nobody like you • ryujin & li...

Od izeiya

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"why do I keep an eye on you again and again, oh my god what is this feeling?" // nobody like you • shin ry... Více

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n o t e (2)


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Od izeiya

lia's pov

"where have you been?" yeji exclaimed looking at me with her worried cat-like eyes. "i lost you in the crowd, my hand just slipped off yours because i cannot move properly. i'm sorry, lia." she said blaming herself for what happened. i quickly went up to her as i held both of her hands and i looked straight up into her eyes.

"hey, don't blame yourself," i spoke softly as i slightly tightened my grip on her hands. "i'm fine. i'm not bruised or anything, atleast i went out okay." i said in a soothing voice trying to calm yeji down for being concerned and disappointed.

"okay," yeji mumbled still looking down. "are you okay?" she asked as she tapped my shoulder gently with an anxious tone.

"yeah! super." i answered her back when a thought hit me immediately. i suddenly looked at her with a shocked expression before helding both of her shoulders. "i saw her here."

yeji looked at me with a confused face while tilting her head trying to point out what i'm saying. "saw what? who?"

i slightly smiled at her before speaking, "you know. the girl at the café. she's here." yeji's confused face quickly changed into a surprised one.

"you mean," yeji muttered slowly while her hands kept on moving around the air making nonsense shapes or whatsoever making her look like a mental patient. "the blue-haired girl who went up straight to our table, the one who gave our orders, the one who stared at you so madly-in-love and the one who gave you an umbrella under a rainy night? is that her?" yeji spoke in a fast manner making all of her statements sound gibberish but she's my bestfriend so i can truly understand what she just said.

i chuckled slightly while giving her an affirmative expression which made her feel more giddy and hyped up. "seriously? where is she?" yeji babbled her eyes filled with eagerness wanting to finally see her.

our eyes searched around the hall looking for a tall and slim figure and a scene suddenly came up to my mind, "yeji-ah." i said as i looked at her with hope. "i saw her inside the room where we went past to earlier. i swear to god, i literally just saw her wearing a clean white suit and i think she's a member of the taekwondo club if i'm not mistaken."

yeji looked even more shocked on the sudden news she just heard which made her feel even more excited upon meeting her. "taekwondo club?!" yeji exclaimed with her mouth still wide open. "wah, seriously. that girl is a complete-packaged bitch lia, i'm telling you." yeji said as she raised both of her hands like a person who just gave up immediately.

"see," yeji said while shoving her fingers infront of my face. "first, she's a waitress on a cafè which is like totally so cool, second she gave you her umbrella without hesitating for you to reach home safely and dry and third, what the fuck she's a taekwondo club member?! she's literally just amazing and who will set our standards high, girl." yeji finished her statement before snapping her fingers above the air.

as she finished what she just said i remembered how ryujin's eyes glow differently whenever our eyes find its way out to meet each other and whenever she looks at me. how my heart immediately just starts to beat in a fast pace which i couldn't understand the reason why i am feeling that way. or maybe this is just all in my mind. i shook my head off trying to push away my thoughts because i know i'll just get into trouble with this.

"where is the room you just mentioned." yeji spatted.


we walked straight off back to the room where we both passed by. we were expecting that there would be still a group of people outside rambling but we arrived with no one there. our faced dropped together with our hope as soon as we knew that maybe we were now late.

"i'm pretty sure she's still inside the room." yeji said lifting up the sad atmosphere. "let's go." she spoke as she held my hand and we walked closer to the classroom. when we were finally infront of the door we saw there were now only few people inside, taking off their suits and fixing their bags and uniforms. the windows are now half closed and the lights inside are already dim due to the closed windows. we watched how every person walk outside the room expecting that ryujin is still here.

"yeji," i slowly talked. "i think she went home already." i said in a low tone but exerts with a hint of sadness and disappointness. yeji looked at me before frowning a little as she crossed her arms above her waist.

"no," yeji exclaimed. "she's still here, i'm sure of that." we watched the people inside the room walk out and as they became more less we were feeling a bit hopeless now. that's when a tall girl went outside and it seems like she noticed us waiting for like about 10-20 minutes, maybe she realized that we're looking for someone.

"hello," she said in a soft tone. "i've noticed that you two were standing here infront of the door consistently about 20 minutes for now. are you guys looking for someone here?" she said as her eyes sparkle and her lips formed into a sweet smile greeting us.

"oh," yeji said. "um, we were. do you happen to know shin ryujin?" she finally asked as my heart thumped a bit hoping for a positive answer coming from the person infront of us.

the girl's shoulders lifted up as if the name crawled a familiar hint on her which made her make an expression which is obviously as a sign of a positive feedback from her.

