
By mzdani143

66.1K 1K 126

Madison Gilbert, the oldest Gilbert sibling, ad one of the most popular girl in school, everybody loves her a... More

1.3|Friday Night Bites
1.4|Family Ties
1.5|Youre Undead to Me
1.6|Lost Girls
1.8|162 Candles
1.9|History Repeating
1.10|The Turning Point
1.13|Children of the Damned
1.14|Fool Me Once
1.15|A Few Good Men
1.16|There Goes The Neighborhood
1.18|Under Control
1.19|Miss Mystic Falls
1.20| Blood Brothers
1.21| Isobel
1.22| Founder's Day
2.1| The Return

1.17|Let The Right One In

1.1K 27 2
By mzdani143

Gilbert Residence
Third Person POV

A storm is starting outside. Madison was sleeping in her bed. The wind from the storm blows her bedroom window open and Madison wakes up with a start. She goes over to the window and closes it.
In Jeremy's room, Celia's plan that her and Jeremy formed yesterday, to trick Anna into giving the location of the tomb vampires. Anna was in the room looking out the window at the storm.
Anna: I love storms.
Jeremy:(was texting Celia) Is that a vampire thing? Cause I read vampires don't like running water.
Anna: It's only Dracula. Yeah. He was a complete wuss. Never showered. Very smelly.
Jeremy: Seriously?
Anna: First rule about vampires, don't believe anything you read.
Jeremy: You got to tell me more. I gotta know.
Anna: No, you don't. Cause you're not going to be one.
Jeremy: Come on, you can't keep saying 'no' to me. You know you want me Anna.(he smirks)
Anna: Look, I'm not going to turn someone who learned about vampires from Netflix.
Jeremy: That's not true, and you know it.
Anna: Why do you even want this? Don't you have a girlfriend? Give me one good reason.
Jeremy: Cause I...
Anna: Hmm. Let me know when you can finish that sentence.
I knocked on the Jeremy's door and enters his room. Anna is now gone.
Madison: Hey, you're still up.
Jeremy: Hey, what's up?
Madison: Look there's a big storm rolling in. Can you help me make sure all the windows are closed?
Jeremy: Yeah. Yeah sure.
I looked around Jeremy's room for Anna.
Jeremy: She left when you came in the room.
Madison: Mmhm. I don't like her.
Jeremy: She doesn't need to know that I'm playing her.
Madison: My little brother, a player. (I smirked)
Salvatore Boarding House
Damon boards up the window that Fredrick and Bethanne broke though. Stefan and I watched him.
Damon: I say we go to Pearl's, bust down the door, and annihilate the idiot that attacked us last night.
Stefan: Yeah. And then what? We turn to the rest of the house of vampires and say, "Oops. Sorry?"
Madison: I can't believe you made a deal with her, Damon.
Damon: It was more like a helpful exchange of information. And it's more like I had a choice. She's...scary. Besides, she's gonna help me find Katherine.(he gives me a look)
Madison: And of course she is. Damon gets what he wants, as usual. No matter who he hurts in the process.
Me and Damon came up with a plan, that we are going to pretend to hate each other for the time being.
Damon: You don't have to be snarky about it.
Madison: I woke up this morning to learn that all the vampires have been released from the tomb. I've earned snarky.
Damon: How long are you going to blame me for turning your sister's birth mother into a vampire?
Madison: I'm not blaming you, Damon. I've accepted the fact that you're a self-serving psychopath with no redeeming qualities.
Damon: Ouch.
Stefan: This isn't being very productive. We're gonna figure out  way to deal with Pearl and the vampires. Yeah? Hmm.
Damon leaves the room. Stefan embraces me in his arms.
Madison: I'm sorry, he just makes me so cranky.
Stefan: I know. He makes everybody cranky.
Madison: So, what are we going to do?
Stefan: Damon and I are gonna handle everything. While you relax your pretty little self.(he kisses my neck)
Madison: But I want to help you baby.(I pouted) I don't want to sit here and do nothing.
Stefan: That's exactly what you're going to do, because that's what us going to keep you safe.
Madison: Which means nothing if you're not safe.
Stefan: What do you mean? I'm perfectly safe. I have Damon, the self-serving psychopath on my side.
Madison: Well, that's comforting.
I got on his lap and kisses him.
Mystic Grill
Jeremy talks to Anna. Celia is sitting at the bar, listening to their conversation.
Anna: Okay. We have some time. I'm not meeting my mom until later.
Jeremy: Wait. Does your mom know you're a...
Anna: The fact that you would even think it's possible to keep something like that a secret from your own family is just further proof that you're not ready.
Jeremy: "Not ready" is a step from "No".
Anna: And a million steps down from "Maybe". I like your bracelet.
Jeremy: Thanks. My older sister Madison gave it to me.
Anna: Can I see it?
Jeremy: Yeah. Yeah.
Anna: Your sister doesn't know you're hanging out with me, does she? Or your girlfriend?
Jeremy: No. No. they don't know. And I don't see why it would be a problem. Me and Celia are kind of on the outs right now. It's not like they know what you are.
Anna: I'd rather keep it our little secret.
Jeremy: You know, why don't you keep this.
Anna: Why would you give this to me?
Jeremy: Because you like it. And I like you.
Anna: You only like me because of what you want from me, and because I'm a rebound for you.
Jeremy: No...I—I like you. (Lied)
Anna: know, you should wear it. It looks better on you anyway.
Salvatore Boarding House
Damon is fixing a clock, and Stefan is leaving to go hunting.
Damon: Hunting party?
Stefan: That guy did a number on me last night when he stabbed me. I gotta get my strength back up.
Damon: I've got two liters of soccer mom in the fridge. No?
Stefan: We'll talk when I get back?
Damon: All right. Give my regards to the squirrels.
Stefan is out hunting. He turns around and there are vampires surrounding him. Fredrick stabs him with a wooden stake.
Stefan: Aah!
Gilbert Residence
My phone was ringing but I couldn't get it because I was in the shower. A few minutes later, I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body and stepped out of the bathroom and into my room, to see Damon sitting on my bed.
Madison: Oh, my god, Damon, you can't just come in here unannounced.
Damon: I called your phone three times, you didn't answer.
Madison: I was in the shower. What do you need?
Damon: Have you seen Stefan?
Madison: Not since early this morning. Something wrong?
Damon: He went out into the woods and didn't come back. I can't get him on his phone. I figured he was here with you.
I tried calling Stefan on his cell phone.
Madison: It's going straight to voicemail. Where could he be?
Damon: You're not going to like what I'm thinking.
Miss Gibbons' Residence
Damon: Pearl! Open this door. I swear to God I'll bust through and rip your head off!
Fredrick:(opens the door) Pearl's not home. Hmm. Beautiful weather. Not a ray of sun in the sky.
Damon: Where's my brother?
Fredrick: Billy.
Two vampires drag a beaten Stefan into the hallway.
Damon: You're dead.
Fredrick. Whoa. I'm sorry. You haven't been invited in. Miss Gibbons?
Miss Gibbons:(enters) Yes, Fredrick, honey?
Fredrick: Never let this bad man in.
Miss Gibbons: I'll never let him in.
Stefan: Ugh!(the vampires stab him in the stomach)
Fredrick: 145 years left starving in a tomb, thanks to Katherine's infatuation with you and your brother. First few weeks, every single nerve in your body screams with fire. The kind of pain that can drive a person mad. Well...I thought your brother might want to get a taste of that before I kill him. Billy.
Billy stabs him with a stake again.
Stefan: Uhh? Aah!
Fredrick: You have a nice day.
I was sitting in Damon's car, and I saw him approaching, and I got my umbrella because it was raining, and gets out.
