Sweven [✅] (YiZhan)

By StellaKMary

27K 1.4K 256

"I have been dreaming about a past and a future. Both have you and I in them," said Yibo as he kept stepping... More

🌻🐰My Other Works🦁🌹


3.9K 280 37
By StellaKMary

"What did you just call me?"

"Lan Zhan," he said confidently. His smile remained the same. "Did you forget your own name?'

"I'm sorry, but you must be mistaken. I am Lan Yibo. Not Lan Zhan."

His face dropped, along with his smile. His cheerful face turned solemn as he stared right deep into my eyes as if he was searching for something. Something dark and distant, given his expression. I suddenly felt very intimidated under his gaze that I couldn't even move an arm or leg. It was almost as if he hypnotized me.

"I see..." He murmured before putting back the charming smile just like a few seconds ago. "You're right. I must be mistaken. Sorry about that."

Despite his apology, I could see it in his eyes that he didn't. Those pairs of doe-like jet black eyes that were as dark as his hair depicted no guilt. Not even the slightest.

"I am Wei Xiaozhan, by the way. A new student." He got up and extended a hand for me to shake.

I hesitated, looking at it as if shaking his hand was the most severe thing to be contemplating on.

"What's wrong? Is my hand too dirty?" He chuckled.

I couldn't understand why I am behaving so uncharacteristically rude towards this new boy. He did nothing wrong besides calling out my name's wrong. Do I have to take this seriously?

Brushing the thought away, I take his extended hand. "I'm the vice-president of this class. My name is一."

"Lan Yibo. I know. You just told me." He cut me off.

We stared at each other in silence, and if I weren't mistaken, I felt the grip on my hand tighten. I jerked it gently to let him know that he had been putting pressure on my hand, to which he responded by letting it go.

"So, if you don't mind what I am asking, who is the person you called? The name is Lan Zhan, isn't it?"

"Oh. He is someone very important to me. I lost him once, and I am planning on finding him back."

His answer made me feel a stabbing pain in my heart as if someone shot an arrow right at it. My upper body bent slightly, and my hand subconsciously found its way to claw the left side of my chest. I gritted my teeth to hold back the yelp that was about to escape my lips, swallowing it back in and refusing to let loose.

"Are you alright?" he asked, still standing where he was without moving.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly rose, surprisingly finding the pain slip away as quickly as it came.

"I'm fine. Thanks."

I wanted to pick up the topic about Lan Zhan again but found it way too intrusive to ask someone I just exchanged names today. I decided to let it go.

I headed to my seat with a weak smile that was right behind him and pretended to search for something inside my bag. I stole a glance under my eyelashes to see Xiaozhan shrugged and sat down, continuing with his writing.

At first, I thought he was the guy in my dream—the one with a black and red robe. But as far as I remembered, that guy's name should be Wei Ying, not Xiaozhan, which apparently meant that this new student wasn't the one.

Nevertheless, I couldn't get my mind off this newbie. There was something about him that kept making me curious, leaving mysteries unsolved right inside my head. I couldn't put my fingers on it yet, but I was planning to investigate it.


I would have to step out of my comfort zone. Forgetting my own rule, I had to befriend this so-called stranger turned classmate.


After class, I took over Ji Yang's role in showing the new student around, although I didn't get asked. My best friend stood with his mouth agape as I led Xiaozhan out of the classroom. I bet he was wracking his brain to answer why I was volunteering myself on the job I hated without having him to beg me.

The first destination that I brought Xiaozhan to was the administration office, for I found it the most important one. However, I almost crawled into a rabbit hole.

"I already know where this is," he said after we arrived. "I came here to register the transfer."

Inwardly smacking my head, I almost lost my cool composure. How could I be so stupid?

Clearing my throat, I hurriedly divert the topic, "Okay. Let's go to the next place then."

We walked around the campus, the swimming pool, the basketball court, the karate room, and many more facilities. Lastly, we made it to the last room in the secluded corner at the end of the hall.