"shin ryujin?" she said as she swayed half of her hair backwards from her chest. "oh, i know her. she just recently joined our club. a freshmen."

yeji and i looked at each other and smiled a little as we looked at each other. "umm, perhaps if you know where she is right now?" yeji asked her pleading for answers coming from her because we knew that she's the only hope we have left for us to see ryujin around.

the blonde-haired girl's lips curved a little as she rubbed the side of her head trying to recall where ryujin went off to and after that she finally looked at us before saying, "oh right after her screening, i saw her walk out the room and maybe she was heading to the school canteen to buy drinks because i heard her that she was feeling really thirsty and some of her friends inside told her that she should pass by the canteen and buy some for them too. maybe that's where she is right now, but i'm not pretty sure." she said while smiling shyly.

"ohh," yeji said while smiling flatly. "right. thank you so much for informing us, ms?" yeji asked trying to look for the girl's nametag infront of her shirt.

"shin yuna." she introduced herself. "i am also a member of the taekwondo club. and you're welcome." she said as she slightly bowed down to us before smiling brightly.

"right, i forgot something. can we um, can we leave you a favor?" yeji said still looking at the girl infront of us. yuna was a bit confused on what yeji has said but she nodded and listened at her.

"in case if we never found ryujin around, i'm gonna leave a number for you and can you give it to her?"

"oh, yeah! sure. go ahead." yuna spoke as she fished her phone out from her pocket and clicked it open.

"09*********. thank you!" yeji said. as soon as she finished dictating the numbers i felt like my heart just dropped all of sudden. i quickly turned to my side to look at her and i saw her raise one of her eyebrows at me while chuckling. that was my number?!!

"noted!" yuna said as she closed her phone and slid it back from her pockets. "i'll make sure that i'll give it to her if ever she gets back here. aren't you going to wait for her?" she suddenly asked.

yeji was about to answer when i quickly spoke faster than her, "no, maybe next time? we have prior classes tho, but we'll be back here soon." i said as i side-eyed yeji who's face was beaming with annoyance and is really furious while pouting at me knowing that i lied.

"oh, that's bad." yuna said. "well if you'll be back, you're always welcome to go inside! everyone is!" she said in a happy tone.

"oh we will be back." yeji spatted all of a sudden feeling proud with her answers which made me roll my eyes at her slightly while giving out a sheepish smile at yuna.

"uh, we need to go." i said before glancing at my watch and already realizing that it was already past 3 in the afternoon and i need to be back already at my house because mom said that i should be early and i don't even know the reason why.

"this early?" yuna said while pouting a little. "okay, i'll just tell ryujin right away when she's back. i hope you'll come here often, we can talk more."

"yeah!" yeji answered. "with ryujin." yeji and yuna laughed at each other as if they we're already more closer when they just talked around 25 minutes only but i find yuna really friendly and approachable. i want to know her even better too.

"bye! see you soon!" yeji said as we walked away from her and we waved at each other bidding goodbye thinking when we should be back again.


"why did you lie at yuna saying that we have classes next?" yeji said while frowning a bit. "or are you avoiding ryujin because you're just shy, hmm?" yeji teased while poking gently at my shoulder.

"what? no!" i answered in a high-pitched tone. "well, i really need to be back home early today. mom didn't even told me the reason why i should tho. and, i'm not trying to avoid ryujin!" i said as my eyes wander around the streets. well, thinking about meeting ryujin again three times in a row makes me feel really giddy and nervous. it's not like i'm avoiding her or what, i just feel like everything that my body reacts, everytime my heart beats, and everytime my eyes see her around; i truly cannot understand why i have these feelings everytime she's close around my presence.

when i finally reached home i bid goodbye to yeji and we both hugged before i entered our house. i clicked the doorknob open and there i saw mom in the kitchen who is busy cooking.

"hi dear!" she said as she quickly walked towards me before hugging me tightly. "how's school today?" she asked before gently holding both of my shoulders while smiling.

"nothing happened much, really." i answered back while smiling. "for now, i just feel really hungry just by smelling what you're cooking. i can't wait to get a taste of them."

"great!" mom spoke as she went back to the kitchen and i followed her. "i cooked your favorite today. bibimbap!" she said excitedly. "together with your favorite too honey buttered chicken."

my eyes gleamed in happiness and excitedness as i had a glimpse of what mom was cooking and i could hear my tummy growling. "yummy!" i said as i leaned closer to mom hugging her from behind.

we spent the entire minutes talking and sharing stories with each other. i watched how mom talk endlessly and it seems like she isn't running out of words and stories just by talking with me. i smiled a little while looking at her and realized that i really missed her presence around the house. she barely gets home when it's around 8:30PM or onwards and then i cook for myself before heading straight to bed. so, i feel really happy seeing her around again. while talking i heard a doorbell on the living room and mom quickly turned around to me.

