676 171

*This is really smutty, read at your own cost* Got from the Internet I DO NOT own this! In the story there ar... Plus



14.7K 199 61
Par BornKryptonian


Korra crossed her arms across her chest, eyes narrow as she watched her supposed owner. She didn't even know what that meant other than the loss of her freedom. The pale, beautiful woman was sifting through a collection of strange furs on a silver thing she called a "rack". Korra sniffed her, before crossing her arms again angrily. She smelled good. She shook her head and tried to focus and stay mad. Who did this woman think she was? Her concentration drifted away as the woman glanced at her, pretty green eyes on Korra. The goddess lifted a pair of the detachable furs, which was a dark bloody red color. She watched in vague interest as Asami gestured for Korra to follow her. She did as told and walked after her to a little cavern called a "changing room."

This girl was so much different then she was. For warmth, if Korra could just shift! This girl had to put on clothes, weird fur of some kind that covered her body; did she feel shame in it? Was it ugly? Korra didn't understand. She was proud of her body. Dark and muscled, her member large and her breasts a decent size. It was all so confusing. She was about to follow the girl into the
changing room when the raven-haired girl held up her hand, and narrowed her eyes. Korra stilled.

"No. You're going over there," She pointed in the direction of a "shelf" covered with removable clothes. Korra hesitated, cocking her head with her ears twitching. "Pick out one you like," She snapped her fingers at an attendant walking by, the woman turned and smiled at her, "Get my pet something to cover up her...package, with." She smiled thinly.

"...Of course, Miss Sato," The woman bowed deeply, and Korra sighed as she followed her away. Korra sniffed the woman, her nose curled.

"You smell gross. Like awful things. You need to bathe," She said shortly. The woman's eye twitched, but she forced a smile. "You're ugly too. Eew. Please bring Asami back. She smells nice and is nice to look at as well."

"Be quiet," The woman snapped, and then fake-smiled again. "What's your favorite color?"

She cocked her head, and then shrugged.

"Blue it is," The woman began to pull out a bunch of blue clothes. They looked like they were gonna go up her legs and around her waist. Wait a second...did she mean Korra's pride and glory when Asami said package?! Without a moment's hesitation she raced over to the stall, and slammed headfirst into the wall that covered the Changing room. What was it...a door? Korra yelped then fell to her knees and began to crawl underneath it. She looked up to see the naked pale body of her "owner." She blinked. Wow. The girl had a gorgeous white and curvy. Like snow. Korra didn't think she'd ever seen breasts so big other than when the women in her pack were carrying child. Or skin so white. She let her eyes wander, and she became hot when her eyes made contact with the innocence between her "owners" thigh.

Asami covered herself, eyes narrow and face crimson. She smacked Korra hard across the face, kicking at her all the while. "Get out, get out!" She screamed when she noticed the erection her new pet gained while staring at her. "Get out, Korra!"

Korra blinked, furry ears twitching. Without hesitation, she nuzzled the girl between her thighs, inhaling. A heady aroma filled her nose. It was a familiar scent, the scent that pervaded the air when the wolves in her pack mated. The scent of arousal, the scent of pup-making. "You smell good, like you're ready to mate," she whispered slowly. She liked how the woman was bare. The women in her pack had fur there. Not Asami. She glistened wet and open.

"Korra!," Asami screamed, shoving her away with her foot, "I said out!"

Korra shook her head, wrapping her arms around the girls waist and pushing herself close. She buried her nose deeper. She snaked her tongue out to have a taste. She couldn't contain herself. It all smelt so good, made her package harder and harder. She wanted to fill her with a color drained from Asami's face. She shrieked as she pushed against Korra. Korra stayed attached to her, insistent. Her mind made the conclusion that this was some courting game she was familiar with at home. Maybe the males here, which would probably include her, had to make their mates submit? That was kind of like home. She gave a short squeak as Korra towered above her, her hands on either side of her waist, before she brought the girl down to the floor of the room.

