seaQuest DSV - Season 1// on...

By multi_fandom_03

6.3K 130 81

Our amazing adventure begins in the mid-21st century, as humankind expands its undersea colonisation efforts... More



927 18 30
By multi_fandom_03

Just a quick note, I found this chapter quite hard to write because of all the big science words etc and the sound quality. The amount of times I rewound it a had to write it down cause I don't have subtitles is unbelievable ahah. Anyways, if there is any mistakes, please feel free to comment them so i can change them. Also, the facts that I myself put in are not true, they're made up.


"Beneath the crust of the Earth, is an unimaginable heat, so hot, rock melts and seeps through the ground in a liquefied state. It's a mile and a half beneath us, in a place no life should be able to exist. This is where we are about to go. We are about to reach into the birth canal of Mother Earth...There they are. Look at them son. Black smokers. Tube Worms...I'm a hungry man. Don't blink, a rare sight. Hmm...ahhh," Dr Raleigh Young said as he walked round, opening a few drawers here and there. Lucas was sat net to me while Kristen and Nathan stood and watched.

"He's crazy," I muttered to myself making Lucas laugh as he heard.

"Can you eat this?" Dr Raleigh Young said as he took out a frozen squid type animal and put it in front of Kristen.

"There's a thought," she replied, unamused.

"This is a hydro thermal vent, an underwater volcano. Sea water, lava, smoke," Lucas said, looking at the screen.

"Yes..." Dr Raleigh said, wondering what the boy was trying to say.

"So what?" He replied with a shrug making me try and stiff a laugh.

"That smoke is laced with the earths most consolidated minerals. When a factory dumps them in a river, the river dies, but here? Here they're dumped in their most concentrated form yet around them grows life," Dr Raleigh Young replied, putting his fist in the air when he said he word 'life.'

"Why? Is it the sea water? The pressure? Or is it something in the vent," he added on, looking to both me and Lucas.

"What's in the vent is a hundred spices of bacteria we know nothing about," Kristen spoke making Dr Raleigh stand up and look to her. 

"They're living creatures," he argued.

"They're deadly organisms," she fired back.

"Surviving organisms. We're about to open the door on the how or why of their survival," Dr Raleigh Young said, opening his eyes wider.

"Or we are about to open Pandora's Box," I said, looking at the adult making everyone look back to me, Kristen nodding in agreement.  

"Show me my plat form, Nathan," Dr Raleigh Young said looking to Captain and completely ignoring me. This made my blood boil. If there's one thing I hate more than anything, it's when people purposefully ignore.

"Prick," I muttered, standing up with a tray in my hand about to batter the guy when Lucas. stood up in my way.

"Stop, Amy. Just forget about," he whispered making me look into his ocean blue eyes and slowly lower the tray.

"I'm gonna get him next time," I muttered making Lucas laugh as we sat back down.

Captain picked up the remote, changing the screen for Dr Raleigh Young making us all lot at the new image. 

"Beautiful, isn't she? Once the plat form is anchored over the vent, the heat emanating from the smoker is transformed into energy," Dr Raleigh said as he came to sit by Lucas and I again.

"Powering the plat forms survey systems. Spectral analysis Immunol chemistry, thermal evaluations. An absolute dissection, yet unexplored habitat," he added on making me roll my eyes. Suddenly a dolphin appeared on the screen making Captain walk closer.

"Is that Darwin?" He asked as we all looked.

"I dunno, I let him out to eat, he's been roaming around since we got here," I said, looking at the dolphin.

"Call him back in you two," Captain said, looking to me and Lucas before going back to the screen. Nodding, Lucas and I left the room and headed down to the pool.

"God! That man is so stupid!" I said once we had left.

"What if all these bacteria end up casing some sort of pandemic! What if it's like a mutated version of the Black Plague or something?" I added on making Lucas laugh.

"I get what you mean, Amy. But what are the chances?" He said with a chuckle.

