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Korra yawned, pulling the woman next to her close, nuzzling her. Asami was silent. "Is what I did so wrong," the tan werewolf asked sleepily, eyelids heavy with weariness. The black-haired girl shrugged, she was a terrible human being...she had been taken by an animal...Korra ran her fingers through the girls hair, smiling lazily, cutely, Asami noticed. "Why are you so upset? It's not much different then what you did to me the night before. I know you've wanted it. I can smell it Asami."

"You're an animal..." Asami whispered.

"I'm part human too, you know, and you can tell just by looking at Azula that she does it with Yue," Korra mumbled. she wrapped her firm, muscled arms around the human woman, and pushed their bodies together. She loved the feel of the girls soft, round breasts against her chest. She brought her hand up to squeeze through the cloth, Asami arched into her. She said it was wrong but her body reacted so pleasantly, curved into her so easily. She was incredibly weak to Korra's touches...

"Korra," She whispered. The wolf slid her tan hands up Asami's chest to lightly grip Asami's face. She cupped her slender, pale face in her hands and smiled slightly. She didn't understand why the girl was so afraid, why she was trembling. She straddled the girl's hips, and grazed her mouth against her lover's. "Korra, I want you to stop this before it gets out of hand," Korra stopped for only a moment, a smile twisted her mouth upward. She chuckled.

"Why does this bother you so much," She asked softly, nuzzling into her neck.

"I don't want to become addicted to you," She brought her hands up, to pull Korra down to her mouth. She willingly accepted the woman's kiss, their warm, wet tongues slid together gently, playing lightly. "This is wrong, this is so wrong, this is wrong, Korra!" She insisted. The wolf shushed her with a kiss. Her tongue slid between plump lips. They kissed hard, roughly before the tan half-wolf retreated.

"I love you," Korra mumbled, "I...don't know why. Since I met you, all I've wanted was to be your mate. I even abandoned my sister, my search for may be wrong, but it doesn't feel that way, and Asami," she cupped the girl's cheek, "I want to find her; will you please let me do that?"

"Why are you so insistent about this if you have me now, you won't find her!"

"I'll try anyways. It's worth it. I told you. I want to be your mate. And then I want to find her. Haven't you ever lost someone important!?"

"Of course I have," Asami said quietly, her brows threaded together.

"Then you should understand! Please, come with me, search with me! Just me and you and my nose," Korra ran her fingers along her cheek. She licked the girls mouth open. Asami opened her mouth wide, allowing full entry. They kissed sloppily, and then slumped together. Korra rested her forehead on Asami's. "If not I'll go alone."

"Don't leave me," Asami whispered, pushing her face into Korra's neck, tears wet her eyes, "I need you. I...want you."

"Then come with me."

"It's not that simple."

"I just want to find Katara."

"How do you expect to find her, you idiot!?"

"I think you know where she is," Korra snarled softly in her ear, her tone was slightly dangerous, "don't pretend like you don't. She was taken the day you came. She looks almost exactly like me. I know you're keeping her from me. You said that friends were visiting you yesterday, and said both had pets. Only one showed up, along with her three mates. There's another. Where is she!?" Asami's eyes widened with surprise, no way...Korra was stupid, she couldn't figure that out! She avoided the Wolfborn's eyes. "I've known all along, before you ask "how long". Like I said I abandoned her but only for a tiny bit. I needed time, and I wanted you."

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