I Love You~

By Fander_with_standers

46.4K 1.9K 3K

The Prince and Storm families own family owned stores that hate each other and want nothing to do with one an... More

Quick Thing about the Characters
Chapter One- "Baked Goods"
Chapter Two- "Coffee Club"
Chapter Three- "The Party"
Chapter Four- "Lunch?"
Chapter Five- "Wait-Really!?"
Chapter Six "Movie Date~"
Chapter Seven- "Movie at the Storm House"
Chapter Eight- "Someone Gets Hurt.."
Chapter Ten- "Making Out and Flipping Out"
Chapter Eleven- "Fight, Fight, Fight!"
Chapter Twelve- "Coming Out.."
Chapter Thirteen- "Break Up?"
Chapter Fourteen- "Home is Where the Heart is?"
Chapter Fifteen- "Dress to Impress"
Chapter Sixteen- "Meeting the Prince Family!"
Chapter Seventeen- "Why?"
Chapter Eighteen- "What If?"
Chapter Nineteen- "Dinner Date Gone Wrong.."
Chapter Twenty- "I Should of Known.."
Chapter Twenty One- "Please Come Back!"
Chapter Twenty Two- "Just Forget about Him.."
Chapter Twenty Three- "Hey!?"
Chapter Twenty Four- "Three Small Words can mean so Much~"

Chapter Nine- "I Promise~"

1.7K 70 48
By Fander_with_standers

//Continuing where we left off//
Virgil POV:
       'I need to tell them what happened..'
I sigh as I look up at Roman and he gives me a questioning look. "You ok Virge?" Ro ask as he puts his hand on my cheek and I sigh. "A-Actually.. there's something I-I need to tell-l you a-and Pat-t.. You m-might wanna sit-t down.." I stutter out as I put my hand in Roman's.

Roman nods his head and kisses the top of my hand before he sits next to P. "You can tell me anything Virgil.. You know that right?.. and I don't care if it's good, bad, or ugly.. I'm still gonna be here for you~" "And so am I kiddo.. no matter what happens we'll always be here.." Patton says as he sits up and wipes a few tears that are streaming down his face.

I smile a little at my boyfriend and close friend.. "Thanks guys.. I don't know what I would do without you two.... *Virgil frowns a little at what he's about to say* Before I show you guys you have to promise me that you won't be mad.. especially you Roman.. *Both Ro and Pat nod* Ok.." I take a deep breath before grabbing a tissue from the coffee table in front of me.

I sigh shakily as I wipe of the makeup that's on the left side of my jaw. I wince as I hear both of them gasp as they look at the huge bruise. Patton has more tears in his eyes and Roman quickly stands up and walk in front of me with a sad/anger expression on his face that he's trying to hide.

"Who did this to you?.." Ro ask as gently takes my hand in his. I take a shaky breath and feel a few tears stream down my face as I look up at Roman. ".. J-Janus and Re-..Remus.." I quietly say as Rom eyes widen. "M-My brother h-hurt you!? That son of a b***h! When I get home I'm gonna-" Ro yells as he grits his teeth with anger. I shake my head, "Roman please don't be upset.. I'm sorry.." I reply as I look over at Patton, who's trying not to cry again and has wide eyes.

"Virgil you don't need to apologize they should be the ones saying sorry.. This is not your fault baby..Did they hurt you anywhere else?.." Roman ask with a hint of sad/anger in his voice. I look back at him and slowly nod my head yes. "Oh babe I'm so sorry.. you don't have to show me just know that I lo-.. I promise that this will never happen again.. I care bout you so much Virgil~.. and might I and you look amazing in my letterman~.." Ro says as he brings me into a hug with tears in his eyes and I shakily hug back.

I blush bright red, "To be honest I kinda forgot I was wearing it.." I reply as I lay my head on his shoulder and take a deep breath. "Are Janus and Remus the reason why Logan can't breath?" I hear P ask and Rom and I pull apart. I nod my head, "Yeah.. Logan told me that after J pushed him into a table he fell to the floor and Jan kicked him in his ribs..Patton it wasn't your fault and I'm sorry I didn't tell you before."

"It's ok V.. I just hope that Lo's ok.." Pat says as he walks over to me and gives me a small hug. I smile and hug him back, "I think L's gonna be fine.. he's a lot tougher than he looks.." I reply as Patton takes a step back from the hug with a small smile. I look over at R to see him with an very p***ed off expression as he looks down at his phone.

I gently grab his waist and rest my head on his shoulder as I see him going to his texting contacts. He stops on one that says 'Remus' and presses it. "Babe? Look at me.. *Roman takes a deep breath and looks at his boyfriend* I'm sorry I didn't tell you before all this.. so please don't do something that you might regret later.." I say to my dramatic boyfriend as I kiss his cheek and he sighs.