"Well, they're quite high. At least 1 in 5 types of bacteria are deadly and if there is over a hundred of those, all different types, imagine what could happen if something went wrong," I said, truly thinking about it. Just as I finished my rant, we made it to the pool room.Grabbing the Vocorder, we started calling Darwin's names into it. 

"Darwin...Darwin...Darwin," we said, trying to get the Dolphin to communicate and come back. After doing that, Lucas and I decided to head back to our rooms.

"I'm working on this little project, wanna help?" He asked once we ere outside our doors.

"Nah, i'm good. I've some things I need to do myself," I said and without saying another word, I walked into my room and shut the door leaving Lucas alone outside. I didn't necessarily want to say no, but I can't fall for him anymore than I already have. I don't wanna love...not again.

I decided to listen to some music so I put on my headset, lay on my bed and closed my eyes. Just as I was about to fall deep into sleep, I felt the are around me shake and a loud noise to erupt. Sitting up in bed alarmed, I took off my headset to hear more clearly. Jumping out of bed, I ran into Lucas's room. Opening his door, I saw he was just as alarmed as I was.

"What was that?" I questioned looking straight at the blonde haired boy.

"Beats me, i'm just glad someone else felt it and heard. Thought I was going crazy," he said, releasing a sigh of relief at the end.

"We probably just bumped into something," he said, trying to come up with a reasons as to why.

"Really?" I questioned with a laugh.

"We bumped into something? Nice one," I said making him laugh. Just as the laughing died down, I saw Lucas go back to his work and Darwin appear at his window. Looking at him, something felt odd. Soon enough, he swam off, but I didn't want him to leave, not while I felt like this anyways. Knowing he was probably heading to the control room, that's where I ran too. 

Racing into the room, I shouted Captains name as I looked to Darwin. Running over, I opened the top part of the small pool and jumped into it next to him, Captain and Tim doing the same. Lifting him up, Kristen came over and urgently said,

"Take him to sea deck," making me even more scared. Ford and Katherine both came over with small tanks for us to have so we could swim with Darwin. After them putting them on us, we were off. 

Swimming down all the areas and tunnels, it was harder than we thought to find the bloody place.

"I think Darwin talked to my head on the bridge," Tim said as we went up for air. 

"Yeah, same," I said as I started treading in water.

"I heard it too but it wasn't clear," Nathan said as he grabbed a poll to help keep himself up.

"It scared me," I softly said, looking to Darwin making Nathan look at me.

"It's alright," he said, sending me a comforting smile.

"Where even are we?" Tim said, looking through some of the pipes.

"I don't know," Captain said, looking around.

"I failed to put directions down here, must be a design fault," he added on.

"Well, what are we gonna do?" Tim desperately asked.

"It's alright Tim, we're gonna dive down, below the wall," Captain said trying to make the young brunette man feel better.

"Ohhh," he scoffed with eye roll.

"The light is the continuation of the tunnel, alright?" Captain said as I looked between both men.

"Okay," Tim said, almost out of breath.

"Now Darwin, you're gonna do the same thing. We're gonna dive down underneath the wall and follow the tunnel to the end...swim to the end, alright?" Nathan said, showing Darwin hand movements as he spoke.

"I think you better take a nice deep breath," he added on as we put our tanks back on and continued with our journey. 

Diving back under, we held Darwin softly as we swam through the tunnel. 

Moving up, we lifted our heads above the water to get some air again. Gasping as we came up, we looked to each other as we held Darwin.

"It's not working," Tim said, the most breathless. 

"Calm down, take it easy, take it easy," Captain said as Tim practically coughed his lungs up. 

"You've got ten minutes of air left," Captain said, patting the man child on his back.

"Jesus Christ."

"Just breath slower," I said as we put our equipment back on and when back under. 

Soon enough, we had figured out where we were and made it to one of the corridors with the glass windows on the side. Seeing Jonathan was there, I hand signed him where to go and what to do. Captain giving me the thumbs up once he saw. As we kept swimming, I finally saw the end and I knew we were at the sea deck. Coming up, I saw everyone was there waiting for us. Lucas was there with the Vocorder and Kristen was there with her team. Taking Darwin from us, they put him on a water stretcher to help keep him in place. 

