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Akaashi finished practice with a few laps around the court and some stretches; this whole week has all been about training the first years. The raven sat on the bench and watched as they all exited in the direction of the club room, except for one. Akaashi watched as Bokuto walked towards him, smile already in place, already knowing what Bokuto was going to ask him. He always does.

Akaashi takes a gulp from his water bottle and stands up awaiting the question that seems to always pop out since the beginning of last year when he first met the spikey headed idiot.

"Akaashi, I've been patient all practice can you pleeeease set some for me?" Bokuto asks with his lips puckered and a ball in his hand. Akaashi isn't a demon contrary to popular belief and he couldn't say no to Bokuto when Akaashi knows how hard he's been trying.

"Very well, I guess we can do a few passes seeing as you didn't complain too much today." (rule number 2 in dealing with Bokuto good behavior should always be rewarded)

They have at it for about 3 hours, both of them are sweating and near breaking point, Arms ready to fall and thighs stinging. Bokuto's spikes were getting weaker and weaker, and Akaashi's tosses were less accurate by the second, and yet "ONE MORE" Bokuto yells not letting up. The thing about Bokuto is that he doesn't know when to quit.

It's been one more for the last 45 minutes the next pass Akaashi sets. He purposely make it to high and to fast for him to spike. "That's it... I'm done.." Akaashi says in-between gasps of air as he watches the ball bounce off. Bokuto puts his hands on his knees and smiles. "I did amazing today.. didn't I Akaashi," Bokuto says, "I guess you were alright," akaashi replies in between sips of water.

"WHAAAAT... Akaashi, you're no fun. I was awesome, and you know it. My receives were flawless, and my spikes were ASStronomical as always."

"you did really good today, Bokuto" Akaashi gives him a genuine smile for once and watches as Bokuto's face turns red but then again that could be the overexertion. It's late and they should start heading home.

Bokuto puts his hand on his neck and laughs nervously "You know Akaashi, you should really smile more. It suits you."

Akaashi turn his head away, hiding his very blushed cheeks and starts gathering all the balls. "Idiot, you shouldn't say things like that." something Akaashi isn't good at is taking complements. Its something he's just not used to getting.

"Hey, don't call me idiot, idiot, you know you'd be a lot cuter if you were nice." Bokuto says

"Tsk- come on, it's getting late," Akaashi stuffs everything inside his bag, and walks towards the light switch Bokuto picking up his things and hurrying to catch up, they start walking in relative silence to there cut off point when Bokuto points at something in Akaashi messenger bag.

"Oya Oya seems like someone has an admirer? Got yourself a pretty little girlfriend huh Akaaaashi," Bokuto says while grabbing the assortment of cookies wrapped in a decorative bag.

Akaashi tries to grab them, but Bokuto raises his arm; honestly, it's not worth the struggle but he still tries to grab them failing miserably. In the end, he was going to give them away anyway. letting go of Bokutos' jacket he looks up at the taller boy "You can't just grab things that aren't yours."

Bokuto chooses to ignore him and exclaims "You didn't tell me you had A girlfriend."
Bokuto accused

"Its cause I don't. Some girl confessed to me during lunch today; I rejected her, and she gave me the cookies anyway end of story." Akaashi replies feeling sour about reliving the whole experience again, the girl was so sad and embarrassed about the rejection she didn't even bother to take back the cookies she made him.

Bokuto opens the bag and starts eating them, after a while, he looks at Akaashi thoughtfully.

"How come I've never seen you with a girlfriend, Akaashi?"

He stiffens at the question, it's true Akaashi has never had a girlfriend. Still, it's not because he's gay or anything, then again he's never really fancied anyone, so how would he know if he was gay. Akaashi has gotten a lot of confessions before, but no one ever caught his eye, and porn has never done anything for him either. Maybe he's  asexual, or perhaps he just hasn't found the right person. Bokuto, on the other hand, had at least 14 different girlfriends last year, none of them lasted more than a month. Not with volleyball and nationals, not to mention all the time Bokuto spends practicing; there's not really any time left for girlfriends, which is why after girlfriend number 14 girls just stopped approaching him altogether, which was very funny at the time but then turned annoying, because, and he quotes "Akaaaashi no one is ever gonna wanna go out with me, I'll be alone forever and turn out like couch Yamiji... old and bitter." yup, that must have been the worst month for everyone on the team.

"I don't have time to date, and it just wouldn't be fair to the other person." Akaashi finally replies.

He looks over to the other second-year as he finishes his last cookie "how bout you, there's a lot of new first-year girls that don't know about your reputation bet you can do some damage?" Akaashi says to get his attention.

Bokuto looks over at him now and smirks "Nah, that ship sailed a long time ago" you mean six months ago Akaashi thinks rolling his eyes.

"Besides, between school, volleyball, and you. I don't see how a girl would fit in my schedule."

both of us go quiet after that.

Biding good night and parting separate ways to their respected houses.

Akaashi can't help but agree with that last statement he made cause between school, volleyball, and Bokuto, Akaashi thinks he would jump off a cliff if something else were to come up.

What if (bokuaka)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora