I Ain't Gonna Fence You In •...

By livexfreely

46.2K 1.5K 1.8K

** IN PROCESS OF REWRITING ** Louis Tomlinson is a 18 year old city boy who is forced to spend his summer be... More

Authors note
10 *
13 (End) * plus AN

7 *

3.5K 115 129
By livexfreely

Louis woke up that morning to his phone dinging.

He blindly palms his dresser for it, hitting a glass that wasn't full of water, thankfully.

Finally grabbing his phone, he rolls onto his stomach, resting on his elbows he unlocks his phone. He sees its 11 am, Usually he doesn't sleep in that late, but he was on the phone with Niall and Perrie till 2am. He goes to check the notification and notices he has over 30 snapchats, 99+ Instagram notifications and he has a lot of unread messages. He's kind of surprised, if he was home, he would never allow that to happen. He's usually glued to his phone and is always answering people, posting and updating his status'. Being here as really occupied his time away from his phone and he's somewhat relieved.

Not even bothering checking his notifications he goes to his messages and sees Niall and Perrie talking back and forth in the group chat.

Amigos 😒

Niall: if work doesn't fuck off im going to lose it 
Perrie: what now? 
Niall: it's my day off and they keep calling the fuckers 
Niall: i've worked the last 3 days 
Perrie: i've worked 5 days in the row niall it's not bad 
Niall: :( 
Niall: wish lou was here he'd agree with me 
Louis: I'm here 
Niall: YAY 
Perrie: morning louis please tell niall to stop being dramatic that's usually ur role 
Louis: i think u should go niall extra cash!! 
Niall: ofc u would say that u don't get it :,( u get to hang around a hot guy all day and relax 
Louis: LMAO 
Louis: i mean ur not wrong.... 
Louis: speaking of hot guy 
Louis: tonight's the dance what should i wear 
Perrie: why are we always picking out ur outfits? 
Louis: because u guys love me? 
Louis: <3 
Niall: ugh my problems never matter when louis comes 
Perrie: shut up ur being dumb now let's help louis 
Niall: fine 
Louis: love you both

Louis gets out of bed and gets ready for the day, slipping on more comfortable clothes since tonight he must dress nice. He doesn't shower, saving that for tonight so he can do his hair wet.

He spends an hour on FaceTime with Niall and Perrie, making them help him pick an outfit.

"What if I look dumb with a bunch of people in plaid and cowboy boots" Louis huffs trying to find a shirt to go with his jeans.

"I mean, you probably will they're all country folk" Niall says over the phone.

"You're not helping" Louis says annoyed.

"I think you should wear the scoop neck" Perrie suggest.

Louis hums, pulling out his maroon scoop neck, it shows off his collar bones nicely. "Good choice" Louis smiles.

"I know" she smiles widely back.

"You gonna wear cowboy boots?" Niall laughs teasingly and Louis glares.

"I have to..."

"What!?" Niall and Perrie yell at the same time.

Louis frowns "guys! Stop it, it's like a thing, you have to" he then shrugs.

"Oh my god, I need pictures" Niall snorts "Pez, imagine Louis in cowboy boots"

Perrie giggles "I am, and it's probably cute on him"

"Thank you Perrie, you've always been my favorite" Louis sticks his tongue out at Niall.

"I bet your cowboy will get a stiffy when he sees you with them on" Niall jokes.

Louis groans "he's already seen me with them on, fucker"

"Iconic, literally iconic" Niall shakes his head.

"Anyway, I refuse to be bullied any longer, I'll let you guys go" Louis says "I'll text you later, Love you! Miss you!" He glows a kiss to the phone receiving them back.

Louis heads downstairs after a while, he knows Harry's probably busy outside since the past week Louis has been holding him back from getting a lot of work done but who can blame him?

He decides against going out and bugging him today to let him get caught up. Jenny is in the living room watching a show, the grand windows are open, a nice breeze coming through them.

"Hello" Louis says as he sits on the chair beside the couch.

"Hello dear, nice sleep?" She asks.

"Yes, it was good" he answers and then looks out the window. "Looks like such a beautiful day"

Jenny nods "it is, the breeze makes it bearable with the sun"

Louis hums in agreement.