Madison: What happened? Where is he?
Damon: They have him. I can't get in.
Madison: Cause you're not invited in.
Damon: Yes. The woman that owns the house is compelled to not let me in.
Madison: I can get in.
Damon: You're not going in there.
Madison: I'm going! I'm a witch! A very powerful one.
Damon: Yeah, well witch or not, you're not going in there.
Madison: Why are they doing this? What do they want with him?
Damon: Revenge. They want revenge.
Madison: We gotta do something.
Damon: I know.
Madison: We can't let them hurt him. We gotta get him out of there.
Damon: I know. Madi, I know. But I don't know how to get him out.
Madison: I do.
Miss Gibbons' Residence
The tomb vampires are tying Stefan up in the basement with ropes soaked in vervain.
Fredrick: Vervain on the ropes.
Stefan: Aah! Unh!
Fredrick: That's gotta sting. Speaking of...
Fredrick has an eye dropper with vervain. He puts a few drops into Stefan's eyes.
Stefan: Aah!
Harper:(enters) This isn't right!
Fredrick: He killed Beth-Anne. One of us, Harper. And don't you think for a second he wouldn't kill you if he had the chance. Pearl says we're not here for revenge, right? I say that's exactly what we're here for. Starting with this.
Fredrick drags a knife across Stefan's chest.
Stefan: Aah! Aah!
Fredrick: And then his brother. And anyone else that gets in our way.
Harper: This isn't right!(grabs his arm to stop him)
Fredrick: You're gonna want to let go of me!
Harper: Miss Pearl will be home soon.
Fredrick: Miss Pearl is no longer in charge. Tie him up! And then stake him down.
Mystic Falls High School
Alaric is walking down the hallway when Damon appears. Alaric stops in his tracks.
Damon: Well, don't you look...alive?
Alaric: You can't hurt me.
Damon: Oh, I can hurt you, all right.
Madison: Mr. Saltzman. We need your help. (I walked from behind Damon.)
We walked into Alaric's classroom to talk.
Madison: Stefan's in the house. Damon's a vampire. He can't get in. We need you. I would go, but...
Damon: But your life is valuable. Yours, on the other hand is...
Madison: Stefan told me about your ring.
Alaric: What about it?
Damon: Let me tried to kill me. I defended myself. You died. Then according to my brother, your ring brought you back to life. Am I leaving anything out?
Alaric: Yeah. The part where I try and kill you again. Only this time, I don't miss.
Madison: Mr. Saltzman. Please. It's Stefan.
Alaric: I'm sorry, Madison. But it's not my problem.
Damon: That's a shame. Because the woman in charge of the crowd can help you find your wife.
Alaric: You're lying.
Damon: Am I? Why don't you ask her yourself? Coward. Come on, Madison.
Damon and I starts to leave the classroom.
Alaric: All right! Wait. I'll go.
Mystic Grill
Celia was sitting at the bar listening in on Jeremy and Anna's conversation, getting some information in. To kill the tomb vampires including Anna and her mother.
Jeremy: So, I have an answer.
Anna: To what?
Jeremy: Why you should turn me?
Anna: We're back to that.
Jeremy: Look, I wake up every day, and I feel okay, but there's something missing. Like a hole. Some people, they life, or whatever. I...I don't.
Anna: So, you want a pity turn? I don't think so.
Jeremy: You should turn me because I don't have anything else.
Anna: Do you even know why we turn other people? It's not to give someone a one way ticket out of loner hood. Okay? One, we need someone to do our dirty work. Two, revenge. Three, boredom...but, you know, that turns out so well. And then you know there's the obvious one. You love someone so much that you would do anything to spend all of eternity with them. (Jeremy was looking at Celia, cause he wants to spend eternity with the girl he loves) Ahem. I'm sorry, but you don't fit any of those categories yet.
Anna sees her mother enter the grill.
