What if (bokuaka)

By bokuaka120

91K 3.1K 4.8K

Bokuto makes eye contact with him and he sees it. The look he gets when he knows he's the best. Akaashi envy'... More



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By bokuaka120

Friday comes along, and they are stepping off the bus to the training camp where the team will spend the weekend training for summer nationals.

Akaashi spotted Kuroo walking towards Bokuto and him, Kenma playing on his DS right behind the third-year Captain. Akaashi taps Bokuto on the shoulder and points at Kuroo.

"Oya?" Bokuto, without missing a beat, pulls his head up from looking inside his bag and looks to where Akaashi is pointing, "Oya Oya!?!"Bokuto is now pointing directly at Kuroo as well. Kuroo does his part with a grin on his face he points at both of them "Oya Oya Oya." He shouts back.

"Man, am I glad to see you, two idiots," Kuroo says, patting both of them on the shoulder.

"Hello Kenma," Akaashi says to Kenma as he walks towards them. He nods at him in acknowledgment, all while not taking his eyes off his game. Akaashi shrugs very used to this behavior by now Kenma isn't a fan of crowds. He rather be with a small group and considering Akaashi's whole team surrounds them; he's not surprised that Kenma is feeling anxious.

Akaashi watches as the two supposed Captains do some weirdly complicated handshake that neither of them knows the order of when he hears "uhg." Akaashi hears Kenma say and looks down at the smaller boy seeing a look of disgust on his face. Akaashi can't help but agree with because this isn't the first time he has seen Bokuto and Kuroo do the handshake, you would think that with all the times they practice volleyball with each other and hang out on off days they would have gotten it down by now.

"Come on," he sighs and heads to the door of the gym with Kenma on his heel he helps set up which doesn't take long considering all the rival schools are helping, and they start stretching for the first match.

Bokuto gets up from his stretch excitedly. "Today, we will aim for NO PENALTIES!!" Bokuto declares with a big smile on his face, and the whole team cheers feeding of there Captain's enthusiasm. Akaashi himself can't help but feel motivated at Bokutos' mood, not that it'll last long cause it never does.

They get on the court and win there first game 25-16 and 25-14 second game 25-23 and 27-25 and the next few are a blur, Akaashi doesn't bother keeping count. They're getting ready for the last match of the night, having no penalties yet when he walks by a conversation between Bokuto, Kuroo, and Lev.

"Yaku would definitely make the prettiest girl; he has the height for it," the first year argues, and really what the fuck did I just walk into.

Kuroo scoffs. "Kenma has the eyes and hair down. He would win, no shot."

Bokuto looks frustrated "you guys must be on drugs Akaashi has the most feminine features out of those two combined with his legs alone..." Bokuto stops talking, looking pale as he sees his rivals looking terrified.

Akaashi is sending him very threatening, and murders vibes Bokuto turns around slowly and tries to put on a convincing smile. At the same time, the guys behind him look equally as frightened. "Bokuto, please stop talking to our rivals, and let's go stretch, okay?" the raven demands with a deadpan expression and making his voice as sweet as possible. Bokuto looking even more terrified than before tears shedding down his cheeks he stands up, swaying back and forth and fallows him.

Akaashi helps Bokuto stretch getting his revenge as he pushes him hard on all his stretches, feeling satisfied with Bokutos' tears of pain.

Akaashi ignores Bokuto for the whole game. They end up almost losing the first match 32-30 no help from Bokuto there. Still, they managed without him, which is saying a lot considering Nekoma is there biggest opponent here. Yet, seeing his team Akaashi knows they won't be able to win the next one without Bokuto, Akaashi signs sitting down next to Bokuto whos shoulders are low, looking very depressed. He pats his shoulder awkwardly Bokuto looks at him with hope in his gaze Akaashi side-eyes him and looks forward for his next words. "get your head out of your ass" Akaashi says face neutral and knows by the way that Bokuto tenses those were not the words Bokuto was expecting He continues "We can't win the next game without our Captain," Akaashi says not really forgiveness but knows that this would boost his ego enough to get him out of his fit, Akaashi side-eyes him again and sees Bokuto looks entertained by his statement. "oh, Aghaashi I knew you'd forgive me." Bokuto goes to hug him, but he moves fast enough to avoid it not wanting this to turn into another fit Akaashi relents and uses this opportunity to ensure no further outburst for the next day as well "you can hug me if we get no penalties throughout the duration of the training camp."

Bokuto is surprised, eyes wide, "No complaints?" Bokuto asks. Akaashi Agrees "no complaints" but slowly those eyes turn into motivation and drive, this is the same look he gets during Nationals this is the look Bokuto gets when he knows there is a prize worth winning. Akaashi feels like he has made a terrible mistake, but there is no going back now.

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