"Someone was looking for you this morning, he came in around nine, I told him you were still sleeping" she explains grabbing her mug, probably tea.

"Oh shit, hopefully he's not like, mad" Louis says.

Jenny laughs "No sweetie, not at all, he was just curious is all"

Louis relaxes "oh good, I just didn't want to bug him today" he shrugs with a small smile.

"I don't think you would bug him, but understandable" she says, taking a sip. "He does have a job to do"

Louis cringes "I know, I'm sorry, I feel bad"

Jenny smiles over the lip of her mug "just as long as he gets it done, no harm done"

"He does, trust me" Louis gives her a smile. "Anyway, I'm going to sit on the deck and enjoy the sun" Louis hops up from the chair and heads towards the door.

He sits on the swing on the deck and gently swings back and forth. He sees Harry in the pasture with the horses. He's holding to a bucket of their water in his left hand. They keep nipping at him trying to get drinks and Louis can't help but laugh.

Harry finally notices Louis watching him and waves with his free hand. Louis waves back. Suddenly, Jasper shoves his head into the bucket while Harry's distracted and Harry loses his balance. Louis covers his mouth with his hand and sees the whole thing. Harry falls backwards onto his back and the water from the bucket fly's up and the water lands on top of him. Jasper let's out a loud neigh and Harry yells "fuck sakes Jasper!"

Louis gets up and runs towards the wooden fence and watches Harry slowly stand up, soaking wet. He stands on the outside of the pasture.

"Are you okay?" He asks watching Harry put his hat back on that slipped off when he fell. The older boy starts walking towards Louis.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I think" he rubs the back of his head. Louis frowns when he reaches him.

"Need me to kiss it better?" He smiles and Harry blushes.


Louis leans over the fence and kisses him. His lips are chapped and wet from the water and Louis could care less. It's only a short kiss, unfortunately. "Better?" Louis asks.

"Much better" Harry says eyeing the smaller boy.

Louis notices a little dirt smudge on his cheek. "You have a little..." He licks his thumb and reaches to rub it. "There, good as new" Louis then lays his palm flat on Harry's cheek. Harry leans into the touch.

"Missed ya this morning" Harry then says.

"Oh yeah?" Louis hums, he then runs his hand to tuck one of his loose curls falling out of the hat behind his ear. It's oddly romantic.

"Yes babe" Harry chirps and Louis melts. He wants him to call him that's for the rest of his life.

"Well, I didn't want to be a bug" Louis says as Harry steps away and unlocks the gate and steps out, so they are on the outside of the fence together.

"You're never a bug" Harry says reaching out to grab Louis hand and interlocking their fingers. Louis could cry.

He squeezes them, "well, good to know" now Louis is blushing.

They walk towards the house so Harry can tell Jenny he's done for the day since he's soaked, and he's going to go home and change out of his wet clothes. They say goodbye with a chaste kiss. Harry promising to text him later when he's going to pick him up.

Louis doesn't take his eyes off his phone for the rest of the day.

Louis wasn't kidding when he says he doesn't leave his phone for the rest of the day, because right at 8pm, the sun is just starting to set. His phone dings on the bathroom counter. He's just brushing his teeth when he sees a text from Harry.

He spits in the sink and wipes his mouth. Grabbing his phone, he opens Harry's text.

Harry: on my way :)

Louis: see you soonnnn!!!!

Louis goes to his room quickly, checking his hair and outfit in the mirror first. Practically skipping down the stairs he sees Jenny in the kitchen.

"Are you leaving now?" She asks.

"Yeah, Harry should be here soon" Louis answers checking his phone again.

"I hope you have a great time" she says smiling at her nephew.

Louis smiles back "me too"

He heard tires on the gravel driveway 3 minutes later, pulling in the boots he wore when they went horseback riding, he grabs his phone off the counter and puts it into his pocket.

"Bye, Aunt Jenn" Louis says, and she waves at him.

He sees Harry's truck and he feels butterflies in his stomach. That's new.

He rounds to the passenger side and jumps into the truck. looking over and sees Harry smiling at him. He's wearing a different cowboy hat. It's not the one he wears every day. It's darker brown and way cleaner. He's wearing a dark long-sleeved red plaid that buttons up almost all the way, it hugs his muscles nicely and Louis wants to rip it off him.

"Hey" Harry breaks the silence.

"Hi, you look handsome" Louis comments, buckling his belt. Harry starts pulling out of the driveway. He has a blush on his cheeks.

"Thank you, you look lovely" he says, looking over at the other boy.

Louis reaches over and kisses his cheek. "Why thank ya" he says trying to do his best southern accent.

Harry laughs and shakes his head. Louis fiddles with the radio for a while and leaves it on a pop song he doesn't really know.

"So, are you excited?" Louis asks.

"Yes," Harry smiles, "but, I would be more excited if my mother wasn't going to be there" Harry says, eyes fixed onto the road.

Louis purses his lips "we'll say hi and then make sure to stay away from the drinks table then?" He teases.


When they arrive to the Country club Louis notices it's more of a huge barn party. There's a huge parking lot full of cars already. A big red barn that looks more modern then his aunts. The big red doors are wide open and there are fairy lights strung all along the outside lightening it up.

Harry finds a parking spot remotely close to the front.

"Wow" Louis says looking out the window mesmerized. He can already hear the loud music from inside muffled by being in the truck. He can see people mingling about inside and out.

"Ready?" Harry asks putting the truck into park and taking his keys out, putting them in the dash. Just small-town things.

"As I'll ever be" Louis says. He hops out of the truck and Harry rounds to his side. Louis isn't sure if Harry wants to hold hands or not, since this is super public and he doesn't want to make him uncomfortable. He doesn't make the first move and neither does Harry. They walk towards the barn closely. Harry is slightly behind him.

They walk up to the barn and sees an older man and women sitting at a table with a money jar, Louis reads "Donations" on the jar.

Harry steps up and pulls out two 10-dollar bills from his pocket and puts it in.

"Thank you kindly, Harry" the women says and adds "have fun boys" making Harry nod in response.

"Thanks for that, I would've brought money if I knew" Louis says.

"No worries, Lou" Harry says, he then rests a light hand on his lower back as they walk inside.

Louis can fully hear the music now, it's loud but not as loud as all the people hooting along to the song. There's a huge crowd already and it only started an hour ago. He cranes his neck to look around, seeing people up in the open loft and filling the dance floor as well. There are tables lining the sides full of older people who probably can't dance for a long time.

Louis then feels Harry's lips on his ear, "Let's go say hi to Ma" he says over the music.

Louis nods and follows Harry through the people. As they walk, (more like shove) they are stopped multiple times from people sober and not so much saying "hellos" to Harry. He gets introduced as "Lou" and his heart swoons.

They finally reach the back near the music stage, where the bar is. Louis notices its live music. He loves it.

They stand near the bar and Anne notices them. She smiles and walks over.

"Unfortunately, I can't give you boys drinks but it's lovely to see you" she teases.

"Just wanted to say Hi" Harry says and Louis smiles at her.

"Are you going to dance?" Anne asks grabbing a dirty pint glass and wiping it with a rag.

"I hope so" Louis looks up at Harry.

"You'll have to teach him some moves Louis, he's got two left feet" Anne says reaching over to pinch Harry's cheek.

"I don't think dancing is in the books tonight" Harry shrugs.

Louis frowns, he grabs Harry's arm "Harry, we have to dance"

"Maybe" he pouts.

Anne laughs and wishes them a good night; she runs off to get some drinks for some men in the corner.

They start walking through the crowd again, and Louis grabs his hand to stop him.

"C'mon, dance" Louis says pulling Harry to face him. He shimmy's his shoulders to the country song playing over the speakers and Harry kind of just stands there.

"Lou, I can't dance..." he says, and Louis rolls his eyes.

"Everyone can dance, trust me" Louis insists, grabbing his other hand in his and interlocks their fingers. Harry flinches only a little and then relaxes when Louis squeezes them. He moves side to side, moving Harry with him to the upbeat country song.

"Like this" Louis says and does a simple step tap, leaning forward and backwards. Harry starts following him, doing the opposite way. Louis smiles wide "see! You got it!"

Harry smiles back and looks down at their feet moving. Louis laughs and they turn in a circle.

They continue like that for a while, Louis is out of breath, Harry matching him. The song changes.