Anna: So, yeah. Just make sure your thesis is clear, and she'll love it. See you later.
Anna sends Jeremy a text. And she walks up to her mother. Celia drinks her strawberry daiquiri and turns to Jeremy. Jeremy smiles at her.
Anna: Mom, hey.
Pearl: Did you get everything?
Anna: Yeah, the blood bank was understaffed because of the rain. I was in and out.
Pearl: Who's that you were talking to? (She sees Jeremy staring at Celia all lovey dovey)
Anna: A friend from the library.
Pearl: Let's get home.
Mayor Richard Lockwood and Tyler enters the grill.
Mr. Lockwood: Hey, you're not going out in that, are you? The roads are dangerous. Route 5 is completely flooded.
Pearl: We'll make do.
Waitress: Mayor Lockwood, we have your table ready.
Tyler: Great.
Pearl: Mayor...Lockwood, is it? I suppose it is treacherous outside. My name is Pearl.
Mr. Lockwood: Hi.
Pearl: This is my daughter, Anna. We've just recently moved to town.
Mr. Lockwood: Welcome. Richard Lockwood. This is my son Tyler. Please—please, join us.
Pearl: It would be a pleasure.
Tyler: Be more creepy, dad. Not like your son is standing right here.
Mr. Lockwood: Grow up. Elections are coming up. She's a constituent. And a rich one, from the looks of it.
Tyler: You can tell all that by looking at her ass? Awesome. I'm gonna go shoot some pool.
Mystic Falls High School
Alaric is in his classroom pulls out his arsenal of vampire weapons.
Damon: Teacher by day, vampire Hunter by night.
Alaric: I've you to thank for that.
Madison: What are these? (I picked one of them up)
Alaric: Those are tranquilizers darts filled with vervain.
Damon: Just get me in. I'll get Stefan out.
Madison: So that's your plan? You're just gonna take them all on yourself?
Damon: Well, I'll be a little stealthier than that, hopefully.
I took one of the vervain darts, and put it inside my purse.
Alaric: Whoa. What are you doing?
Madison: I'm going with you guys, what does it look like I'm doing?
Damon: No, no, no, no. No. No way.
Madison: You need me. I'll get in. You could distract them, then I'll get Stefan out.
Damon: You'll get yourself killed. You're not going in there.
Madison: I'm going. I have magic, and I'm also strong then I look.
Damon: So, when you get me in, get out as soon as you can. I know how to sneak around where they can't hear me. You'll basically just be in the sat. (He ignores me)
Madison: Damon, now is not the time to be a Lone Ranger.
Damon: Fine. Madison, you can drive the get away car. You're not going into that house.
Madison: You can't stop me. It's Stefan we're talking about here. You don't understand.
Damon: Oh, I understand. I understand. He's the reason you live. His love lifts you up where you belong. I get it.
Madison: Can you just not joke around for 2 seconds?
Damon: I can't protect you, Madison. I don't know how many vampires there are in there. (He snaps his fingers.) That's how long it takes you to get your head ripped off. I have to be able to get in and get out. I can't be distracted with your safety. Or this will end up in a bloodbath that none of us walk away from...including Stefan. I know. I get it. I understand.
Alaric: If we're gonna go, let's go.
Miss Gibbons' Residence
Alaric knocks on the door. Fredrick answer it.
Alaric: Oh, good, someone's home. Uh, could I use your phone? My car broke down a few miles up the road. This is the first house that I saw.
Fredrick: Well, lucky you.
Alaric: Yeah. Lucky me. It's no trouble, is it?
Fredrick: Not in the slightest.
Alaric: Great. Whew. (He enters the house) Hey, man, I really appreciate it. It's rough out there.
Fredrick: Billy, show our visitor where the phone is in the kitchen. And get me something to drink.
Billy: Yeah. Sure thing. (They walked to the kitchen.) Hey, Miss Gibbons, this guy wants to use your phone.
