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What an idiot Akaashi cringes, Bokuto runs up to him duffle bag in hand and is coming in for a hug throwing himself to be caught. Akaashi easily sidesteps and watches him fall face-first into the parking lot cement; teammates to the side some laughing and some looking concerned for their Captain.

"Ow, that really hurt Akaashi!" Bokuto sniffs, rubbing at his nose.

"It's your own fault for thinking I would catch you," Akaashi says no remorse once so ever, it's been two weeks since they made up, right now they are standing in a parking lot ready to get in the bus; for their spring training camp and Bokuto is 30 minutes late, even though Akaashi lied to him yesterday and told him the bus would be here at 0500 but really the bus was coming at 0530 and its 0602 and bokuto is 30 minutes late.

"you're 30 minutes late."

"pwh, I thought I was an hour late," Bokuto says, trying to make light of the situation.

"30 minutes, an hour, late is late, Bokuto," he says arms crossed and hears Coache's whistle.

"Now that Bokuto is here, everyone in the bus, and that's 32 laps on the court for every minute you were late, Captain," Coach adds as everyone gets into the bus.

"shit," Bokuto whispers under his breath as he moves towards the buses.

Akaashi looks at Bokuto, and he is sweaty probably from running all the way here shirt sticking to his skin in all the right places, and fuck he shouldn't look so attractive. Bokuto catches him staring and smiles at him, and all Akaashi could say is,

"He should have made it 62."

"aw, come on Akaashi I really am sorry, I overslept, I didn't hear my alarm, my bike got a flat tire, my dog shit on the carpet, I got a massive boner when I woke up, the moon and the stars weren't aligned, and I just couldn't find the will power to open my eyes." One of his teammates snorted as they moved to get to their seats, Akaashi prayed to whatever god was out there to give him patience and turned in his seat to face Bokuto.

"None of those will work on coach half of those you've already used before, and you're allergic to dogs," Akaashi noted with a frown.

"That's never stopped me from petting them."

"you worry me sometimes," Sarukui says, poking his head over the seat to listen to their conversation. Akaashi thinks he's never related to something more then he does to that statement, Bokuto growls.

"I never asked to be allergic to dogs, besides the side effects aren't that bad. I just get a stuffy nose and an itch. It's not like I'll die or anything."

"yeah, I get it, man, I'm lactose intolerant, but I still eat dairy every once in a while" Konoha chimes in from the seat opposite them, Akaashi groans making a sour face. "please stay away from dairy on this trip."

Konoha shrugs, "Hey man, no promises," putting his headphones on Bokuto laughs at his comment and turns to see Akaashi and laughs even harder at the face Akaashi makes. Akaashi doesn't even mind anymore that Bokuto was late or that Konoha might shit himself on the trip because Bokuto's laugh is nice.

"come on, Akaashi lighten up," Bokuto says elbow shoving him to the side.

Komi snorts from the seat next to Sarukui, "like that will ever happen." Honestly, Akaashi is getting tired of his teammates listening in to their conversations. "Whatever, wake me up when we get there," he says to no one specifically, laying his head back on his seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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