"Darwin...Darwin," Lucas said, desperately trying to communicate with the Dolphin as he tapped away on the Vocorder. 

"You're alright my friend..." Captain said as the lightly stroked the poor animal.

"What's wrong?" Lucas asked, but no one could answer him. No one knew what was wrong. 

"You're gonna be alright," Captain said again as he just look at his Dolphin. 

Getting out of the pool, Lucas handed me a towel making me confused. 

"My clothes are dripping wet, this one towel isn't gonna dry me," I said, looking to the strange boy.

"I know...I just thought you would want it to cover up..." he said, trailing off as he eyes kept darting from my chest to around the room.

"Cover up?" I mumbled before looking down and seeing my black bra through my white shirt.

"Oh...ahah," I said, taking the towel from the boys hand and covering myself.

"Thanks," I quickly said before walking to the door.

"No, thank you," Lucas called making me roll my eyes as a light blush came to my face. Heading down to my room, I got into the shower. Once I was clean, I got changed into some pyjamas, which were only shorts and a top, and headed back up to everyone else.

I made my way up to the sea deck, where I saw Lucas with Darwin. Just as I got there, so did Cap so I managed to get in with their conversation.

"What are you doing?" He asked the young boy. 

"I can't get this to work," Lucas replied with a sigh as he tapped on his device. 

"Let me see," Captain said, moving round to the other side of Lucas. Taking the Vocorder from the boy, he tapped into it himself before trying to speak.

"Darwin, what's wrong?"

"Darwin sick..." he replied quietly through the speakers.

"Seems alright," Captain said, looking to Lucas then back at the Dolphin. 

"What kind of sickness?" Captain asked him, moving closer to him.

"Dark," Darwin replied bluntly.

"What's dark?" Captain asked.

"Light is dark and one."

"He keeps saying that. "Light is dark and one." I have no idea what he's talking about," Lucas said, shaking his head slightly.

"Is it the computer or is he really saying that?" I asked looking to the teen boy.

"I don't know. It's beta software and it's not finished. I'm sorry, i'm just past the edge of what I understand here," Lucas said looking to the ground.

"It's okay. Come on, come on. You're doing fine," Captain said, patting Lucas's hand in a comforting way. 

"How is he?" Tim asked, coming up behind us making Lucas move away to behind the men. 

"Hey Lucas," I said, walking over to him.

"Don't worry about it, okay? Like Cap said, you're fine. I mean, at least you managed to build the thing in the first place. Not even he could do that," I said with a chuckle as I placed my hand on his arm, rubbing it in a comforting way. 

"Yeah, I suppose you're right, Amy," he said with a smile sending butterflies down to my stomach. Looking up to me, our eyes locked together and it felt like we were the only people in the room. Suddenly, I found myself moving closer to him, Lucas doing the same. Our lips we so close, I could feel his minty breath on my face. Just before they touched though, I heard someone cough next to us. Looking over I saw Katherine looking at us, a smirk on her face. Quickly moving away from Lucas, I looked to the ground so he couldn't see the light blush placed upon my cheeks. 

"Hello, Katherine," I said looking to her with a sweet smile.

"Hi, Amy, Lucas," she said, the smirk still placed upon her cherry coloured lips. 

"I'd best get going, i'll see you around Lucas," I said, before quickly walking off. I decided to go to the canteen since my stomach rumble with hunger. Walking into the room, I grabbed myself a sandwich and sat at table, thinking about what just happened.

"Oh my god, Lucas and I nearly kissed."

After finishing my sandwich I was walking back to the control room when I bumped into Nathan. 

"Ahh, Amy, just the girl I was looking for," he said with a smile.

"Is everything okay, Captain?" I questioned, worrying if Darwin got even more sicker.

"Yes, everything is fine. I just wanted to tell you that we're stopping over at a friends of mines house. He's going to look at Darwin and try to help him. I'm sure you want to be there so I advise you to get changed and then meet us at sea deck, okay?" Nathan said making me smile.