Miss Gibbons: Oh, sure, honey. It's right there.
Alaric: Thanks.
Alaric walks towards the phone, Billy comes at him with a stake. Alaric is too quick for him and grabs the stake and stabs him with it.
Billy: Aah!
Alaric turns the faucet and starts the blender to create noise.
Miss Gibbons: What's happening?
Alaric: I'm really sorry. But you're gonna need to invite a friend of mine inside.
Alaric opens the door and Damon is standing outside.
Miss Gibbons: Oh, I'm sorry. He's not allowed in the house.
Alaric: I know that. But you've got to make an exception.
Damon: Get her out of the house. Now! (Alaric hands Damon Miss Gibbons.) Miss Gibbons, tell me the truth. Are you married?
Miss Gibbons: No.
Damon: Parents, children, anyone else who lives on this property?
Miss Gibbons: No. It's just me.
Damon: No? Good.
Damon breaks her neck and promptly enters the house.
Alaric: You we're supposed to compel her.
Damon: It doesn't work that way...
Alaric: She is human.
Damon: And I'm not! So, I don't care. Now, get out of here. And get rid of the body!
Damon's Car
I was waiting in the car. I pulled a vervain syringe out of my purse and examines it. A tree branch than fell onto the car windshield. I gasped.
Mystic Grill
Pearl is sitting down with the Mayor.
Pearl: I'm in the process of obtaining some property. I understand that your family is the largest property owner in town.
Mr. Lockwood: Well, yes we are. Dating all the way back to the town's original charter.
Pearl: Your family came into the lot of new property in 1864.
Mr. Lockwood: You know your history.
Pearl: It's a passion of mine.

Tyler: Guy's not even subtle about it.
Matt: Who is that?
Tyler: It's not my mother.

Jeremy walks over to the bar, sits next to Celia. He doesn't know that Anna didn't leave the grill.
Celia: How's everything going?
Jeremy: I think she's falling for me.
Celia: Well, I'm going to have to kill her, you're mine.
Jeremy: All yours.
Celia had put a spell up do nobody can hear them.
Anna was looking at them jealous and mad, and pissed off. Pearl notices this.
Pearl: I'm sorry, Mayor. Do you know that boy over with the girl?
Mr. Lockwood: Yeah it's Jeremy Gilbert and Celia Bennett.
Pearl: You don't say.
Miss Gibbons' Residence
Fredrick: Billy, what's the hold up?
Fredrick tells another vampire name Jacob to go see what is up. He enters the kitchen and turns off the sink and blender. He approaches the pantry. Damon opens the door and stakes him.
Jacob: Aah!
Damon's Car
Alaric runs back to the car. He opens the door and sees Madison isn't there.
Alaric: Damn it, Madison. (He grabs his bag and leaves)
Miss Gibbons' Residence
I jumped on the porch. I stayed by the wall to keep myself hidden. I started to move on, but I then heard Fredrick.
Fredrick: Billy, Jacob, get back in here!
I ran past the door and went down the stairs that leads to the cellar. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I blasted the door open with my magic. A man is standing guard by a door at the end of the hallway. I magically pulled his heart out of his chest and he fell to the ground dead. Then Damon came up to me.
Damon: Are you insane? I told you to stay in the car.
Mystic Grill
Pearl is talking to Anna in the restroom.
Pearl: Jeremy Gilbert? Is that what you've been up to? And you also know he's seeing Celia Bennett, right?
Anna: I thought he was my friend. I just found out that his still seeing her.
Pearl: his family is the reason I was stuck in the tomb in the first place.
Anna: but that doesn't mean that he'll make the same choices.
Pearl: I want you to stop seeing him. Cause if he's with the Bennett girl, then it's not going to be good.
Anna: I've been on my own for a long time, mother. I can make my own decisions.
Pearl: then stop acting like a child! He's already turned on you!