"Virge you don't need to be sorry I'm just p***ed that my brother was causing you and Logan so much harm and that I was stupid enough to not notice it.. Some boyfriend I am.." R says with a sigh as he quickly looks away from me. "Roman, you are an amazing boyfriend~..You're charming, sweet, and funny.. I don't know what I would do without you so please don't think badly of yourself just cause you didn't know bout something.." I reply as I press a quick kiss to his lips.

Roman smiles a little bit and puts his phone away. "Thanks gorgeous~.." I smile a little as Rom takes my hand in his and we both sit down with Patton. Pat gives me a small smile and a look that telling me that's it's gonna be ok.. I sigh.. 'What am I going to tell my parents? What if Logan has a serious injury? What if this causes him to get surgery? What if he dies!?.. I can't live without that nerd.. We've always been there for each other and he's like a big brother to me-' I quickly come out of my thoughts by someone shaking my shoulder.

"Baby?..Storm cloud are you ok?- *Ro see Vee crying* Woah, Virge what's wrong?.. Is everything alright?" I quickly look up at Roman with tears running down my face. "I-I'm sorry.. I was j-just thinking-g.. W-..What if Logan d-doesn't make i-it?.. What if h-he dies-" "Virgil kiddo listen to me.. Logy will be ok.. These doctors know what their doing ok?..*Virgil nods as he looks at Patton* Ok, so there is no need to stress..Now just close your eyes and take a deep breath with me.." Pat says to me with a smile and I close my eyes. I take a deep breath and feel myself start to calm down.

"Are you the family of Logan Mind?" I quickly open my eyes to see a man in a lab coat, glasses, and a pink tie and I nod. "Y-Yes, sir that would be me.." I quietly say as I stand up with a concerning look. "Um-I'm sorry don't take this personal but do you have a parent or legal guardian with you?" He asked me as he looks me up and down. "No.. I don't-but I can call my parents since they are Logan's legal guardians.. I quickly say as I take my phone out of R's jacket and shakily call my mom.

"Ok, thank you.. After you are done and you are able to reach someone please come to room c17..and please let Logan's parents know that they need to go to room c17." The doctor says with a small smile as he quickly walks away. I quickly thank him as I try to get a hold of my mom.
//During Call://
Vee's Mom: Hello?
V: Hey mom, you need to get to the hospital..Logan got hurt and they won't let me see him without an adult so please hurry he's in room c17..
Vee's Mom: WHAT!? Oh my god what happened!? Is Logan okay? I'm on my way right now! I'll be there in a few minutes!
V: Please hurry..bye
//Call Ended://

I put my phone back in Ro's letterman and look back at Roman and Patton. "My mom is on her way.. What do I tell her?" "Tell her the truth.. I think she will understand that it was your fault.. so please don't stress.. you're to gorgeous to worry~" Roman says as plants a kiss to my nose and I blush with a small smile. Roman wraps his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck. "Aww, you think I'm gorgeous~.." I reply to my charming boyfriend with a small chuckle. I lean up and kiss him on the lips.

R quickly kisses me back and holds me closer to him. I smile as we break apart.. not even 10 seconds later Ro kisses me again. My eyes quickly slide shut as I kiss back- "Hey guys? *R and V quickly break apart with a massive blush across both of their faces* Sorry to break up this adorable moment but Rom and I have to get going! Cause I don't think Mrs. Storm would be to happy to see her son kissing a Prince boy.." Patton says with a small frown as Roman and I let go of each other. R nods with a sigh, "Yeah.. I probably should leave.. bye beautiful~.." Ro says and quickly kisses my check.

Bye babe~ See ya Pat.." I say as we wave bye to each other. "Wait! Vee can you please text me when you find out what's wrong with Logy?" "Sure P, I will be sure to tell you guys what's happening." I reply as Patton quickly runs up to me and gives me a quick hug. "..and you don't have to do this if you don't want to but.. c-..could you please let him know that I love him?.." I chuckle as I look at Patton who has a massive blush across his face. "Sure Pat.. I will." "Thank you.. bye Virge!" "Bye gorgeous~ Remember don't stress.. it will all be ok."

"I'll try bye.." I reply with a small smile but it quickly changes when I see my mom walking in the other way. "Virgil, what happened!? Is Logan ok!? Oh my god please tell me his ok-.. Virgil what's on your face?" My mom ask me as she tries to rub it off and I wince. "Mom, I got punched in the face.. That's why Lo's here.." I say as I look down at my feet.

"What!? You got in a fight you didn't tell me!? Virgil Anthony Storm you better start talking right now or so help-" "Are you the parent of Logan Mind?" We both turn around to see a nurse looking at us with a questioning look. My mother clears her throat, "I am Logan aunt Cassidy.. His parents pasted away a few years ago so I'm his legal guardian.." The nurse's eyes widen at her mistake, "Oh, I am so sorry.. I had no idea.. Um-please follow me."