Xiaozhan's feet stopped dead once we passed it, looking through the door's glass gap to the interior in fascination. His action showed that he was interested in it, so I decided to take the initiative.

"This is the music room. Do you want to go in and have a look?"

"Sure," he replied and waited for me to push the door open before walking in.

The inside was silent, except for the creaking sound of the old wooden door opening and closing. It had been a while since anyone came to this room. Still, the mahogany floor was spotless with not a single speck of dust.

Xiaozhan specifically headed toward a glass cabinet with a few musical instruments stored. If I wasn't mistaken, he was looking at the one on top.

A black flute.

"Whose flute is this?" he turned to ask.

I walked to where he was. Subconsciously, my hand brought me to open the glass door even though he didn't tell me to. "It was mine. I bought it a year ago, planning to learn it. But I lost interest. So, I left it here. It had been staying inside the glass ever since. Basically, it counts as new."

"Oh," he muttered, continuing to look at the thing as if it was the only thing that got his attention.

"Do you want to play it?"

Once again, my hand moved on its own, lifting to take the black flute from its shelf.

"Can I?"

"Of course. It's made to be played, not to be hanging as decoration." I handed the flute to him.

It was funny, came to think about it. I didn't even ask if he could play or not. But something told me he could. Either it was my gut feeling or instinct; I wasn't sure.

"Thanks," he received the flute with a smile, walking to one of the stools near the window and sitting down.

I was about to ask him if he needed a music book to play when the flute already found its way to his lips, producing a soothing tune.

My hand stopped dead as it hovered over a stack of music books inside the glass cabinet once the melody echoed throughout the room.

The same music that the guy in a black and red robe played in one of my dreams.

I turned to look at Xiaozhan only to meet with a gentle gaze of his as he stared right back at me since who-know when.


"Yibo," a voice called out to me.

I turned around and saw a man dressed in black pants and a red shirt walk towards me. His face was blurry, but the voice was unmistakable. And this time, I knew who it belonged to.

"You've come," I replied. My lips quirk up once my eyes landed on the approaching person as if his presence was everything to me. It must be the widest smile I had ever had, judging from the stretch of my muscle.

"Sorry, I am late," he said when we were just two steps apart.

Shaking my head, still maintaining the smile, I grabbed his hands as he came close. "No matter how late you are, I don't mind waiting."

I raised the back of his hand and brought it to my lips. Without breaking the smooch, I looked up from under my eyelashes at Xiaozhan, who was blushing and smiling shyly.

"Let's go," he said, lowering his eyes to the ground with a slight turn of his head as if to hide his incarnadine face.

I nodded, dropping his hand back to our sides yet still held onto it firmly. We took a step forward simultaneously, ready to start our day. Nevertheless, on that very first step, I slipped.

My eyes shot open in alarm since I thought I would slip to the solid ground, yet when I found my back was still attached to the soft mattress, I let out a relaxing sigh. Rolling to my side, I began thinking about this new dream.

It was indeed weird to dream of the new guy who I just met yesterday. But his voice was the same as the one named Wei Ying that I had called from my other dream.

Was this just me, or was it real? Was this all a coincidence, or was it arranged somehow? If it was the latter, then who was it, and what did he want from me? What would he gain from feeding me these weird dreams?

In short, I could only come to the same conclusion. I must keep a close eye on this Wei Xiaozhan.


"Hi, Xiaozhan. Do you want to go and have lunch with us?" Ji Yang stopped before the new guy's desk and asked him to join us.

Xiaozhan took a swift glance at me before answering, "Okay,"

I hid a smile when I realized how easy he was to approach. It seemed that it wouldn't be long until I got the answer I was looking for. At least, he wasn't the icy type like me.

While queuing at the canteen, Ji Yang's phone started vibrating. The moment he took it out and saw the caller's ID, he widened his eyes and blushed. "Excuse me. "He stepped out and picked up the phone, standing with his back to us.