Anna: he won't do that, he said that he already likes me.(she said in denial)
Pearl slaps her. They exit the grill, Anna got on her phone and texted Jeremy saying,"I'll do it."

Jeremy and Celia was sitting at the table, just enjoying each other company, when Jeremy got the text.
Jeremy: she said that she'll do it.
Celia: good, our plan is in motion.
Jeremy: you're in evil genius, you know that.
Celia: yeah, I know. You love it.
Jeremy: of course I do. That one of the reasons I love you.
They kissed each other.
Miss Gibbons' Residence
Stefan and Harper are still trapped in the cellar.
Stefan: uhh. Thank you. For trying to help me.
Harper: they just needed somebody to blame. Someone to punish.
Damon and I enter the cellar.
Stefan: shouldn't be here...
Damon: she was supposed to stay in the car, but she's hard headed.(he was about to stake Harper)
Stefan: unh! No. No. No. Not him.
Damon: whatever. Let's get you down.
Stefan: there's vervain on the ropes.
Damon: Madi, pull that.
Stefan: unh!
Damon: alright, let's go. Clothes on.
Stefan: wait.
Damon: what? Guys, come on. We have to get out of here.
Stefan and I pulled the stake out of Harper's legs.
Stefan: uhh!
Damon: come on, we gotta go.
Stefan: the other one.
Harper: uhh!
Damon: can you get him to the car?
Madison: yeah.
Damon: all right, go.
Madison: what about you?
Damon: you rescue, I'll distract. Go.

Fredrick is getting suspicious, because it's too quiet.
Fredrick: (motioning to the stereo) turn that down. It's too quiet.
Then one of the vampires gets staked.
Fredrick: spread out. Now. You two, back of the house. Go. Check out both rooms. Cellar, now.
I was carrying Stefan to the car.
Stefan: uhh.
Madison: can you make it?
Stefan: uhh! Uhh.
We fell down. I cut myself on a rock.
Stefan: ohh. You okay?
Madison: yeah. Come on, keep going. Come on.
I pulled Stefan up and we starting walking again.
Miss Gibbons' Residence
Fredrick sees another staked vampire in the dining room. Damon catches him by surprise. They fought. Damon gets Fredrick on the floor and starts punching him. Two vampires come up from behind and pulls Damon off. Fredrick leaves. The vampires and Damon start fighting. One of them approaches Damon from behind. Damon doesn't see him, Alaric shoots at the vampire with a dart.
Damon: I'm going after Fredrick!
Me and Stefan arrived at the car.
Madison: come on, it's right over here.
I put Stefan in the passenger seat and went around the car to get in the drivers seat.
I saw the ignition has been removed.
Madison: Stefan...
Fredrick busts the window on Stefan's side out and drags him out. He starts beating h8m.
Fredrick: Aah!
Stefan: Ugh! Uhh..
Fredrick: this is for Beth-Anne.
Fredrick stabs Stefan with a branch.
Stefan: Aah!
Fredrick: and this is for the tomb.
Madison: NO!
I got a branch and I plunged it into Fredrick's heart. I kept on stabbing him repeatedly, until I knew that he was dead.
I turned to an unconscious Stefan.
Madison:, Stefan. Stefan, Stefan. Stefan! Stefan!
Miss Gibbons' Residence
Alaric is reloading his dart gun. A vampire attacks him. They wrestle to the ground. Alaric stabs him with a vervain syringe. Damon comes back into the hallway.
Damon: Fredrick's gone.
Alaric: let's get out of here.
Damon: I'm gonna kill him.
Damon and Alaric walks out of the house. They see many more vampires approaching.
Damon: how many of those vervain darts do you have left?
Alaric: one.
Damon: not gonna be enough.
Donovan's Residence
Kelly is making dinner.
Matt: hey, mom. What's going on?
Kelly: what's it look like?
Matt: honestly, I wouldn't know. I've never seen it before.