"You boys are some cute!" The lady beside them says as she gets spins around by a man.

"Thanks!" Louis calls back, his grin reaches his eyes.

"Harry here never dances at these things, I'm surprised to see him up" she teases swaying along with her partner, him and Harry match them.

"I just don't want to embarrass myself" Harry then piped in laughing lightly.

"Oh honey, no one here is sober enough to notice, have fun!" She says smiling.

Louis lightly bumps Harry with his hip making him lose balance and steady himself with a hand on Louis hip. Louis presses his own on top of it, he then spins himself in Harry's arms so he can wrap Harry's arms around his front, they sway side to side. Louis turns his head and looks up at him. Harry leans down and smiles into his neck, Louis can feel his breath on his neck, and he feels content.

They stay like that for a while, Louis catches Anne watching them with a fond smile and Louis gives her a small wave.

Louis then feels a tug on his arm. He adverts his eyes from Harry and looks down to see Julie from the ice cream place tapping his arm.

"Hi" she smiles at both of them.

"Hello there" Louis smiles down at her.

"Um, I was wondering if you wanted to be my square-dancing partner, I would've asked Harry, but I see you're a better dancer then him" she says. Harry pouts and Louis laughs.

"Square dancing?! Of course, I would love to" Louis says "I'm not sure I know how to square dance though" he adds. He notices he's still holding one of Harry's hands. He runs his thumb along his knuckles.

"Oh! Don't worry, it's easy" she's says "c'mon, it's next!" She grabs Louis hand and pulls him away. Louis lets go if Harry's hands and turns to see him smiling fondly as he's being drug away. He mouths "sorry" to Harry and Harry just waves and mouths "have fun" back.

Louis sees people start gathering in the center when someone announces over the speaker that it's the line dance time.

"Anyone and everyone on your feet, it's time!" the man says loudly, people holler back in response.

Louis looks nervously down at Julie as they enter the line, he looks and spots Harry standing by a group of people who are watching. He's got his arms crossed and a huge smile on his face.

"Are you ready Louis?" Julie asks, looking up at him.

"I think so"

The music starts and people start stomping their feet. It's loud and overbearing the music. Good thing they are in the middle line so people can't see them very well. Julie starts walking forwards and Louis follows. The people in front step to the left.

"Go right!" Julie laughs and Louis steps right. "Cross your foot" she says then.

He crosses his right foot over his left, following everyone in the line, "now turn!" Louis does a spin and Julie beside him, loops her arm with his, "oh god" Louis says under his breath.

They start turning, and doing a toe step, Louis tries to keep up the best he can, surprisingly he keeps up well.

They end the dance with a huge stomp of their feet and the room erupts in claps.

"Wow great job!" Julie jumps up and down clapping.

"That was so fun!" Louis smiles at her.

"I know, you're a great dancer" she comments.

"Thanks Julie, you are too"

She then skips away, and Louis tries to find Harry over the crowd. It grew again since the dance is over. He's craning his neck to try and see over the heads. Screw being short.

Louis then sees a dark brown cowboy hat that looks a lot like Harry's walk outside the barn. He politely moves his way through the crowd and follows.

When he steps outside the night air hits him. It got colder from when they arrived. Wrapping his arms around himself to keep a little warm he sees there's a few people smoking and chatting by a tree over the right and he looks around to see if he can see Harry.

Spotting the hat talking to a group of people, it's dark he can't tell who he's talking too, he walks over and grabs his arm. When he turns it's not Harry?

"Howdy" Brad smirks.

"Sorry, thought you were-" Louis is stopped by the boy.

"Styles? Well that's an insult" he scoffs.

Louis furrows his eyebrows "I would beg to differ" he goes to turn to walk away to actually find Harry this time when he tugged back by a hand on his arm.

"Where ya going in a hurry?" Brad says, the group behind them laugh.

"Let go of me" is all Louis says. He's annoyed and cold, and he wants Harry.

Brad rolls his eyes, "I just wanna know if you're actually with Harry the Fairy"

Louis is in shock. Who even is this guy to talk to anyone, let alone someone he doesn't even know like that? And how dare he talk about Harry like that. Harry, who is the sweetest, kindest, loving, guy he's ever known.