It wasn't hard to guess who the caller was. I found it strange that Bowen ge seemed to pay more attention to his fiance lately. I wondered what was happening between them? Was there a new guy courting Ji Yang? Or maybe Bowen ge just learned to cherish what was important to him?

When Ji Yang withdrew his phone from his ear, I diverted my eyes so he wouldn't catch me looking at his back while he talked on the phone.

"Sorry, Xiaozhan, Yibo. I don't think I can eat lunch with you guys."

"Is something the matter?" Xiaozhan asked politely.

"Well, I need to step out for a little bit. Someone is waiting for me," answered Ji Yang with blushing cheeks that still hadn't gone away. "I'll see you guys when the class starts. Yibo, take care of Xiaozhan, alright?"

With that, he dashed off, leaving me not a chance to protest. Not that I had anything to say, anyway.

Even without him telling me, I was committed to taking care of this newbie. Ji Yang's leaving was the perfect timing I could ever ask for. Since there would be just the two of us, it would be easier to ask all those questions that had been lingering in mind.

However, right now wasn't the time.

Zhan and I stood next to each other, but we exchanged not a single word. Both of us stood silently and waited for our turn to arrive at the front. I picked up light dishes like steam rice, vegetable stirred fry, and a bowl of vegetable soup, whereas Xiaozhan picked chicken-with-chili-and-garlic-sauce dishes along with a bowl of Prawn Tum-Yum soup. Except for the rice, I found nothing alike on our food tray, clearly showing how different our tastes were.

Walking towards my usual table, we settled down with him sitting in front of me.

"Hmm...smell good," he sniffed the steam rising from his food, closing his eyes as if enjoying it.

Truthfully, I had no idea how one could survive such spicy food. Was his stomach fireproof? I thought to myself. Hopefully, I wouldn't have to witness a scene where he spat fire after he finished his lunch.

"Why are you staring at me as if you want to eat me?"

Zhan's voice not only woke me up from my deep thoughts but also startled me at the same time.

Eat you? What did this guy even mean? Was he suggesting something dirty? I suppressed the urge to glare at him.

There was no way things were going to happen between us. Our taste buds alone had confirmed this theory.

Clearing my throat, I came up with an excuse. "Sorry, I was just shocked at your food's spiciness level."

He cracked up, revealing his white bunny teeth and a charming big smile that somehow made my heart act strange.

Why do I find this laugh familiar all of a sudden?

"Yeah, I have heard that too, from a lot of people. I don't know why, but it seems I was born this way. But hot food makes a hot guy, don't you think?" He winked and continued to laugh at his own joke.

This guy. Did he just praise himself? I inwardly shook my head. "Let's eat before the food gets cold."

Both of us then ate in silence until half of our food was consumed. Only then did I begin my questions.

"So, Xiaozhan, can I ask you one thing?"

"Hmm?" he replied with a hum as he stuffed three pieces of chicken into his mouth in one breath.

"About the guy's name that you had called yesterday. Lan Zhan. Have you found him?"

"Emm hmm..." he gave me another hum, followed by a nod as an answer to my question since his mouth was full.

Oh, so this Lan Zhan guy is real. If he is, then shouldn't another person exist as well?

"Then, do you also happen to know someone named Wei Ying?"

His hand stopped midway as he was scooping up the stew on his spoon, preparing to bring it to his mouth. Putting the utensil down, he looked up at me; his smile vanished.

"Why do you ask?"

I was rendered speechless for a second. What should I tell him? That he was the guy from my dream? Wouldn't he think I was childish for my age to still believe in a dream? Besides, he and I just knew each other for two days 一including today. Typically, we weren't in a kind of relationship where I could just narrate the whole series of dreams to him.

Feeling torn, I decided to drop the subject. "Nevermind. I just heard the name somewhere a few days ago. And since you share the same surname as him, I thought you knew."

Xiaozhan kept staring at me unblinking; his expression sterned, making the back of my shirt soaked with sweats.