"Knock...knock it off," Asami murmured weakly, her cheeks bright red. Korra shrugged and pressed herself close again. Between her legs her member stirred ever more and she pressed it insistently between the human's thighs. Asami bit her bottom lip. "Korra I'm warning you! If you put that monster any closer to, you know, you'll fucking regret it?" Her you know? What's that? Is that what you call the thing between a girls leg over here? Daddy said they were called vagina's...She didn't know what to do. What would this girl do to her? Now reassured, she shoved herself fully into the girl., sighing with sudden pleasure. felt so good and hot. Meanwhile the girl underneath her began to scream and writhe; her eyes were filled with an abominable anger. "Korra!" She gasped angrily, she pulled her arm up, and pressed a silver thing on her wrist.

And then all Korra knew was agony. She fell backwards, clutching her head, as waves of unimaginable pain filled her! She snarled, her eyesight blurred with pain, she recognized this pain. It was like before, but far worse! She slammed her hands down on her skull, she'd do anything to stop the pain. Asami seized her by the silver thing around her neck. "What won't you do Korra!? Tell me what you did wrong and I'll stop the pain," she hissed in the wolf's ear. Her voice was cold. Far colder than it ever had been. She sobbed weakly. "What won't you do. Tell me and I'll stop the pain, Korra!"

"I won't go inside you," She panted hard, pulling at her hair. "I won't mate with you. I won't touch you! I won't make pups with you!" She roared.

The pain ceased abruptly with the tap of Asami's silver wrist, she choked in sudden freedom, her face was soaked. Her pride was further destroyed. What the hell did this woman want from her? What did she want?! She fell against the ground. "You'll wear boxers," Asami said, Korra watched her wince as she grabbed a robe and covered herself. Why was she in pain? Did Korra not bring her pleasure? Korra suddenly remembered when her father told her how unclaimed females got hurt when their lover put it in. Korra scented blood and she had a feeling what she just did was very awful. She took this girls innocence...she had thought because the girl was so pretty, surely she had... "You'll cover that disgusting thing up from now on." Why was Asami crying? No, not exactly crying but her eyes were watering slightly. "I don't want to see it. Attendant, bring her home when you've got clothes. I want a suit, boxers, and her hair done. I fully expect that when she returns she will be in full attire," And without another word, she was gone.

Korra had never felt so ashamed.


Asami's anger still hadn't dwindled by the time her personal servants brought Korra home on a leash. However, she had to admit the girl looked wonderful. Even in her rage Asami acknowledged that. Garbed in a black suit, with a blue dress shirt neatly underneath. The collar of the loose was shirt, displaying the blue metal shock collar around her neck with white triangles upon it. She wore it well. It had been tailed just for her afterall. The only thing she regretted was that those muscles weren't on display... She smirked when she noticed the girl looked uncomfortable. She flicked her hand in a gesture for the attendant to leave. When the woman did, she narrowed her eyes.

"I apologize for my earlier behavior. I...I don't know how to court a female over here. Where I'm from you jump the females you like and mate with them. And I had no idea you weren't claimed and that it would hurt." She choked on her breath, "You're just so beautiful and I...I was just so excited that I-" Asami stood. Korra's blue eyes flickered to her fiery emeralds as she neared. She backed away slightly then paused when Asami held her face gently. She had expected a slap...

"I understand. I do. You've learned your lesson, I hope?"

"I want to mate you," Korra said insistently, eyes furrowed in determination, "Tell me how. You smell better than anything I've ever smelled. You tasted so good.."

"Nonsense," Asami muttered, running her fingers through her hair. She forced back the burning sensation that was creeping along her face. She couldn't meet the other girl's gaze anymore. She wanted that thing inside her as well, but she could never let it happen. Korra was a wolf and she was a human. It's just the way it was.

"Not nonsense! Once a Wolf has their eyes set on a mate, they don't stop until they have her! So tell me how to court you or tell me you don't want me. If it's the second, let me leave, but I know you want me. I smelled your arousal. When I grew hard on you, when I was on top of you, I could smell it. You were wet. You wanted my pups," Korra growled steadily.

" quiet, you have no right to ask anything of me! Now enough of this, I bet you're hungry."

"I already ate," Korra muttered slowly, patting her stomach, "There was a girl on the street who offered food, I slipped away from the ugly woman and she fed me dinner. Lots of food I've never heard of before. There was something called "cooked" was delicious. She made the ugly woman give her "money" when she found me, but it was nice. I've never had that before."