"Actually, that's none of your fucking business" Louis grits out, ripping his hand out of Brads hold.

Brad then walks up, crowds into Louis space "I bet I could get one of my girls to fuck the gay out of ya" he breathes onto Louis face and Louis can smell the alcohol on him. He's disgusted.

"You're disgusting" Louis curls his nose up. The group behind them "ooo" like children on the playground and Louis could scream.

He's about to turn away for the second time when he feels a hard slap on his ass. He honestly can't move he's in shock. Anger builds up into his body.

"Don't you ever touch me again" Louis says as calmly as he can.

Brad laughs "thought you'd like it since I'm a guy" he shrugs.

Louis wants to walk away. So badly. He's heard it all before from high school. He's dealt with this kind of shit. He can walk away.

"Too bad Harry wasn't here to see that, bet he'd get hard watching you spank his ass" one of Brad's friends say, making the girls snort. Loud enough Louis can hear it.

"You know what," he turns and walks up to them "all of you are absolutely disgusting and I hope one day you grow the fuck up and realize that maybe the things you say are hurtful" he's breathing so heavily now.

Brad grabs Louis wrist again, this time tighter. "You're brave, talking time me like that"

Louis winces as he grips tighter around him.

"Let go of him" Louis then hears behind him.

It's Harry.

"Ah, look who it is" Brad says, Louis turns his head and sees Harry standing there. He's mad. Louis can tell by his eyes.

"Fucking let go of him, Brad" Harry says again.

"What are ya gonna do?" Brad asks, still holding Louis. "Ya don't like me touching your little boyfriend?"

Harry stalks towards him and pushes Brad in the chest so hard he topples over, (the liquor not helping either) Brad's friends stand up straight.

"Nah, let him have his moment" Brad says, he pulls himself up and wipes off the dirt. "He'll just have to remember this"

"C'mon Lou" Harry says, gently holding Louis hand and they quickly walk towards Harry's truck.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? What did he say to you?" Harry asks a mile a minute. They're near his truck now, away from the barn. Louis can only make out some of his face from the moonlight.

"I'm okay" is all Louis says. He's not sure what else to say.

"When I saw him grabbing you like that...I didn't know what to do, I wanted to fucking hurt him so badly" Harry says holding Louis face in his hands. His eyes are wide and glossy.

"H, it's okay" Louis insist, nudging Harry's hand with his cheek.

"I'm sorry I was gone, I went to toilet quickly, I should've waited" he rambles on and Louis just leans up and kisses him. Harry visibly relaxes into him.

"Can we go?" Louis asks quietly when he pulls away. He's so mad at himself so being upset over brads words and actions. He's good at brushing it off and acting like shit doesn't bother him. But it fucking does. Harry nods and they get into the truck.

The drive is quite but comfortable. Louis is holding Harry's free hand in his lap, looking out the window, trying not to cry. He's overwhelmed and frustrated. Harry obviously noticing, he rubs Louis knuckles like Louis did to him before.

Louis doesn't even notice they've been driving down a dirt road. He looks up when Harry parks the truck.

"Where are we?" Louis asks, he cringes at his own voice.

"Come on" Harry says reaching behind him to grab a pile of blankets in the back seat and they get out of the truck.

Louis sees a wooden dock that leads into a huge lake. There's wooded area surrounding it.

"People swim here a lot during the day, it's nice" Harry says, "but I like to sit and listen" he throws the blankets into the cab, pulls the tailgate of his truck down and jumps up, he reaches out his hands for Louis to grab and pulls him up.

Harry makes a makeshift bed out of blankets; it softens the roughness of the cab on their backs.

Louis cuddles close to Harry, laying his head on the older boy's chest. Harry rubs a soothing hand down Louis back. Louis could fall asleep like this. The sound of the peepers and the water from the lake moving in their own way. He feels safe.

"You know," Harry says after a beat of silence, he turns his head to look at Louis, their eyes meet and Louis blinks at him. "You're gorgeous"

Louis makes a noise and covers his face with his hands. "Stop"

"No, I'm being serious" Harry says lightly. He reaches up and moves Louis hands. It seems they've completely switched roles. Louis is trying not to show his insecurities. Sitting up Louis throws a leg over Harry's waist, bracketing his thighs around him.

Leaning down Louis slots his lips with Harry's, the kiss is tender and slow. Like melting candy. Louis moves his hands into Harry's hair, knocking the hat off his head. Harry moves his hands to sit on Louis thighs, he squeezes them when Louis sucks on Harry's lower lip.

Things get heated, fast. Louis is pressing against Harry's chest with his own, he soon leaves Harry's lips to kiss his cheek, leaving a trail of kisses towards his ear, and on his neck. He presses his lips harder on the crook of his neck. Harry makes a small noise in the base of his throat and Louis then grinds down harder onto him, so he does and-

Harry's hard.

Louis pulls away and looks down at him. His mouth is parted slightly, the only light coming from the moon above them, making it harder to see his face.

"You okay?" Louis whispers.

Harry nods "more than ever", that makes Louis smile.

Louis leans back down, giving him an open mouth kiss, Harry leaning into it. Louis sets one of his hands-on Harry's chest over his pec, moving his fingers to the buttons on his shirt. His unbuttons it, keeping the pace of their kissing, not breaking away from Harry's lips.

When he reaches the last button, he opens his shirt and runs his palms up Harry's torso. He feels his warm skin against his hands. Harry loses focus when he does that, breaking the kiss.

"Lou" he says looking up at him. He squeezes Louis hips where his hands moved too, Louis not even noticing.

"Hmm?" Louis hums in response, trailing kisses on his neck.

"I- I'm sorry" Harry then says, and Louis lifts his head to look at him.

"What? Why" he asks confused.

Harry sighs "because... I'm not like- I don't know what to do" he shrugs.

Louis frowns because that's the last thing Louis is worried about. All he wants is Harry to be comfortable and enjoy the moment.

"That doesn't matter to me, you know that" he reassures him.

"I know, I just-" he stops.

"You just what?" Louis encourages him to continue.

"You don't think it's weird?" Harry asks, his voice is quiet.

"What's weird?"

Harry groans, embarrassed "that I'm like, hard from us, like- kissing?" He asks, so he knows Louis knows. Obviously.

Louis laughs feeling Harry tense and fuck, he's not laughing at him, he's laughing at the situation. "Harry, I would actually be offended if you weren't, I'm practically sitting on your dick" 

Harry fish mouths for a second and then runs a hand through his curls. "I-okay, good"

Then Louis has an idea.

"I could, help" he shrugs, still sitting above him.

Harry chokes on nothing.

"Sorry, what?" He says in disbelief sitting up on his elbows.

Louis hits his chest playfully and laughs with his head thrown back. "H, do you want me too?"

Harry blinks at him, "I mean, I'm not going to say no" he stops, "but like only if you want to?" He says more as a question.

"I wouldn't say it if I didn't want to"

"Um, alright, yeah" Harry then says breathlessly.

Louis gives him a closed mouth smile. Leaning down to peck him once and then starts moving his kisses down his chest. He reaches his hand down to grab his clothed length and Harry breaths in sharply. He's still watching Louis intensely, sitting up on his elbows.

"Relax, okay?" Louis looks up at him.

Harry nods and lays back, closing his eyes. Louis fumbles with his belt, unbuckling it and going for his zipper. Even though Louis told him to relax he can see his fist clenched at his side. This is the farthest they've ever gone, and Louis doesn't even have his mouth on him yet.

He finally gets his jeans unbutton and he pulls them down a little.

"Lou?" Louis looks up at his name.


"Can you um, take your shirt off? I just, I want to see you" he asks and he's so cute.

Louis nods and slips his shirt over his head.

"Fuck," Harry leans up and kisses him, open mouth and wet. Louis smiles against his mouth and pushes him back down with a hand to his chest.

"Are you sure?" He asks with his fingers under the waist band of his black briefs, ready to pull them down. The line of his dick is prominent, and Louis can see he's big.

"Yes, promise" Harry says quickly, and of course he is, he's getting his dick sucked for the first time. Louis laughs to himself.

He pulls his underwear down, Louis gets to work, he leans down and mouths over Harry's dick, Harry jerks his leg, and lets out a low breath. Louis licks from the bottom to the top, pressing harder on the head. He looks up and sees Harry squeezing his eyes shut.