Did he catch on to anything? Was my excuse too lame? I tried to mask my countenance, yet my inside was anxious to the core.

"Haha..." The sudden burst of laughter escaped his lip, and his cheerful expression was once again returned. "Yibo, you don't think the surname Wei solely exists in my family, do you? If you search it up on the internet, I bet the result will be more than one page." He then picked up the chopstick and began to eat as if nothing happened.

Though I breathed a sigh of relief at the drop of the subject, I still couldn't give up the idea of investigating this guy. Besides Lan Zhan and Wei Ying, I just dreamt about him and me last night.





Three voices simultaneously shouted out from the area around my knees. I looked down to see three triplets circling my legs with their hands raised and their mouths blabbering the word papa. They all looked the same; milky skin, round black eyes, puffy cheeks, black hair, and thin lips. But most importantly, I seemed to notice something. All of them had a mole under their lower lips.

Many questions were running wild inside the back of my mind. Who were these triplets? Why were they calling me papa? Wait, why did that mole look so familiar?

"Ouch," I felt something tug on the ring finger of my left hand, bringing my attention back to the noisy crowd encircling me. One of the triplets was struggling to pull something off my fingers with his tiny hands. I didn't remember wearing any accessories, so what was this boy trying to get off me?

Lifting my right hand to shuffle his hair affectionately, I gently said, "Don't do that, Fanxing. Your mom would be mad if I lost it again."

Fanxing? Your mom? Hold on, what was I talking about? The back of my mind screamed out questions for these confusing scenes. However, in contradiction to it, my body reacted naturally on its own.

The little boy pouted before diverting his attention to tug my pants instead. His other two brothers were still jumping up and down while looking up at me with puppy eyes, hoping to be lifted. Their cuteness melted my heart, and I was just about to follow their request when something caught my interest.

On the ring finger of my left hand was a rounded band made of gold. I had seen this type of accessory before on my mom. And on my dad. So it could only mean one thing.

This was a wedding ring.

"Lan Zhan," a familiar voice called out to me.

I braced for the blurry face once again, but it shocked me when his face was clearly visible to my eyes despite being twenty meters away. There was no flute on him this time but judging from the voice and the attire. I knew it was him. He was donned in a black and red robe with his long black hair draping over his back till it reached his waist.

I was shocked at this face revealing, yet before I could call out the name, the figure seemed to transform. With each step he took, his long hair began to shrink back. The same went for his clothes. The waist-length hair was retracting slowly like a blind being pulled upwards until it came to a stop around his nape. His robe started wringing itself like a machine on its spin function, making the once big robe get tighter and shorter until it ultimately turned into black pants and a red, long-sleeved button-down shirt.

"Yibo," the newly transformed figure called out again. But this time, he called out my name.

Though this person called out two different names and changed into two different clothes, the voice and face were still the same with not a slight change.

And his face was none other than Wei Xiaozhan.

The triplets around me squealed even louder as they turned to look at the approaching figure before running towards him and yelled excitedly, "Mama, mama, mama..."

It took him quite an effort to keep walking towards me since the kids surrounded his legs, but he still managed. When he was closed to me until I could feel his breath on my face, he lifted his left hand, revealing the same wedding ring as mine before placing his palm on my cheek to caress it.

"My dear husband," he said in a voice that made my heart beat so fast that it might have leaped out of my chest if it wasn't for my flesh preventing it from escaping my body.

The sound of the alarm woke me up from my dream. I grabbed the phone and turned it off annoyingly before sitting up on the bed and grabbed a fistful of my hair to yank it down in frustration. Thankfully, my hair's roots were strong, or else, I would have been bald by now.

"I can't have this anymore. I need to ask him directly."

Though it sounded like an accusation, I firmly believed that Wei Xiaozhan was the cause of these weird dreams. After all, these dreams only appeared on the day he moved into my town.

As I kicked off the cover and got myself ready, I was committed to confronting him today.


🥰 Too cute to not include in  🥰

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