"Of course sir, i'll see you there," I said, before turning around and running to my room. I took out my black crop top and ripped jeans. Once changed, I put on my boots before running over to sea deck. When I got there, I noticed Darwin had just been put in a tank like trolley, everyone by his side. Quickly walking over there, I stood next to Lucas. Concerned looks on both of our faces.

We followed everyone out and got into the car, making our way over to Caicos Key Dolphin Research Center. In the car with me was Lucas, Nathan, Kristen and Tim. Others followed in another car behind us.

"My don't you look terrible," Malcolm said as he stroked the dolphin. Malcolm was Nathan's friend he was telling me about, the one that could help Darwin...hopefully

"A little elbow room here please, nothing you haven't seen before," Malcolm said as people moved back. This made me move closer to Lucas.


Bending down, Malcolm looked through Darwin's blowhole before standing back up.

"Well, the res's not bad. It's not respiratory," he said looking to Nathan then back at Darwin. 

"I've done a complete blood history," Kristen said, telling Malcolm the things he would need to know. 

"And you've got him on antibiotics," he said knowing that part.

Kristen listed two other types of medication but I didn't catch their name.

"And you got no response from white cells count or t-cells?"Malcolm asked, making sure he had his facts straight.

"That's right," Kristen said with a nod as Malcolm made his way down to the other end of the Dolphin, me and Lucas moving out of his way.

"Well that doesn't make my life any out, watch out," he said, moving away the hands of some of the med staff, taking over for them.

"Get a urine sample...Marine veterinary medicine is about as sophisticated as voodoo," Malcolm said, making Kristen laugh.

"Uhh, Nathan, why don't you all get a bite to eat in the Kitchen? I-I'll find you later," Malcolm added on.

"Thanks, Downe," Captain said, calling his friend by his shortened last name. Standing up straight, Captain took one last look to Darwin before slowly walking away, Lucas, Kristen and I all following until we heard Malcolm's voice again. 

"Dr Westphalne, I could use your help," he said as we carried on walking, Kristen staying behind. 

After having something to eat, we deiced to make our way outside to hang by the pool with Malcolm's dolphins. I was crouched down next to Lucas and Tim when I heard a newly familiar voice call Nathans name.

As I watched Nathan walk over to Malcolm and Kristen, I tapped Lucas's hand signalling to follow with me. Getting up and walking over to them, Nathan and Malcolm started walking and just as we were about to follow, Kristen stopped up making me sigh and roll my eyes. Walking over to the balcony rails. Standing with my hands leaning on it, Kristen stood between both me and Jonathan, putting a hand on each our shoulders in a sweet, comforting way.

After about 10 minutes or so, I looked to Kristen with desperate eyes.

"Can I go find Captain and Malcolm now?" I asked with a hopeful tone. Reluctantly, she nodded her head yes making me smile.

"Thank you," I said, rushing off to find them, Lucas and Tim following.

On our way down to the beach where we saw them heading, we bumped into Raleigh, who was also looking for them. Walking down together, we soon saw them getting drinks in a little bar which Malcolm clearly made himself. 

Walking over, I gave Captain a little smile before he introduced Raleigh and Malcolm.

"Raleigh, you know Dr Malcolm Lansdowne," Nathan spoke and the two men shook hands.

"Well, I guess we'll be heading back," Lucas said, referring to me and him making me confused.

"I don't wanna go yet."

Smiling, he pulled me along with him. Not really wanting to make a scene and knowing it was probably best if the "adults" talked, I went along with him. That was until a voice called us back.

"Lucas, Amy, stick around," Nathan said making me smile.

"Yeah, sure, sit down. I'll get you guys a beer," Malcolm said making me smile even brighter.

"They're only 16, Downe," Nathan replied with a chuckle.

"I'll them 2," he joked walking inside to get the beers. Sitting down on a table with Lucas by my side, the rest of the guys joined us.

"Nathan, I understand why you've done what you've done. I don't agree with it but I understand it. I'll suck up and wait," Dr Raleigh Young said, moving around to sit closer to Captain.