"I bet it was nice," Asami muttered in sudden annoyance, she crossed her arms on her chest and sat on her desk. "I'm having company later. Some friends of mine. If you wish to meet them, they have pets as well, so you may. Or you can stay in your cage, the place you were in when we brought you here, and where you weren't fed." The choice wasn't really a choice.

"I'll meet them." Asami nodded, gesturing for Korra to follow who did so obediently. "You put up quite a fight when we first captured you, why aren't you now?"

"I plan on mating you and then I plan on finding my sister Katara," Korra responded shortly, and then her eyes narrowed with anger, "You took me away. There's no point in begging you to take me back, I know Katara's been here, so all that's left for me to do is find her and stay here. If I start a family, it would be nice as well," She admitted. Asami felt a twinge of guilt, and then shook it off. The girl would grow to like it here. She knew that for sure.

"Korra. Don't let anyone touch you but me, alright..?" She spoke before she could speak. W...what was she saying to this beast!? Her face burned.

"What do you mean," Korra muttered, ears twitching slightly, bushy tail swishing as she followed Asami out of the room with her arms crossed behind her head. She twitched, pulling at the sleeves of the suit. She gave a tiny bark, whimpering. Asami ignored her; she knew what the girl wanted. Those clothes were there to stay. She'd have to get her new ones however, ones that displayed those strong arms...her mouth watered as she imagined them tightening around her waist, and Korra behind her, pumping her full of cock- she gasped, then focused. What...what was she saying...something about Asami only being able to touch Korra? Asami exhaled.

"I...I mean, you're mine, so one's allowed to lay their hands on you without my permission," Asami said with a bit of menace, "Got it?"

Korra nodded dumbly, her tail stiff, her ears down. So Korra couldn't touch her or anybody else? How was that fair? She still couldn't get over how wonderful the sensation of being in Asami was. She'd remember it forever. Wet and tight. Squeezing around her when she moved. But there had been blood too...Asami led her down the hallway the ugly woman brought her up in.

Asami couldn't believe how angry she was. The mere idea of someone touching Korra was infuriating. She finally got a pet and no one was going to lay a finger on her. Asami ran her fingers through her wavy black hair, sighing softly. She had to relax. She walked into her large living room. She was surprised to see her friend had already arrived. She supposed she should put friend in quotations. The uptight girl sat with her arms crossed behind her head, legs partially spread and on the table in front of her. She was watching television...a porno... and her two girlfriends were curled up to her, hugging her arms. In her lap, her Wolfborn sat quietly, with hair the color of snow and eyes the color of sapphires. Asami smiled slightly.

"Azula," She greeted the raven-haired girl, who gave her an idle nod.

"Hey, there's nothing on TV, SO I decided to watch some of the porn movies your father stashed under the television in the bottom drawer," the amber eyed Azula responded boredly. She glanced at her nails."It's a bit boring, but it could be worse I suppose." Her eyes connected with Korra, and her lips curled in interest. Asami felt the urge to cover Korra with a blanket to hide her from the bitch's lecherous gaze.

"It's fine, though the idea of my father watching porn is a bit terrifying," Asami smiled, she glanced at Korra. "Korra this is Mai, she's the one that looks like she's made of stone on Azula's left arm, the clingy annoying looking one is Ty Lee. And the one in her lap, that's her pet Yue."

Korra was silent, then she plucked one of the roses from a vase next to the couch, and got to one knee, "Might I court you lovely ladies," She said in a serious tone. Asami's eye twitched and her hand moved to the switch on her bracelet that would set off the electricity, Korra's eyes widened and she flopped onto her back, tail between her legs, eyes wide with submission. Yue sniffed curiously, then she hopped off the couch and sat next to Korra, she proceeded to sit on her lap where a very obvious bulge was. The pair sighed softly with pleasure. Yue smiled happily, the pair touched noses.

"W...what the hell, Korra," She reached for her bracelet. Azula cocked a brow.

"They're simply greeting each other; they like each other. It could be worse. They could be attacking each other. This is better isn't it? Although, I'm not quite sure what's going to happen next, Yue probably recognizes her as a male with the dick between her thighs. Just let them play."

"Absolutely not," Asami said without hesitation, teeth grit."Korra's mine."

"Ah, I see, you're the possessive type of owner?" Azula smirked.

"What!? Of course not! I'm just..."

"Jealous," Ty Lee giggled. Asami's face burned ever more, and was a violent shade of crimson. She shook her head. No, no, she wasn't jealous, she simply...she just...her head swam and she clenched her fists.

"Whatever-No! Korra stop it!" Korra was currently playfully chasing Yue around the room, before she finally caught the white-haired girl by the wrists and had her pinned. The female beast responded in turn, eagerly pressing back into the erection between Korra's thighs. That's mine. Her dick is mine! I told you, Korra. This is your own damn fault!"Korra! Stop trying to court her! Korra!" Asami flicked the switch, wincing as she watched Korra collapse and writhe. Yue bounced up and escaped while giggling, shaking her curvaceous bottom with a seductive smile. When she turned it off, smitten, Korra just leapt back up and continued to chase Yue. They raced down the hall. She stiffened. How dare...she shivered violently. I thought she wanted to be my mate...

"I enjoy watching you suffer with envy," Azula grinned, Mai chuckled, Ty Lee nodded her head.

"I enjoy telling you to get out of my house, turn that off," She threw something at the television. It smacked into the screen before it landed on the floor."Move over," She ordered sourly, Azula grinned and pet her lap.

"There's plenty of room here."

"In your dreams," Asami muttered and glared, the three girls scooted over reluctantly.

"To think you've fallen in love, it's so...cute," Azula teased, Asami glared. She shrugged, then grinned as the pair raised back into the room. "Watch this," She smirked darkly and pressed the own switch on her Taming Bracelet. Yue gasped as she hit the ground, Korra cocked her head and watched as she was electrocuted, yet she was gasping and moaning in pleasure. She flushed and panted, exhausted by the time Azula was finished. Ty Lee smacked Azula on the arm, who chuckled.

"You're so mean," The girl exclaimed. Korra was staring in horror. She seemed so confused...

"Well I'm going to bring my bitch home, see you later, enjoy living a lonely life knowing you'll never get past your pride and bathe within the world of sinful pleasure. On that note, Yue come," She walked out of the house, her three lovers trailing after her. Yue paused as she slipped towards the doorway, before she turned back. She shared an eager kiss.

"If we were in the Wild, I would mate with you," she purred gently, before she dived back after her owners. Korra looked suddenly depressed as she watched her new friend leave. Asami rubbed her head sheepishly.

"Well, are you hungry now?" Asami asked softly. "You worked yourself up there." In more ways than one...she was incredibly erect. The tent in her trousers was impressive. Asami wanted to run her hand over it. Put it in her mouth. Ride it.

"..."Korra plopped down, and just lay there like a horsefish baking in the sun. She looked severely disappointed and upset. Asami nudged the tan shapeshifter with her foot. "Go away," She muttered, flipping over.

"Korra, get up now," Asami sighed. She ran her foot along her back hard, poked at her to stand.

"No," the wolf whined, burying her face in her arms. "I want Yue back. She smelled so good. She wanted my puppies."

"Korra," Her voice was sharp, she was losing patience. Why must her pet be so cute and hard to boss around!? "Get up, now!"


"If you get up I'll put my mouth on you..." She said slowly, running her hand up the girls leg. She licked her lips. She had to do it, there was no choice. She had to uh, had to help her pet relieve herself and it would make her behave as well. She was sure everyone did it. It was perfectly normal. When the girl didn't move she coughed slightly. "I'll put it..." she bit her lip, before the seized the Wolfborn's crotch. She squeezed it eagerly, felt it's thick, long length. Arousal burned between her thighs. She was going to do it for Korra. Not herself. Really, she didn't...want to touch it. Wait.

What was she saying? This wasn't normal at all. Giving her pet a blowjob was simply abhorrent. She could never do such a thing. Her fingers still tightened and slid along Korra's heavy cock, felt the balls that lay ready, full of seed... Korra groaned as she shifted, grinning widely, happily.

"Really? You'' touch it with your mouth?" The wolf asked huskily, eyes bright with desire.

"No, now let's eat. I'm starving." Korra sighed as she followed her owner into the kitchen where she promptly ordered a five course meal.

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