Kelly: well, sit down. You might wanna order pizza. I'm out of practice.
Matt: mmm. Mystery casserole. Yum.
Kelly: yeah. Some people aren't meant for the kitchen.
Matt: what?
Kelly: uh, I know it's been rough. But I'm gonna try. I mean, really try this time. You just have to bear with me, okay?
Matt: okay.
Kelly: okay. Good.
Then the doorbell rings. Matt goes to answer the door.
Matt: you know I got it.
Kelly: that bad, huh?
Matt opens the door. Elena and Sheriff Forbes are outside.
Matt: what happened to you?
Sheriff Forbes: hey, Matt.
Matt: hey. What's going on?
Sheriff Forbes: is your mom home?
Mystic Grill
Mayor Lockwood gets a phone call.
Mr. Lockwood: alright, give me ten minutes. And keep it out of the news till I get there. Grab your stuff. We gotta go.
Tyler: kinda got half a burger left.
Mr. Lockwood: they found Vicki Donovan.
Tyler: are you serious? Where was she?
Mr. Lockwood: storm unearthed the grave off county road. They just brought her body down to the morgue.
Tyler: wait. She's dead?
Mr. Lockwood: come on, we gotta go.
Jeremy and Celia heard the entire conversation, and they looked at each other.
I was shaking Stefan, trying to get him up.
Madison: Stefan, please. Stefan! Oh, Stefan, please get up. Get up, Stefan. Stefan.
I noticed the cut on my palm and puts it up to Stefan's mouth for him to drink.
Madison: here.
Stefan: Madi, please run.
Madison: No.
Stefan: please.
Madison: Stefan. My wrist. Here. Take my wrist. You need more blood.
Stefan: go, Madi. Run. Run...
Madison: No. I trust you.
I gave Stefan my palm, he started drinking my blood.
Madison: there you go baby.
Miss Gibbons' residence
Pearl and Anna comes home.
Alaric: so, what you said to get me to do this, about my wife. It was a lie, wasn't it?
Damon: yep.
Pearl: stop. What's going on here? What did you do?
Damon: me? Your merry little band of vampires spent the day torturing my brother.
Pearl: trust me. The parties responsible for this will be dealt with.
Damon: our little arrangement doesn't work unless you learn to control them.
Pearl: this wasn't supposed to happen.
Damon: well, it did. If I had a good side...not a way to get on it.
Damon and Alaric leaves.
Salvatore Boarding House
I was staring out Stefan's window. Stefan approaches me.
Madison: how are you doing?
Stefan: I'm okay. The wounds have mostly healed.
Madison: good.
Stefan: Madi...
Madison: yeah?
Stefan: what you did today, coming to help could have been killed.
Madison: I know.
Stefan: and I'm sorry you had to see me drink blood.
Madison: it's not your fault baby...I made you. It's my fault.
Stefan: what? No. No. No. No. you didn't make do anything. You were saving my life.(he caresses my face) everything gonna be okay.
My phone then rings, I answered it.
Madison: (on the phone) hey CeCe...what—what's going on? Oh, no.
Donovan Residence
Everyone was over the house, Camille, Jake, CeCe and Jeremy. Elena brings coffee to Matt.
Elena: I made you some coffee.
Matt: thanks.
Elena: are there anything I can do?
Matt: I just, uh...I need to be alone right now.
I arrived at the house, and I hugged Matt.
Madison: Matt...
Mystic Grill
Damon joins Alaric at the bar.
Damon: that was fun. Oh, don't look at me like that. I know you hate me. Guess what? Everyone hates me. But you can't deny it. We were bad ass.
Alaric  then punches him in the face, and leaves the grill.
Damon: Uhh. Happens.
Salvatore Boarding House
Damon enters Stefan's room, after getting back from the grill, to see blood bags are empty. Then he sees Stefan sitting on the floor, drinking from another blood bag.

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