"Thanks Raleigh," he responded, nodding his head too.

"How long?" He questioned coldly making me want to punch him right in the face.

"Disrespectful git."

"As long as it takes, prick," I said, muttering the last part but everyone heard making Lucas laugh and Captain to look at me sternly. Before Dr Raleigh Young could say anything, Malcolm shouted over to us.

"So what would we like to hear? Blues, New Orleans, Jazz, Zydeco...I haven't bought anything new since they stopped making CD's," Malcolm said making me chuckle. 

"Not to be rhetorical, but where are we? Don't you have island music?" Dr Raleigh Young asked.

"Pff, tourist," Malcolm said with an eye roll. Putting on some music, which was of course Island music, he danced his way out of the caravan with a beer in each hand. The sight of them perking me up. I'm from the UK and if you know us then you'll know we love to drink, especially from an early age. 

"Jamaican ginger beer," he said, making the smile drop.

"What?" I said, unamused about this.

"Does it have alcohol?" I added on desperately.

"Nope, no alcohol, but plenty of bite," he said with a smile.

"What kind of fuckery is this?" I asked, taking a bottle and looking at it.

"I'm disappointed, Malcolm," I said, shaking my head making Nathan laugh. Opening it up, I took a swig. 


"Is your Dolphin going to die?" Dr Raleigh said making both mine and Lucas's head shoot up to look at Nathan.

"Probably," he said, making my whole body deflate and fill with sadness.

"How long?" Dr Raleigh Young said, asking yet another question. 

"I don't know. Death doesn't punch a clock," Nathan snapped, taking a swig of his drink.

"Can't you feel anything when you look at Darwin?" Tim asked, getting fed up of Dr Raleigh's behaviour too.

"Don't you know he's a thinking and feeling creature that is hurt and scared?" He added on.

"The importance of my work-"  Dr Raleigh Young started before I interrupted him.

"-Your work is an inanimate object, you're selfish old man," I said in a disgusted tone as I glared at him. 

"Boys and girls, boys and girls," Malcolm said with a chuckle.

"You strip away the education, the billions of dollars worth of machinery, what do you get? Us. A couple bucks worth of chemicals. W-who understands any of it?" Malcolm added on with another chuckle.

"Life," Dr Raleigh Young said, lifting his glass up in the air.

"And death," Captain added on, taking a another sip of his drink.

"To beer," Malcolm said, looking at his bottle with a smile making Tim do a double take on the man.

"The light is dark and one," Lucas muttered as he thought about it. 

"What?" Malcolm said, extremely confused though I am not surprised.

"Lucas is one of our computer whizz's. He's designed a program to translate Darwin's clicks and whistles," Captain said making Lucas give a small smile.

"Y-you mean he can speak and understand English?" Malcolm said, making sure he heard correctly.

"A little bit. Sometimes. It's experimental," Lucas said with a sigh.

"Amazing," Malcolm replied breathlessly.

"What does he say?" He added on, wanting to know more.

"Since he's been sick all he says is 'Light is dark and one,'" I said with a sigh of my own.

"Incredible," Malcolm said astonished as he looked out to sea.

"...Knowledge is light," he suddenly said, looking to all of us with a smile.

"Then darkness is the absence of knowledge," I spoke, sitting up in my chair.

"He's faced with losing everything he knows," Nathan said, the gears turning in his head.

"And one?" Malcolm asked, wondering if Nathan could understand that too. 

"And one is alone," he said, sitting forward.

"Light is dark and one. He doesn't wanna die alone," Nathan said making me sad that that's his dying wish.

"We have to let him go," Tim said speaking up.

"He's too weak to swim," Lucas said with the shake of his head.

"No, no, Dolphins will support a member of their pod if they're hurt. You can find Darwin's pod, his community and return him to it. You didn't find him far from here," Malcolm said, waving his hands around as he spoke.

"His pod could be anywhere within hundreds of miles from here," Lucas said with a scoff.

"Find the signature whistles, you've got Darwin's recorded, search for familiar similarities," Malcolm said with a shrug.