Louis licks his palm, getting it wet and wraps his hand around it, stroking up and down slowly.

"You're going to kill me" Harry says running a hand down his face.

"Don't you wanna live to experience this?" Louis says and then he leans down and licks the tip pulling a groan from Harry, he throws his head back, hitting the blanket with the thud. Louis then wraps his lips around the head and sucks hard. Harry's hand comes up to run through Louis fringe that's in his eyes from leaning down.

"Fuck, Louis, that feels so good" Harry says lowly watching Louis with dark eyes has he sinks down on his cock.

The pace picks up when Harry's hands in his hair tightens when Louis uses his tongue to press on the outer side of his cock as he glides down slowly. Fuck why does he love sucking dick so much?

Louis hums when Harry let's out a low grown. "I-I'm not going to last m-much longer" he stutters, feeling Harry's pelvis jerk. Louis then goes down further so the tip hits the back of this throat. "Holy fucking shit" Harry moans loudly, his voice cuts off. His bops his head a couple times, then pulls off, panting, he looks up his eyes watering. Harry looks so fucking good. His hair is messy obviously from running his fingers through it, Louis runs his hands up his torso and goes back to sucking down on his dick.

"That's uh-" he groans "really good" Harry grits, Louis looks up at him and sees he's watching intently at him. The angle probably isn't the cutest.

Louis wraps his hand around the base and pumps up and down with the motion of his mouth.

"Jesus Christ, keep doing that, please" Harry says, his hips are now moving with Louis mouth and it's hot.

"Since he asked so nicely" Louis thinks, he continues to jerk his hand on his cock, and he grinds down on Harrys leg where it's between his thighs. He's going to come in his pants.

He sinks down fully on Harry's dick in one go, Harry moans so loud he swears anyone in a three-mile radius could hear.

"Fuck, Louis" he grits through his teeth "I'm going to come, babe" Harry groans, he's biting his lip so hard it's going to bleed. Louis pulls off when he feels Harry's dick pluses in his mouth, and he comes with a moan.

Louis licks the tip, the taste of come on his tongue is salty but he doesn't care.

Harry falls onto his back and lays there, he's looking up at the sky, his chest is falling up and down from breathing so heavily and Louis wants to kiss him.

He does just that. Leaning up he presses his mouth on Harry's, Harry kisses back, running a hand through Louis messy fringe.

"That was..." Harry breathes out.

"Mind blowing?" Louis teases him with a laugh.

Harry barks out a laugh and wraps his arms around Louis waist, hugging him close.

"Um, do you want me to..." Harry suggests and Louis kisses his neck.

"It's okay, I already..." he shrugs and Harry's eyes widen.

"You came from giving me a blow job?" Harry asks surprised.

"Yes?" He pushes Harry's chest. "You're fucking hot okay?"

That makes Harry blush. Out of all the things he could've blushed about, he blushes at that.

Louis leans down and kisses him, going straight for tongue. He falls back onto the blanket and Harry runs his hands down his face. "Fuck that was amazing, I can't believe it happened

"Well believe it" Louis chuckles "I'm glad you enjoyed" Louis says sitting up straight again and running his hands through his hair to try and fix it so it doesn't look like he just sucked someone's dick in the trunk of their truck. "Now, take me home so I can get out of these jeans, I'm sticky" Louis whines.

"Yes, of course" Harry laughs and he sits up pulling Louis up with him.

Once they pull into Louis aunts' driveway, Louis would rather sit in the truck all night because he doesn't want to leave him.

"Well," Harry says putting the truck in park.

"Well" Louis mocks him, and Harry turns to give him a look. "Don't get all smug on me now! I suck your dick once and you've gone and changed on me" Louis pouts at him.

Harry mocks his pout and leans over to kiss him. He lets out a laugh when Louis bites his lip a little too hard Louis could never get tired of hearing him laugh.

"I'll see you Monday?" Louis asks raising his eyebrows.

Harry licks his lips and nods, " 'course"

"Good, I'll text you" Louis says hopping down from the truck and Harry gives a wave.

"Bye, Lou" he calls from the rolled down window when Louis reaches the deck.

"Bye, H" he calls back giving him a smile.

Louis can't wait to tell Perrie and Niall.

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