My mom sighs as we quickly follow behind the small tan women in front of us. "Oh my god I hope he's alright.. We will discuss this more when we get home..Alright?" I quickly nod my head as we stop to L's room. "The doctor should be in there when you walk in.." The woman says as she walks away and I sigh, 'I hope Lo's ok..' I say to myself as my mom knocks on the door and we hear someone say come in.

We open the door and see Logan in a hospital bed with a ventilator hocked up to him. While the doctor from earlier is standing next to the bed as he talked Logan. "Hello, you must be Logan's mother, I'm Dr. Emile Picani." He says as he walks towards us and sticks hand out for my mother to shake. My mom just sigh and shakes Dr. Picani's hand with small smile. "I'm Mrs. Storm, Logan's legal guardian, it's nice to meet you Dr. Picani.."

I look over at L with a worried look as I feel more tears brim my eyes as I see my cousin starting to fall asleep. I look back at the doctor as he walks over to some x-rays of what looks like Logan's ribs.

"Ok, so when I was looking at Logan's x-rays I noticed that there is a small fracture in his upper right part of his rib cage where if you look closely you can see that a force of some kind fractured three tips of his rips and caused them to dig into his lung. The good news is that it doesn't look like a life threatening injury and the pieces that are broken are just on the surface of his lungs. But the bad news is that Logan will need to have surgery to get those pieces removed so we may get him breathing normally again." Dr. Picani tells us as he shows us the pictures and I sigh in relief.

"S-So Lo's gonna be alright?" I ask as I walk over to the side of the bed and gently grab my cousin's hand with a small smile as a tear slips down my face. "Yes, he will be okay.. but he will need to stay here a few more days so we may get his surgery ready." "Ok, thank you so much doctor and I'll be here so Logan's not by himself." My mother replies and I smile as I watch Lo look up at me with tired eyes.

"Hey Lo.. I know you can't talk right now but just know that the doctor said your injury isn't life threatening and that you'll be out of here soon.. Also Patton wanted me to tell you..*Vee quickly looks around and looks back at Lo*.. he's said that he loves you and wish he could be right by your side.." I whisper with a small smile and Logan squeezes my hand.

"I must leave but a nurse will be here shortly to check on his ventilator. It was nice meeting you Mrs. Storm and if are staying the night with Logan you may want to tell someone at the front desk that you're staying with him in room c17, so no one tries to kick you out after visiting hours." Dr. Picani says with a smile as he quickly leaves the room.

My mother thanks him and turns to me with a frown. "So, what happened-.. Why are you still wearing Thomas' letterman? I thought you said you were going to give it to him a few days ago.." My eyes grow wide as I think of an excuse. "I-um..I was going to drop it off but ever time I try to go over to his house to drop it off he's not there and I don't wanna leave it on the porch.." I lie as I stick my hands it the pocket of it and look at the floor.

My mom sighs, "Ok, but you know you have to give it back to him..Now tell me what happened?" I look over at Lo, who's asleep with his glasses still on, and sigh as I look back at my mom. "These two guys came to the cafe today and they started causing us trouble..Logan tried to defend himself and one of them pushed him into a table and kicked him in the chest.. I got kicked in my stomach and punched in the jaw..Then they just left.." I say as I try to not to tell her who it was.

"And do you know who they are?" My mom asked me as she takes a step closer to me and brings me into a small hug. I sigh, "..N-no..I don't know who they are..but they did look about my age.." "Hey it's ok, and don't worry next time they come to the cafe just threaten them that you're going to call the police on them.." My mom says with a small smile and I nod, "Yeah..I'm just glad that Logan's gonna be ok.."

Roman POV:
After I drive Patton home I frown as I open the front door and walk into my house. I quickly walk into the kitchen and see my mom making supper. "Hi sweetie, how's your friend Remy doing? Is he okay?" My mom ask as see turns to look at me with small frown. 'So, I might've lied about who was in the hospital! Ok I'm sorry but there's no way I'm telling her the truth!' I shrug, "I'm not sure, Patton told me that he's gonna stay up at the hospital with Remy and text me if his is ok.." "Well that's good, I guess.." My mother says as her turns around and continues to chop up tomatoes.

"So I'm where's Remus at?.." I ask while trying to not let my anger get the best of me. "I think he said that he went to the park with Janus..Why is something wrong?" My mom ask me as she puts the chopped up tomatoes in the stew that's on the stove. I shake my head, "No, I was just wondering.." I say as I quickly leave the kitchen and go to my room.

I sigh as I lay on my bed.. 'I hope Virge and Lo are ok..' I feel anger start to rise in me some more as I continue to think bout my brother and his boyfriend. 'When Remus gets home h's gonna pay for what did to them..'

(Hey guys! Thank you so much for still reading my sucky writing! I hope you all have a good morning, afternoon, or night! Bye)

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