"We can configure the sonar," I said, nodding along. 

"I could program the computers," Lucas added, a smile forming on his face.

"Try Nathan," Dr Raleigh Young said making me surprised.

"You must," he added on with a nod.

Getting back to the ship as quickly as possibly, we all got to work trying to find Darwin's pod. Staying with Lucas, me and him looked through the computer at Darwin's whistles, trying to match them with ones around the area.

"Status, Mr Ortiz," Nathan called as he walked over to Tim, Lucas and I.

"Feeding acoustic data directly into communications," he replied, taping on his board as he did so.

"Lieutenant?" Nathan questioned when yet another sound didn't match.

"We're getting responses Captain but there's nothing even close," he said, sounding defeated.

"There's a pod out there, but it's not Darwin's," I added on, a sad look coming to my face.

"This is amazing. 'When Dolphins bare their young, the females usually stay with their mother. The signature whistles, change slightly so they can tell each other apart. The males usually leave, their whistles never change so they can find their way back home again,'" Lucas said, reading the information from a book he collected.

"How's he doing?" Nathan asked Kristen into a speaker as she was down in sea deck with Darwin.

"He hears the whistles but...he doesn't seem to care," she said sadly.

"Whiskers 5 at the limit of its range, Captain," Mr Ortiz called to Nathan.

"Send it west," he instructed, Mr Ortiz doing just that.

Just as he did it, another whistle came through making the match box appear. Sitting up straighter, my hope started to rise.

"Nathan," Kristen called through the speaker.

"Nathan, something's happening," she added on.

"Repeat Darwin's call," Nathan asked Tim. Doing so, it came up with match again.

"This has to be his pod. It has to do," I said, extremely sure of it.

"Captain, I think we found Darwin's Mother," Tim said with a smile as one appeared on all of our faces.

"Darwin's mother for sure?" Nathan asked, double checking.

"According to the stats," Tim said looking to his Captain.

"The Dolphin pod is moving towards us Captain," Mr Ortiz said, keeping us updated.

"Let's meet them half way," he said sending the orders.

"Nathan, get down here," we heard Kristen say through the speaker.

"What's wrong?" He asked, suddenly alarmed. 

"Darwin's having a seizure, we can't restrain him. He's going to hurt himself or us." 

"On my way," Nathan said before getting called by Tim.

"Captain?" He asked, wondering if we could some along too.

"Come on," he replied, all of us jumping up and running down to sea deck.

"Alright we can let him go, let him go," Nathan quickly said once we had entered the room.

"Everybody out, everyone get out," he added on.

"Open the pressure door...Turn off the sonar relay," he ordered. As the door opened, Darwin swam into the new open area before looking back to us.

"Bridger," he said, calling Nathan by his last name.

"Bridger," he said again when Nathan only looked at him instead of replying.

"Just go...go," he encouraged, using the hand signal for go as well. Lifting his head up, he took a breath before diving under, swimming away from us. From me.

"Shut the door. Pressure rise the moon pool," Nathan said once he had gone, a small tinge of emptiness entered my body as I realised i'd probably never see Darwin again. Looking to me and seeing the sad look upon my face, Lucas wrapped an arm around me letting me rest my head on his shoulder. Giving me a kiss on the head, the feeling shrank a bit making me feel a little better.

"Captain, we are approaching the pod," Ford said through the speaker.

"Thank you, Commander," he replied softly, releasing a sigh.

"Open the hull doors, let him out of the boat," Nathan added on, putting on a small smile.

Walking over to the screen, we watched as Darwin swam past, going to his pod. His family. Just as Nathan was about to leave, Tim said,

"Captain, it's the whiskers that followed the pod," making Nathan look back to the screen.

"That's Darwin," I said with a small smile once seeing the sweet Dolphin that I had grown to love.

"Where are they taking him?" Lucas asked looking towards Nathan.

"I don't know," he muttered sadly.

"Shall I have the whiskers follow them, Captain?" Tim asked.

"No, no. We've delayed Dr Young long enough," Captain quickly replied as Dr Young joined. 