"who is it around this time?" i asked mom curiously. "you never told me that we have a guest tonight." i spoke.

mom's eyes looked at me before saying, "can you open the door for me, sweetie?" i nodded at her before heading straight to the door. i slowly turned the doorknob and opened the door and there i saw a tall man wearing a black jacket. i saw him standing there right infront of me and i felt like all of the happiness that rushed across me was washed away.

"good evening, lia." he spoke in a low tone before smiling at me. i just stared at him blankly like he was never there in his position before turning my back at him and went straight to the kitchen where mom was. i felt his presence went inside the house filling up the toxic and empty atmosphere, again.

"hi jinsung." mom spoke before turning at him. "i almost thought you weren't going to come by." i watched how mom's figure walk close to him.

"how can i leave you both hanging tonight? of course i'd come." he said before taking off his jacket and putting it on the sofa. i watched him move around the house making me feel really uncomfortable. i looked at mom and told to myself, "why did mom never told me about this earlier? why is he here?"

"lia, dear?" i heard him mention my name. "how's school? are you doing great?" he asked. my eyes didn't look at him instead i quickly turned around before speaking. i really don't even have the guts to face him, i just don't like it everytime he enters the house.

"good." i said in a low and raspy voice. "why are you here?" i asked him back. a few silence was heard before his voice suddenly blew up again, "your mom invited me tonight. aren't you happy to see me here?" i felt my hand tightened its grip on the table and i can feel my entire body trembling because of anger. i did not respond at him and i took all of the plates placing them on the table while looking down.

"come! let's eat all together." mom said and the three of us all sat on the table facing each other. "here, eat more jinsung. i cooked it for the both of you." mom said kindly lending him lots and lots of food on his table which just helplessly makes my heart crack and stop. i couldn't help to see mom still being kind and sweet to him after all of what he just did to us. to mom. it just makes me sick. i quickly lend down the utensils i was holding while still looking down before speaking,

"i'm not hungry anymore." i said softly. "i need to rest first. my back hurts. i guess i'll just have to eat later on." i spoke before standing up on my seat. i threw my back at them and was about to walk away when i heard my mom.

"lia," mom said. "aren't you going to join me and your dad? you'll be really hungry." she said in a soft voice. just by hearing her still treating him as her husband and as my dad crashed my heart into a million of pieces and i can feel my hands and legs trembling and wobbling endlessly. i couldn't stand to see them acting this way. i couldn't stand to see mom acting so kind infront of him and later on i will be seeing her crying all alone inside the room just because of one man.

"it's okay mom." i said. "i'll just head downstairs before resting." i slowly went upstairs and locked myself up in the dark and empty room making me feel even more bad. i walked straight to my bed before burying my entire face onto the pillow, groaning all of my anger and wrathfulness away.

"why is he here? what is he doing here? why is he smiling at us like that as if he never hurt us in the past? why is mom treating him nice that way? why is this happening to us?" i mumbled across my heavy breaths. i can feel the pillow's cover getting soaked and wet because of my cold tears. i tightened my grip on my bed before crying limitless expressing all of the anger buried inside my lonely heart.

"why does it have to be like this?" i said as i slapped the bed angrily, sniffing, closing my eyes hoping that my tears would stop and go away. "he's just hurting me and my mom." i muttered softly, and i can hear my voice crack. i feel weak, helpless, and feeble. it's like right after a sunny and bright day, there would still be storm to pass by ruining all the mood.

right now, all i think about is to sleep and take a rest. i need to rest, my entire body is heavy, even my heart is. i turned around my front body facing the ceiling. i stared out of nowhere and i can no longer feel the joy and the strike of happiness lingering around me. i closed my eyes before sighing deeply. i just want everything to be okay, nothing else.

i can feel my cheeks burning again my tears showered down across them surrounding my entire face. i cupped my entire face while sobbing quietly because i don't want mom to worry about me crying again. i just want to feel loved, with no hatred and detestration. i want be loved without me not being scared on falling in love. i whispered to myself between my sobs.

while still lying on the bed i heard my phone beep on the desk. i was too tired to move and stand so i stretched my hand out reaching for it. i opened my phone and saw an unknown number appearing across the screen.

i opened it and read a message,

From: 09*********

Hi! Yuna said you were looking for me earlier. I got your number already and saved it on my contacts. She said you were with another girl, perhaps its your bestfriend, i think.

Anyways, how are you today? I hope you're doing fine :)



(A/N): lol i made yuna in my story older than ryujin 😆 this chapter is hella long but i hoped you enjoyed!

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