"Commander," Nathan called.

"Captain?" Ford responded through the speaker.

"Set a course for the black smoker." 

"Aye, sir," Ford replied just before Lucas started talking.

"Do you think they can help him?" He asked sadly.

"I couldn't even guess," Nathan replied with a light chuckle.

"But at least he's going home," I added on making them both smile softly.

As I sat in my room alone, I couldn't help but think about today's events. The thought of Darwin leaving, made me think about my Dad for some reason. Getting up and walking over to my screen, I opened it calling for my Dad.

"Hello?" He asked once appearing on the screen.

"Hey Dad," I happily replied with a smile on my face. Just as I was about to talk, he cut in on me making me close my mouth.

"Look, Amy, is this important? I have a lot of work to do, you know this," he said with a tired tone. I didn't say anything,  too stunned to comprehend any words.

"So it is important or not?" He asked again, making me try to swallow the lump in my throat.

"Umm, no. No it isn't," I said softly, looking to the ground so he wouldn't see the tears in my eyes.

"Okay, well i'll talk to you later then. Love you, bye," He quickly said and just like that, he was gone.

"Call you later my ass," I angrily shouted, kicking the wall which didn't help. At all.

"Ow, ow, ow," I muttered as I fell to the floor, clutching and rubbing my foot, trying to stop the pain.

"Nice going, Amy."

Suddenly, there was a knock at my door making me desperately try to stand up straight while wiping away the tears.

"Come in," I shouted once I had composed myself.

"Amy, guess wh-" Lucas's voice said before he cut himself off.

"What's wrong?" He asked, walking closer to me.

"Nothing, nothing. I just...I just stubbed my toe," I quickly thought and I mean, technically it isn't a total lie.

"Oh, okay," Lucas said looking at me suspiciously but dropping it for my own well being.

"Well, as I was saying, Darwin's back!" He happily said, a bright smile on his face.

"What? Really?" I excitedly questioned.

"Yes! Come on," he said, running out of my room with me going after him. Making it to sea deck, I went in and saw Darwin happily swimming, the people around him making a fuss which I am pretty sure he loved.

Going up to him, he swam straight for me and Lucas letting us stroke him happily while Lucas picked up his Vocorder. 

"Why'd you bring us the seaweed, Darwin?" He asked into it. On our way up, Lucas told me Darwin brought back seaweed with him but no one knew why.

"Swim," was all Darwin said, completely ignoring Lucas's question making me laugh.

"Anything yet?" Captain asked walking over.

"He wants to swim I guess," I replied to the Captain.

"Swim Lucas, swim Amy, swim Bridger," he said happily.

"Lucas and Amy will swim with you, I'll swim with you later," Captain said nodding his head.

"You better wear a suit," I said making Captain looking at me playfully glaring while Lucas laughed.

"What's the seaweed for?" Nathan asked, changing the subject and focusing back on Darwin.

"Open dark," Darwin said making me confused again. 

"This bloody Dolphin."

Looking over to Tim, he shrugged before saying,

"Don't look at me, why doesn't that thing work better," making Nathan chuckle.

"I guess Darwin doesn't think like us. The program can only translate what it understand," Lucas said.

"Objects and material things are easy, "this is a red box," "swim through the tunnel." It's the irrational, the abstract that's confusing," Captain said looking to the Dolphin.

"How do you explain joy? Open dark is the computers effort to attach meaning to something that we feel, but don't really understand," he added on as Darwin looked to us smiling making us smile back.

"Lieutenant," Captain said, making Tim follow him as he left leaving me and Jonathan alone.

"Ughh, i'm so glad he's back," I said as I stroked him in the water again, Lucas doing the same.

"Yeah, so am I," he said, looking over to me as I looked to him. Smiles on our faces as we started into each others eyes. 

"Oh how I love these moments." 

Suddenly feeling a big splash of water hit me, I realised Darwin had lifted his head purposefully, wetting both Lucas and I.

"Darwin," I yelled with a giggle as I saw I was soaked, Lucas acting the same.

"That damn dolphin."

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